THE GOLOMA COURIER AND THE BENTON HARBOR HERALD VOL 34 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1927 NO 6 =3 COLOMA SCHOOLS TO P. M. FLYER HIT CAR LOOK FOR BIG CITY HALL PROBLEM PROVISIONS OF NEW TRAFFIC REGULATIONS OPEN NEXT TUESDAY WED SONDAY, MSI 28 AT COLOMA CROSSING LABOR DAY CROWD TO BE PUT TO «VOTE EXPLAINEOXOEPARTMENT PUBLIC SAFETY If parked on a grade the front wheels StudentH in High School Are Asked to Miss Evelyn Scott of Coloma Became L. J. Egerer and Wife and Two Other Special Election Called For City of Removal of Speed Limit Misunder- Local Resort Interests Planning- For must be turned toward the curb. Enroll Saturday, September 3— Vehicles must stop In rear of street Bride of Chester J. Pratt of St. Women Had Miraculous Escape From I'sual Season End Holiday Benton Harbor, October 3d, to stood, Officials Declare—Cutouts Are car loading or unloading and remain Good Roster of Teaehers Has Been Joseph Death Early Saturday Evening Pnw Paw Lake hotels and amuse- Determine Whethehr to Buy the Completely Banned—Speed of Trucks standing until driveway Is clear of pas- ment places and Watervllet and Colo- M-tigers, En(fai;ed A very simple but Impressive home Mr.and Mrs. L. J. Kgerer of Westmont. Vuylsteke Property, Sell the Old City Regulated ma business houses are making prep- All vehicles must have (wo sets of wedding was solemnized Sunday morn- Ills., and two ladles who were accom- brakes, a service brake capable of foloma school hexlns nf 8:45 Tues- ing. August 2«. 1027, at the home of panying them had a miraculous escape arations to take care of the expected Hall Site and Bond the City For Preparing for the new state trafilc dny mornlnK, .Scpteniher nth. Several stopping from a speed of twenty miles Mr. and Mrs. William Scott in Colo- from death early last Saturday evening intlux of visitors for the I^ilMtr Day code, which goes into effect September changeM Iihvo heen made In the teach- week end. which marks the official $100,000 an hour within forty feet, and an ma. when their daughter. Evelyn, be- when the Ford sedan in which they 5. Commissioner Oscar (t. Olander of ing staff. Miss Ennlce Healy has InM'ti close of the resort season. With fav- emergency brake capable of the same came the bride of Chester J. Pratt, were driving was completely demolish- The Benton Harbor city commission the department of public safety has is- retained in tiie Latin-English depart- orable weather a Labor Day crowd performance. Only one set is required well known civil engineer from St. Jo- ed at the Paw I'nw street croHsing of Monday night passed a resolution call- sued an explanatory statement for the ment. as well as Roht. Wright In the that will equal or exceed that of any on a motorcycle. seph. the Pere Marquette railway in Coloma. ing for a special election Octolier 3 to state police and motorists. social science. Supt. L. L. Close will previous year Is expected. The week Promptly at 9:00 o'clock. Miss Lil- The party was driving through the authorize sale of the present city hall "In thinking that there will be no Cutouts Banned continue to teach mathmatics, and (I. end crowds here on both the other hol- lian Manns of Watervllet sweetly and village and as they approaebwi the site and the old city water works limit to the lawful speed of an auto- L. Hells lias Imh'ii engaged for the idays-Memorial Day and July beautifully sang. "I Love You Truly," crossing the signal lights were work- property at East Main and Fourth mobile on the highway except the speed Two headlights capable of lighting science and orchestra work. Mr. Hells Fourth, were the largest In the his- accompanied by Miss Marjorle Fur- ing. It is said, but notwithstanding this streets and the purchase of the Vuyl- of the car itself," Olander stated, the highway 'JOO feet ahead and so ad- comes to Coloma wfth the highest rec- tory of the local resorts and for this man, who also played the wedding warning they drove onto the track in steke property opposite the Premier "many people are far from the truth. justed us not to throw a glaring light ommendations from his former posi- reason the Labor Day attendance at march from Mendelssohn. Hev. T. 11. front of the fast approaching train, hotel on East Main street to be used "On a clear road with no traffic, no into the faces of approaching drivers tion. Mrs. Bertha Woodward and Paw Paw Lake Is bwked forward to Leamon performed the single ring cer- which does not stop at Coloma. When for a new city hall. curves or hills and no traffic approach- must be on each motor vehicle. Mrs. Octava Traver remain as eighth as no exception. emony in the presence of the immed- on the middle of the track the driver For the past six months the pro- ing from side roads, a man may drive Spotlights are permitted only pro- grade and primary teachers: Miss Mil- In fact the holiday week ends have iate families and a few intimate saw the train and in his endeavor to posed new city hall question has been his car as fast as he likes," Ulander viding the light Is directed entirely to dred Early has heen engaged to teach been the only ones to establish new friends. get off the track the engine of his Ford hanging lire and the committee of com- continued, "but if there Is other traffic the rigid of the < enter of the highway in the seventh and eighth grades. Miss records for attendance of visitors at The bride, who was beautiful and was killed and the car would not move. missioners has given the matter much ahead of him he must drive at a speed and not over one hundred feet In .front Anna Moore has grades live and four Western Michigan resorts this season. charming in her white satin gown, The occupants of the machine cllmlied time and consideration. The triangu- that will enable him to stop in rear of of the vehicle. and Miss Grace Merchant has grades While some hotels report this year as wore a tulle veil which was held in out and ran to one side of the street lar plot lying between Michigan street other cars going In the same direction. Cutouts may not be used under any three and two. the best they have ever had. the gen- place by a band of rhinestones. She Just a second before the monster engine and Colfax avenue south of the Michi- condition. Students of the high school are re- eral reports, not only at Paw Paw- carried a shower boaqnet of white of the train crashed Into the Ford and gan Central depot was considered bto Children Provided For Every motor vehicle must bo equip- quested to enroll for their classes Sat- Lake. but at other resorts along the roses and lilli^s of the valley. Miss completely demolished it. expensive by the commissioners. They ped with a windshield cleaner that can urday, September 3d. An early en- Michigan east shore are to the effect "If there are children playing or Mildred Price of Watervllet, as maid The impact of the collision of the lo- explained that the property alone be operated or controlled by the driver rollment facilitates arrangement of that the season has been a little slow. walking along the road this clear dis- of honor, was attired in pink georgette comotive and the automobile was so would cost much more than the Vuyl- and every machine excepting a roadster classes to consult with teachers re- Many reasons are advanced for this tance is assured only up to those chil- and carried a bouquet of pink rose great that the Ford was thrown about stek# site and they would have no or COUIH'. must be equipped with a rear garding choice of eiectives. condition, but probably the main cause dren. On bills or around curves he buds. Milton Scherer, also of Water- thirty feet to the west and would no building which could be used for city vision mirror. Freshmen classes are rli required is the exceptionally cool summer, it must lie able to stop within the limit vllet. served Mr. Pratt as best man. doubt have crashed into the wall of ball purposes. 'subjects: Algebra. English IX. Com- requires some sweltering hot weather of his vision. If traffic approaches from The ceremony was performed under a Scott's drug store had It not struck a Monday .night the commissioners ob- munity Civics, and General Science. to drive the people out of the cities to a side road, he cannot be assured that beuutiful embankment of ferns and cement foundation for the signal post tained a (10-day option on the West Other classes have one or more elec-, the summer resorts and this weather they will not drive In front of him so choice gladioli. at the corner of the store, and a tele- Main street property for $100,000. This WHEEL CAHE OEE CAR tives. U. S. History is now a required condition lias been notably lacking this must drive his car well within control. The tables were beautifully decorat- phone pole, which broke the force of site has a frontage of 300 feet on Main subject in addition to Algebra. Geom- season. When rain. Ice and snow make the ed with asters and mourning brides.
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