Astronomical Science STEP: The VST Survey of the SMC and the Magellanic Bridge Vincenzo Ripepi1 Time Observation survey being carried exploiting the large field of view (FoV) and Michele Cignoni2,3 out at the VLT Survey Telescope. STEP the high resolution of the OmegaCAM Monica Tosi3 will obtain homogeneous photometry instrument on the VLT Survey Telescope Marcella Marconi1 in the g-, r-, i- and Hα-bands over an (VST); see Ripepi et al. (2014) for a Ilaria Musella1 area of 74 square degrees covering the detailed presentation of the survey. The Aniello Grado1 main body of the Small Magellanic STEP survey is the optical complement to Luca Limatola1 Cloud (42 square degrees), the Bridge the VISTA Magellanic Cloud (VMC1) ESO Gisella Clementini3 that connects it to the Large Magellanic Public Survey (Principal Investigator [PI] Enzo Brocato4 Cloud (30 square degrees) and a small M.-R. Cioni), which is collecting Y, J and Michele Cantiello5 part of the Magellanic Stream (2 square Ks near-infrared photometry over an area Massimo Capaccioli6 degrees). Our photometry will allow us of about 184 square degrees covering Enrico Cappellaro7 to detect and measure the magnitudes the LMC, SMC and Bridge. STEP is part Maria-Rosa L. Cioni8,9 of individual stars well below the main of a large international effort aimed at Felice Cusano3 sequence turnoff of the oldest popula- studying in detail stellar populations, Massimo Dall’Ora1 tions. Here we describe the observing structure and evolution of the SMC, and Jay S. Gallagher10 strategy, the photometric techniques, based on photometric and spectroscopic Eva K. Grebel11 and the upcoming data products of the data acquired at the major international Antonella Nota2,12 STEP survey. Preliminary results for facilities (e.g., Hubble Space Telescope Francesco Palla13 the first two fields for which data acqui- [HST] and Very Large Telescope [VLT]). Donatella Romano3 sition is complete are also presented. Gabriella Raimondo5 The colour–magnitude diagram (CMD), Elena Sabbi2 containing stars born over the whole Fedor Getman1 Introduction lifetime of the galaxy, is a fossil record of Nicola R. Napolitano1 its SFH. Since the lookback time that Pietro Schipani1 The Local Group dwarf galaxies provide can be safely be investigated is of the Simone Zaggia7 an ideal laboratory for studying and test- order of the evolutionary time of the least ing galaxy formation theories and cos- massive main sequence (MS) star that mology. Their close proximity allows indi- can be resolved, deep CMDs are crucial 1 INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di vidual stars to be resolved, with accurate to detect Solar-like MS stars (corre- Capodimonte, Naples, Italy photometry and spectroscopy. (see e.g., sponding to the oldest MS turn-off with 2 Space Telescope Science Institute, Tolstoy et al., 2009). Their stellar popula- evolutionary times comparable with an Baltimore, USA tions can be characterised in detail and entire Hubble time). Although this is usu- 3 INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di their star formation histories (SFHs) ally the realm of HST (see e.g., Cignoni et Bologna, Italy derived. The Small Magellanic Cloud al., 2012; 2013), HST’s small FoV does 4 INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di (SMC) is the closest dwarf galaxy of late not allow a systematic study of the whole Roma, Italy morphological type; hence the best SMC. 5 INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di location for detailed studies of the prop- Teramo, Italy erties of this the most common class of With STEP we aim to investigate the stel- 6 Università Federico II, Naples, Italy galaxies. Its low chemical abundance lar populations of the SMC with CMDs 7 INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di (Z = 0.004) makes the SMC the best local up to 1–2 magnitudes fainter than the Padova, Italy counterpart to the large majority of dwarf turn-off (TO) of the oldest population (with 8 University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, irregulars and blue compact galaxies, sufficient photometric quality to reach a United Kingdom whose metallicity distribution is peaked 2 Gyr resolution for stars born 10 Gyr 9 Leibnitz-Institut für Astrophysik Pots- at this mean value. The SMC is also a ago), for a huge area including the entire dam, Germany member of the nearest group of interact- SMC and the Bridge as well. We also 10 University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA ing galaxies. In fact, it is tidally interacting intend to use classical variable stars (e.g., 11 Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, with its neighbours, the Large Magellanic RR Lyrae and Cepheid stars), as popu- Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Cloud (LMC) and the Milky Way. Investi- lation tracers in the relatively unexplored Heidelberg, Germany gating the signatures of these interactions region of the Bridge, and a spatially 12 European Space Agency, Space Tele- (the Bridge towards the LMC and the complete census (up to ~ 1 MA) of pre- scope Science Institute, Baltimore, Magellanic Stream) will allow us to con- main sequence (PMS) objects to investi- USA strain models of galaxy interaction. gate the first stages of star formation. 13 INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Hence the SMC is an ideal benchmark Arcetri, Firenze, Italy in the study of the effects of tidal interac- With these broad capabilities, the STEP tions on galaxy evolution. survey will allow us to answer the fol- lowing open questions: 1) What is the STEP (Small Magellanic Cloud in Time: We are carrying out the first deep and global SFH and age–metallicity relation Evolution of a Prototype interacting homogeneous photometric survey of the (AMR) of the SMC?; 2) Do field and star late-type dwarf galaxy) is a Guaranteed entire SMC body and of the Bridge by cluster components share the same 32 The Messenger 157 – September 2014 Figure 1. Map of STEP tiles (the two tiles centred in the direction of the Magellanic Stream are outside of the figure). To highlight the location of the SMC 2 body and of part of the Bridge, black dots indicate the position of known star clusters and associations (according to Bica et al. [2008]). The thick boxes correspond to the 1 square degree FoV of the VST tiles. Red boxes represent tiles whose observations are completed, green boxes those with completed ) time series photometry and blue boxes the remain- 0 4_6 ing ones. For comparison, thin grey boxes show (Deg the VMC tiles, whereas the HST fields are the small ) 3_7 cyan-filled circles (note that the true size of HST .0 fields is significantly smaller). The two tiles analysed 73 in this work (tiles 3_7 and 4_6) are highlighted with + δ filled red boxes. ( –2 tile and for each filter in the SMC body we obtain a couple of mosaics created by merging five dithered sub-images. We acquire a mosaic of short- and long- –4 exposure times in order to reach faint magnitudes, avoiding saturation for any –10–5 0 5 10 star. The time series images, on the (α–33.0) (Deg) contrary, consist of just one shot for each filter. For each tile we also obtain pairs SFH and AMR?; 3) Are there trends in of the RR Lyrae stars), with S/N of 100. of g, i (r, Hα) images during a photometric SFH connected with the interaction his- When summed, these images will allow night, in order to build up lists of second- tory of the SMC?; 4) How did the stellar us to reach g ~ 24 mag with S/N of 10. ary standards for the final photometric component of the Bridge form and what Originally, we planned to image the whole calibration (usually the scientific images is its SFH?; 5) What is the impact of Bridge with time series. However, the are taken in non-photometric conditions, metallicity on PMS accretion and on the overheads proved to be too high and we to increase the probability of execution — global properties of star formation? decided to cover the remaining Bridge see Table 2). fields without time series. STEP tiles are placed so as to maximise the overlap STEP observing strategy with the VMC survey (Cioni et al., 2011). Observations and data reduction In order to address the questions listed The STEP observing strategy is reported The VST (built by the INAF–Osservatorio above, we proposed, and have obtained, in Table 1, whereas Table 2 shows the Astronomico di Capodimonte, Naples, part of the VST Guaranteed Time Obser- constraints for our observations. For each Italy) is a 2.6-metre-wide field optical sur- vation (GTO) allocation by ESO to the vey telescope (Capaccioli & Schipani, Italian Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica Table 1. Observing strategy of the STEP survey 2011) sited on Paranal. The telescope is (INAF) in return for the procurement of (e.g., 5 × 25 s means five dithered exposures of equipped with OmegaCAM, a 1-square- the telescope. With STEP we aim at 25 s each). degree camera built by a consortium of acquiring g, r, i and H photometry for European institutes (Kuijken, 2011). The α Period T (g) T (i) 72 square degrees covering the whole exp exp camera is a 32 CCD, 16 k × 16 k detector 88–90 5 × 25 s; 5 × 25 s; SMC body, the Bridge and 2 square 5 × 520 s 5 × 520 s mosaic with 0.214 arcseconds per pixel degrees of the Magellanic Stream down 91–93 5 × 25 s; 5 × 25 s; scale. to a limiting magnitude (on the AB sys- 10 × 300 s 10 × 300 s tem) of g ~ 24 mag with signal-to-noise Photometric calibration STEP observations started in late 2011 (S/N) of 10 and Hα photometry to ~ 22.5 88–93 1 × 45 s 1 × 45 s during ESO Period 88 and are currently mag with S/N of 5.
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