
NATIONALHIGHWAYS AUTHORITY OFINDIA Nor#wmThnk Rode in Anciar* trda X (~~ M&M4uryan) Public Disclosure Authorized Grand Trunk Road Improvement Project ConsolidatedResetdement Action Plan *XTrt*%4 * 4 -~ Nrem TwunkRou~E432 ~~_,< ~~inM.~vl IndP A2 Volume 16 Public Disclosure Authorized oitt nflThunk Road (G.IReoUd) i wip. ~~~~PATAP 1,<vwkA` P Y Public Disclosure Authorized -t+_FILRDV (G.f -~~~~~AD FINALREPORtT ~WI-,-- . Public Disclosure Authorized so atesSouth Asia 'Pvt. Ltd. w Northern Trunk Route in NATIONALHIGHWAYS AUTHORITY OFINDIA Ancient India (Raja Marg-Mauryan) 7*t = ^ Trunk-GrandRoad ImprovementProject ConsolidatedResettlement Action Plan Northem Irunk Routes in Mediaeval India ; (Sarak-e-Azam) Northern Trunk Road i9th Century (G T Road) N~~~~~~~~~~~ 71.a - Proposed Trunk Roadi, Network t~~~~~~~~~~t 207 A.D.) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXEXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1-1 1.1 THE GRANDTRUNK ROAD IMPROVEMENTPROJECT 1-1 1.2 Indian and the World Bank's Requirements 1-2 1.3 Resettlementin the Project 1-2 1.3.1 Need for Land Acquisition 1-2 1.3.2 Context of Resettlementin GTRIP 1-3 1.3.3 MinimisingResettlement 1-3 * The Definitionand Delineationof the Corridorof Impact 1-3 1.4 IMPACTSOF THE PROJECT 1-4 1.4.1 Estimatesof Land Requiredfor the Project 1-4 1.4.2 Displacementand Other Impacts 1-4 1.4.3 Vulnerable Groups 1-4 1.4.4 Livelihood 1-5 1.5 SUPPORT PRINCIPLESFOR DIFFERENTCATEGORIES OF IMPACTS 1-5 1.5.1 Entitlementsfor Project-AffectedFamilies 1-5 1.5.2 *Entitlementsfor Project-AffectedPersons 1-8 1.5.3 Entitlementsfor Project-AffectedGroups 1-8 1.5.4 TargetedSupport to Vulnerable Groups 1-9 1.5.5 Options and Choices 1-10 1.6 RESETTLEMENTPLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION 1-10 1.6.1 Social Assessment,Census and Surveys 1-10 * SocialAssessment 1-10 * Censusand Baseline Socio-Economic Surveys 1-10 * Cut-OffDate 1-10 1.6.2 Resolutl'onof Disputes& Grievances 1-11 1.6.3 Co-OrdinationBetween Civil Works and Resettlement 1-11 1.6.4 Community Participationand Public Consultation 1-12 1.6.5 Non-GovernmentOrganisations 1-12 1.7 INSTITUTIONALARRANGEMENTS 1-13 1.7.1 The Delivery System 1-13 1.7.2 Capacity Building 1-14 1.7.3 Training 1-15 . AwarenessCampaign 1-15 1.7.4 DatabaseManagement & Documentation 1-15 1.7.5 Transparencyand Accountability 1-16 1.8 COSTS AND BUDGETS 1-16 1.9 MONITORINGAND EVALUATION 1-17 LeaAssociates z 7D 1.10 EVALUATIONSTUDIES RECOMMENDED 1-17 2. OBJECTIVES AND BENEFITSOF THE PROJECT 2-1 2.1 OVERVIEW 2-1 2.2 THE GRAND TRUNK ROAD IMPROVEMENTPROJECT 2-1 2.2.1 Overall Scope of ProjectWorks 2-3 2.2.2 Proposed Improvementof the Project Highway 2-3 2.2.3 Resettlementin the Project 2-4 2.3 PROJECT PREPARATIONOBJECTIVES OF GTRIP 2-4 2.3.1 Scope of the ConsolidatedRAP Report 2-5 2.3.2 Objectivesof the ResettlementAction Pjan 2-6 2.4 BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT 2-6 2.4.1 Macro-EconomicBenefits 2-7 2.4.2 Local Level Benefits 2-7 • AccidentReduction Benefits 2-8 * LocalFacilities 2-8 * EmploymentOpportunities for LocalCommunity 2-9 * ImprovedAccess to Amenities 2-9 * Compensationand Mitigation of the NegativeImpacts 2-9 * EquitableDistribution of Benefits 2-9 3. METHODSAND SURVEYS 3-1 3.1 OUTLINE 3-1 3.2 RECONNAISSANCE 3-1 3.3 DATA FROM SECONDARYSOURCES 3-1 3.4 VERIFICATIONEXERCISE 3-1 3.5 THE CENSUS 3-2 3.6 SOCIO-ECONOMICBASELINE SURVEY 3-2 3.7 CONSULTATIONS 3-3 4. MEASURES TO MINIMISE RESETTLEMENT 4-1 4.1 THE NEED FOR RESETTLEMENTIN THE GTRIP 4-1 4.2 MINIMISINGRESETTLEMENT 4-2 4.2.1 The Definition and Delineationof the Corridor of Impact 4-2 4.3 EVALUATIONOF MEASURESTO MINIMISE RESETTLEMENT 4-3 4.3.1 ConcentricWidening and Raised Carriageways 4-4 4.3.2 Concentric/Eccentric Expansion 4-4 4.3.3 Bypass/ Realignment 4-4 4.3.4 Safety Oriented Designs 4-5 4.4 SPECIFIC DESIGNSFOR AVOIDANCEI MITIGATION 4-5 Lea Assoes ii 5. SOCIO-ECONOMICPROFILE OF THE PROJECT AREA 5-1 5.1 PROFILE OF THE AREA 5-1 5.1.1 Demography 5-2 5.1.2 PopulationGrowth 5-3 5.1.3 PopulationDensity and Urbanisation 5-4 5.1.4 PopulationComposition 5-4 5.1.5 Literacy 5-5 5.1.6 OccupationalPattern and Work Force ParticipationRates 5-6 5.2 ANALYSIS OF THE CENSUSDATA 5-7 5.2.1 Profile of the Affected People 5-8 5.2.2 Profile of the Displaced People 5-12 6. COMMUNITYPARTICIPATION AND CONSULTATION 6-1 6.1 PARTICIPATIONOF STAKEHOLDERS 6-1 6.1.1 Identificationof the Stakeholders 6-1 6.1.2 Participantsat Different Levels 6-2 6.2 LOCAL LEVEL CONSULTATIONS 6-2 6.2.1 Objectives and Contents 6-2 6.2.2 Key Findings 6-8 6.3 DISTRICT-LEVELCONSULTATIONS 6-10 6.3.1 Objectivesand Contents 6-10 6.3.2 Key Findings 6-13 6.4 STATE-LEVELCONSULTATIVE WORKSHOPS 6-15 6.4.1 Contents 6-15 6.4.2 Key Findings 6-16 6.5 PLAN FOR CONTINUEDPARTICIPATION 6-18 6.5.1 InformationDisclosure 6-18 * PublicDisclosure of the RAPReport 6-18 * PublicInformation Sharing and Transparency 6-19 * CommunityParticipation 6-19 7. THE ENTITLEMENT FRAMEWORK 7-1 7.1 DEFINITION OF PAPS AND THE ELIGIBILITYCRITERIA 7-1 7.2 CUT-OFF DATES 7-3 7.3 CRITERIAFOR ELIGIBILITYFOR COMPENSATION 7-3 7 4 NHAI FRAMEWORKFOR RESETTLEMENT& REHABILITATION 7-4 Abbreviationsand Terms 7-5 Text of the ENTITLEMENTFRAMEWORK 7-7 ANNEXI: BROADENTITLEMENT FRAMEWORK 7-14 ANNEXII: DETAILEDENTITLEMENT MATRIX 7-15 LeaAs5 tes iii 8. IMPACTSAND RESETTLEMENT/ REHABILITATION 8-1 8.1 ACQUISITIONOF LAND AND ASSETS 8-1 8.1.1 Requirementof Land 8-1 * Estimatesof LandRequired for the Project 8-2 * SpecificPurposes of the LandRequired 8-3 * LandCategories 8-4 8.2 IMPACT ON PEOPLEDUE TO LAND ACQUISITION 8-4 8.2.1 Families LosingAgriculture Land 8-5 8.2.2 Families LoosingResidence 8-6 8.2.3 Families LoosingCommercial Structure 8-6 8.2.4 Families LoosingResidential-Cum-Commercial Structures 8-7 8.3 COMMUNITYRESOURCES AFFECTED 8-7 8.4 SQUATTERSAND ENCROACHERSIMPACTED 8-7 8.5 OVERALLDISPLACEMENT AND OTHER IMPACTS 8-10 8.5.1 Displaced Families 8-11 8.5.2 Vulnerable Group Families 8-11 - 8.5.3 Livelihoodof the Project Affected/DisplacedFamilies 8-15 8.6 RESETTLEMENT 8-16 8.6.1 Displaced Families 8-16 , TitleholderDisplaced Families 8-17 Non-TitleholderDisplaced Families 8-17 VulnerableDisplaced Families 8-18 * OptionsPreferred by the DisplacedFamilies 8-18 8.6.2 Host Community 8-18 Replacementof Amenities 8-19 GConservation and Enhancementof the CommonProperty Resources 8-19 * RoadsideFacilities 8-19 * Safetyof the Communities 8-19 * Evaluationof Impactson the HostCommunity 8-20 8.6.3 Income Restorationof the Affected and the DisplacedPersonslFamilies 8-20 * Livelihoodof the AffectedFamilies 8-20 * FreeAssets to the VulnerableGroup Displaced Families -8-21 * OtherIncome Restoration Measures 8-21 8.6.4 Inter-AgencyLinkages for Income Restoration 8-22 * AgriculturalExtension Facilities 8-23 * IncomeRestoration Schemes 8-23 9. ESTIMATE OF R&R COST 9-1 9.1 UNIT COSTS 9-1 * Valueof Land 9-1 • Valueof BuildingStructures 9-1 Lea Asstes iv * Assistancefor Structure (Squatters& Encroachers) 9-l * Transitional Allowance 9-1 * EconomicRehabilitation Grant 9-2 * ShiftingAllowance 9-2 * RentalAllowance 9-2 * ResettlementSites 9-2 9-2 BUDGET 9-3 10. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS 10-1 10.1 EXISTING INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY 10-1 10.1.1 The Project Implementation Units 10-1 10.1.2 Organisation at the NHAI Headquarters 10-2 10.1.3 Institutional Delivery System 10-2 • District LevelCommittees for RecommendingReplacement Values of Land 10-2 * GrievanceRedressal Committees 10-3 10.1.4 Roles and Responsibilities 10-4 10.1.5 Community Participation in the Implementation of the RAP 10-6 10.2 ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING IN GTRIP 10-6 10.2.1 Need for Additional Capacity 10-6 10.2.2 Land Acquisition 10-7 10.2.3 Women's Participation 10-7 * PossibleAreas of Women Involvement 10-8 * Womenas Managersin the NGOs 10-9 * Women as Membersof the Consultants'Teams 10-9 * Women as Managersin the Contractors'Team 10-10 10.2.4 Database Management & Documentation of the R&R Process 10-11 10.2.6 Amenities and Facilities 10-11 . Website 10-11 * Transportationand CommunicationFacilities 10-12 10.3 TRAINING 10-12 10.3.1 Training for the NGO Personnel 10-12 10.3.2 Training for the Beneficiaries of the Project 10-12 10.3.3 Training forthe NHAI Staff 10-12 10.3.4 Awareness Campaign 10-13 10.3.5 Overall Training Plan for NHAI Staff 10-13 10.4 EVALUATION STUDIES 10-14 10.4.1 Evaluation of the Impacts of Alternative Livelihood Systems in GTRIP 10-14 10.4.2 Evaluation of the Impacts on the Indigenous People 10-15 10.4.3 Evaluation of the Impacts on the Quality of Life 10-16 * SpecificScope of Work for the Host Community Study 10-16 LeaAssociates v 10.5 INVOLVEMENTOF THE NON-GOVERNMENTORGANISATIONS 10-17 * APPENDIX"A":TERMSOFREFERENCE FORTHE NGOS 10-18 * APPENDIX"B": Formatfor EntitlementPhoto Identity Card 10-28 11. MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REPORTING 11-1 11.1 TYPE OF MONITORING& SCHEDULE 11-1 11.2 INTERNAL MONITORINGAND REPORTING 11-1 11.2.1 Organisationof the InternalMonitoring 11-1 11.2.2 Monitoring Indicators 11-2 11.2.3 Monitoringthe ProjectInputs & Outputs 11-4 11.2.4 Reporting 11-4 11.3 EXTERNALEVALUATION & REPORTING 11-5 11.3.1 Monitoringthe ProjectObjectives 11-5 11.3.2 MeasuringChanges in the Quality of Life 11-6 11.3.3 Indicatorsfor Overall Evaluation 11-8 * PhysicalIndicators 11-8 * FinancialIndicators 11-8 * EconomicIndicators 11-9 * SocialIndicators 11-9 11.3.4 Evaluation Studiesby the M&E Consultants 11-9 11.3.5 Reporting 11-10 APPENDD"C": FORMATS FOR REPORTING 11-14 12.
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