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" that being faithful to Jesus and his message can bring to ! my life. I pray for my family and friends that Jesus can be 4& 2/ M2 for us the source of unity rather than division. ! ! M +! (#! 0&+ 8 /M3 1 1 ! 4& 1 +/ M&&E2 /! ! ,-.! ! !" +1 2? /M6F% 2 +! ? ()!12 ! /M& G !! ! ! IIIIIIIIII - 1- !!!! ! ! ! " #$% & ! !' ( ! ! !"#$%&'() ! ! U A ! ) += - V +V - /V / ) + V + # 1)+ -)' ) ) - - ' V U B +B+ + ) /V "+ ) / ) !#4+% - & 4 = = Bb4 = V =b4 = 4 b ! + -= += -+="+ B' = +)+-= B +- + + )L# ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Knights of Columbus Council #3644 are selling The Knights Corner re-usable Discount Cards. The cards are $20 each and can be Council #3644 – MSH – Wallington used over and over again (one discount per person, per visit, per card). The card expires January 15, 2020. To purchase, please call or text Jack Davis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ome and Celebrate with us Father Marcin’s Big 40th Birthday Party!!! in Great Hall on September 7th. For more information and tickets, !"##$%& ! please contact the parish rectory at E 2 8 " F ; 8 / 8 " 1 973-778-7405. " F& 811 " R ? 8 8 " F !! ! "#$ ; 2 N50M " O A G" 7 1C R A @ N$$M2 " " R 7 " 7" 7 1 N$0M" " ? "8 ? R 8 2 O7 " -" A 1 P / 88 FD A 1@! 8 (F C O P!F /1 -" 2 !F? @ " " 7 " 7" "F?G @? " ? J " '()*+, 2 @ @ " A2 & " 1 8 1 " 1" " " 7" F-" 8 2 / 8 8 " F 8 1 0% D &A # % ' 8 1C R A 8 " F2 2"" 88 0 " " @ 8 8 4 2 2" $5F1 G" 18 FS Q% Q 8 " 12" 18 1" 7 $5;:)4;):: 8@8 & +/ #& '6 8+ / 2 F $5;:5;9)()F ! 0 ! V = = B 4B b 4 VB!B " M V # V# $% & $ R ' ()*+,() ` 1 $ P - V B#= %& V' . - /- #0 ()VB UB b b V B! " '- # " b L - ,$, $ , B , ) )L )' (Bb) /0#12 B"# 3 )B'/ $#% V'4B b )'5 B ) ) B4 ()*34563)544 () ' V4 V VB ! ! Zapraszamy na Imprezę Urodzinową Naszego Kochanego Księdza Marcina "#$a&" bL * &b=*&#=#B-= która odbędzie się 7ego Września w Wielkiej Sali " #. /! # &$= -&$ Po bilety oraz więcej informacji proszę kontaktować a b %& b !0 ! się z kancelarią naszej parafii '() B =B bL 973-778-7405. = &B! -) B = (B )= - ) ./ . =4 )(! " a $%b L !"#$%#&U(%= !! a $ $ 0 bL )) = =B bL! %) 1 . L B ! b %( 22 ! 3b( V =4 ) 4 = 5 62 7 8 279:;: ! 1 ! !"#$%#$!&' !" # $ % % & ' ' ( ) ( !$ KORONACJA L B UB B !"# "# $ % U & b ( ( ( =(* ( = L & ` $ = b= B == 3454445267 2 The 800 Martyrs of Otranto Faithful Witnesses of Christ Among First Saints Canonized by Pope Francis The Church now has 802 new Saints, after the first canonization that Pope Francis presided over on Sunday in Saint Peter’s Square. They are the 800 martyrs of Otranto — killed savagely by the Ottoman army in 1480, as well as two Latin American nuns who worked their whole lives at the service of the poorest and invalid: Mother Laura Montoya (1874-1949), and Mother Lupita (1878-1963). This is one of the great events planned in the Year of Faith. Antonio Primaldo and Companions Antonio Pezzulla, called Primaldo, is the only name that has been recorded of the 800 fishermen, artisans, shepherds and farmers of the small Italian city of Otranto, in the region of Apulia, whose blood was shed out of fidelity to Christ, during an incursion of the Ottoman army on July 29, 1480. The martyrdom of Antonio Primaldo and his companions is set historically in the warlike context that lasted for a long time in Europe’s relations with the Ottoman Empire. After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, and the siege of Belgrade in 1456, Mehmed the Conqueror tried in vain to conquer the Island of Rhodes in 1479. He then went to the end of the Italian coast, closest to the ports of Albania, already under his dominion. In the Hands of the Ottoman Army The Turks approached the city of Otranto, with some 150 ships and more than 15,000 men, led by the Gedik Ahmed Pasha. The city had 6,000 inhabitants and had been abandoned by the Aragonese militias, committed in Tuscany. No sooner has the siege began, which lasted 15 days, they were ordered to surrender, and ordered to renounce their faith in Christ and convert to Islam. As the inhabitants refused, the city was bombed and fell into the hands of the invaders on August 12. The inflamed army killed them mercilessly, striking them with scimitars. Arriving at the cathedral,.
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