INSTITUTE FOR ORIENTAL STUDIES RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OLGA STOLBOVA Chadic Lexical Database Issue II lateral fricatives , ', with Semitic, Egyptian and South Cushitic parallels Polygrafiya Moscow, 2007 ББЛ 81.2 С81 Olga Stolbova Chadic Lexical Databa Issue II. , ', .. Калуга: ИП Кошелев А.Б., 2007.- 176с. ISBN 978-902948-19-3 Olga Stolbova, 2007 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Olga Stolbova Chadic Lexical Database Issue II. , ', . Подписано в печать 17.12.2007. Формат 60х84/16. Бумага офсетная. Печать трафаретная. усл. печ. л. 11. Тираж 200 экз. Заказ N 125. Отпечатано АП «Полиграфия», г. Калуга, ул. Тульская, 13а. Лиц.ПДЛ N 42-29 от 23.13.99 2 Институт востоковедения Российской Академии Наук О.В. Столбова Лексическая база данных по чадским языкам Выпуск II , ', , «Полиграфия» Москва-Калуга 2007 3 Contents Page Introduction……………………………… 5 List of languages........................................ 16 References.................................................. 18 Введение (introduction in Russian) ....... 29 Part I. Chadic Lexical Database.............. 41 ............................................................. 41 '................................................................. 108 ............................................................ 123 Part Ii. Semitic, Egyptian, South Cushitic 172 parallels to isolated Chadic words 4 Introduction This issue continues the publication of Chadic Lexical Database. The present issue includes words with initial lateral fricatives - , ', in WCh (warji, zaar, bade groups) and in Central Chadic and related words in other Chadic languages. The choice of letters for the present volume was determined by the previous one - *l, *n, *ny, *r. Given that initial l in West Chadic-A and in East Chadic languages reflects not only Proto- Chadic *l- but also Proto-Chadic lateral fricative(s), there was no alternative but to proceed with , ', . Lexical base of the present issue (as compared to Issue I) has been enlarged sufficiently thanks to Web Resources for Chadic Languages. I am most grateful to all the colleagues who allowed the free access to their dictionaries, grammars, sociolinguistic surveys, articles, word-lists and other data. It is evident that dealing with lateral fricatives in Chadic languages, Semitic, South Cushitic and Egyptian cognates will be of special interest. On the other hand the present publication is aimed, in the first place, at solving internal Chadic problems. Thus one can hardly find Hamito-Semitic etymologies of `full value' inside. 5 Lateral fricatives in Chadic (also called: ‘lateral sibilants’, ‘lateral obstruents’, ‘H-laterals’). Chadic system of lateral fricatives includes three phonemes: voiced, voiceless and emphatic/ejective (as compared to two phonemes - voiceless and emphatic - in South Cushitic and in Semitic). The transcription accepted by ,( ~ן ,chadisists is as follows: for voiced (in earlier publications - dl, hl, zl Being .('~ן ,'for voiceless (also tl, sl, ), ' for emphatic (also tl', sl - criticized now and then by my colleagues for using Semitic signs (correspondingly: z^, s^, c^ ) from this issue on, Chadic transcription will be used, with one exception (see 3. below). For a few words with laterals in Issue I the following substitution is needed: z^ = > ; s^ => ; c^ => ' . Specific notation used by J.Lukas was decoded in the following way: 1. For his `velar laterals' in Logone - s~, z~ and for `explosive' k~ ([LkL: 11]) we use , and ' (correspondingly), as [TrC] and [AlL] do, for s~ in Musgu we use ; ,~ן 'for Wandala s~ and z~ (`alveolar laterals') we use and . `Velar lateral .2 attested in Wandala only before front vowels, is a positional variant of Wandala s~- < Chadic * (note similar reflex in the bura-margi and higi groups: *y-> hy-/xy-). Voiced counterpart - ɣ~ is attested twice in contact with n/r. 6 the notation of J.Lukas has been '~ן and ~ן For Wandala, Gulfey and Musgu .3 preserved. Following Chadic tradition in rendering lateral fricatives provokes misunderstanding on the Hamito-Semitic level (due to the lack of commonly accepted signs). SCushitic laterals are rendered as sl, tl by [MMQ], but as hl, sl - by [Eh] and [EEH]. As these notations contradict to each other, we use that of [MMQ], namely: sl for the voiceless sibilant ( hl in [Eh, EEN] ) and tl for the emphatic (sl in [Eh, EEN]). Note that there are three words in [EEN] with a voiced sibilant (rendered in the present volume by ). The traditional Sem transcription of laterals is used in the present issue: non-emphatic (e.g., Hebrew "sin" - שּ) is rendered by s, emphatic lateral is in Arabic (and on the (ض ,"rendered according to sources: d ("daḍ proto-Semitic level), z in MSA languages). Lateral fricatives in Chadic were first under consideration as a phonological phenomenon in [Newman 1977]. Since then different aspects of the problem were discussed in [DlgL], [CLR], [St], [StS], [Cтолбова], [TrC], [GCl]. Regular correspondences between Chadic languages and the proto-Chadic system (including three phonemes) have been elaborated long before [Stolbova 1996:39]. One significant correction only should be made. Earlier 7 it has been suggested that EChadic lele languages reflect Chadic *- as s-. New data (esp. - the Lele dictionary) proved that the lele gr. does not differ in reflecting Ch from other EChadic languages (see the table of correspondences). One more point is the reflex of the emphatic in Mokilko - the same as in dangla and Mubi gr., namely, ḍy-. For regular reflexes see the table. Table I West-Chadic Central-Ch East-Chadic groups groups groups Proto Hs 2 3, 4 5, 8 1-7, 1- 4 5,7 6 Chad 7 6 kotoko 9,10 3 *- s, L s,« š * s,« [*‰ ] ‰ s « *'- ˆ s,« s,« ' š *' s,« Sokoro ḍy ḍy s,« *- z l l Buduma l l l l Mak l Log Commentary to the table. I. Already in [Stolbova 1987] a specific reflex of Chadic lateral * in combination with a laryngeal in the sura languages has been illustrated, namely: Ch *VH-> H- > sura s/- (the same reflex as Chadic *'-). Possibly Ch *VH- > *H- > '- > sura gr. s-). Convincing evidence provide Semitic and Egyptian parallels: in all such cases they show a laryngeal (mostly -"ayn"). See *VHVrV / VrVH `root', *HVVr- `ten', *VHVr- `friend', and *V(HʷV) >*HʷV `guinea corn' . 8 II. According to Khalil Alio [Alio], Ubi belongs to the bidiya gr. On the other hand, it has been proved by V.Blazhek (cf. his presentation in Paris, on Biennial Chadic), that Ubi is closer (lexically) to Sokoro, than to Bidiya. Meanwhile, Ubi reflexes Chadic *- as ‰ - (like bidiya languages), but not like Sokoro (the latter has s-). V.Blzhek suggested that Ubi preserves the proto-sokoro reflex (namely *‰, as dangla and mubi languages), while in other languages of the sokoro group *‰- (< Chadic *- ) yielded s-. III. Chadic * 1.The main difference between our *- and *1- in [CLR] are reflexes in the bata and mubi groups [cf. Table I and CLR I:XXVIII-XXIX]. 2. Chadic *y- > hy-/xy- in the margi gr. 3. In Bele, Buduma, Ndam and Tumak h- is the regular reflex of *s- (including s- from Chadic *- ). 4. Kotoko *- > Logone, Afade , Gulfey č-, Makari «-, Buduma h-, Kuseri s- (see [TrC]). Note that according to data collected by J.Lukas [Luk], Gulfey has (or some dialect had at that time of J.Lukas) a lateral reflex of Chadic *-, ist lateral and ejektiv' [Luk:146] ). The data '~ן ,ist lateral ~ן `) , ~ן - namely of Otto Rder and Herzog Adolf Friederich show th (i.e., ‰, like in [TrC]) in ;( ~ן the place of 5.Chadic * may be voiced in the following environments: a. in contact with -r-, -d- Cf. C *hwurš- `star' : 7 Mofu wura [BaMof], Gisiga wura [Luk], 4 FJ xuras^u-muk [Kr], FM xuras^iya [Kr] `star'. C 6 Kola ma-ry `medicine' < *VrV `medicine, poison': C 2 Bana rə `ecraser (arachides.)" < C *Vr- `to squash, to crash'; C 6 Daba əd `kind of tree used for brooms; broom' [Lnhr], but Daba dad (voicing in contact) `sweep' [Kr:425]. b. in contact with a nazal prefix or in medial position: C 4 Gude man-əba, Bcm ku-labe, Gudu mengi-aab `dew' [Kr] < CChadic *VbV < Chadic *'VbV. 9 C 7 Mtk=Mafa no-no^r `root' < Chadic *VrV. W 5 Geji cluster ma-a, mə-a, me-a , Tule me-inə, Chari me-n, Dokshi ye-n Bandas ge-in `hair' < Chadic *VnV `hair'. C 9 Mbara mi-er `star' [TrMba ] < *šVr-; C 7 Mofu maapara, maaparak `bandeau sp.'; c. by assimilation with a voiced consonamt in medial position: C 2 Margi əəbə `to learn, to teach' [Hf:118], 3 FK btuʔ `learn' [Kr] < *Vb- `to learn'. d. in reduplicated stems: *VVC > VVC > VVC > VC- : Guus yera `bone' [Cr], C Cuvok aar `bone' [Ndo], Mada ma-aar (or < b, cf) `mollet (de la jambe)' [BaMd]). 6.Words with in Karekare are usually trated as Ngizim loans. Those given below not always have Ngizim parallels (see NN 45, 98, 249, 285, 308, 357). IV. Chadic *'- > Kotoko *'- > Logone, Afade, Maltam '-, Makari, Gulfey Š, Kusseri ṣ [TrS]. According
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