11th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive & Critical Care Medicine 28 August to 1 September 2013 Durban, South Africa www.criticalcare2013.com Annual Congress of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses International Meeting of the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies ies of Intensive and Critical Care ion of Societ Medicine Federat World of the gress Con 11th CONTENTS Invita�on ................................................................ 2 Commi�ees ............................................................ 4 Congress Format .................................................... 5 Topics ..................................................................... 6 Abstracts ................................................................ 8 Congress Informa�on ............................................. 11 General Informa�on ............................................... 12 Social Events ........................................................... 15 Accompanying persons Excursion Programme ...... 16 Registra�on Informa�on ........................................ 18 Registra�on Form ................................................... 20 Hotel Informa�on ................................................... 24 Hotel List ................................................................ 25 Sponsors ................................................................. 26 013.com riticalcare2 www.c 1 of the World Federation 1th Congress of Societies o 1 f Intensiv e and C ritical Care Med icine INVITATIONS Dear Colleagues Dear Colleagues On behalf of the Cri�cal Care Society of Southern Africa The gathering of thousands of delegates from all over the (CCSSA), it would be a delight to have you join us for the 11th world to deliberate over various issues pertaining to Cri�cal Congress of the World Federa�on of Socie�es of Intensive Care could not happen in a more apt place than South Africa, and Cri�cal Care Medicine (WFSICCM). home to the Rainbow Na�on. The CCSSA represents the biggest subspecialty medical We welcome you to be part of the 11th Congress of the society in the region and probably on the con�nent. World Federa�on of Socie�es of Intensive and Cri�cal Care Medicine which will take place in Durban, South Africa It is unique in that its membership covers medical specialists between 28 August and 1 September 2013. in the field, intensive care nurses, as well as allied medical professionals who ply their trade in Intensive Care Units. The South Africa has long been a centre of excellence in the field of Society is an extremely proac�ve one and its membership Intensive and Cri�cal Care in Africa. Our Scien�fic Commi�ee includes several interna�onally recognised authori�es. has combined the local talent with a list of interna�onal experts to create what promises to be an excep�onal A major aim of the Society is to improve pa�ent care and programme. The focus of the scien�fic programme will be outcome, as well as to s�mulate relevant research in a “Cri�cal Care for all - providing more for less”. We hope to congenial fashion – all aspects of which will be integral highlight the need for ra�onal u�liza�on of precious cri�cal components of the mee�ng. The CCSSA has a proud tradi�on care resources, thus making it accessible to as many of our of hos�ng mee�ngs of outstanding academic standard, pa�ents as possible. together with wonderful social interac�on. This will undoubtedly be one of the best medical conferences South Africa’s favourite son and one of the world’s most in 2013. It will provide an unprecedented opportunity to learn loved statesmen, Nelson Mandela, once wrote: more about cri�cal care in different contexts. It will allow for “We pass through this world but once and opportuni�es you engagement with the interna�onal market place in respect miss will never be available to you again” of innova�ons. It will en�ce you to enjoy the superb array of social func�ons that are being planned to maintain Durban’s Don’t miss this opportunity! We look reputa�on as the place where the fun never sets. forward to welcoming you in South Africa! For those that will be visi�ng us for the first �me, we are confident that you will leave totally impressed. For those Warmest regards and best wishes. that are returning, you know what to expect. Mervyn Mer See you in Durban! President: Cri�cal Care Society of Southern Africa (CCSSA) Sats Bhagwanjee (Sea�le) and Dean Gopalan Co-Chairs: South African Organising Commi�ee r all - Critical Care fo Providing more for less 2 ies of Intensive and Critical Care ion of Societ Medicine Federat World of the gress Con 11th Dear Colleagues medicine prac�ce, research, and educa�on and focus on the necessity for inter-professional input to advance pa�ent On behalf of the Execu�ve Commi�ee and Council of the care and promote best pa�ent outcomes. The WFCCN, World Federa�on of Socie�es of Intensive and Cri�cal Care with 40 interna�onal country members represen�ng over Medicine may I extend a warm welcome to our 11th World 400,000 cri�cal care nurses worldwide, is proud to co-host Congress. It also gives me great pleasure to invite medical the Congress. We encourage cri�cal professionals and industry colleagues to par�cipate in this care nurses, doctors, allied health major event. professionals, and industry partners to join with us to experience what This is the first occasion in our history that the World Congress promises to be a great venue for has been hosted on the con�nent of Africa. The excellence learning, sharing, and strategizing of the scien�fic program and faculty of speakers, combined to further advance cri�cal care with the natural and cultural a�rac�ons of South Africa will throughout the world. make this a unique opportunity to share experiences and knowledge in intensive and cri�cal care medicine. This will Ruth Kleinpell PhD RN FCCM be a memorable event and one which should not be missed. President of World Federa�on of Cri�cal Care Nurses (WFCCN) The central role of the World Federa�on is to promote the highest standards of care for the cri�cally ill pa�ent and the 11th World Congress will be an important step towards the achievement of this goal. We look forward to your Dear Colleagues par�cipa�on in helping us to create a las�ng legacy which will drive the growth and development of intensive and On behalf of the Execu�ve and members of the World cri�cal care medicine in Africa. Please take advantage of the Federa�on of Pediatric Intensive and Cri�cal Care Socie�es discounts for early registra�on which (WFPICCS) I would like to extend a warm welcome to you to are available before 31 March 2013. a�end the WFSICCM World Congress in Durban in 2013. I look forward to welcoming you to It gives me great pleasure to invite colleagues to par�cipate Durban in August 2013 and to your and join us at this major event. This congress is the product contribu�on to “Cri�cal Care for of robust partnerships spawned by the recogni�on of the All”. importance of care of cri�cally ill children regardless of loca�on and resources. The excellence of the scien�fic Edgar Jimenez programme and faculty of speakers combined with the President: World Federa�on of beauty and a�rac�ons of South Africa will provide a unique Socie�es of Intensive and Cri�cal opportunity to share experiences and knowledge in intensive Care Medicine (WFSICCM) and cri�cal care medicine. This will be a memorable event and one which should not be missed. The central role of WFPICCS is to promote the highest Dear Colleagues standards of care for all cri�cally ill children worldwide. This congress is a great opportunity It is my dis�nct pleasure, on behalf of the World Federa�on to connect with colleagues and will of Cri�cal Care Nurses (WFCCN), to invite you to join in be an important step towards the the ac�vi�es and interna�onal networking opportuni�es achievement of this goal. by a�ending the 11th Congress of the World Federa�on of Socie�es of Intensive and Cri�cal Care Medicine. The WFCCN I look forward to welcoming you to is pleased to pledge our joint support and collabora�on for the Durban in August 2013. Cri�cal Care Congress which will take place from 28 August - 1 September 2013, in Durban South Africa. The theme of Niranjan Kissoon the 2013 Congress “Cri�cal Care for All” emphasizes the President of World Federa�on of importance of coming together to celebrate and par�cipate Paediatric Intensive and Cri�cal in this most important mee�ng for cri�cal care prac��oners. Care Socie�es (WFPICCS) The Durban Congress will highlight advances in cri�cal care 013.com riticalcare2 www.c 3 of the World Federation 1th Congress of Societies o 1 f Intensiv e and C ritical DURBAN 2013 COMMITTEES Care Med icine Steering Commi�ee Co-Chairs: Sats Bhagwanjee (Washington) and Dean Gopalan (Durban) Mervyn Mer (Johannesburg) Brian Levy (Johannesburg) Juan Scribante (Johannesburg) South African Organising Commi�ee Fathima Paruk (Johannesburg) Sam Mokgokong (Johannesburg) Eric Hodgson (Durban) Guy Richards (Johannesburg) Lance Lasersohn (Johannesburg) Ivan Joubert (Cape Town) Jan Pretorius (Pretoria) Maryke Spruyt (Bloemfontein) Hyla Kluyts (Pretoria) Howard Radford (Johannesburg) Lance Michell (Cape Town) Bronwen Espen (Cape Town) Rudo Mathivha (Johannesburg) Kenneth Mazibuko (Durban) Des Cox (Port Elizabeth) Jenna Piercy (Cape Town) Ahmad Alli (Johannesburg) Gary Katzman (Johannesburg) Malcolm Miller (Cape Town) Sean Che�y (Johannesburg) Lliam Brannigan (Johannesburg) Nicky Kalafa�s (Durban) Ismail Kalla (Johannesburg)
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