LIVROS DE XADREZ No. TÍTULO Autor Editora 1 100 Endgames You Must Know Jesus de la Villa New In Chess 2 Ajedrez - La Lucha por la Iniciativa Orestes Aldama Zambrano Paidotribo 3 Alexander Alekhine Alexander Kotov R.H.M. Press 4 Alexander Alekhine´s Best Games Alexander Alekhine Batsford Chess 5 Analysing the Endgame John Speelman Batsford Chess 6 Art of Chess Combination Znosko-Borovsky Dover 7 Attack and Defence M.Dvoretsky & A.Yusupov Batsford Chess 8 Attack and Defence in Modern Chess Tactics Ludek Pachman RPK 9 Attacking Technique Colin Crouch Batsford Chess 10 Better Chess for Average Players Tim Harding Dover 11 Bishop v/s Knight: The Veredict Steve Mayer Ice 12 Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games Bobby Fischer Faber & Faber Limited 13 Bobby Fischer Rediscovered Andrew Soltis Batsford 14 Bobby Fischer: His Aproach to Chess Elie Agur Cadogan 15 Botvinnik - One Hundred Selected Games M.Botvinnik Dover 16 Building Up Your Chess Lev Alburt Circ 17 Capablanca Edward Winter McFarland 18 Chess Endgame Quis Larry Evans Cardoza Publishing 19 Chess Endings Yuri Averbach Everyman Chess 20 Chess Exam and Training Guide Igor Khmelnitsky I am Coach Press 21 Chess Middlegames Yuri Averbach Cadogan Chess 22 Chess Praxis Aron Nimzowitsch Hays Publishing 23 Chess Praxis Aron Nimzowitsch Hays Publishing 24 Chess Self-Improvement Zenon Franco Gambit 25 Chess Strategy for the Tournament Player Alburt & Palatnik Circ 26 Creative Chess Amatzia Avni Cadogan Chess 27 Creative Chess Opening Preparation Viacheslav Eingorn Gambit 28 Endgame Magic J.Beasley & T.Whitworth Batsford Chess 29 Endgame Preparation Jon Speelman Batsford Chess 30 Endgame Secrets Christopher Lutz Batsford Chess 31 Endgame Strategy Mikhail Shereshevsky Cadogan Chess 32 Endgame Virtuoso Vasily Smyslov Cadogan Chess 33 Excelling at Chess Calculation Jacob Aagaard Everyman Chess 34 Excelling at Technical Chess Jacob Aagaard Everyman Chess 35 Exploiting Small Advantages Eduard Gufeld Batsford Chess 36 Forcing Chess Moves Charles Hertan New In Chess 37 Foundations of Chess Strategy Lars Bo Hansen Gambit 38 From The Opening Into The Endgame Edmar Mednis Cadogan Chess 39 Fundamental Chess Endings K.Müller & F.Lamprecht Gambit 40 Genius in Chess Jonathan Levitt Ice 41 GM Secrets Openings Andrew Soltis Thinkers Press 42 GM-Ram Ziyatdinov & Dyson Thinkers Press 43 How Good is Your Chess Daniel King Cadogan Chess 44 How Good is Your Chess Daniel King Dover 45 How to Become a Deadly Chess Tactician David LeMoir Gambit 46 How to Calcute Chess Tactics Valeri Beim Gambit 47 How to Choose a Chess Move Andrew Soltis Batsford Chess 48 How to Defeat a Superior Opponent Edmar Mednis Summit Publishing 49 How to Defend in Chess Colin Crouch Everyman Chess 50 How to Play Dynamic Chess Valeri Beim Gambit 51 How to Play Good Opening Moves Edmar Mednis David McKay 52 Imagination in Chess Paata Gaprindashvili Batsford Chess 53 Improve Your Opening Play Chris Ward Everyman Chess 54 Improve Your Positional Chess Carsten Hansen Gambit 55 Judgement and Planing in Chess Max Euwe Batsford 56 Just the Facts! L.Alburt & N.Krogius Circ 57 Lessons in Chess Strategy Garry Kasparov Cadogan 58 Lessons in Chess Strategy Valeri Beim Gambit 59 Master Checkmate Strategy Bill Robertie Cardoza Publishing 60 Mastering Tactical Ideas Nikolay Minev Ice 61 Mastering the Chess Openings John Watson Gambit 62 Mastering The Endgame - Volume 2 M.Shereshevsky&L.Slutsky Cadogan Chess 63 Mastering the French N.McDonald & A.Harley Batsford Chess 64 Mastering the Middlegame Angus Dunnington Everyman Chess 65 Mastering the Nimzo-Indian Tony Kosten Batsford Chess 66 Mastering the Spanish D.King&P.Ponzetto Batsford Chess 67 Middlegame Book One M.Euwe & H.Kramer Hays Publishing 68 Middlegame Book Two M.Euwe & H.Kramer Hays Publishing 69 Modern Chess Planning Efstratios Grivas Gambit 70 Modern Chess Strategy Ludek Pachman Dover 71 Modern Chess Strategy Ludek Pachman Dover 72 Modern Endgame Practice A.Beliavsky &A.Mikhalchishin Batsford Chess 73 My 60 Memorable Games Bobby Fischer Faber and Faber 74 On the Attack Jan Timman New In Chess 75 Paul Keres: The Road to the Top Paul Keres Ice 76 Pawn Power in Chess August Dunnicton Henry Holy 77 Pawn Power in Chess Hans Kmoch Dover 78 Pawn Structure Chess Andrew Soltis McChess Library 79 Perfect Your Chess A.Volokitin&V.Grabinsky Gambit 80 Piece Power Peter Wells Batsford 81 Play Like a Grandmaster Alexander Kotov Batsford Chess 82 Positional Chess Handbook Israel Gelfer Dover 83 Practical Chess Analysis Mark Buckley Thinkers Press 84 Queen´s Gambit Declined Matthew Sadler Everyman Chess 85 Rapid Chess Improvement Michael de la Maza Everyman Chess 86 Rate Your Endgame E.Mednis & C.Crouch Cadogan Chess 87 Reassess Your Chess Workbook Jeremy Silman Siles Press 88 Rethinking The Chess Pieces Andrew Soltis Batsford Chess 89 Sacrifice in Chess L.Shamkovich Alfred Kalnajs 90 Secrets of Attacking Chess Mihail Marin Gambit 91 Secrets of Chess Endgame Strategy Lars Bo Hansen Gambit 92 Secrets of Chess Intuition A.Beliavsky &A.Mikhalchishin Gambit 93 Secrets of Pawn Endings K.Müller & F.Lamprecht Everyman Chess 94 Secrets of Spectacular Chess J.Lewit & D.Friedgood Batsford Chess 95 Secrets of the King´s Indian E.Gufeld & E.Schiller Cardoza Publishing 96 Sharpen Your Tactics! A.Lein&B.Archangelsky Hays Publishing 97 Silman´s Complete Endgame Course Jeremy Silman Siles Press 98 Smyslov´s 125 Selected Games Vassily Smyslov Cadogan Chess 99 Solitaire Chess Bruce Pandolfini Random House 100 Spassky: Master of Initiative A.Raetsky&M.Chetverik Everyman Chess 101 Standard Chess Openings Eric Schiller Cardoza Publishing 102 Storming the Barricades Larry Christiansen Gambit 103 Strategic Chess-Mastering the Closed Game Edmar Mednis Dover 104 Super Ajedrez A.Karpov & I. Morovic Prosa S.A. 105 Tal´s Winning Ches Combinations Mikhail Tal & Victor Khenkin Siles Press 106 Technique in Chess Gerald Abraham Dover 107 Test Your Chess with Daniel King Daniel King Batsford Chess 108 Test Your Positional Play R.Bellin & P.Ponzetto Batsford Chess 109 The Art of Attacking Chess Zenon Franco Gambit 110 The Art of the Checkmate G.Renaud & V.Kahn Dover 111 The Art of the Middle Game P.Keres & A.Kotov Dover 112 The Chess Combination from Philidor to Karpov Raymond Keene Pergamon 113 The Chess Players - Battle Manual Nigel Davies Batsford 114 The Colle-Zukertort Revolutionized David Rudel Thinkers Press 115 The Complete Chess Player Fred Reinfeld Fireside Book 116 The Critical Moment Iossif Dorfman Game Mind 117 The Development of Chess Style Max Euwe&John Nunn Batsford 118 The Games of Wilhelm Steinitz Sid Pickard Pickard & Son 119 The Genius of Paul Morphy Chris Ward Cadogan 120 The Grandmaster´s Mind Amatzia Avni Gambit 121 The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings Reuben Fine McKay Chess Library 122 The Inner Games of Chess Andrew Soltis DM McKay 123 The King in Jeopardy L.Alburt & S.Palatnik Circ 124 The Magic of Chess Tactics C.D.Meyer & K. Müller Russell Enterprises 125 The Method in Chess Iossif Dorfman Game Mind 126 The Middle Game Book One Euwe&Kramer Hays Publishing 127 The Middle Game Book Two Euwe&Kramer Hays Publishing 128 The Modern Chess Self-Tutor David Bronstein Cadogan Chess 129 The Most Amazing Chess Moves of All Time John Emms Gambit 130 The Most Instrutive Games of Chess Ever Played Irving Chernev Dover 131 The Power Chess Program Nigel Davis Batsford Chess 132 The Power Chess Program - Book 2 Nigel Davis Batsford Chess 133 The Scandinavian John Emms Chess Press 134 The Seven Deadly Chess Sins Jonathan Rowson Gambit 135 The System Hans Berliner Gambit 136 The Tactics of End-Games Jenö Bán Dover 137 The Tao of Chess Peter Kuzdorfer Publications Company 138 The World´s Greatest Chess Games Burges-Nunn-Emms Carrol & Graff 139 Think Like a Grandmaster Alexander Kotov Batsford Chess 140 Twelve Grat Chess Players and The Best Games Irving Chernev Dover 141 Twelve Great Chess Players Irving Chernev Dover 142 Understanding Chess Move by Chess John Nunn Gambit 143 Understanding the Sacrifice Angus Dunnington Everyman Chess 144 Why Lasker Matters Andrew Soltis Batsford Chess 145 Why You Lose at Chess Tim Harding Dover 146 Winning Chess Openings Yasser Seirawan Everyman Chess 147 Winning Endgame Strategy A.Beliavsky &A.Mikhalchishin Batsford Chess 148 World Champion Openings Eric Schiller Cardoza Publishing.
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