REVIEW OF AID COORDINATION FOR SOMALIA FINAL REPORT PETER WILES with Khalif Hassan Farah and Adar Abdisalaam Bakard OCTOBER 2004 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many people and organisations have contributed to this review. Thanks are due to all participants for their contributions of time and insights. Special mention should be made of those who contributed to the extensive logistics required for the review, including the Head and Acting Head of the SACB Secretariat and their colleagues, the EC Somalia Unit in Nairobi, the SACB Field Officer and her colleagues in Hargeisa, the staffs of CARE Somalia and the EC Liaison Office in Bosaso, CARE Somalia in Garowe, ACF in Wajid, ADRA in Hudur, SC-UK in Belet Weyne and CRD in Mogadishu. Finally, thanks must go to the members of the Review Working Group for their work, inputs, support and understanding throughout the review process and to Khalif Farah and Adar Barkad for their collaboration and important contributions. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS REPORT ARE THOSE OF THE MAIN AUTHOR AND IN NO WAY REPRESENT THE VIEWS OR POLICIES OF THE SACB OR ANY OF ITS MEMBER AGENCIES OR ORGANISATIONS. CONTENTS Acronyms Map of Somalia Executive Summary i 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Methodology 1 1.3 Constraints 2 1.4 Introduction to the Report 3 2. Somalia – overview 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 The Somalia Context 4 2.3 The Aid Context 6 2.4 The Funding Context 7 2.5 Nature of the Somalia Situation 11 3. Aid coordination –issues & lessons 14 3.1 Introduction 14 3.2 Definitions 14 3.3 Literature on Coordination 15 3.4 Overview and Trends 17 3.5 The Nature of Coordination 19 3.6 Types & levels of coordination 20 3.7 Ingredients for Successful Coordination 22 3.8 Obstacles to Coordination 22 3.9 Post-Conflict Transition 23 3.10 Relationship to Military & Political Actors 26 3.11 Conclusions 28 4. The Development of the SACB & aid coordination 28 4.1 Introduction 28 4.2 Overview 28 4.3 SACB’s Location 29 4.4 Aims & Objectives 30 4.5 Guiding principles of the SACB 30 4.6 Overall Strategies 33 4.7 Peace Dividend 35 4.8 Other Coordination Mechanisms 37 5. SACB structures 39 5.1 Introduction 39 5.2 SACB Membership 40 5.3 Executive & Steering Committees 41 5.4 The EC / UN relationship 43 5.5 Security Management 44 5.5 The Consultative Forum 44 5.6 Sectoral Committees, Working Groups and Task Forces 45 5.7 The Health Sectoral Committee & Working Groups 46 5.8 Governance Sectoral Committee 48 5.9 Humanitarian Response Group 49 5.10 Other SACB Committees and Working Groups 44 5.11 Secretariat Support to the Committees 51 6. Somali Participation in the SACB 53 6.1 Overview 53 6.2 Somaliland 54 6.3 Puntland 55 6.4 South/Central Somalia 55 6.5 Conclusions 55 7. Field Coordination 57 7.1 Overview 57 7.2 Somaliland 57 7.3 Puntland 58 7.4 Wajid/Hudur 59 7.5 Belet Weyne 59 7.6 Mogadishu 59 7.7 OCHA and the SACB 60 7.8 Conclusions 61 8. The SACB Secretariat 63 8.1 Staffing and Management 63 8.2 Secretariat Costs 64 8.3 Tracking Assistance 66 8.4 Information & Communication 66 8.5 Advocacy 68 9. Conclusions 60 9.1 SACB’s Strengths and Weaknesses 69 9.2 Why Effective Aid Coordination is important for Somalia 70 10. Recommendations 71 10.1 Introduction 71 10.2 Some Guiding Principles behind the Recommendations 71 10.3 Options for the Future 72 10.4 Scenarios 73 10.5 Opportunities and Threats 77 10.6 Mandate & Aims 78 10.7 Revised SACB structure 78 10.8 SACB Sectoral Committees and Working Groups 80 10.9 Improving Somali Participation 81 10.10 Field Coordination 82 10.11 Transition (Scenario 2) 83 10.12 Somaliland Scenarios 84 10.13 Communications 84 10.14 Secretariat 85 10.15 Follow-up to this Report 86 Bibliography 87 Annex 1 Terms of Reference 93 Annex 2 Timetable & List of Interviewees 98 Annex 3 SACB’s Mandate, Mission, Aims & Objectives 106 Annex 4 Composition & Remit of Somali Donor Group 109 Annex 5 SACB Executive Committee – Draft ToR 110 Annex 6 General Conditions of SACB Membership 113 Annex 7 SACB Regional Consultative Forums 114 Annex 8 SACB Field Liaison Officer 115 Annex 9 Head of SACB Secretariat 117 Annex 10 Outline of New Secretariat Posts 118 Annex 11 Lessons from Other Contexts 119 ACRONYMS AAH Aktion Africa Hilfe ACF Action Contre la Faim ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency AET Africa Education Trust AHLC Ad Hoc Liaison Committee ANDP Activists Network for Disabled Persons AREU Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit ATA Afghanistan Transitional Administration BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BVO Barwaqo Voluntary Organisation CAP United Nations Consolidated Appeals Process CCA Common Country Assessment CCM Country Coordination Mechanism CCS Committee of Concerned Somalis CEFA European Committee for Training and Agriculture CHAP Common Humanitarian Action Plan CINS Cooperazione Italiana Nord Sud COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale COSONGO Consortium of Somaliland Non-Governmental Organisations COSV Coordinating Committee of the Organisation for Voluntary Service DAREEN Dareen Rural Relief and Development DDR Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration DFID UK Department for International Development DHA United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs DIMU Data and Information Management Unit DRC Danish Refugee Council DRSG Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary General EC European Commission ECHA Executive Committee for Humanitarian Action ECHO European Commission Humanitarian Office ECOSOC United Nations Economic and Social Committee ECSU European Commission delegation Nairobi, Somalia Unit EU European Union FAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation FEWSNET Famine and Early Warning Network FGM Female Genital Mutilation FOPAG Forum for Peace and Governance FSAU Food Security Assessment Unit GAVI The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation GB Great Britain GFATM Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria GOS Government of Sudan GSC Governance Sectoral Committee GTZ German Agency for Technical Assistance HAVOYOCO Hargeisa Voluntary Youth Committee HEPG Humanitarian and Emergency Policy Group HIF Hiran Inter-Agency Forum HQ Headquarters HRG Humanitarian Response Group IAC International Aid Community IAS International Aid Sweden IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies IDP Internally displaced person IGAD Inter-Governmental Authority on Development IMF International Monetary Fund INGO International Non-governmental Organisation IPF IGAD Partners’ Forum IRIN Integrated Regional Information Networks JAM Sudan Joint Assessment Mission JARP United Nations Joint Action and Recovery Plan JLC Joint Liaison Committee LACC Local Aid Coordination Committee LICUS Low-Income Countries under Stress MDG Millennium Development Goal MSF Medecins Sans Frontièrè NGO Non-governmental Organisation NOVIB Nederlandse Organisatie voor Internationale Bijstand OCHA UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OECD/DAC Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development / Development Assistance Committee OLS Operation Lifeline Sudan OSCE Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe PA Palestinian Authority PCP Principled Common Programming PENHA Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa PLO Palestine Liberation Organisation PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers RDC Regional Development Committee RWG Review Working Group SACB Somalia Aid Coordination Body SC-UK Save the Children United Kingdom SDG Somali Donor Group SNRC Somalia National Reconciliation Conference SOWRAG Somaliland Women’s Research and Action group SPLM Sudan People’s Liberation Movement SRCS Somalia Red Crescent Society SRSG Special Representative of the UN Secretary General SWAP Sector-Wide Assistance Programme SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats TA Technical Assistant TAPA Transitional Assistance Programme for Afghanistan TNG Transitional National Government ToR Terms of Reference UN United Nations UNCT United Nations Country Team UNCU United Nations Coordination Unit UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDG United Nations Development Group UNDOS United Nations Development Office for Somalia UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDRO United Nations Disaster Relief Organisation UNHCR United High Commissioner for Refugees UNMIK UN Mission in Kosovo UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services UNOSOM United Nations Operations in Somalia UNPOS United Nations Political Office for Somalia UN RC/HC United Nations Resident Coordinator / Humanitarian Coordinator UNSCO Office of the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process UNSECOORD UN Security Coordinator UNV United Nations Volunteer USAID United States Agency for International Development VSF-S Veterinaires sans Frontieres - Suisse WAWA We are Women Activists WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organisation WORDA Women Rehabilitation and Development Association WSP War-Torn Societies Project Review of Aid Coordination for Somalia Executive Summary REVIEW OF AID COORDINATION FOR SOMALIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION The SACB Executive Committee set up a Review Working Group in 2003 with representatives from its constituent groups, donors, NGOs and the UN agencies. The mandate of the working group was to examine and review the SACB structures, processes, procedures, data and information flows and documentation at all levels and make recommendations to the SACB Executive Committee for approval. In order to facilitate the review, an international consultant was
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