Growing a Church In ^Jhz, L^aufoznla The Inner City Southern Page 5 Baptist JULY 19, 1973 M^&P^W^^ly'M^m VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JULY __ m Time 7'PM, to 9'<nm* Ctfifcen #t*l7 From The MAILBAG?^*^ News Briefs... • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Kirkpatrick missionaries, may now be addressed at Box 9q' Thirteen Golden Years offer. Therefore, I propose that all contributions Ramna, Dacca 2, Bangladesh. Kirkpatrick lived received between now and October 1,1973, will in northern Indiana and in Tulsa, Okla., whil I was pleased to note that the Board of growing up. She is the former Beverly Wynn of Christian Higher Education has voted to name a be channeled to the library fund to be used as the college administration sees fit. Vinita, Okla. When they were appointed by the wing in the library of California Baptist College Foreign Mission Board in 1972, he was pastor All communications should be addressed to in memory of the late Mrs. Sybil Brown who of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Livingston, Calif served so faithfully as librarian from the time the me at 347 West Barstow, Fresno, California college started until the Lord called her home. 93704. • Dwight Eugene Wymer, son of Roy Wymer of Clio, Mich., was awarded the Pursuit With no desire to parade my own generosity, Floyd Looney of Excellence Award in Religious Education at permit me to say that I, in response to her Fresno Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. solicitous request, gave the library about five Enjoys Magazine Wymer, minister of youth and music at hundred volumes several years ago. I have certain We have been enjoying your magazine Nineteenth Avenue Baptist Church in San other volumes marked for the library when I no immensely and would like for you to know we Francisco, earned the bachelor of arts degree longer need them. appreciate your work and your fine magazine. from Blue Mountain College, Blue Mountain It has occurred to me that I could make one We find it rewarding to receive your Miss., before coming to the Seminary. other contribution with the cooperation of magazine. It gives us a kind of "bird's eye view" individuals and churches. You will recall that I of what is taking place throughout our state and • Mr. and Mrs. Louie T. Scales wrote Thirteen Golden Years - History of our nation regarding our sister churches. missionaries to Kenya, were scheduled to arrive California Southern Baptists and that I was paid Danna M. McDowell, pastor May 30 for furlough in the States (address: nothing for that service; however, some years Bethel Island 3021 Samford, Shreveport, La. 71103). Both ago the convention's executive board voted to are Texans. He was bprn in Houston and grew give me the remaining 700 or 800 copies with the George Begins Fourth up in Lubbock. Mrs. Scales, the former Jo idea that I would sell them and use the money for Long, was born in Amherst, but spent most of whatever purpose I desired. Instead, I have never Year at Foxworthy her youth in the Lubbock and Amarillo area. sold a copy, but rather I have given them away to J. Thurmond George began his fourth year as When they were appointed by the Foreign persons who make a small contribution to the pastor of Foxworthy Baptist Church, San Jose, Mission Board in 1969, he had been pastor of college. So far $1000 has gone into endowment, July 1. During this time there have been 270 First Baptist Church, Guerneville, Calif., for a little over $500 went to the purchase of some persons baptized and 316 additions by letter or two and a half years. much needed typewriters, and $160 went for the statement. Offerings have totaled "almost • Quinn Morgan has completed a two yea purchase of a camera. I still have approximately exactly $500,000 for all causes." term of service as missionary journeyman ii 100 copies left, and I would like to propose that Two missions have been established and are Malawi, and is scheduled to arrive July 1 in the any church or individual who will send me a functioning at the present time and two full time States (address: 2807 Blade Ave., Bakersfield, minimum contribution of $5 for the library will staff members have been added. A bus ministry Calif. 93306). be sent a copy of the book in appreciation of his has developed and is operating with four buses gift. I think there should be a time limit on this now in use. \Jhe. L-alifotnia Southern Baptist Published 48 weeks eac:h year omitting one weeic in the:; months of March, August, November and DecEmber, by The. Southern Baptist Genera! Convention of California, P.O. Box 5168, Fresno, California .93755 DONALD T. McGREGOR, Editor ' Polly Anna McNabb, Associate Editor .. The California Southern Baptist is a member of the tist Press News Service of The Southern Baptist Convefj-;. tion. Individual Subscription—$3.00 per year :. Church Budgets—$2 28 per year Printed fay California Baptist Press, Fresno, California Second-class Postage Paid at Fresno, California DIRECTORY THE SOUTHERN BAPTI;S T GENERAL CONVENTION OF . CALIFORNIA.:; /. P.O. Sex 5168 • 678 E, Shaw, Fresno, California 93755 Phone Area Code 209 • 229-9533 ; ROBERT D. HUGHES.;..... .,..,,.,.• ...Executive Secret.H¥ T.r-eaiu4( . •RALPH E. LONGSHORE, . .-." . .'.Cooperative Musions Dr"«*" RICHARD KAY Church Services Division 0AV1& C OGLESBY .... ,,,,.,,,,.,..,,, Business Manager; DOUGLAS SUESS California Baptist Press WENDELL F0SS Baptist Studert Union :: • /_ _ _. _ .Language Missions;. E. i COMBS ;•'.: Sunday School R. L. PATTILLO, JR WALT G. CRABTREE.; ,......,, Sunday School; Awoefcfi JACK O'NEAL ,.' .Negro Work Two Firsts — When Jim Murcray led 81-year-old Jess Griffin into the baptismal waters of Perris Valley VAITON L. PRINCE Church Training Southern Baptist Church, Romoland, Sunday evening June 24 it marked a first for both pastor and ;• JERRY BRUMBELOW..... Church Training Associate BERNiCE P0PHAM : . Woman's Missionary Umo« baptismal candidate. Murcray was ordained by the church April 29 and was cal led as full time pastor WILLIAM H. BELL .... .Stewardship :: May 9. This was his first baptismal service. Griffin had been a Christian 40 years with membership in a '.;.*, :E.. PiTTS,;,....:.... '.',-V.'.'.'.'.'.•-Annuity Boartf DUANE BARRETT Church Music-Brotherhood Methodist church in Texas. His wifewas baptized into a Baptist church several years ago so both want ,. .-HARRY 0. WILLIAMS, JR. _ , Evanselisrn: to serve in the same church in Perris Valley. Pictured (I tor back row) Kathy Bunker, Mrs. Jess Griff in. : R. A. WiLLtAMS ... Christian Social Ministries Norma Bunker, Jim Murcray. Front row, Bobby Bunker, Jess Griffin, Kenneth Bunker. The Bunkers, VOL. 32 NO. 28 daughter and grandchildren to the Griffins, drove 100 miles to be present for the service. Conducted gt Naval Station Gilroy, First, Holds First Bonanza Day Visalians Teach English by Sandie Headley It's really worth writing about when To Servicemen's Wives Christians take a peaceful stand on community affairs. Instead of complaining that the Annual The first phase of a program which could well Japan, Okinawa, the Philippines, and Spain. Bonanza Days in Gilroy ends with a bar-b-que be the first of its kind ever to be conducted on a Marie Wenham, director of the club, reported where more alcohol than food is served, the First military installation was recently completed by a total enrolment of 23, with an average Baptist Church of Gilroy planned its own "Bonanza Day" on the church grounds. It was members of Woodland Drive Baptist Church, attendance of 13. not held in competition, but as an alternative for Visalia. The program was initiated by Woodland the public as well as members. The Woodland Drive Citizenship Study Club Drive's pastor, Norman Ford, who enlisted the June 17th heralded not only father's Day, but celebrated completion of its first citizenship aid of the base chaplain, Chaplain Roberts. The a day of worship, food, fun, and fellowship. A course recently with a banquet honoring those in chaplain was instrumental in gaining the approval potluck of famed Baptist "eats" followed the attendance. The course, which met weekly for 12 of the program by the base commander, Captain morning worship hours. weeks, included the study of American Alves, who expressed his praise of the program Then the fun began! Sack races and citizenship, English and the Bible. All ladies and has indicated his intention of reporting its watermelon eating contests; ping-pong and enrolled in the course were foreignborn wives of success to officials in Washington, D.C., hoping volley ball; balloon toss and horse back rides servicemen and represented the countries of to have similar programs instituted elsewhere. were available for all ages. (The horses were Recognized by Governor provided by members.) Recognition of the program also came in the Highlight of the day was a "Pinto-Packin' " form of a letter from Governor Ronald Reagan. contest, with the boys out-packing the girls Pico Riveria Spanish The letter stated in part, "Please express to each 25-19. Send Out Missionaries of the ladies my commendations of their efforts to become fully participating American citizens The Lord is so great, and when He arranges Primera Iglesia Bautsita del Sur of Pico and my best wishes for their continuing success something, He does a swell job. Even the city Rivera, has announced that it has sent out three toward that goal." gave the church permission to block off the city young people as summer missionaries for Christ. side street in front of the church for the games. The program began with five ladies from Dora James was appointed to the Northwest The afternoon concluded with skits and region under the sponsorship of the Home Woodland Drive, Klenevis Campbell, Leslie Hale, Sue Pearson, Dorothy Smith and Mrs.
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