Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands: Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011– 2020 Photo.: Per Arnesen Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands: Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011– 2020 Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 5 Table of content PREFACE 7 1. INTRODUCTION 9 1.1. A region is opening up 9 1.2. Joint strategy for the Arctic 10 2. A PEACEFUL, SECURE AND SAFE ARCTIC 13 2.1. Basis for peaceful cooperation with emphasis on the UN’s Convention on the Law of the Sea 13 2.2. Enhanced maritime safety 16 2.3. Exercising of sovereignty and surveillance 20 3. SELF-SUSTAINING GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 23 3.1. High standards for the exploitation of mineral resources 24 3.2 Exploitation of renewable energy potential 30 3.3. Sustainable exploitation of living resources 31 3.4. Stronger integration in international trade 33 3.5. Knowledge-based growth and development 35 3.6. Arctic cooperation on health and social coherence 40 4. DEVELOPMENT WITH RESPECT FOR THE ARCTIc’s VULNERABLE CLIMATE, ENVIRONMENT AND NATURE 43 4.1. Improved understanding of the consequences of climate change in the Arctic 43 4.2. Protecting the environment and biodiversity 45 5. CLOSE COOPERATION WITH OUR INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS 49 5.1. Global solutions to global challenges 49 5.2. Enhanced regional cooperation 52 5.3. Bilateral safeguarding of the Kingdom´s interests 54 6. IMPLEMENTATION AND FOLLOW-UP 57 Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 7 Preface The Kingdom of Denmark is centrally It is our common objective that the Arctic The Kingdom is already a vigorous and located in the Arctic. The three parts of and its current potential must be devel- important actor in the strategically vital the Realm – Denmark, Greenland and the oped to promote sustainable growth and international cooperation on the future of Faroe Islands – share a number of values social sustainability. This development the Arctic and in that connection attaches and interests and all have a responsibil- must take place firstly to the benefit of the great importance to creating transparency ity in and for the Arctic region. The Arctic inhabitants of the Arctic and go hand in in and understanding for cooperation. makes up an essential part of the com- hand in safeguarding the Arctic’s environ- mon cultural heritage, and is home to part ment. In the Kingdom’s strategy for the Arctic of the Kingdom’s population. 2011- 2020, the Government, the Govern- With new opportunities come new chal- ment of the Faroes and the Government The Kingdom and its populations have lenges. The Arctic has to be managed in- of Greenland have set out the most impor- over several hundred years developed ternationally on the basis of international tant opportunities and challenges as we modern and sustainable societies based principles of law to ensure a peaceful, see them today and in the near future. On on democratic principles. The develop- secure and collaborative Arctic. that basis we have defined our common ment has affected all sectors of society - political objectives for the Arctic. from education, health and research to the The purpose of this strategy is, on the environment, trade and shipping. At the basis of an already strong engagement in We will – through close cooperation in the same time, huge and sweeping changes the Arctic, to reinforce the foundation Kingdom and with our international part- are taking place today in the Arctic. Due to for appropriate cooperation on the many ners - work towards the common overall climate change and technological develop- new opportunities and challenges that goal of creating a peaceful, prosperous and ments, vast economic potential is becom- the Arctic is facing. sustainable future for the Arctic. ing more accessible. For the Government of Denmark For the Government of the Faroes For the Government of Greenland Lene Espersen Kaj Leo Holm Johannesen Kuupik Kleist Photo: Silje Bergum Kinsten / norden.org Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 9 1. Introduction 1.1. A REGION especially change the basis of the Arctic through the Suez Canal. Furthermore, cli- IS OPENING UP inhabitants’ lifestyles and the indigenous mate change could provide access to new One of the most significant global issues Arctic peoples’ culture. Moreover, the har- fishing grounds in the Arctic where rising over the past 10 years is the vast changes vesting of living resources plays a pivotal sea temperatures can pull fisheries to- in the Arctic region. The world has again role in the Arctic, and changes for example wards the North. Commercial opportunities turned its attention to the Arctic, this time in fish stock productivity and distribution in the Arctic are enormous, not least for the mainly because of the climate effects in is of great importance to the economy. Greenland, Faroese and Danish industries, the Arctic, the economic potential of the Glaciers in the Arctic and the Greenland ice which to a great extent already possess the region, and the geopolitical implications sheet increasingly contribute to the global skills that will be far more in demand with of changes in the Arctic. The political, eco- rise in sea levels, and changes and dynam- the development of the Arctic region. nomic and social development is already ics in Arctic systems are crucial to global underway, including the flourishing of climate trends. Thus, they are of particular Overall we can expect a multi-faceted advanced democratic societies, and the significance for the adaptation to climate boom in activities in the Arctic over the future of the Arctic will be radically differ- change on a global scale and thereby also coming decades. New opportunities and ent from the reality we know today. for the entire Kingdom. Increased eco- challenges must be handled proactively nomic activity and renewed geopolitical - with care, with long-term accountability Warming in the Arctic is occurring faster interest in the Arctic results in a number of and with respect for the Arctic societies, than anywhere else on the planet, and the key challenges to ensuring a stable, peace- the rights of Arctic indigenous peoples, the average temperature in the Arctic has sur- ful and secure region characterized by dia- passed all previous measurements in the logue, negotiation and cooperation. first decade of the 21st century. Sea ice has FACTS ABOUT THE ARCTIC been shrinking, and the melting of Green- Climate change and technological develop- land’s ice sheet and other Arctic ice caps ments are also opening new possibilities for The Arctic covers more than a sixth of will contribute more and more to the rise in the Arctic. Among them is increased access the Earth’s total land mass plus the global sea levels. Climate change has major to the exploitation of oil, gas and minerals, Arctic Ocean which the Arctic coastal implications for the global, regional and lo- but also new shipping routes which can states border. Unlike Antarctica, which cal climatic and environmental conditions reduce costs and CO2 emissions by freight also has relatively low temperatures and requires decisive global action. between the continents. It is estimated year round, the Arctic region is popu- that the Arctic may contain up to 30% of lated by people, including more than The Arctic and the global community are the world’s undiscovered gas resources and 30 different indigenous peoples such presented with both new challenges and about 10% of undiscovered oil resources, as the Inuit who originate from the new opportunities. and that ships sailing between East Asia Thule culture. The Arctic has a unique and Western Europe could save more than wildlife, largely associated with the Climate change poses new challenges to 40% in transportation time and fuel costs sea, including marine mammals such the peoples of the Arctic and puts pressure by navigating the northern sea lanes north as seals, whales and walruses. on the natural environment. Warming will of Siberia rather than the southern route 10 Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 Arctic climate and the environment. The authorities. The Kingdom thus comprises management, climate policy, environmen- basis for the future of the Arctic is being significant political diversity and also ac- tal policy and preservation of its cultural created now, and the Kingdom must play a commodates cultural differences. heritage is a model of inspiration for many key role in the future international coopera- of the world’s indigenous peoples. This tion that lies ahead. The Kingdom’s Arctic strategy intends situation constitutes an essential element no change in the power-sharing that ex- in the Kingdom’s international efforts to ists between Denmark, the Faroe Islands promote indigenous rights and aspirations. 1.2. JOINT STRATEGY and Greenland, including responsibility for Denmark and Greenland will continue FOR THE ARCTIC policy areas taken over and their funding. constructive cooperation to strengthen The Kingdom consists of three parts - Den- Regardless of these individual distinctions, indigenous peoples’ rights to control their mark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland the Kingdom has a common interest in own development and their own political, - and, by virtue of Greenland, is centrally addressing the challenges and utilising economic, social and cultural situation. located as a coastal state in the Arctic. the opportunities arising from the Arctic This involves specific rights and obliga- region’s rapidly changing conditions and It is a central goal of Greenland, the Faroe tions in the region. Today, both the Faroe growing interest from the world. One of the Islands and Denmark that decisions re- Islands and Greenland have extensive self- areas Greenland has taken over is mineral garding management and utilisation of re- government and the division of legislative resources.
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