your Wimbotsham Welcome to the Wimbotsham News! June2019 Midsummer Fayre, Classic Bike Show, Quiz Nights, Coffee Morn- ings, Village Fete, Summer Walk; See inside for details! Produced by Wimbotsham Parish Council Keeping you informed of village life Deadline for next issue: 22nd August 2019 This newsletter is produced by Wimbotsham Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure that information is accurate at the time of going to print, but no liability will be accepted for losses caused by inaccurate information. your Wimbotsham June2019 Parish Council Welcome to the summer Thanks to all those who took part. newsleer. Parish ,ouncillor Aer having a vacancy It has been a busy me and hence this for several months, two candidates came newsleer is a lile later than forward at the March meeng -like ancipated. And it looks like being a buses .. As we have a set number of busy summer too. The recreaon seats -no standing space/unlike buses ., ground is well used and there are events we could not co0opt both candidates. coming up too. As well as within the Aer some discussion, with the parish newsleer look out for posters around elecons due on 2nd May, we asked the village. And please remember to both to apply for elecon. This would take posters down aer the event, to have forced a parish elecon and any of help keep the village looking dy the exisng councillors or new candidates could have been elected, or Talking of which, the parish council indeed not. This seemed the fairest, organised a lier pick on Saturday 25th given the imminent elecon date. May, a number of people turned out to lier pick around the village, with In the event, only one of the new equipment loaned from the borough candidates put their nominaon papers council. You mayMany think the handsvillage didn't make forward, light which work! was disappoinng, and need a lier pick, but nearly 10 bags of hence no elecon was required. 2e rubbish were collected in just a few welcome Steve Mingay as a new parish hours councillor. 2e now have a full compliment of parish councillors again, So if not before, it looks much dier eight in all. now If you have any ideas for the village or concerns please contact any one of us. And as a reminder, you are all welcome to aend parish council meengs, to observe and there is an opportunity to speak on any maer, posive or negave. Meengs start at 3pm in the small room at the rear of the village hall, so just a arrive a few minutes before and grab a seat inside the door. There are usually a few members of the public and somemes a borough councillor, so you will not be alone. And we don4t bite 2 your Wimbotsham June2019 Annual Parish Meeng This short annual N,, seem content with the juncon, meeng was held on 15th May, with stang it has a low accident record. chairman 6ackie Squires giving a short report of the Parish ,ouncil Year, which 8ynn Road Speed 8imit can be found on the following pages. Another highway issue raised by residents is the speed limit along 8ynn Parking Road, which a number of residents have Several residents have complained to the requested be reduced, parcularly as P,, some vociferously, about dangerous some buses no longer come down parking on ,hurch Road opposite ,hapel ,hurch Road,, crossing to catch a bus is 8ane, where the road narrows opposite dangerous. the new pavement. Since the pavement was installed, -which has been welcomed Again the P, has wrien to N,, and MP by many as providing a safer pedestrian 8iz Truss requesng the speed limit be route and improving visibility to ,hapel reduced. A leer of response is 8ane access by the School., parking published on page 6 of this newsleer. opposite restricts the road width to single track and restricts visibility on the Fly Tipping Update bend. There have been a number of In February4s edion of your near miss accidents and there is 2imbotsham, we reported an act of Fly parcular concern for the safety of Tipping on 8ake Drove. As evidence was children when crossing for school and obtained as to who might have carried the recreaon ground. out the illegal dumping, the Aorough This maer was discussed at the recent ,ouncil was able to undertake an P, meeng, though this is a highway invesgaon. ,onsequently the suspect maer and therefore the council have no was interviewed under cauon and powers. It was noted that a number of admied the o9ence, although they houses in the vicinity have no o9 road denied all of the dumped items belonged parking. :owever, it appears some do to them. have driveways and the P, that as Due to the scale of the deposit and the courtesy to others and for safety, where admission in the interview under residents have driveways, they use for cauon, oBcers were able to o9er a parking, rather than park in the road. simple cauon as a warning which will be Residents in the vicinity have been recorded in case of future incidents. wrien to, so hopefully this will improve. New Trod 4s -footpaths. A10 6uncon The P, has secured funding from N,, for The P, also share residents concern two new trods, one on 8ow Road to relang to the juncon of 8ynn Road with connect to the village hall and another at the A10, both in regard to the quality the western end of 2est 2ay, to and layout. The P, have wrien to N,, connect the pavement to the footpath and MP 8iz Truss regarding this, though across the Celds. Details and ming to be agreed. 3 your Wimbotsham June2019 Chairman’s Report 14th May 2019 As presented at the annual village mee'ng held on 14th May 201,- The Parish and Borough Council elecons have just taken place. Wimbotsham Parish is no part of Up ell and Delph ard. As the Parish Council as uncontested no Parish Council elecon took place. The Ne Village Hall Working (roup connues to meet ith the purpose to provide a ne village hall facility for Wimbotsham. They have carried out the consultaon stage and all the informaon gleaned has been collated. The stascs are being put together in the form of a brief ready for the next stage of the process hich is the Feasibility ,tudy stage. This ill focus on viability and opons for a ne hall. We are orking ith the village hall commi-ee to ard an agreement for the management of the current village hall. This needs to be dra n up in the form of a legal agreement. A ne agreement ill replace the no out of date trust document hich dates back to the early .9012s. ,ome residents have contacted the parish council asking if the speed limit on 3ynn Road could be reduced. It is currently at 51mph. We raised this ith NCC, but to no avail. It ill not be changed. Cllr Brian 3ong has supported us ith our concerns, as has 8P 3i9 Truss We are also concerned ith the safety of the juncon of 3ynn Road and the A.1 and have re:uested be-er signage for drivers. 3ast July the NVHW( and Parish Council ran a successful Cheese and Wine evening in the village hall. We had Andy 8oore speaking on the history of Bex ell Airfield and Wimbotsham2s connecon to it during the me of the 2WW. During the evening it as announced that the village hall survey :uesonnaires ould be delivered to every household in the village. On ..th November 21.0 the village parcipated in Ba-le2s Over, A Naon2s Tribute, .11 years of Remembrance. This as a beacon lighng ceremony hich commemorated and remembered the end of the First World War, .11 years ago and the many millions ho ere killed or came home dreadfully ounded. There as a big turnout in our village for this event, ith over a .11 people joining us on the village green hen the beacon as lit and the last post played. All the names of those from the Parish ho lost their lives in the ar ere read out. 4 your Wimbotsham June2019 Follo ing on from the remembrance event, later in November, the Parish Council and the NVHW( hosted a community café drop in event. The results from the Village Hall community survey ere displayed for everyone to see. Residents could talk to members of the commi-ee too and joining us ere the Police ho met and cha-ed ith residents, 3I3Y ho gave advice and informaon on living independently, West Norfolk Befriending ho2s aim is to reduce social isolaon for lonely older people and West Norfolk Deaf Associaon ho support the deaf and hard of hearing adults and children to live independent lives. All of these organisaons reported back to me that the event as highly producve for them. They had idenfied people in our community ho ere in need of further support. We connue to maintain the village green to a high standard, ith regular mo ing and maintenance of the trees, benches and village sign. We maintain the street lights in the village and monitor the rights of ay in our parish. We also have a duty to provide allotments, hich are currently ell used and managed by the allotment commi-ee. Planning decisions are taken by King2s 3ynn A West Norfolk BC. Details of all planning applicaons are given to the Parish Council to revie and comment on hich e do.
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