Ptt. S^.IX62 — m — V dnm e I WSKS TuesdayTuesday No 1 - i | 20th13ihH May, ay, 1952 1952 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE OFFICIAL REPORT (Part I (Part (Part I—Questio(Part I - Questions I—Questions and Answers) and Answers)ns and Answers)I — ProceePardings other than Questions and Answers) CONTENTS Members Sworn [CoIb. 2— 18]. , parliament secbetabiat NEW DELHI Price Six Annas (Inland) Price Two Shillings (Foreign) T B E Act r-i .. 2 . S J 1 5 ^ PARLIAMENTARY DEBATSMscL........i^JSL-JA^ (Part I— Questions and Answers) OFFICIAL REPORT 37 38 HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE The Minister of Food and Agri­ culture (Shri Kidwai): (a) The foUow- Tuesday, 20th May, 1952 ing States have declared scarcity conditions in the areas noted against each : The House met at a Quarter to Eleven Ajmer.—The whole of Beawar Sub­ of the Clock. Division and parts of Ajmei^ and Kekri sub-divisions. LM r . S p e a m r in the Chair'\ Bombay.—^Districts of Ahmedabad, MEMBER SWORN Mehsana, Amreli, Broach, Kaira and Banaskantha. Shri K. Anandan Nambiyar (Mayii- ram). Kutch.—The whole of Kutch. Madras.—^Districts of Cuddapah^ Shri K. Subrahmanyam: I have Chittoor, Guntur, Nellore, Kumool, given notice of an adjournment Bellary, Anantapur, Chingleput, North motion. Arcot, South Arcot, Tirchira Palli and Mr. Speaker: Order, order He Coimbatore. knows that, that can be taken up after Madhya^ Bharat.—Southern Districts. the Question Hour, not before that. That is neither possible, nor proper. Punjab.—^Districts of Hissjft, Rohtak and Gurgaon. Shri K. Subrahmanyam: I didn’t know that. Rajasthan.—^AU Districts of Rajas> than, except Bhara^pur, 5 Tehsils ot Mr. Speaker: Members are expect­ Ganganagar district, some Tehsils of ed to know the procedure at least Alwar and Swai Madhopur district. from /their colleagues. He knows the procedure ot giving the adjournment Saurashtra.—Districts of Halar„ motion. Therefore, it should be Ghoilwad, Zalawad, Mardhya Saurash- presumed that he knows the other pro­ tra and Sorath. cedure also. That is no excuse. U.P.—^Eastern Districts viz. Mirza- pur, Banare^, Jaunpur, Ghazipur, ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Azamgarh, Ballia, Basti, Deoria, and Gorakhpur. F o o d a n d Water Scarcity ♦32. Shri S. N. Das: WiU the (b) All these areas have been in­ Minister of Food and Agriculture be spected by one dr other of the officers of the Central Governmen and a re­ pleased to state: port has been submitted in each case. (a) which States of the Indian Union have reported about the food and (c) The primary responsibility for water scarcity conditions , in their these, relief measures is that of the areas, giving the areas affected in each State Governments. A briefs note indi­ case; cating the measures so far taken by them and by the Centre is placed on (b) which of these areas have been the Table of the House. [See . Ap­ inspected by any officer of the Central pendix, I, annexure No. lO.j Government attd if so,, whether any report has been submitted; and Shri S. N. Das: May I know the (c) what measures have been adopt­ scope and the forms of help sought ed by the Central Government to give by the Part B States from the Central relief to the people? Government? 41 P. S. D. 39 Oral Answers 20 MAY 1952 Oral Answers 40 Shli Kidwai: We have been trying (b) if so, the basis and other details to rentier all the help that the States of the scheme; and have asked for. (c) the time by which the scheme Shri S. N. D ^; What were the forms will be executed? of help that each State sought from the Central Government? The Minister of Health (Rajkumari AinrH Kaur): (a) Yes. Shri Kidwai: Some have asked for grants for relief measures, some for (b) A short note giving the salient major irrigation works. A statement features of the Scheme is placed on has been laitl on the Table. the Table of the House. [See Ap­ pendix I, annexure No. 11.] Shri S. N. Das: Has migration been reported from any of these areas? (c) As soon as the required staff is recruited and other preliminaries are Shri Kidwai: There has been no settled. migration of people from these affected areas to other places in India. Shri B. R. Bhagat: What is the scope of the scheme? Will it cover all the Shri B. Shiva Rao: May I ask whe­ Government servants, or some cate­ ther in view of the excellent work gories only? done by the Army in Rayalaseema in regard to water supply, there is any Rajkumari Amrit Kaur: It includes scheme before my hon. friend for all Government servants and their extending the use of the Army in families. other areas? Shri B. R Bhagat; What is the fln- Shri Kidwai: I do not exactly know this scheme? if there is any scheme, but we will use Will the charges be met by Govern­ the Army wherever it is necessary. ment, or shared between Government and Government servants? Shrlmati Benu Chakravartty: Are we to take it that no reports have been Rajkumari Amrit Kaur: It will be coming from West Bengal about food shared by the Government and the scaro-ty? amount given in contribution. Shri Kidwai: It is not in the list that I have read j^st now, and that is all Shri A. V. Thomas: Is it the inten­ the ihformation that is avsftlable just tion of Government to extend the now. * schemes to other parts of India? Shri Gurupadaswamy: May I know Rajkumari Amrit Kaur: The hon whether there is no food scarcity in Member is aware the Government of Mysore? India can only extend it where Gov­ Shri Kidwai: Not that I am aware ernment of India servants are con­ cerned. In the matter of health, the of. States are autonomous. » Shri N. R. Naida: When did the Government come to know about the Shri M. L. Dwivedi: May I know if water scarcity in Rayalaseema? in certain categories of Government emplo3^ s , this medical aid is going Shri Kidwai: I am not aware. to be suspended, and whether any Shri S. N. Das: May I know whether appropriate increase is going to -be it is a fact that materials that will go made in the pay of these employees? " to improve water supply are not avail­ Rajkumari Amrit Kaur: No. able in sufficient quantity in the State? Shri Kidwai: I have not received Shri H. N. Shastri: Is it a fact that any papers on that subject. Government employees so far were given free medical service both for M e d ic a l F a c il i t i e s f o r G o v e r n m e n t themselves and for their families, and E m p l o y e e s why is it that now it is proposed to take some, money or to inflict this addi­ *33. ShW B. R. Bhagat: Will the tional burden on them? Minister of Health be pleased to state: Rajkumari Amrit Kaur: Uptil now (a) whether Government have ap­ only certain categories of Government proved of a Contributory. Health servants were given theze benefits and Service Scheme intended to provide what were known as fourth class ser­ medical facilities to Government vants had nothing at all. Under the employees and their families in Delhi new scheme, the benefits are going to and New Delhi; be extended to everybody. 41 Oral Ansioers 20 MAY 1952 Oral Answers 42 E x p o r t o f S u g a r a n d Gur* * . Mr, Speaker: Order order. *34. Sbri B. R. Bhagat: WiU the Shri R. K. Chaudhury: ...... what Minister of Food and Agriculture be countries particularly...... pleased to state: ■ Mr. Speaker: Order, order. Mr. (a) whether Government have per­ Chaudhury knows, as an old Member mitted export of Suger and Gur; that any Member desiring to put ques­ (b) if so, to what extent and on tions or to speak is not permitted to what basis; and do so unless called' upon by the Speaker. So all hon. Members wish­ (c) the reasons for the same? ing to put questions will follow this convention. I am watchful and when The Minister of Food and Agricul­ several i>eople rise, I have to make a ture (Shri Kidwai): (a) Yes. random selection and call upon any (b) Export of 25,000 tons gur and one. If too many rise, I pass on to 50,000 tons sugar has been permitted the next question. ' in the first instance. Shri Namblar: May I know if it is the policy of the Government of India Cc) Export of gur has been allowed to raise the price of sugar and gur? to check undue decline in gur prices and that of sugar to dispose of a part Shri Kidwai: It is certainly the of the surplus production. policy of the Government of India not to allow the prices of gur to be depres­ Shri B. R. Bhagat: May I know what sed too much because the cultivators is the current season’s stock of sugar will suffer. The sugar prices have and the estimated requirement, and been fixed in proportion to the sugar­ whether the quantity fixed for export cane price at which the growers sup­ has any relation to the surplus pro­ ply the cane. Therefore there is no duction? ' question of Government' desiring to Shri Kidwai: It is expected that at raise the price.
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