CITY OF VINELAND, NJ RESOLUTION NO. 2021-______48 RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AFFIRMATIVE MARKETING PLAN. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Vineland, County of Cumberland, State of New Jersey, has reviewed and approved the Limited Amendment to the City’s Third Round Housing Plan Element and Fair Share Plan; and WHEREAS, the Plan contains, as required, an Affirmative Fair Share Housing Marketing Plan; and WHEREAS, the City has reviewed the Affirmative Fair Share Housing Marketing Plan and finds it to be acceptable and in accordance with statutory and regulatory requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Vineland adopts the Affirmative Fair Share Housing Marketing Plan, which is part of the Limited Amendment to the City’s Third Round Housing Plan Element and Fair Share Plan adopted November 12, 2020, a true copy of which is on file with the Municipal Clerk and can be reviewed during normal business hours; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City authorizes and directs the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute any and all necessary documents in order to implement the intent of this Resolution. Adopted: President of Council ATTEST: KEITH PETROSKY, RMC, MUNICIPAL CLERK AIFIRMATIVE FAIR HOUSING MARKETING PLAN For Affordable Housing in (REGION 6) I. APPLICANT AND PROJECT INFORMATION (Complete Sectiotr I itrdividually for all developme.ts or progra.ms within the muicipality.) la- Administrative Agent Name, Address, Phone Number lb. Development or Program Name, Address lc. ld. Price or Redal R ngc le. State and Federal Fuldilg Numb€r of Affordable Units Sources (ifany) Fro!i Nnmb€r ofRedrl Utrits: To Number of For-Sale Units; tf. lg. Approximate Startitrg Dstes tr Age Restricted AdvertisiDg: Occupaocyi tr Nod-Age Resticted lh. Couaty li. Census Trad(s): Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland Salem lj. MamgioE/Sales Agent's Name, Address, Phone Number lk ApplicatioD Fees (ifany): (sectioos II tbrough IV should be coasisteqt for all afordable housiag developmeots atrd programs withir the mudcipality. Sections that differ must be described in ffe approved contract betweeo the ounicipality and rhe adminishative agetrt and io the approved Operari4 Manual.) II. RANDOM SELECTION 2. Descn:be the Etrdom selectio[ prccess that will be used once applications sre received- The AdmiEistrative Agetrt will assign ra[dom ouEbers to each applicad Smugh a computerized raadom number geoerator. After the list of applicstioos submitted duriag tte initial lottery period is exhausted lhe priority ofF€limin8ry applications is established by the date the household submitted theit preliEiflary applicatioo (Ilrerest Date). Io adrlitioa to tte ran<ioh trurtrber assigDed to the household and/or the Inlercst Date,lhere are other faclors afrecting waithg prioiity thal arc &ssribed below. Regiond Pref.reDc.: Applicants who indicate that they live or vork il the Affordable Housing Regioo will b€ contacted 6rsl Once those applicaDts are exhauste4 apptcatrts outside the rEgioD wilt be contacted. Ilouschold Size: Whenever possible, tLere will be at least oDe persoa for each be<lroom. Ifthe wairing list is exhausted and therc arc !o in- or out-region households with a p€rsotr for each bedroom size, uits will be ofrercd to smaller sizcd households thal do oot have a persoa for each bedrcom- The Adminish'ative Agent c.uot Equirc ao applicstrt household to take an a.ffordable lmit with a gteater nuober ofbedrooms, as long as overcaowding is not a factor. A household csn be eligible for more than otre unit category. Fully Accessiblc Units: A household with a person with physical disabilities will get prefeErce oD the vaitiog tist b€cause ofthe very limited number ofaccessible uoits. Ifthere is rtrorc tha! one household *ith a person with physical <tisabilities on the waitiag lisq in-regiotr households with a persou for each bedroon will be co[tacted fi,sl Applicaots mun provide a letter from their doctor staring whar kind ofaccoomodation as a aesult oftheir COAH, July, 2OO8 I III. MARKETING :a- Direction ofMarteting Activity: (indicate &trich group(s) in the housiag region are least likely to apply for the housiag withor* specia.l outreach efforts because of its location ald other factors) E White (noa-Hispanic X Bhck (ma-Hispanic) X mrp-i" E A-"ri"- Iodi* or Alaskan Nalive E Asian or Pacific Islaoder E Other goop, 3b. EOUSING RESOURCE CEMER (www.nihousine.eov) A tee, onliae listing of affordable housing x 3c. Commercial Media Check all that DInATION & FREQUENCY NAMf,s oTFJGIONAL or OUTREACE Nf,wsP CrRcur-ATIoN ARrA TARGET S ENTIRE COA.H REGION 6 x Philadelphia Inquirer TARGETS PARTTAL COAII R.EGION 6 N Atlantic, Capc May, Cumbcrlaod AdaDtic City ! PEss of Oclan x South Jeney Times Cumberland, Sa.lem ! Daily Joumal Cumberland Weekl N er Adantic Comty Record Atlantic ! BeacbcoEber News Atla.ntic Curredt ofAbsecotr aod Galloway D Atlantic Currctrt ofDowtr Bea.h Atla.otic tr Curclt ofEgg Harbor To${ship Atlatrtic Laodhg and Current ofMays Atlatrtic tr Hamilton Nor6fi eld, Lilwood Cunent of Adantic ! and SoEers Poiot tr Egg Harbor News Adantic HamrEoDtotr Gazette Atlantic tr Hammontotr News Atlantic tr Mainland Joumal Atla.ntic Record Joumal Adantic Atlantic City Weekly Adantic, Cape May, Cumberland tr Cap€ May CoEtY Herald Cape May tr Cape May Gazette Cape May COAH, July, 2OO8 7 tr Cape May Star & Wave Cape May tr Gazette of Upper Tow$hip Cape May f] Ocean City Gazette Cape May Wildwood L€ader Cape May n Cumberland Remilder Cumberland CRCL,I-ATIoN ARIA AND/oR DURATToN & FR.EeUENCY NaMEs or REGToNAL Tv R^crat /ETm{c IDEn'rmcATloN OF OUTf,EACIT STATToN(s) oT RTADERS/AUDENCE TARGETS ENTIRE COAII R.EGION 6 3 KYW-TV ! Cbs Broadcasthg Inc. 6 WPVI-TV tr American Broadcsstitlg Coapanies, hc (Waft Disoey) 23 WNJS New Jersey Public Broadcastiog Authority 6l WPPX tr Paxson CooaunicatiotrS Licanse Compaay, Llc TARGETS PARTL{L COAH REGION 6 8 W?SJ.LP Eogle Broadcastitrg Adantic 52 WNJT tr New Jersey Public Bro.dcasting Authority Atlantic 40 WMGM-TV n Access I Ner* Jersey Liccnse Company Atlartic, Cape May Cumberla.ud 62 WWSr ! Hispaoic Brcadcasters of Philadelphia, LIc Atlartic, Cape May, Cur0berland l0 wcAU tr NBC TeleBlmdo Licens€ Co. (Geoeral Electric) Atlatrtic, Cumberla[4 Salem l2 wlrrY-Tv ! Whw,Iac. Atlatltic, Cumberla!4 Salem 17 WPHL.TV tr Tribue Company Atlantic, Cumb€rland, Sdem 29 WD(F-TV tr Fox Televisiotr Statioos, Inc. (News Corp.) Atlaatic, Cumberland, Salem 35 WYBE ! Indepedeace Public Media Of Philadelphiq Inc. Atlaolic, Cudberlar4 Salem 48 WGTW-TV n TriDity Boadcasthg Net{ort Adantic, CumberlaDd Salem 57 WPSG ! Cbs Broadcasting Inc. Atlartic, Cuhberland, Salem 65 WIJVP-TV tr Udvisioo Communications. Inc. Adantiq Cumberland, Salem 64 WDPB tr Whyy, Inc. Cape May GOAH, July, 2OO8 3 2 WMAR.TV tr Scripps Howard Broadcasting Company Cumberlard, Salem 13 wJz-Tv ! Cbs Brcadcasthg Inc. Cumberlan4 Salem 43 WPMT tr Tribune Compaly Salem DURATIoN & FR.IQI,ENCY OF OUTRXACH NAMES or CABLE PRo!DER(S) BRoADcASTAREA TARGETS PARTIAL COAI{ REGION 6 Comcast ofAvaloD, South Jersey, All Atlantic" Cape May, tr Wildwood Cumberland and Salem Counties BRoADcAsr ARIA AND/oR DT,RATION & FREQUENCY NAMES oF REGIoNAL RIDIo RAcBr-/ETrtr{c IDENTFTATIoN OF OI'TR.EACH SrarroN(s) oF READERS/ALDTENCE TARGETS E]IIIRE CO.Afl RXGION 6 AM Christian tr WFIL 560 tr wlP 610 tr WNTP 990 tr wwJz 640 FM tr WIPG.FM 96.9 ! wIxM 97.3 WMGM 103.7 ! wsJo 104.9 wzxl 100.7 TARGET S PARTIAL CO.AII R"EGION 6 ,{V Christian WIBG IO2O tr wKxw 1450 tr WMID 1340 ! woND 1400 ! wrKU 1490 ! wtrRD 900 tr WGYM 1580 KYW 1060 COAH, July, 2OO8 4 tr WNJC 1360 tr w?IrT l2l0 ! wwDB 860 tr wNwR 1540 ! WPEN 950 wcMc 1230 n wM\ts 1440 ! WTMR 8OO WDEL I150 ! WIAI l5l0 Hispanics D \INIIZ 12'10 wsNJ 1240 Chdstian tr wvcH 740 ! wPwA 1590 FM WLFR 91.7 Atlantic tr WTKU-FM 98.3 Atlartic tr WAJM 88.9 tr WJSE 102.7 Atlantic. CaDe Mav tr wKoE 106.3 Adantic, Cape May ! wT-rll96. r Adantic, Cape ! wzBz 99.3 Atlantic D WAYV 95.1 Atlatrtic, C@e May, CumE@L tr WPUR 107.3 Atlantic, Capc May, Cumberl4ql ! WRTQ 91.3 Atlantic. Cape May, Cumberland ! wxGN 90.5 Cumberland tr wxxY-FM 88-7 Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberlaod tr WNJN.FM 89.7 Adantic, Salem tr wArv 102.3 c tr WBZC 88.9 Cape May tr wczT 98.7 CaDe May COAH, July, 2OO8 5 tr WGBZ 105.5 WILW 94.3 tr wwcJ 89.r D WRDX 94.7 Salem tr wwT 92.1 Cumber Salem tr WRTI90.l Salem tr WBEB lot.r Cum Salem WBEN.FM 95.7 Salem tr WDAS-FM 105.3 Cumberland, Salem ! WIOQ 102.1 Cumberland, Salem tr WJBR-FM 99.5 Cumberlan4 Salem tr WJJZ 106.1 Cumberlan4 Salem f] WJKS r0l.? Cumberlatr4 Salertr Cunbedrn4 SaleE tr l!'I(DN I 06.9 (Christian) C WMGK 102.9 Cumberland, Salem ! WMMR 93.3 Cunberlan4 Salem WNJB-FM 89.3 Cumberlaod, Salem tr woGL 98.1 Cumberlan4 Salem tr WPHI-FM 100.3 Cumberland Salem ! WRDW-FM 96.5 Cumberlan4 Salem wsTw 93.7 Cuoberland, Saleo tr wusl- 98.9 Cumberlan4 Salem tr wxTU 92.5 Cumberlaad- Sa.lem tr wYsP 94.1 Cumberland, Salegl tr wltYY-FM 90.9 Salem 3i. O6er Public.ations (zuch as neighborhood newspapen, religious publicatioos, and orgadzational neusletteE) (Check aI that applies) RACIAy'ETItr\IC OT DI,IRATIoN & FREQUT,NCY OF NAME oF IDEMTICATION Ol,"rREAcn PUBLICATIONS OLIREACH ARIA R.EADERgAt'DrtNcE TARGETS ENTIRE COAH REGION 5 Weekl COAHr July, 2OO8 6 x Al Dia Philadelphia Area Spanish-Larguage Nuesn-a Comrnunidad CenraVSouth Jersey Spanish-Language TARGETS PARTIAL COAH REGION 6 Weekly Jewish Times ofthe tr Soulh Jersey Shore South Shore area Jewish commuoity Ulaaidan Weekly Ne\rr Jersey Uloaidan coDmunity 3e.
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