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U.S. Patent US 8,993,295 B2 9]©Infil U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2015 Sheet 17 of 28 US 8,993,295 B2 U.S. Patent US 8,993,295 B2 v upwolf Feo orguooyo 6 U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2015 Sheet 19 Of 28 US 8,993,295 B2 6]©Infil go so so so 0 wonve 06 08 02 09 09 07 0€. 02 0?. v wra V V ve 0!-- up Wolf eo Ouoo go 9, U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2015 Sheet 20 of 28 US 8,993,295 B2 OZ?unôl U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2015 Sheet 21 of 28 US 8,993,295 B2 ********** LZ?un61-3 U.S. Patent US 8,993,295 B2 -AASTAJAJAH-:LQd ZZ?unôl U.S. Patent US 8,993,295 B2 £Z?un61– U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2015 Sheet 24 of 28 US 8,993,295 B2 U.S. Patent US 8,993,295 B2 U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2015 Sheet 26 of 28 US 8,993,295 B2 neuneºs 3sequos (GC-ONO'IOES) E 999x19 U.S. Patent US 8,993,295 B2 ZZ?un61 U.S. Patent US 8,993,295 B2 US 8,993,295 B2 1. 2 METHODS, COMPOSITIONS, AND KITS FOR or contributing to the formation of metastases. In those THE SELECTIVE ACTIVATION OF tumors which harbor CSCs it is highly attractive to be able to PROTOXINS THROUGH COMBINATORIAL eliminate these cells. CSCs have been thought to possess TARGETING many properties similar to that of normal stems cells, e.g., long life span, relative mitotic quiescence, and active DNA CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED repair capacity, as well as resistance to apoptosis and to drug/ APPLICATIONS toxins through high level expression of ATP-binding cassette drug transporters such as P-glycoprotein. Consequently, This application is the U.S. National Stage of International CSCs are thought to be difficult to target and destroy by Application No. PCT/US2007/16475, filed Jul. 20, 2007, 10 conventional cancer therapies (Dean et al., Nat. Rev. Cancer which in turn, claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Appli 5:275 (2005)). Conversely, it is critically important to distin cation No. 60/832,022, filed Jul. 20, 2006, each of which is guish CSCs from normal stem cells because of the essential incorporated by reference. roles that normal stem cells play in the renewal of normal tissues. FIELD OF THE INVENTION 15 To increase the selectivity of highly toxic anti-tumor In general, the present invention relates to a therapeutic agents, various attempts have been made to take advantage of strategy for targeting cyotoxic or cytostatic agents to particu specific features of the tumor microenvironment, such as the lar cell types while reducing systemic adverse effects. More low pH, low oxygen tension, or increased density of tumor specifically, the present invention involves the use of a thera specific enzymes, that are not found in the vicinity of normal peutic modality comprising two or more individually inactive cells in well-perfused tissues. Environmentally sensitive anti components with independent targeting principles, which are tumor agents have been developed that are hypothesized to activated through their specific interaction at the targeted exhibit increased toxicity in the solid tumor. For example cells. The invention also provides related methods and com “bioreductive prodrugs are agents that can be activated to positions.
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