APRIL/ ∞¶ƒπ§πO™ 2011 A Monthly Publication of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. 520 S. Ponca Street, Baltimore, MD 21224 Message from Fr. Michael L. Pastrikos HOLY WEEK IN THE EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH Holy Week in the Eastern Orthodox Son of David, blessed is He that comes in Church consists of various services culmi- the name of the Lord.” Upon His entry, nating in the celebration of Easter, the Feast Jesus went immediately to the Temple, of Feasts. In addition to every Sunday dedi- where He prayed and taught. Palm Sunday cated to the Resurrection, there are a total marks the final joyous event until the proc- of 100 days in the calendar year which are lamation that Christ is risen. dedicated to Easter. Fifty days prior to Eas- Palm Sunday Evening Bridegroom Ser- ter, including Great Lent, are intended to vice — (Holy Monday service sung by an- strengthen our soul and body through re- ticipation on Palm Sunday evening) pentance (change from our old sinful ways), This service marks prayer (deliberate the beginning of Jesus’ thoughts of God) and suffering. Through the self-control (willful Gospel reading we control of our mind, learn about the plot- tongue and body). The ting by the High 50 days after Easter Priests and elders to are known as the disclaim Jesus as the Pentecostarion and Son of the Almighty. are dedicated to the The church com- celebration of our memorates the blessed Lord’s Resurrection. and noble Joseph of Saturday Morning of St. Lazarus the Old Testament who showed complete On the day before Palm Sunday, we com- faith toward God and was not empty of it as memorate the rising of Lazarus from the were some of the Pharisees. The day also dead. Just prior to entering the holy city of commemorates the fig tree which had leaves Jerusalem for the last time, Jesus, traveling but no fruit. Jesus cursed the fruitless tree to through Bethany, was informed that His become withered which symbolizes those good friend Lazarus was gravely ill. Jesus having empty lives and yielding no fruit. We did not go immediately to see His friend but also hear the beautiful “Hymn of the Bride- waited until Lazarus was dead and lying in groom” as portrayed in the Icon of Christ the tomb for 4 days. When Jesus arrived and the Bridegroom which is carried by the found the sisters in mourning, He asked to priest in a procession around the church. go to the tomb. After praying, He com- Holy Monday—(Holy Tuesday service manded Lazarus to come out of his dark and sung by anticipation on Monday evening) dismal tomb. It is this miracle that draws the This service’s theme warns us to be pre- crowds to praise Him and the desire of the pared and watchful prior to our appearance High Priest and elders to have Him killed. before the awesome judgment seat of God. Palm Sunday Morning The Gospel reading imparts the parable of On this day, the Sunday before Easter, we the Ten Virgins of which five were prepared celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into with enough oil in their lamps to greet the the city of Jerusalem. Jesus was greeted by a Lord and enter into His bridal chamber. The multitude of people holding palm branches other five were foolish by not bringing and spreading their cloaks on the road in a KOINONIA sign of respect crying out, “Hosanna to the Continued on page 2 PAGE 2 KOINONIA April/∞Ú›ÏÈÔ˜, 2011 Message from Fr. Michael L. Pastrikos HOLY WEEK IN THE EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH Continued from page 1 treat the Holy Spirit to bless the oil and transform it enough oil and were left out. This parable warns us to into Holy Myrrh which is administered to the faithful. be wisely prepared to ensure our entry into the King- Holy Thursday Evening—(Holy Thursday services dom of Heaven. are sung by anticipation on Thursday morning) Holy Tuesday—(Holy Wednesday service sung by an- On Holy Thursday we commemorate the institu- ticipation on Tuesday evening) tion of the Holy Eucharist (thanksgiving) for it is on The service this evening counsels us to repent from this day that Jesus went up to Mount Zion and into the the life of sin to a life of faith and obedience. Through Upper Room to partake of His Last Supper with His the act of anointing Christ with myrrh, the woman in Twelve Apostles. Jesus instructed His disciples to par- the house of Simon the leper, showed sincere repen- take of His Body and His Blood in remembrance of tance of her sins. The Hymn of Kassiane, which relates Him and for the forgiveness of sins. Knowing that His the story of a repentant woman, is chanted this betrayal was imminent, Jesus led His disciples to the evening. Garden of Gethsemane where He prayed so intensely Holy Wednesday Morning that bloody sweat poured from His face. Shortly there- The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is celebrated after, Judas Iscariot, one of His Twelve, betrayed Jesus for the last time during Great Lent. This solemn, an- by placing a kiss on His face. Jesus, the long awaited cient liturgy offers the Blood and Body of Christ which Messiah, was arrested and taken into custody like a have been sanctified during the previous Sunday’s Di- criminal. It is during this Liturgy of St. Basil that the vine Liturgy. priest prepares the Holy Communion which is kept in Holy Wednesday—Sacrament of Holy Unction the Tabernacle on the Holy Altar table throughout the Holy Wednesday is the evening of repentance, con- year to be distributed to the faithful in times of illness. fession and remission of sins as the faithful partake of Jesus is forever in our midst. the Sacrament of Holy Unction. Seven epistles and seven gospels are read and prayers are offered to en- Continued on page 3 PROTOPRESBYTER FR. MICHAEL PASTRIKOS, PASTOR CHURCH OFFICE TELEPHONE: 410-633-5020 — CHURCH FAX: 410-633-4352 CELL: 443-742-8314 www.stnicholasmd.org CHURCH SECRETARY ORGANIST AFTERNOON GREEK SCHOOL MARIA SALPEAS PETE BISBIKIS HELEN LOUVROU-MONOPOLIS, PRINCIPAL VASILIKI KALOGRANIS, TEACHER PARISH COUNCIL PSALTIS ANNA STUPAKI-SYRMOKERI, TEACHER TAKIS PAPADOPOULOS, PRESIDENT DR. NICHOLAS PAPADEMETRIOU GREEK SCHOOL P.T.A. STANLEY SOURANIS, VICE PRESIDENT PASTORAL ASSISTANT DEMOS ANASTASIADES, RECORDING SECRETARY NANCY ANASTASIADES, PRESIDENT SAM GLAVA, CORRESPONDING SECRETARY BILL POULOS KALLIOPI ANGELOS, VICE- PRESIDENT KYRIAKOS STAMOULIS, TREASURER SEXTON ELIA REPPAS, TREASURER EMMANUEL DIACOGIANNIS, ASSISTANT TREASURER STANLEY CAVOURAS STAMATIA IEROMONAHOU, SECRETARY JOHN CHRISSOMALLIS SUNDAY SCHOOL DEMOS ANASTASIADES, BOARD MEMBER JOHN KOROLOGOS PARASKEVI TOPOUZOGLOU, BOARD MEMBER SOPHIA GERAPETRITIS, DIRECTOR SPIROS MINAS ALEXANDER PAPPAS, BOARD MEMBER ADAM AGAPIOS, OFFICE AIDE KATINA PALAS, BOARD MEMBER FRANK MITSOS ELIAS COSSIS, OFFICE AIDE SOPHIA PAROS GEORGE KARAGIANOPOULOS, AIDE THE DIAMONDS JOHN SFAKIANOUDIS LEA KARAGIANOPOULOS, AIDE ROSE TSAKALOS, PRESIDENT DIMITRIOS STAKIAS EMILY COSSIS, 9TH & 10TH GRADES ROZA CORNIAS, VICE PRESIDENT EMMANUEL THEOHARIS & CO-DIRECTOR DESPINA KAITIS, SECRETARY PHILOPTOCHOS EFFIE CANNING, 8TH GRADE EVE LALLAS, TREASURER DR. PANAGIS GALIATSATOS, 7TH GRADE LESLIE SARANTINOS, CORRES. SECRETARY ZOE PERDIKAKIS, PRESIDENT VASILI PHILIPOU, AIDE NORA KEFALAS, VICE PRES. MANUEL VASILARAKIS, 6TH GRADE G.O.Y.A. ND STELLA KOUKIDES, 2 VICE PRES. GEORGE THEOHARIS, AIDE VASSO KATSAROS, PRESIDENT MARIA GIORGAKIS, REC. SEC. VOULA G. SAKELAKIS, 5TH GRADE LEXI BARNES, VICE PRESIDENT PATTY ORFANOS, CORRES. SEC. AGELICA SFAKIANOUDIS, AIDE PARASKEVI THEOHARIS, TREASURER MARIA THEOHARIS, TREASURER MARY ILIADIS, 4TH GRADE JENNA STAKIAS, REC. SECRETARY CHRISTINE ZERVOS, ASST. TREAS. VASSO KATSAROS, AIDE ANGELICA SFAKIANOUDIS, CORRES. SECRETARY IRENE VASILIOS, MEMBERSHIP LEXI BARNES, AIDE SOPHIA ATSIDIS, HISTORIAN RENEE THEMELIS, ADVISOR PHAEDRA AVGERINOS, 3RD GRADE (MEETS THE 1ST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH) ROZA CORNIAS PARASKEVI THEOHARIS, AIDE MARIA KOUTSOURIS GIA STAVRAKIS, AIDE J.O.Y. EVA NYCHIS ANTONIA SFIRIOU, 2ND GRADE FOULA PARAGIOS, PRESIDENT KELLY PAPADOPOULOS MARY KAMOS, AIDE MICHAEL ANGELOS, VICE PRESIDENT EVANGELIA SALIARIS PENNY GERAPETRITIS, 1ST GRADE KATERINA IEROMONAHOS, TREASURER KIKI VAVAKAS ANNA ZOULIS, AIDE KALLIOPI CORNIAS, HISTORIAN YANA KARABELAS, KINDERGARTEN NICK KARELLAS, SERGEANT AT ARMS PROTO PSALTI/CHOIR DIRECTOR NIKI CANNING, AIDE GEORGE ROSSIS KYRA KONTOUDIS, NURSERY April/∞Ú›ÏÈÔ˜, 2011 KOINONIA PAGE 3 Message from Fr. Michael L. Pastrikos Holy Thursday Evening—Service of the Holy Passion is one of lament and sorrow, we leave with a symbol of (Good Friday is sung by anticipation on Thursday hope, a flower from the Tomb. evening) Holy Saturday Morning—(Vespers and Divine Liturgy This is a day of great sadness in our church for on this evening sung by anticipation on Saturday morning) day our Lord suffered spittings, scourgings, buffetings, Today’s service is known as the “First Resurrection” scorn, mocking and humiliation; the reed, sponge, vin- as it commemorates the resurrection of Adam and the egar, nails, spear, purple robe, and crown of thorns; the defeat of death. During the Liturgy of St. Basil’s Epistle Cross and Death. The King of Glory was crucified on reading, the priest tosses laurel leaves and rose petals Golgotha, also known as the Place of the Skull. Tradition throughout the church proclaiming, “Arise, O God, and states that Jesus was buried directly over the grave of judge Thou the earth; for Thou shall take all heathen to Adam, the first man created by God. Death was most dif- Thine inheritance.” We also commemorate the Holy ficult for Jesus since He knew He would be separated Myrrhbearers who, unlike the scattered disciples, ap- from His Father. The Church commemorates this day peared at the Tomb of Christ to perform the last act of with the reading of the Twelve Gospels which include His love to Christ of anointing His Sacred Body.
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