Vol. 25, No. 24 June 14, 1982 A CHINESE WEEKLY OF NEWS AND VIEWS Premier Zhoo's Visit to Jopon Chino's Progromme for Rurol Development irnproving the t-ut'al econonty HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK (pp. 21-27). Sprucing Up Beiiing Premier Zhao Visits Japan shadow the second session of the Environmental sanitation and UN General Assembly ()n Sino-Japanese economic co- beauty have become major con- Disarmament. How do the two for operation was central theme cerns in drawing uP Plans a superpowers match their deeds the talks between leaders of urbnn construction. Two of with their words? What at'e bountries. At a TokYo recent Beijing municiPal the two the new features of the arms press c<lnference, the Chinese government documents outline race? (p. l0) more Premier explained the result of how to make the caPital the visit and addressed a num- pleasant (p. 9). ber of other issues, including Advances in Zimbabwe's A Chinese Account of the Sino-US relations, US-Soviet Countryside Paris Commune reduction and nuclear arms Review of a newly dis- state chairman election Government measures to China's covered rare book an (pp. l5-17). encourage rural growth are - important to Zimbabwean eye-witness account of the first proletarian revolu- Atrocities economic development and to world's lsraeli tion by a Chinese interPreter Condemned consolidating the country's independence. A signed article who worked for envoys sent to Wanton bombing of Beirut describes advances in Zimbab- Paris bv thc Qinc court (p. 29) and intrusion into southern we's countryside (p 13). Lebanon have aroused world wide concern. A Chinese official statement calls for immediate Programme tor Agricultural pull-out of Israeli troops and Work condemns its aggression (p. 12). A "Summary of the National Arms Race Between the Conference on Rural Work," adopted by Party Cehtral 7wo Supetpowers the Committee at the end of last The intensified arms l'ace year, was released recently It l'hc bustling .s('enc at a between the US and USSR and is a plogrammatic summary of rural lair, their war preparations over- experiences in read.fusting and Woodcul" by Ilong 'fao Joponese Economic Relo- Environmentol Protection an tions Bulgorio Ren Yon BEIJING REV!EW Hu Yoobong on Relotions - Among Communist Porties ARTICLES & DOCUMENTS Deng Xiooping Meets Boker Publirhed cvery Mondoy by US Teocher Ordered to Leove Tokyo: Premier Zhoo's Press BEUINO REVIA^/ Chino Conference 15 24 Boiwonzhuong Rood, Beijing lmprove the Leodership's Work lmpressions of lndio Our The People's Republic of Chino Style Stof{ Writer Wu Jingsheng- l8 Joint lnitiotives tor Developing A Progromme for Current Vol. 25, No. 24 lune 14, 1982 lndustry Agriculturol Work 21 Woter Supply Project tor Tio n jin CULTURE & SCIENCE 28-29 CONTENTS For o More Beoutiful Beijing BOOKS 29-30 31 INTERNATIONAL 10- 14 ART PAGE NOIES FROM IHE EDITORS 3-4 Superpowers' Arms Roce -... Lu UN Assistonce - lnternotionol Shipu Editor Mu Youlin Lotin Americo ond the Con- BtlJlNG REVIEW (USPS No 658-110) is Religious Belief Politicol flict Over Molvinos published weekly lor llSS 1 3 50 per year by Editor An Zhiguo - -Guon Yonzhong Beijing Review, 24 Baiwanzhuang Boad lsroel's New Aggressiori -. Beiiinq, Chrna Second-class postage Paid TETTERS Zhong Toi at San Francisco. CA. Poslmaster: Send Chino Condemns lsroel's lnvo" address changes to China Books & EVENTS & TRENDS 5-9 sion of Lebonon Advonces in the Zimbobwe's Periodrcals, lnc., 2929 24th Sl]eet, San Premier Zhoo Visits Jopon Countryside Guon Yunqiu trancisco, CA 94110 Three Principles lor Sino- ond Li Hong- Notes J'rom the EdlJors lssistance tries. By the end of 1981, nearly Ull 200 projects were granted to China by the UN organizations. Now you accept aid from the countries. For this purpose They are mostly medium-sized United Nations, which you China has set up seven training and small undertakings in the never did in the past. Does it and research centres for acu- fields of industry. agriculture, mean you have given up the puncture. fish breeding, biogas. conrmunications and transport, policy of selfTreli,anee? the building of small hydro- culture and education, public power stations and other items, health and census. The 21 large Our open-door policy is aimed with encouraging results. at enhancing our ability to rely computers bought with appro- I. on our own efforts. That is to While making donations to priations from the United Na.- say. we will, through economic the various UN organizations, tions Fund for Population Ac- relations with foreign countries China also receives aids from tivities (UNFPA) will play a and making use of foreign the UN, which are contributed significant role in computing funds and advanced techniques, by over 100 member states. Ac- data for China's census slated develop our economy at a faster cording to the UN regulations, for July I this year. granted to International Editor rate than before. Our open- these donationS are - dool policy and self-reiiance economically backward coun- Mu Youlin supplement each other and are not contradictory. After China regained its legit- Religious Beliel imate seat in the UN in 1971, we did not accept UN aid. This Citizens of the People's Re- policy of freedom of religious was because the policy of self- public of China enjoy freedom belief applies to Chi rrese citi- reliance was seriously distorted of religious belief. Does this also zens, but is not suitable for during the "cultural revolu- apply to members of the Chi- Party members. The Party sup- tion. " nese Communist Party? ports citizens' right to believe in religion while simultaneously religious is Towards the end of 1978, we Freedom of belief disagreeing with a religious in- a basic and long-term policy fol- adopted the open-door policy terpretation of the world. As and, with self-reliance :rs the Iowed by the Chinese Com- adherents of Marxism-Leni,n- basis, have since carried out munist Party. The recently re- ism, Party members cannot also economic co-operation u'ith ieased Draf t of the Revised be theists or believe in religion, (see Re- other countries on a footing of Constitution Beijing because these represent contra- t,ieri:. No. 19) "Citi- equality and mutual benefit. stipulates: dictory beliefs. The Chinese We regard economic relatioru zens of the People's Republic of Communist Party demands that with the UN as yet another China enjoy freedom of reli- anyone who applies for Party gious of state. channel of econgmic co-opera- belief. No organs membership should first of all public organizations ol individ- tion with foreign countries. recognize the Party Constitution uals shall compel citizens to As a member state of the UN, which stipulates that the Party believe in religion or disbelieve upholds the world outlook of China has its duties as well as in religion." This shows that dialectical materialism and rights. Chinese Party, the Communist historical materialism and op- which practises atheism, does In the past few years, China's poses the world outlook of ideal- not compel others to disbelieve donations to the various UN ism and metaphysics. There- in religion. It not only respects organizations amounted to RMB fore, Party members should and protects citizens' freedom 20 million yuan. We undertook conscientiously abandon their of religious belief but aiso op- more than 70 proiects for the idealist religious beliefs when poses interference in such developing countries, including they join Party. a Party freedom. the If running training classes, con- member abandons the material- ducting inspection tours, pro- Does this mean that Party ist world outlook, he has the viding the necessary equipment members can also believe in right to withdraw from the and sending experts to those religion? No. certainly not. The Party and believe in religion. ,lune 14, 1982 out in Beijing Reoiew, I believe strength is combined with the in- tETTERS so, then steps being taken to get sincerity of a huckster. Proposals a correct balance in China's made by the aggressors in Afghan- economy and gradually but surely istan and Kampuchea are rarely Struggle to Consolidote improve the life of the Chinese serious, but are "chess moves" to Sociolism in Chino people will raise great mass procure recognition of the acts of enthusiasm and loyalty for aggression. I f.ind Beijing Reoieu to be the the Party and its Central Com- mittee's leadership. A Marxist country must base its best authority on events in China In turn it diplomacy on ,independence and and I read it with great interest will ensure the outstanding suc- scrupulous fairness and honesty. I and try to study it deeply, as what cess of the struggle for the four feel modernizations and that the best feature of Zhou happens to the continuing struggle the consolida- Enlai's diplomacy was that all the to consoiidate socialism in China tion of socialist state power among people one quarter humanity. he dealt with knew that has vital implications for world of his words meant something. As socialism in the next few decades. The progressive people of the evident over Taiwan, it is a step It is therefore with great world are watching anxiously for forward many regimes find hard satisfaction that I have seen the the political and economic results to manage to simply say what they struggle to eliminate such anti- of China's new policies led by the are going to do and then do it. A Marxist positions as one-man new collective in the Central major factor in the trvo World leadership of the Party, the re- Committee of the Party and Gov- Wars was fhe collapse of diplomat- striction of Party and mass democ- ernment of China since the down- ic standards, the treating of in- racy, the evils of anarchy and the fall of the iniquitous gang of four ternational obligations as "pieces destruction of correct socialist le- and theil criminal associates.
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