01. THE DIVISIONAL INFORMATION 01.1 INTRODUCTION Since Jaffna Division is located as the heart of the city in the Jaffna district, also as it is an urban region and covered with lagoon at three sides and linked to land at the other side. The regional development to be considered .In this connection the needed sector wise resources and developmental requirements are analyzed in details. 1. To develop the divisional economy using above resources. 2. Identifying the factors which prevent the economy development. 3. How to develop Jaffna region by eradicate the barriers. 01.2 BASIC INFORMATION OF AREA Divisional Secretariat Jaffna Electoral Division Jaffna Electoral Division No Ten (:10) District Jaffna No. of GN Divisions Twenty Eight (28) No. of Villages Fifty (50) No. of Families 17514 No. of Members 59997 Land Area 10.92sq .km In Land Water Area 0.39 sq.km Total Area 11.31 sq.km Resource Profile 2016 1 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna 01.3 LOCATION Jaffna Divisional Secretariat division is situated in Jaffna district of North Province of Sri Lanka. NORTH –NALLUR DIVISIONAL SECRETARIAT DIVISION PART OF EAST – NALLUR DIVISIONAL SECRETARIAT DIVISION PART OF EAST SOUTH – PART OF WEST BY JAFFNA LAGOON ART OF WEST – VALI SOUTH WEST DIVISIONAL SECRETARIATDIVISION Jaffna peninsula is made of limestone as it was submerged under sea during the Miocene period. The limestone is grey, yellow and white porous type. The entire land mass is flat and lies at sea level. Within one mile of the city center is the island of Mandativu which is connected by a causway. Palmyrah groves can be seen where land has not been used for construction. Map - 01 Resource Profile 2016 2 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna 01.4 CLIMATE Jaffna features a tropical rainforest climate with no true dry season month. Jaffna has the highest average temperature in Sri Lanka – 31.3 °C. The temperature is highest in the months of April – Julyand August – September. The temperature is coolest in December – January. The annual rainfall is brought in by the North East monsoon and it varies from one place to the other and also from year to year. The average rainfall is 50 inches in the western part of Jaffna peninsula. MONTHLY RAIN FALL IN JAFFNA DIVISIONAL SECRETARIAT DIVISION -2016 Month Rain Fall mm Rainy Day January 15.9 3 February 6.4 1 March 1.8 1 April 0.5 N/A May 286 9 June 15.6 2 July 0.2 N/A August 79.6 2 September 4 1 October 48 5 November 431.6 14 December 121.2 3 TOTAL 1010.8 41 RAINFALL (MM) - 2016 Rain Fall mm 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Resource Profile 2016 3 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna MONTHLY MEAN TEMPERATURE - 2016 MONTH TEMPERATURE(oc) January 25.9 February 26.8 March 29 April 31.7 May 30.7 June 29.9 July 30.1 August 30.4 September N/A October 29 November 26.8 December 25.7 MEAN 25.9 MONTHLY MEAN TEMPERARURE - 2016 31.7 30.7 29.9 30.1 30.4 29 29 26.8 26.8 25.9 25.7 0 0 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Resource Profile 2016 4 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna 01.5 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS This Divisional Secretariat division is divided into Twenty Eight Niladhari divisions. There are one Municipal council. The activities of the Municipal council are 01. Providing water supply and drainage 02. Maintaining the community centers, Public Libraries ,rural roads and Children Parks 03. Assisting the public health and maternity clinics 04. Children Park – The following institutions are located at the Jaffna division. 01. District Secretariat, Jaffna 02. Jaffna Teaching hospital 03. Regional Director of Health Services Division Jaffna 04. Postal Department 05. Dipartment of Fisheries and Aquatic resources 06. SriLanka Telecom 07. Road Development Athority 08. Road Development Department 09. High Court & District Court 10. Department of Irrigation ( Provincial) 11. Department of Vetnary 12. Department of Building 13. Jaffna Public Library 14. Assistant Commissnor of Local Government Office 15. Urban Development Athority Resource Profile 2016 5 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna 01.6 DETAILS OF G.N DIVISIONS S. G.N NO NAME OF G.N. OFFICE ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO DIVISION NO 01 J/61 Nedunkulam 20,Nedunkulam Road 779065752 02 J/62 Columbuthurai East 69,3rd Cross Street, olombuthurai 0770556555 03 J/63 Columbuthurai West 5,Vilvantheru, Colombuthurai 0776534426 St.antonys Fishermen Co-op Socity, 04 J/64 Passaiyoor East 0776534426 Beach rd,, Passaiyoor 05 J/65 Passaiyoor West 26/3,New Road, Koiyaththoddam 0772814677 Eachchamoddai Eachchamoddai Community Center, 06 J/66 0772814677 Eachchamoddai Road, Jaffna 07 J/67 Thirunagar 74,Old Park Road,Jaffna 0777361236 08 J/68 Reclamation East St.Rock Community Centre, Gurunagar 0768035612 09 J/69 Reclamation West 4,Iceplant road, Gurunagar 0770366399 10 J/70 Gurunagar East 45,Rajenthira Road,Jaffna 0777361236 11 J/71 Gurunagar West 07, Odakaray lane,Gurunagar 0779412382 12 J/72 Small Bazaar 47,Bankshall Street,jaffna 0779412282 13 J/73 Jaffna Town West 32,Chappel Street,Jaffna 0774949703 14 J/74 Jaffna Town East 833,Hospital Roadf,Jaffna 0775894709 15 J/75 Chundikuly South 19,Gurusoult Street,Chundikuly 0779190342 16 J/76 Chundikuli NORTH 83,Kandy Road,Jaffna 0778695480 17 J/77 Maruthady 30/2,Maruthady Road,Jaffna 0766474146 18 J/78 Aththiyady 39/5,Rasavinthoddam Road,Jaffna 0778695480 19 J/79 Sirampiyady 15/6,Sirampiyady Lane,Jaffna 0774949703 20 J/80 Grand 78/10,Kasthuriyar Road,Jaffna 0777768100 21 J/81 For 6/1,Meenachchiamman Road, Koddady 0772845199 22 J/82 Vannarpannai 412, Manipay road,Jaffna 0778693574 23 J/83 Kodday 55,Seenivasagam Road,Koddady 0771633281 24 J/84 Navanthurai South 74,Kathy Abubakkar Road, Navanthurai 0772478782 25 J/85 Navanthurai North 310,Beach Road,Sooriyavely 0772478782 26 J/86 Moor Street South 04,Kamal Lane,Moor Street, Jaffna 0777768100 Inaiyam Karankal Community 27 J/87 Moor Street North 0772845199 Centre,Jaffna 28 J/88 New Moor Street 729,Manippay Road,Jaffna 0774438864 Resource Profile 2016 6 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna 01.7 DETAILS OF VILLAGES IN JAFFNA DIVISIONAL SECRETARIAT DIVISION Number Se. NAME OF G.N. GN. of Name of Villages No DIVISION Division Villages Nedunkulam,Vasanthapuram, 01 Nedunkulam J/61 04 Makenthirapuram, Eliloor Columbuthurai Columbuthurai East,Valampuram, 02 J/62 04 East Punithapuram, Uthayapuram Columbuthurai 03 J/63 01 Columbuthurai West West Passaiyoor 04 Passaiyoor East J/64 02 East,Puthukkudiyiruppu 05 Passaiyoor West J/65 01 Passaiyoor West Eachchamoddai Eachchamoddai, 06 J/66 03 Koiyathoddam,Pandiyanthalvu 07 Thirunagar J/67 01 Thirunagar 08 Reclamation East J/68 01 Reclamation East 09 Reclamation West J/69 01 Reclamation West 10 Gurunagar East J/70 01 Gurunagar East 11 Gurunagar West J/71 01 Gurunagar West 12 Small Bazaar J/72 01 Small Bazaar 13 Jaffna Town West J/73 01 Jaffna Town West 14 Jaffna Town East J/74 01 Jaffna Town East 15 Chundikuly South J/75 01 Chundukuly South 16 Chundikuli North J/76 01 Chundukuly North 17 Maruthady J/77 01 Maruthady 18 Aththiyady J/78 02 Aththiady, Rasavin Thoddam 19 Sirampiyady J/79 01 Sirampiyady 20 Grand Bazaar J/80 01 Grand Bazar Fort, Meenachchipuram, 21 Fort J/81 03 Muththamil 22 Vannarpannai J/82 01 Vannarpannai 23 Kodday J/83 02 Koddady,Solaipuram Navanthurai Navanthurai South, Manpiddy, 24 J/84 03 South Kannapuram Navanthurai Navanthurai North, Suriyavely, 25 J/85 04 North Vasanthapuram, Niththiyaolly 26 Moor Street South J/86 01 Moor Street North Moor Street North, Pommaivelly, 27 Moor Street North J/87 03 Oddumadam New Moor Street, Arukalmadam, 28 New Moor Street J/88 03 Oddumadam Resource Profile 2016 7 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna MAP – II Resource Profile 2016 8 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna 02. POPULATION Population of Jaffna Division in 1996 was 38115, after 1996 population of the division gradually increased because; the resettlement was taking place during that year. After A9 Road is opened to the public in 2002 most of the people resettled in their own lands. 02.1 POPULATION DENSITY BY G.NDIVISION – 2016 G.N. Divisions Population Land Area Density (Per Sq.Km) (Sq.Km) J/61 2393 0.687 3222 J/62 2386 0.456 5163 J/63 1224 0.525 2400 J/64 1195 0.398 3091 J/65 1143 0.157 7363 J/66 2997 0.688 4472 J/67 1438 0.199 7893 J/68 4400 0.194 22790 J/69 3544 0.162 22122 J/70 1749 0.196 9092 J/71 1409 0.075 18866 J/72 785 0.142 5495 J/73 1819 0.381 4793 J/74 2270 0.387 6023 J/75 1915 0.368 5271 J/76 1439 0.583 2494 J/77 1626 0.445 3635 J/78 2223 0.502 4439 J/79 1190 0.267 4565 J/80 1547 0.505 3087 J/81 1983 1.100 1813 J/82 1500 0.301 4952 J/83 2022 0.400 5053 J/84 2789 0.181 15289 J/85 2533 0.337 7356 J/86 3769 0.186 19319 J/87 5087 0.318 15332 J/88 1622 0.780 2114 TOTAL 59997 10.92 5484 Resource Profile 2016 9 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna MAP - II Resource Profile 2016 10 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna 02.2 DETAILS OF G.N DIVISION & AREA Se.No No Of G.N Land Area Land Area Division (Sq.Km) (Ha) 01 J/61 0.687 69 02 J/62 0.456 46 03 J/63 0.525 52 04 J/64 0.398 40 05 J/65 0.157 16 06 J/66 0.688 69 07 J/67 0.199 20 08 J/68 0.194 19 09 J/69 0.162 16 10 J/70 0.196 20 11 J/71 0.075 7 12 J/72 0.142 14 13 J/73 0.381 38 14 J/74 0.387 39 15 J/75 0.368 37 16 J/76 0.583 58 17 J/77 0.445 44 18 J/78 0.502 50 19 J/79 0.267 27 20 J/80 0.505 50 21 J/81 1.100 110 22 J/82 0.301 30 23 J/83 0.400 40 24 J/84 0.181 18 25 J/85 0.337 34 26 J/86 0.186 19 27 J/87 0.318 32 28 J/88 0.780 78 TOTAL 10.92 1092 Resource Profile 2016 11 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna CHART - III Land Area (Sq.Km) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 J/61 J/65 J/69 J/73 J/77 J/81 J/85 Land Area (Sq.Km) Resource Profile 2016 12 Divisional Secretariat - Jaffna 02.3 NUMBERS OF FAMILIES 2009-2016 Jaffna divisional secretariat division has 17514 families in 2016 as at December Year No.
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