ROTAN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING Date: Monday, March 4, 2019 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Rotan ISD Board Room Agenda: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledges to the Flags-United States and Texas 4. Open Forum 5. Rotan ISD Spotlight: High School Band Solo/Ensemble 6. Consent Agenda: Action Required 3 a. Financial Report 1. Board Finance Report 4 2. Monthly Check Report 25 b. Review/Approve Minutes from the February 11, 2019 Board Meetings 30 c. Consider/Approve New Tri-County Co-Op SSA Contract 33 7. Discuss Rotan ISD Equipment Usage Policy 51 8. Discuss In Town Bus Routes 52 9. Discuss Rotan ISD's Daycare 53 10. Campus Reports a. Elementary Report Presenter: Jody Helms b. Secondary Report 54 Presenter: Brad Hayhurst 1. Counselor's Report Presenter: Katrina Jarvis 11. Superintendent Reports Presenter: Greg Decker 12. Closed Session 13. Reconvene from Closed Session 14. Personnel 58 a. Contract : 1. Counselor: Katrina Jarvis 2. Athletic Director: Larry Reid b. New Hires: c. Resignations: 15. Discuss Tentative date and agenda items for next board meeting 16. Adjourn If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board of Trustees should determine that Closed Meeting of the Board of Trustees is required, then such Closed Meeting as authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act will be held by the School Board at the date, hour and place given in this notice (Texas Gov’t. Code, Section 551.087). Superintendent of Schools Rotan ISD Board Action Sheet Date: March 4, 2019 Presented by: Greg Decker Title: Superintendent Agenda Item: 6; Consent Agenda Presentation/Summary of the Agenda Item: 6A; Financials- Due to the early meeting, the financial are not all complete and accurate at this time. I have added current reports. As soon as the reports are all finished, I will email them out to you all so that you can see the up to date financial reports and tax report. 6C; The Tri-county Co-op Board of Trustees approved the SSA Contract at our February Meeting. Each school districts Board of Trustees will need to approve the Contract in March. I have attached a copy of the contract and the explanations of the changes made. Administrative Recommendation: Action Taken: 3 Date Run: 02-24-2019 3:40 PM Cash Position by Bank Account by Acct Per - Detail Program: FIN3700 Cnty Dist: 076-904 ROTAN ISD Page: 1 of 1 Starting Accounting Period 09 For Accounting Periods 09 To 02 File ID: C 0001 - GENERAL OPERATING FUND Cash Cash Starting Balance .00 163 / 9 -581.56 164 / 9 .00 199 / 9 1,522,788.80 211 / 9 -5,619.42 224 / 9 2,377.48 240 / 9 4,362.26 244 / 9 .00 270 / 9 .00 289 / 9 .00 410 / 9 1,136.39 711 / 9 99,745.94 Cash Ending Balance 1,624,209.89 Group 0001 Ending Balance 1,624,209.89 0003 - INTEREST & SINKING FUND Cash Cash Starting Balance .00 523 / 9 22,252.37 Cash Ending Balance 22,252.37 Group 0003 Ending Balance 22,252.37 0004 - SELF INSURANCE FUND Cash Cash Starting Balance .00 770 / 9 78.53 Cash Ending Balance 78.53 Group 0004 Ending Balance 78.53 0005 - CAMPUS AGENCY FUNDS Cash Cash Starting Balance .00 865 / 9 34,102.69 Cash Ending Balance 34,102.69 Group 0005 Ending Balance 34,102.69 0006 - HALEY HELMS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Cash Cash Starting Balance .00 817 / 9 30,242.36 Cash Ending Balance 30,242.36 Group 0006 Ending Balance 30,242.36 0007 - GENERAL OPERATING MMA Cash Cash Starting Balance .00 199 / 9 579,711.07 Cash Ending Balance 579,711.07 Group 0007 Ending Balance 579,711.07 TOTALS Cash Ending Balance 2,290,596.91 Add Investment Balance .00 Totals 2,290,596.91 End of Report 4 Date Run: 02-25-2019 8:58 AM Board Report Program: FIN3050 Cnty Dist: 076-904 Detail Comparison of Revenue to Budget Page 1 of 20 000 ROTAN ISD File ID: C Fund 199 / 9 GENERAL FUND As of February Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Realized Realized Revenue Percent Budget (Budget) Current To Date Balance Realized 5000 - R E C E I P T S 5700 - REVENUE-LOCAL & INTERMED 5710 - LOCAL REAL-PROPERTY TAXES 5711-00.000-9-00000 TAXES-CURRENT YEAR 1,537,601.00 -662,635.07 -1,428,660.88 108,940.12 92.91% 5712-00.000-9-00000 TAXES - PRIOR YEARS 12,000.00 -2,011.59 -7,738.10 4,261.90 64.48% 5719-00.000-9-00000 PENALTIES & INTEREST 8,800.00 -671.71 -3,063.82 5,736.18 34.82% Sub Total 5710 1,558,401.00 -665,318.37 -1,439,462.80 118,938.20 92.37% 5730 - TUITION & FEES 5739-00.000-9-00000 TUITION 1,800.00 .00 .00 1,800.00 .00% Sub Total 5730 1,800.00 .00 .00 1,800.00 .00% 5740 - OTHER REV. FROM LOCAL SOURCES 5742-00.000-9-00000 EARN FM TEMP DEP & 6,000.00 .00 -2,082.20 3,917.80 34.70% 5744-61.000-9-00000 MISCELLANEOUS 500.00 .00 .00 500.00 .00% 5744-61.000-9-91000 ATH BOOSTERS REIMB 200.00 .00 -1,126.84 -926.84 563.42% 5744-61.000-9-99000 BAND BOOSTERS REIMB 200.00 .00 .00 200.00 .00% 5745-00.000-9-00000 INSURANCE RECOVERY 500.00 .00 .00 500.00 .00% 5748-00.000-9-00000 REVENUE 313 72,000.00 .00 -78,766.00 -6,766.00 109.40% 5749-00.000-9-00000 MISCELLANEOUS 5,000.00 -12,506.00 -14,797.13 -9,797.13 295.94% 5749-36.000-9-00000 DIST UIL SHARED REIMB 28,000.00 .00 -24,000.00 4,000.00 85.71% Sub Total 5740 112,400.00 -12,506.00 -120,772.17 -8,372.17 107.45% 5750 - REV./COCUR.,ENT. SERV. OR ACT. 5752-00.000-9-00000 ATHLETIC EVENT 16,500.00 -571.00 -13,027.00 3,473.00 78.95% 5759-00.000-9-00000 DAY CARE RECEIPTS 88,000.00 -7,287.02 -43,651.67 44,348.33 49.60% Sub Total 5750 104,500.00 -7,858.02 -56,678.67 47,821.33 54.24% Total REVENUE-LOCAL & INTERMED 1,777,101.00 -685,682.39 -1,616,913.64 160,187.36 90.99% 5800 - STATE PROGRAM REVENUES 5810 - PER CAPITA-FOUNDATION REV 5811-00.000-9-00000 PER CAPITA 105,274.00 .00 -32,112.00 73,162.00 30.50% 5812-00.000-9-00000 FOUNDATION-SALARY & 1,591,593.00 .00 -871,116.00 720,477.00 54.73% Sub Total 5810 1,696,867.00 .00 -903,228.00 793,639.00 53.23% 5830 - ST. REV./TX. GOV'T NON-T.E.A. 5831-00.000-9-00000 TRS ON-BEHALF BENEFIT 144,888.00 -11,530.65 -66,480.58 78,407.42 45.88% 5831-01.000-9-00000 MEDICARE PART D 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 .00% Sub Total 5830 144,889.00 -11,530.65 -66,480.58 78,408.42 45.88% Total STATE PROGRAM REVENUES 1,841,756.00 -11,530.65 -969,708.58 872,047.42 52.65% 5900 - FEDERAL PROGRAM REVENUES 5930 - FED REV BY OTHER TX GOV. AGEN. 5931-45.000-9-00000 REVENUE FROM SHARS 25,000.00 -1,210.12 -8,613.44 16,386.56 34.45% Sub Total 5930 25,000.00 -1,210.12 -8,613.44 16,386.56 34.45% 5940 - FED REV. DIRECTLY FROM FED.GOV 5946-00.000-9-00000 ERATE REIMBURSEMENTS 6,500.00 .00 .00 6,500.00 .00% Sub Total 5940 6,500.00 .00 .00 6,500.00 .00% Total FEDERAL PROGRAM REVENUES 31,500.00 -1,210.12 -8,613.44 22,886.56 27.34% 5 Date Run: 02-25-2019 8:58 AM Board Report Program: FIN3050 Cnty Dist: 076-904 Detail Comparison of Revenue to Budget Page 2 of 20 000 ROTAN ISD File ID: C Fund 199 / 9 GENERAL FUND As of February Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Realized Realized Revenue Percent Budget (Budget) Current To Date Balance Realized 7000 - OBJECT DESCR FOR 7000 7900 - OBJECT DESCR FOR 7900 7910 - OTHER RESOURCES 7915-05.000-9-00000 OPERATING TRANSFERS 30,000.00 .00 .00 30,000.00 .00% Sub Total 7910 30,000.00 .00 .00 30,000.00 .00% Total OBJECT DESCR FOR 7900 30,000.00 .00 .00 30,000.00 .00% Total Revenue Local-State-Federal 3,680,357.00 -698,423.16 -2,595,235.66 1,085,121.34 70.52% 6 Date Run: 02-25-2019 8:58 AM Board Report Program: FIN3050 Cnty Dist: 076-904 Detail Comparison of Expenditures and Encumbrances to Budget Page 3 of 20 000 ROTAN ISD File ID: C Fund 199 / 9 GENERAL FUND As of February Encumbrance Expenditure Current Percent Budget YTD YTD Expenditure Balance Realized 8000 - OTHER USES/NON-OPERATING EXP 00 - 8900 - OTHER USES/SPEC ITEMS:NON-OPER 8911-01.000-9-00000 OPERATING TRANSFER - -34,719.00 .00 4,280.40 .00 -30,438.60 12.33% Sub Total 8900 -34,719.00 .00 4,280.40 .00 -30,438.60 12.33% Total Function 00 -34,719.00 .00 4,280.40 .00 -30,438.60 12.33% Total Expenditures -34,719.00 .00 4,280.40 .00 -30,438.60 12.33% Total for 000 -34,719.00 .00 4,280.40 .00 1,054,682.74 12.33% 7 Date Run: 02-25-2019 8:58 AM Board Report Program: FIN3050 Cnty Dist: 076-904 Detail Comparison of Expenditures and Encumbrances to Budget Page 4 of 20 001 - ROTAN HIGH SCHOOL ROTAN ISD File ID: C Fund 199 / 9 GENERAL FUND As of February Encumbrance Expenditure Current Percent Budget YTD YTD Expenditure Balance Realized 6000 - E X P E N D I T U R E S 11 - INSTRUCTION 6100 - PAYROLL COSTS 6112-00.001-9-11000 SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS -5,000.00 .00 480.00 .00 -4,520.00 9.60% 6112-00.001-9-22000 SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS -2,000.00 .00 600.00 60.00 -1,400.00 30.00% 6112-00.001-9-23000 SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS -500.00 .00 .00 .00 -500.00 .00% 6119-00.001-9-11000 TEACHER SALARIES -377,762.00 .00 230,389.73 38,279.02 -147,372.27 60.99% 6119-00.001-9-21000 SALARIES, H.S., G/T -1,500.00 .00 .00 .00 -1,500.00 .00% 6119-00.001-9-22000 SALARIES - CAREER TECH -107,765.00 .00 62,582.43 10,860.49 -45,182.57 58.07% 6119-00.001-9-23000 SPEC ED SALARIES -80,332.00 .00 48,542.77 8,162.06 -31,789.23 60.43% 6119-00.001-9-24000 TEACHER SALARIES - -46,637.00 .00 31,713.48 5,324.08 -14,923.52 68.00% 6119-00.001-9-25000 SALARIES-PROFESSIONAL -2,100.00 .00 .00 .00 -2,100.00 .00% 6121-00.001-9-23000 OVERTIME .00 .00 15.73 1.03 15.73 .00% 6121-00.001-9-24000 OVERTIME .00 .00 3.56 .00 3.56 .00% 6122-00.001-9-11000 SUBSTITUTE SUPPORT -500.00 .00 .00 .00 -500.00 .00% 6122-00.001-9-23000 SUBSTITUTE SUPPORT -100.00 .00 .00 .00 -100.00 .00% 6129-00.001-9-23000 SALARIES-SUPPORT -35,308.00 .00 21,976.58 3,688.53 -13,331.42 62.24% 6129-00.001-9-24000 SALARIES-SUPPORT -13,832.00 .00 8,460.78 1,431.93 -5,371.22 61.17% 6141-00.001-9-11000 SS/FICA COST -5,124.00 .00 3,080.27 505.19
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