B"H DAY-TO-DAY HALACHIC GUIDE CHANUKAH 5779 Includes Hei Teves and Tenth of Teves From the Badatz of Crown Heights _____________ $3.00 Suggested Donation • daytodayguide.com בס"ד ניתן לראות ולשמוע GET THE 'ONE MINUTE את ההלכה היומית she remained faithful to her husband; by virtue of her admission to wrongdoing when she could easily HALACHA' DAILY בלה"ק: have lied, she has ne’emanus (trustworthiness) or, טלפון: WHEN A BRACHAH ON FOOD CALL (347) 696-7802. Archives can .841 alternatively, zechus hata’anah (the right to argue also be accessed there (#3). 347.696.7802 )ארכיון MAY NOT COUNT )#3 U T E H A בא"י: in her own] defense). On the strength of either of 972.] I should have realized a free chocolate bar would EMAIL [email protected] I N L M A C אימייל .these grounds, her testimony is irrefutably accepted make problems... Now I’m stuck: I recited the brachah “subscribe” to receive the day's E H A שלח אימייל עם בקשה *It should be noted that in the case of kinui, the laws of stirah one minute Halacha audio, video N O להרשם לכתובת of shehakol, but as I was about to take a bite, I glanced are much stricter than the normal parameters of yichud; at the package and instead of the usual hechsher, I & text. [email protected] exclusions such as ba’alah ba’ir (her husband is in town) D אתר: VISIT www.halacha2go.com to see T see the small “not for individual sale” warning. So H O or pesach pasuach (an open doorway [to the public]) do not A A G S the video, text and archives. www.halacha2go.com LA A2 what do I do? I know a brachah l’vatalah (a blessing I CH A L C וואטסאפ: apply. For halachic guidance on regular yichud issues, see Y D B R O A תוסיף מספר Halachah #55, Halachah #212, Halachah #658, Halachah #679 said in vain) is a biggie. And the chocolate might WHATSAPP Add 1 (347) 456-5665 1.347.456.5665 לרשימת אנשי הקשר שלך and Halachah #711. actually be kosher, if only I could have verified the to your contacts then send a ושלח לשם בקשה ל'מנוי'. .(kosher symbol on the big box this complimentary WhatsApp “subscribe” (video only snack came in. Hashem’s holy name versus a possible Note: This is not an endorsement to have or use a device with internet connection. issur* of kashrus: which lapse trumps the other? 840. A LAST-MINUTE MAARIV The best option in this case is to reject the food— ONE n Order of Davening MINUTE לעילוי נשמת :It is a mitzvas aseh (a positive Biblical even spit out any unswallowed morsel—and say COMING UP Shabbos הוו״ח זיסא Motzai בן onציון בן הוו״ח לוי ע״ה ליבערמאן commandment) to recite the Shema both in the “Baruch shem k’vod malchuso l’olam va’ed” (Blessed evening and in the morning. The ideal time for saying be His honored Majesty’s Name forever and ever—a n A Non-Jew as Mohel? 24-hour Rule נפטר n Theח״י כסלו ת. נ. צ. ב. ה. the evening Shema is during Ma’ariv (the evening statement that is a form of apology for having HALACHA נתרם ע״י ולזכות משפחתו ?Mohel שי׳n A Non-Jew as prayer); Shema and Ma’ariv should be recited uttered the Holy Name in vain). There are several n Davening Do-over בס"ד immediately after tzes hakochavim (nightfall, reasons why saying “baruch shem…” is preferable to n Names in Seforim When in Doubt literally, when stars emerge)—halachically defined consuming the food in this situation: according to DC as the time when three kochavim ketanim (minor many opinions, this statement can actually rectify Wishing all toshavei hashchuna BAMIDBAR | 5777 לעילוי נשמת ַא פריילאכן חנוכה! ,stars) are visible to the naked eye in the night sky. the transgression of saying Hashem’s name in vain (VOL 3 | ISSUE 20 (122 מרים pיענטאh oחי' S בת akeהרה"ח Bר' stonאברהם ingשמואל Kאלטר ע"ה A person who is delayed from reciting the evening while eating something that might be not kosher has נפטרה ר"ח סיון תנש"א no such immediate fix. Additionally, it can be argued DC380 LifeKINGSTON & Health AVE. בס"ד Shema at the optimal time may still do so until [email protected], NY 11225 -467-2047ולעילוי TEL. 718נשמת chatzos halaylah (midnight; the sixth halachic hour that the brachah isn’t considered l’vatalah, since הרה"ח ר' נתן יהושע זעליג בן הרה"ח ר' יחזקאל ע"ה after sunset). This deadline was established l’harchik at the time when the bracha was recited it was for Ice Cream /נפטר ט"ז Bakery / סיון Bar תשמ"טa specific purpose—when the person recited it, they Café / Sushi adam min ha’aveirah (to spare a person from B / Lunchake Shop ת.נ.צ.ב.הtransgressing), to avoid a cavalier attitude toward did not realize that the food might not be kosher. KingsBreakfastton Espresso, Latte, Cappuccino the obligation to recite the Shema in its correct time. Another facet of the dilemma rests on the food itself. נתרםAVE. Shakes ע"י KINGSTON & Milk ולזכות 380בנם Smoothies If it is indeed non-kosher, we are actually forbidden— BROOKLYN, NY 11225 הרה"ח הרה"ת ר' Ice-2047 Cream -467יחזקאל TEL.& Hard 718 אליהו Softוזוגתו גיטל לאה However, b’dieved (post facto—i.e., chatzos has ומשפחתם Hours שיחיו Storeסטאליק passed) a person may recite the Shema until alos according to many opinions—to recite a brachah Café / Sushi Bar / Bakery / Ice Cream hashachar (dawn, “the rising of the morning [sun’s on it, so eating the food would not correct it in any Sunday - Thursday 6 am - 6 pm FridayPlease Summer partner with6 am - 5 us pm case, and saying “baruch shem…” is the safer course. FridayBreakfast Winter / Lunch6 am - 2 pm rays]”), after which the time for reciting Ma’ariv in teaching Torah to thousands of Yidden a day. Finally, by making a decision to eat the food when Espresso,Closed Latte, Saturday Cappuccino and the Shema has passed. Someone who is an anus Eat In and Take Out For sponsorships,Smoothies & dedications, Milk Shakes and ads (“forced”) due to unavoidable circumstances—for its kosher status cannot be verified, the transgressor We Deliver (347) 465-7703Soft or & email Hard [email protected] Cream example, one who is too drunk to daven before alos is actively committing a possible wrongdoing, while Kingston Bake Shop is known for the best quality and highest standard. Under the Rabbinical SupervisionStore Hours of the Beth Din of Crown Heights THE WEEK IN REVIEW hashachar—should nevertheless say the Shema refraining from eating food on which a brachah was Kol Yaldei Yisroel: 718.569.7500 Sunday - Thursday 6 am - 6 pm and Ma’ariv until netz hachamah (sunrise—when recited would at this point constitute—at most—a Friday Summer 6 am - 5 pm Delivered by Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Friday Winter 6 am - 2 pm the sun is visible on the horizon). In this case, the passive, unintended transgression. KeterClosed Car Saturday Service shlita , Mara D’asra and member of the tefillah (prayer) of Hashkivenu (“Put us to sleep…”) *The rationale that holds true for the unmarked chocolate bar 718-644-4444Eat In and Take Out We Deliver Badatz of Crown Heights would equally apply to all levels of unconfirmed should not be said, since it is limited to the time ma’acholos Kingston Bake Shop is known for the best quality and highest standard. when people normally go to sleep. There is also a asuros (forbidden consumables) or any possible food Under the Rabbinical Supervision of the Beth Din of Crown Heights machlokes haposkim (a halachic dispute) whether contraventions, for example, making a brachah on a milchig (dairy) snack within six hours of eatingfleishig (meat) or food Please note that these halachos apply in general situations. In Shemoneh Esreh (the nineteen blessings [of the or drink on a ta’anis tzibbur (public fast day). unique circumstances, a different halacha may apply. If you are silent Amidah]) of Ma’ariv may be recited at this unsure whether the halacha applies to your particular situation, Advertising in the One Minute Halacha does not necessarily constitute a Badatz please consult a Rov מסיבות טכניות, נשמטו ה"מראי מקומות וציונים" מגליון זה, ואתכם הסליחה. .time Now featuring a new food and wine menu! Meat, Poultry endorsement of products or services. & Catering H Casual dining dairy restauraunt 265 Troy ave משגיח תמידי Brooklyn NY 11213 ש. ליובאוויטש 415 Troy Ave • 347-770-4048 917.633.6770 Free Delivery WWW.CHBUTCHER.COM Chmozzarella.com DAY-TO-DAY HALACHIC GUIDE Detailed instructions on the laws and customs for the days of Chanukah 5779 Includes the Laws and Customs of Hei Teves and Tenth of Teves _____________ Distilled from a series of public shiurim delivered by Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun shlita member of the Badatz of Crown Heights Note: The times listed below are for Crown Heights only. Many factors influence the calculation of zmanim (halachic times) and it is not possible to achieve complete precision. It is therefore recommended to begin earlier than the time listed and not wait until the last minute (e.g., for the start of Shabbos), or to wait extra time when that is the appropriate precaution (e.g., the close of Shabbos). The basic laws and customs presented below are derived from multiple sources. Due to a dearth of space and time they are presented without their references and halachic notes.
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