'srelseJEqJ ',{lsnor,rerd ,reu luecgru8rseuros Surpnlcu lnq pere,rol s:etcEJEqJluuuodtul ssa[eqlJo eruosSuqlluo 'suondrrcsep 'suorldFcsep ;euq sa^r8 osl€ lI seruqSurltn:; pua Suue,{1ouqloq seleclpulpuu leltqeq 'suauJlceds pus suorlnqqsp pcrqdurSoa8pesr,ter solt8 ^\ou Jo uoqcelese seltr roded luelnJ ell 'uoqres 'Duaopra,a;1 eqlJoux?l [p o1,(e1elqegerarou e 3upt,'rordol uolllppeul l r:s 3o s:rrads agl ol uonr?lerur s,4e1:reql ur stJeJeplutJglu8ls o^uq (066I e,{d) lunocJs ,,ltllsJlsnv Jo €rold,, eql pu€ (8861e,{d) uorsr^alaql qloq'l€lncluBd uI slueuueeJlJ3ITJBo ur s:o::e Suqca:rocse lla.,l\ sD'Elep,,r\au JaqloeteJodroour pu? EXel,treu o,,trl aql epnlcut o1dnor8 1uuldstql;o uorst,rarltruouoxel eq1salepdn radvdsrql erle4sny tualseidJolsa,t-qlnosaql ol tlutepue dnot?salcadse'ouaolot lrllruoqces uI Bx€1 "uuauo ,reu o,,[lJo sueturcedsetuos eJu xe IoS ? s)Iueg,alautdJo suollJJlloJlueral aql Suoruy '€xal uerpJlsnv IlletseiN eql uo uorloturoJul^'\eu ollll '(0661 .{:e,rSurppu 1nq uorsr^er aqt tIIo4 €l€p pelJelesSuluesard e.(d) p3qsllqndsE^\ eBet€oelou,{t{I 'uoIsIAeJ aql Jo slequleruustleJlsnv llu JoJluerul€aJl eJoU € uEIIE]lsnVuelsai[ otl .Ie$] s:ee,(o,tr1 lnoqy',(3o1orq:raqt;ostcedsu:eqtof,ueruSoe:ntctdpelrclapuoruepapt,rordpueexeleql;o,{ueur;o se8uuJlulqd€J8oe8 u^\ou{ eql pasrarJu.ra,req suorurceds luuonrppu osaqJ HIUgd le pete.lofuof,uI 'o8u ueeqea.eq,(Irue; aqtlo sueurtcadspuesnoql € le^o lle,t\pue epulu uaeq e,\eq suollcelloJ ,teu ,4uEtu sleef uo^ole peqsllqnd se.,lr(8861 a,{X) euacueeleufqJ u€ITu.IlsnVurelsoldJo uolsl^al aql mulS uolpnpoJlul 'passntslp 'puaopraQH sI uoqcaseqt;o dtqs.Ioqlneeql puc lxes lo 'paltJlsnlll sJaquraupeusu IIeJo; paprlo.rderu faq u puesuopdJ:cseq aJ€ux?l eolql eseqJ suoDJalloc ,tra;,&e,r uro.ryu,rou)l Jo patcutse: ,{lpcrqdeJSo38^ra^ Jaqlle eJE,{eqt s? 'fluoud uolle^JesuoJ 'dsqls qlrA exul uull€Jlsnv urelser^AJo lsITlPIJl.JJo aql uo pepnltul ore eAdDqnllSuol otDll!J oapwd osp pu? pxEl,^deueqtSo qlog sarcadsqnslecrd,{t-uou o,rrg pue sercadsg l ot uoDresaql ul pazIuSoJeJ '4 'ExEl raqrunu1e1o1aql SuISuuq'peuruu ere'e,(X ltslaaan dsqnsaasot pue aKAoaLbloau oaPwtd ^\au oiAI epeceplsel aq1Surrnp palelnuncJp a^EqlEqt utep epnlcuro1 palepdn sI (ePecEeBlotu,{ql) 'qlueg '13es ( lpug) ouaoptapH oapwrd Jo,{ruouox€teqJ (666I) Z6l-6SI :(l) €l I2rsr{rN EXEI '(eseaca€lauIqJ) '1'g 'afa ,reu o,rl Surpnlcur ru app,talaH'lx"s oapw!d Jo uorsr^etpetepdn uy lJEJlsqv 'arua3 'iOl €869 pJlnrlsnvuratsaA fue^rlec ,{.llucg 3Eg pe)t.o't 'luotua8Eu?IAl 'unlrlqreH puE'l puE uoltE^resuoJJo lueuuedac ucll?rsny uretsel\ e,(U 'I g Bxel areuo^|l SulpnlJu! '(aeeeeaelaru,{q I) DuaDlorataH'prs oalau4dlo uolsl^ar palBpdn uv (666t)Z6r69t:(t)€t rrsri(,?N Nu)rria Vol. 13, No. I (1999) Methods All measurementsof morphologicalcharacten were madefrom dried specimens.Only the larger leavesand stamensoneach specimenwere measured. Wherepossible, anther colour ilnd seedcharacters have beenadded to the descriptionsofeach taxon,but thesecharacters should be treatedwith caution asthere irreoften few specimenswith matureseeds and anthercolour is sometimesbased on very few records. Conservationstatus has only been included fbr taxa warranting inclusion as Dcclared Rare or Priodty Flora or known from few localitics. All othertaxa are known trom at leastl5 localities,usually includingnature reserves, and do notappear to beat dsk atpresent. An explanationofthe conservation codesapplied to the Western Australian flora is given at the cnd 01'cachNrJ)l,ri.l issue. A few PERTH specimenswere selectedfor citation under each taxon. Thesc arc mainly recent collcctions,mostly from ncw localitics,or oldcrspccimcns that have only recentlybeen incorporated or reidentilied. Distribution mapshave beenupdated, with eachsymbol rcprescntingthc occurcnce of thc taxonin a quartcrdcgrcc latitudc by a quartcrdcgrcc longitude area. Sectiondescription Pimelea sect.Heterolaena (Endl.) Benth.(Bentham 1873:8). - Pirneleab. HeterolqenaEruJl. (Endlichcr 1837: 33l). - Pineleu sect.Pimeleq las Eultimelea non. invul.l $ Heteroluena (EncJl.) Meisn.(Meisncr 185'7:49'7). Banksia sect. Hcterolaerurlas Hcterocla?r(l (Endl.)O. Kuntzc(Post & Kuntze( 1903:59). Type:Pinelea roscaR. Br., lectotypc,./i.1cRyc ( 1988:227). HeterolaenaC.A. Mey. (Fischer,Meyer & Ave-Lallemant1845: 47-48). Type: Hcteroluenu spectabilis(Lindl.) Fisch. & C.A. Mey. l= Pimeleq "pectabilisLindl.l. Very srnalltotallslra}.r orrarelysmall trces,of'ten with a lignotuber3 l5 mm diam.;stelnslargely glabrousbut with smalltufts of whiteto terruginousor rcddishhairs associatcd with thcaxillary buds in at lcastthe uppennostaxils below eachinflorescence. ,e.rr?J opposite-decussate,very shortly petiolateto sessife.Inflorescence ercct or somelimespendulous, usually globular, head-like, the short pedicelsbeing concealed; involucral bracts usually 4, sessile,glabrous outsidc orrarcly vrith a few hairs towardsbase; pedicels densely covered by longhairs, together with therecaptacle forming a 11atdisc- like lo narowly conic structure that persistsafter the involucral bracts and fruits have bccn shed. Flowers largc or medium-sized,bisexual or rarely f-emale,protandrous, white to deep pink or palc yellow,hairy outside, glabrous inside orwith hairsrestricted to thcthroatand sep s. Florultubewith longhairs (usually mixed with muchshorter hairs) occurring above or on upperpart ofthe swollenbase, glabrousat extrcne base,the whole tube and attached floral partspersistcnt in liuit in mosttaxa, but theupperhalfshed in two taxa.Ovaryglabrous. Frrltdry, shedenclosed in thebase ofthe floraltube, thewall usuallygreen and flexible atfirst, sometimes becoming hard. Seednarrowly to broadlyovoid and very slightly to distinctly compressed,somewhat lop-sided as the apexis recurvedtowards abaxial surfacel exocarp and endocarpmembranous, reticulate-patterned, white to goldcn brown and oficn translucentor becomingtransparent, the exocarp usually golden brown along abaxial line; mesocarp hard and brittle, very finely reticulate,black. CotyLedons(where knourn) narrow. Noles. Cunently 15 speciesare recognizedin sect.Heterolaena, all from the south-westof Westen Australia. Most plants are single-sternmedat the base but mature plants are generally capablc of resproutingfrom a lignotuber afterfire orother damageto the main stem,resulting in a multi-stemmed 7 oJlurpuc elrssesqr'rssrsqlur :es0qUello,1\s cql uo sJnlqpcxcLl3J Ol csJo.lloj qll\\ lo'estq Uello,\\scql ol PatJllli^?J)^Si)l Io cJotusllrq e8jf,leql qltm.1o'asrorlurol pass^ojddrsJrlq IIr qtr,\\3qrl JeJoU:alrssrJs(unJrJ s.re^\oll :Jprsur ,{Jnrq ,{11n1rsotule i^trrJq luJnlo^rrr :pe^rnJursur8ruru -tna1 :ureql fursscssod uxr4 neg aqt SurqstnBuqsrp ur Jli.Iosnerl os pLlr,Du)t)l(rrataH ]Jos ur rrounlrotun Fle,tttule: erc srelJr:uqJ flur^\o1o.lcrtJ 'aurl lrql tr lurrcleur3u11rnr.J oJnlr,'urJo a8uuorlsolncr oqi 1o osnu:rcc1 ,{lurpur (gg6l e,{)l) uolsr^ci Jqt ulo{ poll ruo ale,\\s.tol)t,.ntqJ cseLII:-orJcdsolscrJidsruo.rj,{llurJrJruBrs.re.l.;rpuot;o,(crptnq'sueurroadscrpuolucsc.rdslrn.gclryay cJnlnlr ruoplesorr eroqlosnr..q slctJBJtql(c1 ,{.ruur.rd sr po:-ncq lourruJ sJltJcluqi lrru1 prnl pcos -sl)Jascrnltttl pctuLucx? 's4r.l4Jr.fu prtl oq q)rq,r J{).1txcl o^\l ^luo iql ,1 puo litutinttaf ,7 rrr suopol,{tormo.utru pclroclc.r 'suopol^tor (LL8l ) tucqtucg pu't ProJqo^rq sdnorilsoncds iillto cruoscyrqn suopol,{1oc mtr.r.ruu alni,rlt,uiDlo.ratiH ur pcouldcq sorrcds-oqt lrrJtpcluJrpur (gi8l)jcfot! Jcqun.lporpnts Jq plnoq:- yrrl:ltn:rr.;ru3r"- oq ,{uurcdcrls rropcl{1oo tnq ,{pnls srq urpcunucxc ucoq tou c^uqsfurlprcs 3uno1 'sJoqtrn 'luuJNttt LLnrJrJ.ro^\o11c,( o,rtq r;xr1 ,lro; ll 1rq pcl.rpur u,\\orqorlroJiq rrarl.lo tlorqm's:orpucoiuu.ro o,r.lq rxr:1 oq;.;o,{rnN lc,rol.lur o:-polltoloJ {llrlt.rucl prn:pnqut qst.rollo,{.ro ,s.ro,ro1g )urd u.tlo.Ju rxut polo,rl)l.loIq,\\ ^ltrntLll[lopcJdsll]clos crll.lo ctpl.nls recldn ctll c.r uoclo or111ockrl orp Lrroil olqrsr^ noloJ tuuurruopc.rclcqy o1 ,{luo.rclo.r lnolot lc,\\o11.1o suorlclr.rl.-o6 moloq .{1trol1lsolucl olrl-trr.rq1rq,\\oLrros 'pt'otq o,lrt r;1r,n uoql put.llcl olSursn ur,{lo.llti.ro,^\oloqslolllq rqt ro; rro,lrBsuorldl.rr:-op aqt ur pJpnloutlou pulls.rJrlto oq1 urrll clrl-.lllcJc.lotl ,{11tnsns1llq.;o.rrrtl lso(r.rJlnocqt qtr,r uiqt lrq:^rud ccrlll ur,{lluuorsrl;ro's:rudom1 ur {11lnsnoL| slllIq I|lJnlo^ul 'sorp:ounq.rc8.rr1cql.ro; 'r'4irir1l.rrls..7.1o piz rlurJcds cq J.!o.JoJoql ,{uru l)uc slo,lroLJ c8.n:1 ,{1.n:ynolprd seq qorq,n srrorlulndocl o,r1 'lrr.fo./ 3urlrsr,rscr:rcdscuo1tut,uauta'ruta.1,1-lo Ltonulndod u 3ur1rsr,l s3rtcds lnoj drstil DtDtllJ D)l)u (! 'Dudt)lo.tataH .lo uorllJndodu 3ur1rsr,rpoproccr cjo,r setUlaDnqJo sctocdsccrql tJcsJo s.lequriul corqllosraMo[luror.lSurpaelserll.rlttnq.JoscrJcds-xrsJo|r1oll]poploJcJ(S/61)ficqSrcy.conulrodur lo eq oslirlqBtut stpour qinoqlyr'scrgropnq ,{q ,{lunuud pclrurlyodaq o1.n:cclclr ,{cq1 srcsoqo.rd J.rpuoJs-Suol I qtr,\\slocsUr ol elqtsseJ.usr lPrll leltau Irsrq pLlltJqnt lcpuals SuoJ D e^rq s.tiA\oLIIJV 'riPf;oJq us o 'c1,{ts ttui r1seq qtr,r peyesxe ,{11ucutruold orou pur cqnllerog leuoqs I a^rq ol pualos 1c ,{e q1 --1udcs 'slueurl;lr cql uf,qlJeuoqs Suraq ,{1qcr.rr,rur sepoururcls cq} } Jeuorlsuo s:eqlura^rpoqe 1luurs Sur,luq ur seuoIrnxcsrq rql ruorlra-llrp sJiA\olJ cJErueJ sJa^\oU Ienxasrq 01 ,{luo Jo.lcJ sLrESlo JcloL} to slc^\oUJo .sa1t1s ,no1cqsuoqducsap 1lV scuolunxesrqeql qlrm uosurdruoo ur olrrcJt; ste,ro1J _lo sluu 1d cpuag lnq qloq-]ouorlEurquoc e JosnorJ?ouoruou,{3 JosnorJ?orpou,{3 sepaprnSej cq plnocexrl eqllo tsor\J 'suen elcrpcrurelureqt ur lou lnq opouaql.]o slrxu cqt Jo qcte a,roqr,{1lecq.ta,r Surpualxc dr.r1s u ur 'sepourelur 3uu:ncco aql uo s:n?qosF c.reareql ,{1a:r: fren pnq ,{JrJlrxpoqt qlrd\palercossr? sJrpq oAEq fllunsn slrxe lsoru:eddneq1 ereq,r ecuacsaJoUutqJEe Jeeu ldacxr snorqulS,{lpnsn 3le suets qnlqs .l){U DuaDplataH tlas o?ta11\d1o uorsr,rarp:lepdn uV I g ir'llJljil] Vol. 13, No. I (1999) KeY to sPeciesand subspecies Drawing up a reliable key for this speciesgroup is difficult becauseof the great valiability of the more useful characterswithin someofthe taxa. There may be occasionalatypical specimenswhich will not key successfullyon all charactersfor a pafticular lead Excluding the newly discovered Pimelea neokyrea, all species belonging to Pimelea secl.
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