FOKUS | 5/2014 Palestine in Egypt: From Solidarity to Fear to Common Struggle Stefanie Felsberger The argument goes that the conflict between economic, social and security problems. Sec- the Egyptian regime’s interests became ever Israelis and Palestinians is the source of most ondly, I argue that the role Palestine has played closer aligned with those of the Israeli state and social, economic, political and religious conflict in Egyptian politics in the last years is indicative with every accusation the regime positioned in the Middle East and that a solution to the of a convergence of interests of the current itself more firmly against the Palestinian people. conflict would therefore bring peace to the war- Egyptian regime, its supporters in the Gulf, the torn region. West and Israel. Thus, the old argument that Also events surrounding the Egyptian revoluti- fulfilling the Palestinian struggle for justice will on were closely informed by these geopolitical Today, any connection is being pushed to the solve many of the region’s problems holds more realities. The Palestinian struggle was for many margins: the official Saudi Arabian newspa- weight today than ever: the struggle for justice activists the one issue which politicized them per even claims “there is no more Israeli-Arab in Palestine cannot be achieved without a simul- and solidarity protests during the Second Intifa- conflict.”1 The Egyptian government started taneous fight for economic, social, political and da taught many protestors strategies and tools constructing a buffer zone on the Gaza border religious rights in the surrounding countries of mobilization.6 But criticizing Egypt’s policies without facing uproar. Egypt in general seems which tacitly condone or openly support Israel’s towards Israel had also been an enabling factor to have become fiercely anti-Palestinian and policies and atrocities. for the opposition as a whole.7 Furthermore, one during the latest round of Israeli aggression core demand of the uprising was dignity – per- against Gaza Arab governments merely showed Contextualizing Palestine in Egypt sonal but also collective dignity: meaning, the superficial support for Gaza;2 worse, also the Egyptian government was regarded as caring populations in the surrounding Arab states de- The position of the Egyptian state towards Pa- more about the needs of the United States and monstrated weak support. The question is why lestine has varied greatly – from vocal support Israel than for its own citizens. Liberating Egypt it seems that any solidarity with the Palestinians to anti-Palestinian propaganda. But regardless from these foreign pressures was also a moti- has disappeared in Arab states. of how the different Egyptian regimes have vator for demonstrators. The Egyptian regime portrayed Palestinians, Egyptians remained during and before the uprising continued to use Instead of accepting that there is no connection surprisingly supportive of Palestine and deeply Palestine to externalize threats: in January 2011 between the struggles of the Palestinians and antagonistic towards Israel.3 This indicates an the Alexandria Church bombing was blamed their Arab neighbours, I argue that these strug- instinctive feeling about connectedness of their on Hamas and later demonstrators on Tahrir gles are closely connected and that obscuring common fight. Square were denounced as Hamas agents and the link between them is a deliberate attempt to Palestinians.8 hide the common interests of those actors who Anti-Palestinian propaganda in Egypt was deny Palestinians’ their rights as well as those started under President Anwar al-Sadat after After Mohammed Morsi from the MB was elec- who suppress their neighbouring populations signing the Camp David peace accord with Is- ted President, the anti-Palestinian propaganda – and of course their international allies. These rael in 1978. Egypt became an ally of the US and grew more baseless and harmful: rumours were connections, common interests and the resul- Israel and replaced its pan-Arab ideology with spread that the stifling power cuts in Egypt ting convergence of the different emancipatory a fiercely chauvinist and anti-Palestinian Egypt- were caused by Morsi transferring too much struggles are what I address in this paper. I First nationalism.4 This trend only intensified electricity to Gaza. The allegation that Morsi specifically focus on Egypt, Israel, Gaza and the under Hosni Mubarak. Propaganda focused on cared more for Gaza than his own people was international as well as regional players. The Gaza and Hamas - painting them as dangerous used to question his patriotism and at the same interplay of these actors is exemplary of a wider enemy connected to the Muslim Brotherhood time to put blame on Gaza for causing electri- regional development. (MB). The accusation was spread that the city shortages. Furthermore, when in 2012 Brotherhood was planning a violent takeover sixteen Egyptian border guards were killed in I first explain the role Palestine has played in of Egypt just like Hamas had taken over Gaza an attack, many TV pundits – loyal to the ancien Egypt both during and before the Egyptian up- following their 2006 electoral victory. This fear- régime – instantly blamed Palestinian groups rising. I delineate how the Egyptian regime used mongering also provided Egypt with an excuse and Morsi for opening the Rafah border into Palestine both as tool to delegitimize dissent to intensify the cooperation with Israel and to Gaza.9 The attack was most likely committed by and criticism as well as to externalize blame for intensify the blockade of Gaza.5 Step-by-step another militant group in Sinai but blamed were 1 FOKUS | 5/2014 Palestinians who were subsequently prevented between Hamas and terrorism in Egypt compli- Especially, the PA’s close security cooperation from leaving Gaza. cates the actual challenge by Jihadist and extre- with the Israeli occupation forces is seen as mist groups in the Sinai.15 Sinai’s impoverished humiliating and infuriating, Palestinian leader Since Morsi was deposed by popular protests population is excluded from the tourist industry Mahmoud Abbas though called it a „sacred – where signs saying “death to Gaza” could be and has thus been forced to resort to trafficking duty.“25 This shows how even the PA has become seen –10 and the military, the demonization of drugs or smuggling through the tunnels.16 The engulfed in the alliance of status-quo forces and Palestinians has reached sickening levels. state does not tackle these problems but blames how choosing the PA as representative during Hamas for the insecurity and does nothing to negotiations served more American, European, Convergence alleviate the very real grievances of the locals. Israeli and Egyptian interests than anything Instead the state is further marginalizing them:17 else. Thus, the aim during ceasefire negotiations After having put the relation between Egypt recently, more than 1,156 families on the Gaza was to alleviate Gaza’s plight while without and Palestine into context, I argue that Egypt border have been forced out of their homes in making neither Israel look like the defeated has become part of an alliance which is moving order to make space for a 1 km wide buffer zone nor Hamas a victor.26 Granting Hamas a victory heaven and earth to take back every single right which is supposed to further isolate Gaza.18 could be interpreted as a victory for the Muslim and every shred of dignity wrestled from them Brotherhood – at least in the eyes of Egypt and during the Arab uprisings. This alliance consists The narrative of the fight against terrorism has Israel where every measure has been taken to mainly of Saudi-Arabia, the United Arab Emira- also enabled the recent atrocities in Gaza and confound the two.27 tes (UAE), Jordan, Egypt and Israel – all united Egypt’s official position during this operation by their common interest to stamp out the upri- has made obvious how decrepit the Egyptian The forces seeking to maintain the status- sings, which terrified them to the core, and the state has become: while the Israeli military was quo have thus come together to stifle every threat they posed to their hold over power and killing at least 2,189 Palestinians,19 the media challenge to their privileges and to suppress their privileges. The alignment of these actors’ was encouraging Israel to finish off Hamas.20 any popular challenge to their absolute hold on interests proves how closely connected popular At the same time Egypt’s allies were giving power. And it is especially the excuse of fighting struggles in the region have become. Thus, Israel the green light to go after Hamas.21 radical Islam or terrorism, which unifies Egypt, challenging the Egyptian government today Egypt though assumed its role as mediator Israel, the PA, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan and means challenging Israel, their regional counter- between the Palestinians and Israel, which was their European and American allies.28 In the past revolutionary partners and their American and increasingly difficult dueo t Egypt’s bias against the Arab states would have named Israel as the European allies. I shall explain why. Hamas. The best example hereof is the ceasefire existential threat to peace and security in the proposal Egypt put forward after consultation Middle East, but the country moved from being Shocked at how fast the US dropped Mubarak with Israel but without contacting Hamas.22 seen as threat to being regarded as essential when faced with a popular
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