SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA ACTA BOTANICA FENNICA 79 Orvokki Ravanko: Macroscopic green, brown, and red algae in the southwestern archipelago of Finland tOC=tAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA HELSINKI- HELSINGFORS 1968 ACTA BOTANICA FENNICA 1-19 vide Acta Botanica Fennica 20-50. 20. E. J. Valovirta: Untersuchungen über die säkulare Landhebung als pflanzengeo­ graphischer Faktor. 173 S. (1937). 21. Tb. Lange: Jämtlands kärlväxtflora. 204 s. (1938). 22. Uno Saxen: Die Varietäten von Carex salina Wg ssp. cuspidata Wg nebst ihren Hybriden an den Küsten des Bottnischen Busens, Finnland. 30 S. (1938). 23. Gunnar Marklund: Die Taraxacum-Flora Estlands. 150 S. (1938). 24. Harry Waris: Über den Antagonismus von Wasserstoffionen und Metallkationen bei Micrasterias. 36 S. (1939). 25. ßror Pettersson: Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die euanemochore Ver­ breitung der Sporenpflanzen. 102 S. (1940). 26. Gunnar 1\larklund: Die Taraxacum-Fiora Nylands. 187 S. (1940). 27. I. Husti.-h: Pflanzengeographische Studien im Gebiet der niederen Fjelde im westli­ chen finnischen Lappland. Il. Über die horizontale Verbreitung der alpinen und alpiken Arten sowie einige Angaben über die winterlichen Naturverhältnisse auf den Fjelden: Artenverzeichnis. 80 S. (1940). 28. Emil Hulden: Studien über Fraxinus excelsior L. 250 S. (1941). 29. Runar Collander: The distribution of different cations between root and shoot. 12 pp. (1941). 30. A. L. Backman: Najas marina in Finnland während der Postglazialzeit. 38 S. (1941). 31. A. L. Backman: Ceratophyllum submersum in Nordeuropa während der Post­ glazialzeit. 38 S. (1943). 32. Beugt Englund: Die Pflanzenverteilung auf den Meeresufern von Gotland. 282 S. (1942). 33. Vcli Räsänen: Das System der Flechten. Übersicht mit Bestimmungstabellen der natürlichen Flechtenfamilien, ihrer Gattungen, Untergattungen, Sektionen und Untersektionen. 82 S. (1943). 34. V. Wartiovaara: The permeability of Tolypellopsis cells for heavy water and methyl alcohol. 22 pp. (1944). 35. Agncs Wernstedt: On the ahsorption of Iead into the cells of Nitella. 8 pp. (1944). 36. Ih Holm·Jcnsen, August Krogh and Veijo Wartiovaara: Some experiments on the exchange of potassium and sodium between single cells of Characeae and the bathing fluid. 22 pp. (1944). 37. Bertcl Widen: Untersuchungen über die Phlorogluzinderivate finnischer Farn­ arten. 79 S. (1944). 38. Carl Cedercreutz: Die Gefässpflanzenvegetation der Seen auf Aland. 79 S. (1947). 39. Jaakko Jalas: Zur Systematik und Verbreitung der fennoskandischen Formen der Kollektivart Thymus Serpyllum L., em Fr. 92 S. (1947). 40. Hans Luther: Morphologische und systematische Beobachtungen an Wasserpha­ nerogamen. 28 S. (1947). 41. Enzio Reuter: Index Generalis seriei Acta Botanica Fennica 1-40 (1925-1947). Yii + 75 s. (1948). 42. I. Hustich: The Scotch Pine in northernmost Finland and its dependence on the climate in the last decades. 75 pp. (1948). 43. A. L. ßackman: Najas flexilis in Europa während der Quartärzeit. 44 S. (1948). 44. Hans Luther: Vorschlag zu einer ökologischen GrundeinteiJung der Hydrophyten. 15 s. (1949). 45. Stig Jaatinen: Bidrag till kännedomen om de äländska sjöamas strandvegetation. 354 s. (1950). 46. Hans Luther: Beobachtungen über die fruktifikative Vermehrung von Phragmites communis Trin. 18 S. (1950). 47. E. j. Valovirta: Über die Strandhöhenzonen als Hilfsmittel bei der Erforschung der Schärenflora im Landhebungsgebiet. 24 S. (1950). 48. A. L Back man: Najas minor All. in Europa einst und jetzt. 32 S. ( 1951). ACTA BOTAN ICA FE N ICA 79 EDIDIT SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA MACROSCOPIC GREEl\, BROWN, AND RED ALGAE IN THE SOUTHWESTERN ARCHIPELAGO OF Fli\LAND* B.Y ORVOKKI RAVANKO DEPARTME:\"T OF BOTA:\"Y. UXIVERSITY OF TURKU O~AS p 0 PAONA ET FLORA FENNICA • P UBLICATIO:\"S FROM THE DEPARni E:\"T OF BOTA:\"Y, U:\'I VERSITY OF TURKU, No. 124 HEL 1:\KI- H E LSI GFORS 1968 Acta bot. fenn. 79. 50 pp. April 1968 PRINTED BY TILGMA HELSI N Kl- HELSINGFORS 1968 Cont ents I. Introduction . .............. Lithoderma subexlensum ... 24 24 II. Research area . .. ......... 5 L. rosenvingii . .... ..... .. 1. Research Jocalities, times of Petroderma maculiforme . 25 Elachisla investigation, and methods 5 fucicola ......... 25 2. The nature of the Baltic and Leathesia difformis ....... 26 of the research area Eudesme virescens ... 26 Desmotrichum tlndulatwn 27 3. Vegetation ...... · · · · · · · · 11 Stictyosiph= lortilis 29 III. Species of algae .. .. ..... Dictyosiphon foen iculaceus . 30 1. Chlorophyceae ..... ... 14 D. chordaria ............. 30 Ulothrix zonata . .......... 14 Chorda filum ... .. ... · · 31 U . subflaccida . .... · · · · · · C. tomentosa . ........ .. 31 Percursaria percursa ..... 14 Fucus vesiculosus ......... 31 Capsosiphon fulvescens ... 14 3. Rhodophyceae ......... 32 Blidingia minima .. .... 15 Bangia fuscopurpurea ... .. 32 Enteromorpha intestinalis .. 15 A udouinella efflorescens ... 33 E. ahlneriana ........... 16 P seudochantransia leibleinii 33 Monostroma balticum ..... 16 Rhodochorlon purpureum 33 Prasiola furfuracea ... ... 17 Polyides rotundus . .... ... 31, PseudendoclO?Jium marinum I 7 H ildenbrandia prototypus 35 Oedogonium sp . ..... I 7 Furcellaria fastigiata ..... 35 Urospora penicilliformis . .. I 7 A lmfeltia plicata . ....... 36 Chaetomorpha sp. ..... 18 Phyllophora brodiaei 36 Rhizoclonium ripariwn ... 18 P. membranifolia . ..... 37 Cladophora glomerata . ... 1 9 Callithamnion roseum 37 C. fracta . ........ · · · · · · 19 Ceramit4m tenuicorne ..... 38 C. aegagropila ........... ~0 C. rubrum .............. 38 C. rupestris .. .. .. ....... 20 Polysiphonia violacea ... 39 Spirogyra spp....... .. 21 P. t1igrescens ...... ... .. 39 2. Phaeophyceae .. .. ... 21 Rhodomela cO?Jfervoides 40 Pilayella littoralis . ...... 21 Summary ........ · · · ·· · · · · · 41 Ectocarpus confervoides ... 22 Literature cited . ....... .. 41 IV aerniella lucifuga ....... 23 Figures 3-7 . ...... ...... · · 45 Sphacelaria radicans .... 23 Maps 6-23 .......... · · · · 48 5 . arctica 24 I. Introduction The first records of the macroscopic algae of Finland exist in a plant list, Herbarium lVIusei Fennici, published in 1859 by NYLAXDER & S--ELAX. The Russian algologist GüBI (1874 and 1877) innstigated the brO\\·n and red algae of the Gulf of Finland. Later research has been made there by H.~YREX (1900-1959), VÄLIKA:XGAS (1909 and 1927), SKO'ITSBERG (1911), BOSTRÖ~I, later PURASJOKI (1937, 19ft6, and 1950 ), "GLVL'\EX (1937), HERLI~ (19!!5), and LUTHER (1951) . The Tvärminne Archipelaga is especially '.Yell known because most of the above mentioned authors made their research in that area. In addition, many algae have been obserYed there during Nordic Courses in l\Iarine Biology. The Gulf of Bothnia is algologically not as weil known as the Gulf of Fin­ land. Studies have been made there by MOK (1869), H.ÄYREX (see ref.), and ERNHOLM (1938). PEKKARI (1965) has been working in the northem part of the Gulf of Bothnia. In the SW Archipelaga of Finland, STRÖ:\IFELT (1884) was the first to make investigations, but his records are nearly all from Fagerholm in Nauvo which was the westernmost research locality on his journey in 1882. The 1 term SvV Archipelaga as used here (in a restricted sense ) refers to tbe area which, in the south, extends from the Gullkrona district, in Dragsfjärd and Hiittinen, t o the Uusikaupunki Archipelaga in the north. In the southwest it is bounded by the Aland Archipelago. In the northern part of this area, near Uusikaupunki, HÄYREN (1950b) carried out innstigations (see map 3: A). HÄYREN (1958b) also mentions some algae from the vicinity of Turku. ANDERSSON (1953 and 1955) bad two research areas, one in Nauvo and the other in Hiittinen (see map 3: D and E). H.W ERI)."E~ (1954) made innstiga­ tions in Ruissalo, and KAsKI::'rEx (1964) had thirteen research localities at Airisto (see map 3: Band C). 1 The east ermnost part (between the Gullkrona d.istrict and the Hanko peninsula) has h ere been omitted. II. Research area l. Research localities, times of investigation, and methods At Lohm, Korppoo, which was m y first r esearch locality, investigations were m ade in 196 1 by dredging material from different depths along straight lines around the island, at distances of 300 m from each other. Later (25.-26.8.62) skindivers h elped in bringing material froru different depths at Almastrand; Gyltö, S side; Lohm, N side; Lohm, S side; between Snäckholm and Angsö; and Stor-Killingholm. A year lat er (J.-3. 7.63), when studies were made in Dragsfj ärd, at H elsingholm, Käl.klobb, and Sandö, the skindivers also helped to recover material. In all m y other research localities I have collected material either by dredging or by wading. \V'hen dredging I have mainly used a drag which was madc of two rakes joined by welding. The d epth has been m easured with the rope fast en­ ed to the drag and m arked with red yarn at 1 m intervals. The research localities and times of inYestigation are seen from the following list and from m aps 3-5. - J(emiö (Kimito): 1 Lil1-Tju\·holm (23.7.6lo); 2 Plisholm (23./.64).­ Dragsjjärd: 1 K arask är (22./.64); 2 Helsingholm, Käl.klobb, and Sandö (1.-3./.63 and 22./.6lo). - H iillinen (Hitis): I Skogskär (30.6.63); 2 Tunhamn (:J0 .6.63); 3 Lindörn (30.6.63); '• Stubbö (J. ;.6:l); 5 \'änö (3.;.63); 6 H arö and Söderö, E. side (4.1.6:l) . - .Vauvo (Nagu): I Rutiluoto (24 .;.6'o); 2 Petäisholmar (2't.7.6'o); :l Högholm, S side (26.5.66), Pieni Riihiluoto (24 . 'i .6'o), and Seili, many localities (24 ./ .6'• and 23.9.65 and 25.-26.5.66); Orhisaari (26.5.66); 4 Pärnäs (August 196'o); 5 Biskopsö (20.8.63); Ernholm (20.8. 63), and \'ikom (n.9.65); 6 H ögsar (20.8.63) ; ; \'ansor and P etsor (20 .8.G3); 8 Fagerholm (25 .8.62), K ah·holrn, and Humleholm (20 .8.63); K asaholm (16.8.6 1, 13.8.63, and 24.8.64); Snäckö and Angsö (25.8.62 and 10.-12 .8.ti'o); 9 Brändhohn (2:U.6'o); 10 Stor-Klobbskär and Lill-Klobbskär (5. /.6:l); II H amnskär (5. ; .63); 12 Stenskär (5 . 7.6:~); 13 Hummelskär, (25. and :lO . /.62); 1 '• ::llossask är (25. / .62); 15 ::'lliraholm, Xötö, Skagsgadd, and Söderholm ( 19./.6'o); 16 Borgskären (2l.'i.6 'o); I ; \ ' ikarharun (21./.61); Läderskär (5 ./.63); 18 Simons­ h anm (2 1.
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