LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Holidays in Germany S1 #1 New Year's Day CONTENTS 2 Vocabulary 2 Sample Sentences # 1 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VOCABULARY German English Class Gender New Year Ski Neujahrsskispringen Jumping noun Silvesterabend New year's eve noun Neujahrsbummel New Year’s stroll proper noun Neujahrsansprache New Year's speech proper noun Neujahr New Year's Day noun neuter Neujahrstag New Year's Day noun masculine Frohes neues Jahr! Happy New Year! sentence SAMPLE SENTENCES Das Neujahrsskispringen findet Am Silvesterabend trifft man sich jährlich statt. mit Familie und Freunde. The New Year's ski jumping takes place On New Year's Eve, people get together every year. with family and friends. Beim Neujahrsbummel findet sich Die Neujahrsansprache war dieses so manches Schnäppchen. Jahr ziemlich uninteressant. On New Year stroll, you will find many The New Year's speech of this year was bargains. not interesting at all. Viele Deutsche verbringen den Frohes neues Jahr an euch alle! Neujahrstag mit ihren Familien und Happy New Year to all of you! genießen einen Spaziergang in der Natur. Many Germans spend New Year's Day with their families and enjoy a walk in nature. GERMANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : HOLI DAYS I N GERMANY S 1 #1 - NEW YEAR'S DAY 2 LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Holidays in Germany S1 #2 1st Day of the Oktoberfest CONTENTS 2 Vocabulary 2 Sample Sentences # 2 COPYRIGHT © 2015 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VOCABULARY German English Class Gender the Entry of the Wiesn-Einzug Oktoberfest Staff and proper noun Breweries O'zapft is It's tapped phrase Bierzelte beer tents noun neuter Bavarian cheese Obatzter delicacy noun masculine Weißwürste white sausages noun feminine Märzen March beer noun neuter Oktoberfest, lit. Wiesn "Meadow'n" noun feminine music for brass Blasmusik instruments noun feminine Riesenrad ferris wheel noun neuter SAMPLE SENTENCES Der Wiesn-Einzug hat eine lange Nach dem Ruf "O`zapft is" gilt das Tradition. Oktoberfest als eröffnet. The Entry of the Oktoberfest Staff and Oktoberfest is considered opened after "It's Breweries has a long tradition. tapped. (O`zapft is)" is shouted out. Die Bierzelte sind immer sehr voll. Obazda schmeckt ziemlich salzig. The beer tents are very busy. "Bavarian cheese delicacy tastes pretty salty." GERMANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : HOLI DAYS I N GERMANY S 1 #2 - 1S T DAY OF THE OKTOBERFES T 2 Weißwürste sind in ganz Das Märzen gehört zum Oktoberfest Deutschland zu haben. einfach dazu. White sausages are available all over March beer is an integral part of the Germany. Oktoberfest. GERMANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : HOLI DAYS I N GERMANY S 1 #2 - 1S T DAY OF THE OKTOBERFES T 3 LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Holidays in Germany S1 #3 German Unity Day CONTENTS 2 Vocabulary 2 Sample Sentences # 3 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VOCABULARY German English Class Gender Ländermeile country mile proper noun Deutsche Wiedervereinigung German reunification proper noun feminine nostalgia for aspects Ostalgie of life in East proper noun Germany Tag der Deutschen Einheit German Unity Day noun masculine lamp man of Ampelmännchen German pedestrian noun neuter lights SAMPLE SENTENCES An der Ländermeile wird jedes Jahr Die Deutsche Wiedervereinigung ein Fest zelebriert. spielte eine große Rolle in der Geschichte Deutschlands. Every year a festival will be held at the country mile. The German reunification played a major role in the history of Germany. Die Ostalgie hinterlässt auch in der Am 3. Oktober denken die Musik ihre Spuren. Menschen zurück an die Zeit, als Deutschland in Ostdeutschland und Nostalgia is also leaving its mark in the Westdeutschland geteilt war. music world. On October 3rd, people think back to the time when Germany was divided into East Germany and West Germany. GERMANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : HOLI DAYS I N GERMANY S 1 #3 - GERMAN UNITY DAY 2 LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Holidays in Germany S1 #4 Easter Sunday CONTENTS 2 Vocabulary 2 Sample Sentences # 4 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VOCABULARY German English Class Gender Resurrection of Auferstehung Jesus Jesus Christ phrase Osterbräuche Easter customs noun Ostern Easter noun neutral Ostersonntag Easter Sunday noun masculine Frohe Ostern! Happy Eastern! sentence Ostereiersuche easter egg hunt noun feminine Osterhase Easter bunny noun masculine SAMPLE SENTENCES Ostern gilt für die Christen als Osterbräuche unterscheiden sich Erinnerung an die Auferstehung überall auf der Welt. Jesus von den Toten. Easter customs vary throughout the world. Eastern is for the Christians a reminder of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Es gibt viele Osterbräuche, z. B. Frohe Ostern liebe Oma! den Osterhasen, der Ostereier und Happy Eastern dear grandma! Osternester versteckt. There are many Easter customs, for example the Easter bunny that hides Easter eggs and Easter nests. GERMANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : HOLI DAYS I N GERMANY S 1 #4 - EAS TER S UNDAY 2 LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Holidays in Germany S1 #5 Christmas Eve CONTENTS 2 Vocabulary 2 Sample Sentences # 5 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VOCABULARY German English Class Gender Geburt Jesu Christi birth of Jesus Christ phrase Weihnachtsente German roast duck noun feminine Weihnachtsgottesdie Christmas Eve nst service noun baby Jesus [who fulfills the role of Christkind Santa Claus in a proper name; neuter traditional German Christmas] Weihnachtsmann Santa Claus noun masculine Weihnachtsbaum Christmas tree noun masculine Weihnachtsgans Christmas goose noun feminine Heiligabend Christmas Eve proper noun masculine SAMPLE SENTENCES An Weihnachten wird die Geburt Die Weihnachtsente war dieses Jesu Christi gefeiert. Jahr einfach köstlich. On Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ is This year, German roast duck was simply celebrated. delicious. Kirchen sind am Das Christkind wurde unter einem Weihnachtgottestdienst immer hellen Stern geboren. überfüllt. Baby Jesus was born under a bright Churches are always crowded on shining star. Christmas Eve service. GERMANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : HOLI DAYS I N GERMANY S 1 #5 - CHRI S TMAS EVE 2 LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Holidays in Germany S1 #6 Christmas Day CONTENTS 2 Vocabulary 2 Sample Sentences # 6 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VOCABULARY German English Class Gender Frohe Festtage Merry Christmas expression Weihnachtsfeiertage Christmas holidays noun feminine Weihnachten Christmas noun neutral Frohe Weihnachten! Merry Christmas! expression Weihnachtsgans Christmas goose noun feminine Christstollen Christmas stollen noun masculine SAMPLE SENTENCES Ich wünsche allen meinen Weihnachtsfeiertage sind da um Freunden und Familienangehörigen sich zu entspannen. Frohe Festtage. Christmas holidays are there to relax. I wish a Merry Christmas to all of my friends and relatives. Wir beschenken alle Stammkunden Meine Oma schenkt mir immer zu Weihnachten. selbstgestrickte Pullover zu Weihnachten. We give presents to all loyal customers for Christmas. My grandma always gives me hand-knit pullovers for Christmas. Frohe Weihnachten liebe Mama! Frohe Weihnachten liebe Mama! Merry Christmas dear mom! Merry Christmas dear mom! Christstollen ist ein beliebter Kuchen während der Weihnachtszeit. Christmas stollen is a popular cake during the Christmas season. GERMANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : HOLI DAYS I N GERMANY S 1 #6 - CHRI S TMAS DAY 2 LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Holidays in Germany S1 #7 Advent Sunday CONTENTS 2 Vocabulary 2 Sample Sentences # 7 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VOCABULARY German English Class Gender Adventskränze Advent wreath noun masculine Weihnachtsmärkte Christmas markets noun masculine Adventssonntag Sunday in Advent noun masculine Wunschzettel wish list noun masculine Glühwein mulled wine noun; masculine, der Secret Santa Wichteln (activity) noun neuter baby Jesus [who fulfills the role of Christkind Santa Claus in a proper name; neuter traditional German Christmas] SAMPLE SENTENCES Meinen Adventskranz habe ich im Auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt gibt es Supermarkt gekauft. immer viel zu sehen. I bought my Advent wreath at the There are always a lot to see at Christmas supermarket. markets. Das Christkind wurde unter einem hellen Stern geboren. Baby Jesus was born under a bright shining star. GERMANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : HOLI DAYS I N GERMANY S 1 #7 - ADVENT S UNDAY 2 LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Holidays in Germany S1 #8 New Year's Eve CONTENTS 2 Vocabulary 2 Sample Sentences # 8 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VOCABULARY German English Class Gender Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr Happy New Year! expression Neujahrsfeuerwerk New Years firework noun masculine Silvester New Year's Eve noun neutral Neujahr New Year's Day noun neuter Brandenburger Tor Brandenburg Gate noun neutral Frohes neues Jahr! Happy New Year! sentence SAMPLE SENTENCES Einen Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr Beim Neujahrsfeuerwerk gibt es sagt man am Jahresende. leider gelegentlich Unfälle. At the end of a year, one wishes a Happy Unfortunately, accidents happen New Year. occasionally during New Year's firework. Das Brandenburger Tor ist ein Frohes neues Jahr an euch alle! Symbol für die Deutsche Einheit. Happy New Year to all of you! Brandenburg Gate is a symbol of German Unity. GERMANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : HOLI DAYS I N GERMANY S 1 #8 - NEW YEAR'S EVE 2 LESSON NOTES Culture Class:
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