May 2017 ----- KVIEHD Programs Alpha Order All Broadcasts Page 1 of 9 Created 4/30/17. Occasionally, KVIE makes changes to its schedule that would cause some of the below information to change. Please visit kvie.org/schedule for the most up-to-date information. 9 Months That Made You The First 8 Weeks #101 5/16 1:30AM One of a Kind #102 5/16 2:30AM The Final Countdown #103 5/16 3:30AM ADD and Loving It?! 5/8 3AM Age of Champions 5/17 3:30AM Age Wise Where We Live #101 5/28 11AM American Epic The Big Bang #101 5/16 9PM, 5/18 1:30AM Blood and Soil #102 5/23 9PM, 5/25 2AM Out of the Many, The One #103 5/30 9PM American Masters Dorothea Lange: Grab A Hunk of Lightning #2704 5/14 4AM American War Stories: Vietnam Escalation #101 5/28 11:30PM Turning Point #102 5/29 12:30AM Drawdown #103 5/29 1:30AM America's Heartland #1203 5/4 4PM #1204 5/11 4PM #1205 5/18 4PM #1206 5/25 4PM America's Test Kitchen from Cook's Illustrated Baked Alaska Showstopper #1714 5/1 1:30PM, 5/13 1PM Refreshing Desserts #1713 5/6 1PM Italian Chicken #1715 5/8 1:30PM, 5/20 1PM Autumn Desserts #1716 5/15 1:30PM, 5/27 1PM Chinese Takeout, Revised #1717 5/22 1:30PM Antiques Roadshow Virginia Beach, Hour Two #2114 5/1 8PM, 5/2 2PM, 5/5 8PM Corpus Christi, Hour One #1701 5/2 3PM Virginia Beach, Hour Three #2115 5/8 8PM, 5/9 2PM, 5/12 8PM Corpus Christi, Hour Two #1702 5/8 9PM, 5/9 3PM Orlando, Hour One #2116 5/15 8PM, 5/16 2PM, 5/17 1:30AM, 5/19 8PM Corpus Christi, Hour Three #1703 5/15 9PM, 5/16 3PM, 5/17 2:30AM Orlando, Hour Two #2117 5/22 8PM, 5/23 2PM, 5/24 1:30AM, 5/26 8PM Boston, Hour One #1704 5/22 9PM, 5/23 3PM, 5/24 2:30AM Orlando, Hour Three #2118 5/29 8PM, 5/30 2PM, 5/31 1:30AM Boston, Hour Two #1705 5/29 9PM, 5/30 3PM, 5/31 2:30AM Arthur The Chronicles of Buster/On This Spot #1205 5/1 6:30AM The Cherry Tree/Matchmaker Matchbreaker #1206 5/2 6:30AM War of the Worms/I Owe You One #1207 5/3 6:30AM The Blackout/Mei Lin Takes A Stand #1208 5/4 6:30AM Home Sweet Home/Do You Believe In Magic #1209 5/5 6:30AM The Director's Cut/Crime and Consequences #1708 5/8 6:30AM Caught in the Crosswires/Framed #1709 5/9 6:30AM Binky's Music Madness/Brain Freeze #1710 5/10 6:30AM The Perfect Game/D.W.'s Furry Freakout #1210 5/11 6:30AM Fernfern and the Secret of Moose Mountain/Thanks A lot, Binky #802 5/12 6:30AM Silent Treatment/Kung Fool #1302 5/15 6:30AM Arthur's Numbers Nightmare/Brain Gets Hooked #1303 5/16 6:30AM Macfrensky/The Good The Bad and the Binky #1304 5/17 6:30AM No Acting Please/Prunella Deegan and the Disappointing Ending #1305 5/18 6:30AM George and the Missing Puzzle Piece/D.W. Swims With the Fishes #1306 5/19 6:30AM Portrait of the Artist as a Young Tibble/The Secret Guardians #1307 5/22 6:30AM Fernlets By Fern/Prunella and the Haunted Locker #1308 5/23 6:30AM Paradise Lost/The Pride of Lakewood #1309 5/24 6:30AM Looking for Bonnie/The Secret Origin of Supernova #1310 5/25 6:30AM The Wheel Deal/The Buster Report #1401 5/26 6:30AM Lend Me Your Ear/The Butler Did It #2005 5/30 6:30AM Prunella's Tent of Portent/Mutiny on the Pitch #2006 5/31 6:30AM Arthur: D.W. and the Beastly Birthday 5/29 6:30AM As Time Goes By The Affair #127 5/1 3PM, 5/6 7PM Welcome News #128 5/1 3:30PM, 5/6 7:30PM The Anniversary Party #129 5/8 3PM, 5/13 7PM Wedding Preparations #130 5/8 3:30PM, 5/13 7:30PM Wedding Day Nerves #131 5/15 3PM, 5/20 7PM Judith's New Romance #132 5/15 3:30PM, 5/20 7:30PM Improvements #133 5/22 3PM, 5/27 7PM The Country Set #134 5/22 3:30PM, 5/27 7:30PM Lionel's Ex-Wife #135 5/29 3PM Lionel's New Hobby #136 5/29 3:30PM Austin City Limits Robert Plant & The Sensational Space Shifters #4203 5/6 11PM Gary Clark Jr./Courtney Barnett #4104 5/13 11PM Tedeschi Trucks Band #4113 5/20 11PM Iggy Pop #4205 5/27 11PM BBC Newsnight #17125 5/6 6:30AM #17132 5/13 6:30AM #17139 5/20 6:30AM #17146 5/27 6:30AM BBC World News America #17121 5/1 5PM #17122 5/2 5PM #17123 5/3 5PM #17124 5/4 5PM #17125 5/5 5PM #17128 5/8 5PM #17129 5/9 5PM #17130 5/10 5PM #17131 5/11 5PM #17132 5/12 5PM #17135 5/15 5PM #17136 5/16 5PM #17137 5/17 5PM #17138 5/18 5PM #17139 5/19 5PM #17142 5/22 5PM #17143 5/23 5PM #17144 5/24 5PM #17145 5/25 5PM #17146 5/26 5PM #17149 5/29 5PM #17150 5/30 5PM #17151 5/31 5PM Boards on the Water Evolution of Waterskiing #101 5/15 11PM Towed Board Sports #102 5/22 11PM Barefooting, Showskiing, & Lifestyles #103 5/29 11PM Bonnie & Clyde: American Experience #2803 5/9 9PM Born to Explore with Richard Wiese Cyprus: Cleopatra's Secret Island #113 5/2 4PM, 5/6 4PM #114 5/9 4PM, May 2017 ----- KVIEHD Programs Alpha Order All Broadcasts Page 2 of 9 Created 4/30/17. Occasionally, KVIE makes changes to its schedule that would cause some of the below information to change. Please visit kvie.org/schedule for the most up-to-date information. 5/13 4PM #115 5/16 4PM, 5/20 4PM #116 5/23 4PM, 5/27 4PM #117 5/30 4PM Brain Maker with David Perlmutter, MD 5/9 1:30AM Buried History with Mark Walberg Avalon #101 5/1 9PM California's Gold California/China Connection #3010 5/4 8:30PM, 5/6 3PM Japanese American Home Movies #106 5/7 7PM Masumoto Family Farm #12008 5/11 8PM, 5/13 3:30PM Hmong #11003 5/11 8:30PM, 5/13 3PM Trees #3013 5/14 7PM Swallows #2003 5/14 7:30PM Mule Days #808 5/18 8PM, 5/20 3:30PM Wild Horse Sanctuary #7009 5/18 8:30PM, 5/20 3PM Little Manila #5008 5/21 7PM Little Tokyo #312 5/21 7:30PM S.S. Catalina Update #15003 5/25 8PM, 5/27 3:30PM Sub-Net #4004 5/25 8:30PM, 5/27 3PM Kaiser Steel #148 5/28 7PM California's Golden Parks China Camp #125 5/4 8PM, 5/6 3:30PM Call The Midwife #605 5/4 3PM #606 5/7 8PM, 5/11 3PM #607 5/14 8PM, 5/15 Mid, 5/18 3PM #608 5/21 8PM, 5/22 Mid, 5/25 3PM Canine Soldiers: The Militarization of Love 5/31 2PM Changing Season: on the Masumoto Family Farm 5/8 11PM Charlie Rose #23096 5/2 Mid #23097 5/3 Mid #23098 5/4 Mid #23099 5/5 Mid #23100 5/6 12:30AM #23101 5/9 Mid #23102 5/10 Mid #23103 5/11 Mid #23104 5/12 Mid #23105 5/13 Mid #23106 5/16 Mid #23107 5/17 Mid #23108 5/18 Mid #23109 5/19 Mid #23111 5/23 Mid #23112 5/24 Mid #23113 5/25 12:30AM #23114 5/26 Mid #23115 5/27 12:30AM #23116 5/30 Mid #23117 5/31 Mid Charlie Rose - The Week #443 5/6 7AM, 5/7 4PM #444 5/13 7AM, 5/14 4PM #445 5/20 7AM, 5/21 4PM #446 5/27 7AM, 5/28 4PM Chinese Builders of Gold Mountain: Viewfinder #2104 5/10 7PM, 5/12 4PM, 5/14 6:30PM Ciao Italia Sunday - La Domenica #2509 5/5 1:30PM Festival of the Candles - La Festa Dei Ceri #2510 5/12 1:30PM Eat Beans! - Mangare Fagioli! #2511 5/19 1:30PM Homemade Pasta- Cucinando Con Graziella E Gaetana #2512 5/26 1:30PM Curious George Personal Trainer/Sprout Outing #401 5/1 8:30AM The Big Picture/Juicy George #402 5/2 8:30AM Girl Meets Monkey/Curious George Ramps It Up #403 5/3 8:30AM The Inside Story/A Monkey, A Plan, A Canal #404 5/4 8:30AM, 5/7 8:30AM Guest Monkey/Charkie Goes to School #405 5/5 8:30AM George and Marco Sound It Out/A Monkey's Duckling #501 5/8 8:30AM Downhill Racer/Book Monkey #502 5/9 8:30AM George's Super Subway Adventure/Well Done, George #503 5/10 8:30AM Trader George/One in a Million Chameleon #504 5/11 8:30AM Mother's Day Surprise/Jungle Gym #510 5/12 8:30AM, 5/14 8:30AM Monkey Size Me/Metal Detective #505 5/15 8:30AM George-O-Matic/Curious George, Sheep Herder #507 5/16 8:30AM Go West, Young Monkey/Meet The New Neighbors #508 5/17 8:30AM George's Home Run/Monkey On Ice #506 5/18 8:30AM, 5/21 8:30AM Follow That Boat/Windmill Monkey #509 5/19 8:30AM School of Dance/Curious George Sounds Off #601 5/22 8:30AM George Buys A Kite/Train of Light #602 5/23 8:30AM Auctioneer George/Sock Monkey Opera #603 5/24 8:30AM George and the Giant Thumb/Shutter Monkey #604 5/25 8:30AM Hamster Cam/The Great Monkey Detective #605 5/26 8:30AM, 5/28 8:30AM Curious George Takes A Vacation/Curious George and the One That Got Away #122 5/29 8:30AM Ski Monkey/George The Grocer #123 5/30 8:30AM Keep Out Cows/Curious George and the Missing Piece #124 5/31 8:30AM Curious Traveler Curious Vancouver #204 5/6 10AM Curious Loire Valley #205 5/13 10AM Curious Venice #206 5/20 10AM Curious Kotor #207 5/27 10AM Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Nighttime in the Neighborhood #225 5/1 9AM, 5/29 9AM Daniel Makes a Noise Maker/Daniel Makes the Neighborhood #303 5/1 9:30AM Daniel's Allergy/Allergies at School #304 5/2 9AM The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School #305 5/2 9:30AM Daniel and Margaret Play School/Treasure Hunt at the Castle #306 5/3 9AM Daniel and O's Road Trip/Daniel's Puppet Plan #307 5/3 9:30AM, 5/7 7:30AM, 5/9 9:30AM Daniel's Birthday/Daniel's Picnic #101 5/4 9AM Daniel Visits School/Daniel Visits The Doctor #102 5/4 9:30AM Daniel's Babysitter/Daniel Goes to School #103 5/5 9AM Daniel Gets Mad/Katerina Gets Mad #104 5/5 9:30AM The Lemonade Stand/Mad at the Beach #222 5/9 9AM, 5/11 9:30AM, 5/15 9AM, 5/24 9AM Daniel Feels Two Feelings/The Neighborhood Carnival #218 5/11 9AM, 5/15 9:30AM, 5/22 9:30AM Something Special for Dad/I Love You, Mom #108 5/14 7:30AM Prince Wednesday Finds A Way To Play/Finding A Way To Play On Backwards Day #105 5/16 9AM Daniel And Miss Elaina Play Rocketship/Daniel Plays At The Castle #106 5/16 9:30AM Friends Help Each Other/Daniel Helps O Tell A Story #107 5/17 9AM A Trip To The Enchanted Garden/A May 2017 ----- KVIEHD Programs Alpha Order All Broadcasts Page 3 of 9 Created 4/30/17.
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