LIFE EXTENSION June 007 Congress Seeks to Ban DHEA By William Faloon A bill has been introduced in Congress that would classify DHEA as an “anabolic steroid drug” and thus make it illegal for Americans to obtain. DHEA, however, is not an anabolic steroid drug. It is a natural hormone that declines as people mature past the age of 30. Low DHEA levels have been related with degenerative conditions associated with aging.1-28 A large volume of published scientific studies reveals that supplemental DHEA can provide unique health benefits.29-62 For more than a decade, DHEA has been sold as a dietary supplement. The availability of DHEA supplements has enabled many aging Americans to avoid the risks associated with declining DHEA levels. It is in the financial interests of pharmaceutical companies to have DHEA banned so that aging people will have to rely instead on expensive prescription drugs. If Congress is persuaded by drug lobbyists to outlaw DHEA supplements, more Americans will become vulnerable to declining DHEA levels, resulting in an economic bonanza for pharmaceutical companies. In this report, we expose shocking facts behind this new attack on DHEA so that citizens will be armed with the information they need to dissuade Congress from prohibiting this lifesaving hormone. > > > June 007 LIFE EXTENSION On March 5, 2007, legislation was introduced that would add dehydro- epiandrosterone, or DHEA, to the list of anabolic steroids that are classi- fied as controlled substances under the Anabolic Steroid Control Act.63 DHEA, a natural hormone, does not function like muscle-building anabolic steroid drugs. In fact, no scientific studies indicate that DHEA increases muscle mass in young men with already-adequate DHEA levels. To frighten the public into thinking that DHEA poses a danger, a blatantly false press release is now circulating in Congress. Here is an excerpt from this press release: “Like all steroids, DHEA has a number of potential long-term physical and psychological effects, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, liver damage, severe acne, baldness, dramatic mood swings, and aggression.” 64 This same study analyzed the tional profits from cardiac drugs if As you will read next, these alle- relationship of DHEA, free testoster- Congress bans DHEA supplements. gations are totally inconsistent with one, and insulin-like growth factor-1 Pharmaceutical lobbying has the scientific literature. Even more (IGF-1) to mortality in men suffering already curtailed Americans’ access disturbing is that a basis for this new from chronic heart failure. The chart to inexpensive ways to boost testos- attack on DHEA comes from those below reveals the startling results terone and IGF-1, though certain who have a huge financial interest in when these three hormones were nutrients have been shown to boost turning DHEA into an expensive pre- correlated with three-year survival: IGF-1 and testosterone in some scription drug. studies.53,68,70 Three-Year DHEA Protects Against Heart Hormone Survival Cardiac Dangers Associated Disease—It Does Not Cause It! Status Rate with Low DHEA Drugs to prevent and treat heart High levels of Epidemiological studies show that disease generate more profit for DHEA, testosterone, low levels of DHEA in men correlate pharmaceutical companies than any and IGF-1 83% with a higher risk of cardiovascular other class of medication. The use of disease. The Massachusetts Male DHEA as a dietary supplement has Deficiency in one Aging Study followed 1,700 men been increasing as new studies reveal hormone (DHEA, between the ages of 40 and 70 for that DHEA might reduce heart attack testosterone, or IGF-1) 74% nine years. The authors found that 7-10,12,26,27,65-69 risk. Pharmaceutical com- Deficiency in two men in the lowest quartile of serum panies thus face huge economic hormones (DHEA, DHEA at baseline were 60% more losses if too many Americans use low- testosterone, or IGF-1) 55% likely to develop ischemic heart dis- cost DHEA supplements and reduce ease, suggesting a valuable role for their reliance on expensive cardiac Deficiency in all DHEA in averting the nation’s lead- drugs. three hormones (DHEA, ing cause of death.9 To give you an idea of the magni- testosterone, and IGF-1) 27% Additionally, higher DHEA levels tude of loss faced by drug companies, seem to positively affect endothe- a study published in October 2006 The doctors who conducted this lial cell signaling, which could have showed that higher DHEA levels study concluded that a deficiency in important implications for avoid- resulted in improved ejection frac- any of these hormones is “an inde- ing heart disease. In a subset of men tions (a measurement of the heart’s pendent marker of poor prognosis.” from the Baltimore Longitudinal pumping capacity) and lower levels Based on this one study alone, Study of Aging, levels of hormones of a blood marker that indicates seri- pharmaceutical companies stand (including DHEA) were measured ous congestive heart failure.26 to earn billions of dollars of addi- and correlated with arterial stiffness LIFE EXTENSION June 007 (using ultrasound imaging of the Another animal study simulated carotid arteries). Men with higher the depressed cardiovascular func- levels of testosterone and DHEA had tion (shock) that follows major less stiffness of the arteries, indicat- trauma.72 In response to adminis- ing a decreased risk of cardiovascular tration of a DHEA metabolite, the events such as heart attacks.65 depression of cardiovascular func- A similar link between low serum tion and organ blood flow induced by DHEA levels and greater risk for shock was reversed. The dangerous carotid artery disease was demon- inflammatory cytokine interleukin- strated last year in a study of young 6 (IL-6), which had been elevated women with polycystic ovary syn- in the state of simulated shock, was drome, a condition associated with also reduced by this DHEA metabo- an increased risk of cardiovascular lite. The investigators concluded disease and metabolic syndrome.71 that treatment with this metabolite Congress Seeks A study in animals in 2006 shed could be valuable in restoring car- further light on how DHEA promotes diovascular function and correcting To Ban DHEA: cardiovascular health.66 Researchers abnormal cytokine levels. What You Need to Know fed young and old female mice a Furthermore, investigators deter- daily DHEA supplement. After 60 mined that DHEA injected directly • A bill recently introduced in Congress days of treatment, the investigators into the coronary arteries of pigs would classify the popular supple- measured the stiffness of the test ani- produced acute dilation of the blood ment dehydroepiandroesterone (DHEA) mals’ left ventricle, the heart’s major vessels, with associated increases in as an anabolic steroid drug. If the pumping chamber. The DHEA-sup- coronary blood flow.67 proposed bill becomes law, DHEA plemented older mice had decreased would be regulated as a controlled left ventricular stiffness compared DHEA Protects Against substance and would no longer be to the non-supplemented older Atherogenic Risk Factors readily available as a nutritional animals. supplement. The scientists concluded that A number of studies indicate • DHEA is not an anabolic steroid drug, DHEA supplementation is capable that DHEA helps protect aging but rather a natural hormone that is of reversing the left ventricular stiff- adults against atherosclerosis and essential for good health. Since DHEA ness that accompanies aging, thus its life-threatening consequences, levels in the human body decline promoting youthful structure and such as coronary artery dis- after the age of 0, many people rely function in the heart’s tissues. ease.7-10,26,27,31,32,65,68,69,73-75 Several mecha- on DHEA supplements to combat nisms of action may account for these diseases associated with aging. A wealth of research demonstrates SEN. HATCH TO OPPOSE DHEA BAN benefits. In a controlled trial, 24 older men that optimal DHEA levels can help orally ingested 50 mg of DHEA or a protect against heart disease, cogni- Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), who was placebo at bedtime for two months. tive decline, and premature death. instrumental in the passage of the 199 The researchers then measured • Those seeking to ban DHEA claim Dietary Supplement and Health Education arterial dilation and blood flow. that it causes many adverse effects Act (DSHEA) and remains one of Congress’ While the placebo-treated sub- in the body, including mood swings staunchest advocates of health freedom, jects had no changes in any of the and liver toxicity. However, no sub- told Life Extension that he opposes S. 76 parameters measured, the DHEA- stantial scientific evidence exists to and other efforts to re-classify DHEA as an treated men experienced increased support these claims; in fact, in the anabolic steroid. levels of a substance that helps blood more than 10 years that DHEA has According to Hatch, the proposed leg- vessels to dilate, as well as decreas- been available as a dietary supple- islation “specifically overturns the exemp- ing levels of a marker for blood ment, there have been no reports of tion we made for DHEA.” The senator notes clotting. They also had lower serious adverse health effects related that DHEA was exempted from the list of levels of artery-clogging low- to DHEA. banned anabolic steroids under DSHEA density lipoprotein (LDL) after • If DHEA becomes a controlled because “there is no evidence that DHEA treatment than did the controls. substance, Americans will have has posed any health problem.” Based on the beneficial effects of lost a valuable weapon for averting “In fact, [DHEA] is being used safely by short-term DHEA treatment, the the diseases of aging. To preserve many Americans who recognize its poten- researchers concluded that long- your freedom to use DHEA and other tial,” says Sen.
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