6/5/2018 Grapevine Rootstocks & Emerging Varieties Jim Kamas Assoc. Professor & Extension Specialist Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Viticulture & Fruit Lab Fredericksburg, TX What is a Rootstock And Why Do We Need Them? • A rootstock is a genetically distinct form of a plant joined to a scion by budding or grafting to overcome soil limitations or impart/restrict plant vigor 1 6/5/2018 Grapevines Commonly Propagated Through Bench Grafting Scion budding#.UnUKKPnks6o ‐ Rootstock http://www.extension.org/pages/32924/chip 2 6/5/2018 Rootstock Selection VITIS RIPARIA RUPESTRIS BERLANDIERI RIPARIA x RIPARIA x RUPESTRIS x RUPESTRIS BERLANDIERI BERLANDIERI 3309C, 3306C, 101‐14 Mgt, SO4, 5BB, 5C, 110R, 99R Schwarzmann 420A, 161‐49 1103P, 140 Ru What Challenges Can Rootstocks Help Overcome for Texas Grape Growers? • Pierce’s Disease • Nutrient Uptake in High pH Soils • V. berlandieri hybrids • Soil‐borne Threats • Cotton Root Rot • Nematodes • Phylloxera • Vigor Control • Fertile or Limiting Site? • Other Soil Limitations • Sodic Soils & Water • Drought 3 6/5/2018 Tow Rootstock Trial Vine Response Parameters • PD Symptom Ratings • Annual Dormant Pruning Weights • ELISA Testing (Optical Density) Vines Were Planted in 2005, Measurements Taken 2005, 2006, 2007 with Final Pruning Weights Taken Spring, 2008 Diversity of Response‐ Annual Pruning Weights 4000 3500 3000 (g) 2500 Weight 2000 1500 2006 Pruned 1000 2007 500 0 4 6/5/2018 Diversity of Response‐ ELISA Values 2.5 11/7/2005 2 10/30/2006 11/5/2007 1.5 1 0.5 0 Diversity of Response‐ Visual Disease Ratings 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 5 40% 4 30% 3 20% 2 10% 1 0% PD symptom scores in 2007: 1 lowest –5 dead 5 6/5/2018 Expanded Rootstock Trials Root Systems Evaluated GRN-1 GRN-2 GRN-3 GRN-4 GRN-5 Florilush 5BB Own-Rooted Dogridge 1103P Salt Creek 5C Rootstock trial sites: • ‘Sangiovese’ • Leakey • Stonewall • ‘Blanc du Bois’ • Industry Fairly Large Scale Replicated Plots 6 6/5/2018 Data Collected • Annual Pruning Weights • Phenology • Fruit Chemistry • Visual Nutrient Deficiency Ratings • Bloom and 70 Day Post Bloom Petiole Analysis Table 3. Pruning weights for the Gillespie County and Real County. Pruning Weight (kg) Gillespie County Real County 2012b 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 Rootstock FL 0.53ac 0.58a 0.83ab 1.20a 1.16bd 0.13bc 0.32df 0.12cd DR 0.44ab 0.47ac 0.82ab 1.21a 1.21ac 0.19ab 0.83a 0.53a 3P 0.39ac 0.43ac 0.58be 0.84bd 0.90ce 0.13bc 0.40ce 0.17cd G3 0.39ac 0.55ab 0.73ac 1.10ab 1.59a 0.14ac 0.42ce 0.15cd G1 0.39ac 0.38c 0.62ae 0.82cd 0.81de 0.15ac 0.22ef 0.06d G2 0.38ac 0.45ac 0.67ad 1.17ab 1.39ab 0.11cd 0.73ab 0.24bc G4 0.37ac 0.43ac 0.55ce 0.78cd 0.97ce 0.01cd 0.18f 0.1d SC 0.36ac 0.41bc 0.85a 1.29a 1.45ab 0.14bc 0.41ce 0.25bc 5B 0.31bc 0.37c 0.78ac 1.18a 0.66e 0.18ab 0.54bd 0.31b 5C 0.26c 0.34c 0.55ce 1.02ad 0.94ce 0.21a 0.55bc 0.35b SV 0.22c 0.34c 0.44de 0.70d 0.90ce 0.05d 0.17f 0.04d G5 ‐d 0.07d 0.4e 0.77cd 0.90ce ‐ 0.11f 0.05d Siga *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** a ns, *, **, *** indicate not significant, and statistically significant at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 levels of probability respectively. b Fischer’s least significant difference test. c means followed by different letters are significantly different. d 7 6/5/2018 Table 3. Pruning weights for the Gillespie County and Real County. Pruning Weight (kg) Gillespie County Real County 2012b 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 Rootstock FL 0.53ac 0.58a 0.83ab 1.20a 1.16bd 0.13bc 0.32df 0.12cd DR 0.44ab 0.47ac 0.82ab 1.21a 1.21ac 0.19ab 0.83a 0.53a 3P 0.39ac 0.43ac 0.58be 0.84bd 0.90ce 0.13bc 0.40ce 0.17cd G3 0.39ac 0.55ab 0.73ac 1.10ab 1.59a 0.14ac 0.42ce 0.15cd G1 0.39ac 0.38c 0.62ae 0.82cd 0.81de 0.15ac 0.22ef 0.06d G2 0.38ac 0.45ac 0.67ad 1.17ab 1.39ab 0.11cd 0.73ab 0.24bc G4 0.37ac 0.43ac 0.55ce 0.78cd 0.97ce 0.01cd 0.18f 0.1d SC 0.36ac 0.41bc 0.85a 1.29a 1.45ab 0.14bc 0.41ce 0.25bc 5B 0.31bc 0.37c 0.78ac 1.18a 0.66e 0.18ab 0.54bd 0.31b 5C 0.26c 0.34c 0.55ce 1.02ad 0.94ce 0.21a 0.55bc 0.35b SV 0.22c 0.34c 0.44de 0.70d 0.90ce 0.05d 0.17f 0.04d G5 ‐d 0.07d 0.4e 0.77cd 0.90ce ‐ 0.11f 0.05d Siga *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** a ns, *, **, *** indicate not significant, and statistically significant at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 levels of probability respectively. b Fischer’s least significant difference test. c means followed by different letters are significantly different. d Table 3. Pruning weights for the Gillespie County and Real County. Pruning Weight (kg) Gillespie County Real County 2012b 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 Rootstock FL 0.53ac 0.58a 0.83ab 1.20a 1.16bd 0.13bc 0.32df 0.12cd DR 0.44ab 0.47ac 0.82ab 1.21a 1.21ac 0.19ab 0.83a 0.53a 3P 0.39ac 0.43ac 0.58be 0.84bd 0.90ce 0.13bc 0.40ce 0.17cd G3 0.39ac 0.55ab 0.73ac 1.10ab 1.59a 0.14ac 0.42ce 0.15cd G1 0.39ac 0.38c 0.62ae 0.82cd 0.81de 0.15ac 0.22ef 0.06d G2 0.38ac 0.45ac 0.67ad 1.17ab 1.39ab 0.11cd 0.73ab 0.24bc G4 0.37ac 0.43ac 0.55ce 0.78cd 0.97ce 0.01cd 0.18f 0.1d SC 0.36ac 0.41bc 0.85a 1.29a 1.45ab 0.14bc 0.41ce 0.25bc 5B 0.31bc 0.37c 0.78ac 1.18a 0.66e 0.18ab 0.54bd 0.31b 5C 0.26c 0.34c 0.55ce 1.02ad 0.94ce 0.21a 0.55bc 0.35b SV 0.22c 0.34c 0.44de 0.70d 0.90ce 0.05d 0.17f 0.04d G5 ‐d 0.07d 0.4e 0.77cd 0.90ce ‐ 0.11f 0.05d Siga *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** a ns, *, **, *** indicate not significant, and statistically significant at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 levels of probability respectively. b Fischer’s least significant difference test. c means followed by different letters are significantly different. d 8 6/5/2018 Vigor 2013‐2014 2013 Pruned Weights (lbs.) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 SV G1 G4 G3 3P SC FL G2 5B 5C DR Mortality to Cotton Root Rot In Real County 5B 4 5C 0 DR 2 FL 6 G1 62 G2 6 G3 18 G4 12 G5 44 RM 4 SV 8 3P 4 % Death Due to CRR 9 6/5/2018 Industry, Texas Planted in Fall 2012 • Scion: Vitis spp. cv. ‘Blanc Du Bois’ • Cuero Loam • Soil pH: 8.2 • 2.7’ x 1.8m, Geneva Double Curtain 10 6/5/2018 Common Reported CRR Nematode Rootstocks Tolerance Resistance 1103 Paulsen Dogridge UCD GRN-1 Kober 5BB Salt Creek (Ramsey) UCD GRN-2 Teleki 5C Florilush UCD GRN-3 Own UCD GRN-4 UCD GRN-5 Pruning Weight (2014) 1.6 2014 P > f 1.4 0.01 1.2 A A A (kg) 1.0 A A A AB AB A 0.8 AB Weight 0.6 B 0.4 Pruning 0.2 0.0 G1 G3 DR G4 Own G2 G5 5C 3P 5B SC Rootstock 11 6/5/2018 Pruning Weight (2015) 1.6 2015 P > f 0.01 1.4 1.2 A (kg) 1.0 AB AB AB AB AB 0.8 AB B B Weight B 0.6 0.4 C Pruning 0.2 0.0 G1 G3 DR G4 Own G2 G5 5C 3P 5B SC Rootstock Soluble Solids (2015) 22 2015 P > f 0.05 21 20 (°Brix) AA 19 AB AB 18 AB Solids AC AC AC 17 BC BC Soluble 16 C 15 G3 DR G4 SC G5 5B 5C 3P G2 Own G1 Rootstock 12 6/5/2018 Juice pH (2015) 3.70 2015 P > f 0.05 3.60 3.50 A AB 3.40 AB AB AB pH AB AB AB B 3.30 B Juice 3.20 3.10 3.00 G3 5C SC 3P G5 G4 5B G1 G2 Own Rootstock Pruning Weight (2016) 1.6 P > f 0.01 A A 2016 1.4 A A A A 1.2 AB A (kg) AB 1.0 AB 0.8 Weight 0.6 0.4 B Pruning 0.2 0.0 G1 G3 DR G4 Own G2 G5 5C 3P 5B SC Rootstock 13 6/5/2018 Average Berry Weight (2016) 2.7 P > f 0.01 A A 2.5 A A A A AB AB AB (g) 2.3 2.1 B Weight 1.9 Berry 1.7 1.5 G5 SC 3P 5C 5B G2 DR G4 G3 Own Rootstock Average Cluster Weight (2016) 140 P > f 0.01 130 (g) A A AB 120 AB AC Weight 110 AC Cluster 100 AC AC BC 90 C 80 G5 SC 3P 5C 5B G2 DR G4 G3 Own Rootstock 14 6/5/2018 Projected Yield (2016) 4.5 A A P > f 0.01 4.0 A A AB 3.5 AB AB AB 3.0 AB 2.5 acre B / 2.0 Tons 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 3P DR SC G3 5C G4 5B G2 G5 Own Rootstock Soluble Solids (2016) 22 2016 P > f 0.01 21 A A 20 AC AC AC AC AC (°Brix) BC 19 BC 18 Solids C 17 Soluble 16 15 G3 DR G4 SC G5 5B 5C 3P G2 Own G1 Rootstock 15 6/5/2018 Juice pH (2016) 3.70 2016 P > f 0.05 3.60 A AB A AB AB AB AB 3.50 AB B 3.40 pH 3.30 Juice 3.20 3.10 3.00 G3 5C SC 3P G5 G4 5B G1 G2 Own Rootstock Titratable Acidity (2015‐2016) 9 a 2015 P > f 0.34 a 8 a ab 2016 P > f 0.03 ab 7 ab ab ab A A ab A A (g/L) A A A A 6 A A A b 5 Acidity 4 3 2 Titratable 1 0 Own5CG23PG5G3SCDR5BG4G1 Rootstock 16 6/5/2018 Same Variety, Same Day Photos Bri Hoge Emerging Varieties? 17 6/5/2018 Geographic Illusion “You know, we went to Bordeaux/Tuscany on vacation, and parts of Texas are exactly like that.
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