NATIONAL EXPORT STRATEGY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR • 2015-2019 Myanmar Ministry of Commerce The National Export Strategy (NES) of Myanmar is an official document of the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. For any queries about the NES, please contact : The Department of Trade Promotion Ministry of Commerce Office No.3, Zeya Htani Road Nay Pyi Taw Phone : + 95 67 408495 Fax : + 95 67 408256 E-mail : [email protected] The reproduction, publishing or transmission in any form or by any means of all or any part of the publication is prohibited without the permission of the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The National Export Strategy of the The Republic of the Union of Myanmar was developed on the basis of the process, methodology and technical assistance of the ITC. The views expressed herein do not reflect the official opinion of the ITC. This document has not been formally edited by the ITC. Layout : Jesús Alés – www.sputnix.es Photos: © ITC The International Trade Centre ( ITC ) is the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Street address: ITC 54-56, rue de Montbrillant 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Postal address: ITC Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41-22 730 0111 Fax: +41-22 733 4439 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.intracen.org NATIONAL EXPORT STRATEGY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR 2015-2019 Myanmar Ministry of Commerce II THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR NATIONAL EXPORT STRATEGY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This National Export Strategy was made possible with the support of the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar ( GRUM ), under the leadership of Myanmar Ministry of Commerce ( MoC ), the financial support from Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Cooperation ( BMZ ) in collaboration with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit ( GIZ ) and the technical assistance of the International Trade centre ( ITC ). Special thanks to the Export-Import Bank of India ( Exim Bank ), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) and the Secretariats of the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) and the Enhanced Integrated Framework ( EIF ) for their inputs and sup- port throughout the design process. The coordination support of the Ministry of Commerce Technical facilitation and support – Department of Trade Promotion : from the International Trade Centre ( ITC ) : Mr. Aung Soe Mr. Anton Said Deputy Director General, NES Navigator, Chief, Export Strategy Department of Trade Promotion, Mr. Darius Kurek Ministry of Commerce Senior officer, Export strategy, Project Manager Dr. Maung Aung Mr. Charles Roberge Economist, Advisor to the Minister of Commerce, Associate adviser, Export strategy, Technical Ministry of Commerce coordinator Ms. Naw MutaKapaw Mr. Paul Baker Director, Department of Trade Promotion, International consultant, Lead writer Ministry of Commerce Mr. Carlos Griffin Ms. Thidar Win Htay International consultant, Writer, Investment specialist Assistant Director, Department of Trade Promotion, Mr. Robert James Kafafian Ministry of Commerce International consultant, Writer Ms. Mya Mya Sein Ms. Marnie McDonald Assistant Director, Department of Trade Promotion, Editor Ministry of Commerce Mr. Daniel Ramage Intern, Research assistant The Directorate of Trade : Ms. Shwe Zin Ko Assistant Director, Department of Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR NATIONAL EXPORT STRATEGY III Contribution from other agencies and institutions : Mr. KyawZarni Win Ms. Marta Perez Cuso Deputy Director, DICA, Ministry of National Planning Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD, Innovation specialist and Economic Development Mr. Prahalathan Iyer Ms. Sandar Aye Chief General Manager, Exim Bank of India Deputy Director, Ministry of Labour, Employment Ms. Sumana Sarkar and Social Security Advisor, Exim Bank of India Mr. Kyaw Lwin Ms. Renuka Vijay Assistant Director, Department of Agriculture, Advisor, Exim Bank of India Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Mr. Rupesh Kumar Sharma Mr. Aye Lwin Advisor, Exim Bank of India Joint Secretary, UMFCCI Mr. Simon Hess Mr. Myint Kyu Coordinator, EIF Secreteriat, World Trade Organisation Executive Committee, UMFCCI Mr. Aung Min Members of the core team : Joint Secretary ( 2 ), Myanmar Industries Association Mr. Htay Win Ms. Ohn Mar Maw Deputy Director General, Ministry of Hotels and Member of the Board of Directors, Myanmar Tourism International Freight Forwarders’ Association Mr. Min Han Soe Mr. Kyaw Tun Director, Central Bank of Myanmar Ministry of Finance Joint Secretary ( 3 ), Myanmar Hotelier Association Ms. HtayHtay Than Mr. NaungNaung Han Director, Directorate of Industrial Supervision and General Secretary / coordinator, Myanmar Travel Inspection, Ministry of Industry Association Mr. Swe Tin Kyu, Deputy Director, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affair, Ministry of Commerce IV THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR NATIONAL EXPORT STRATEGY FOREWORD FROM H. E. U NYAN TUN, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR The new government of the Republic of the Union of Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Myanmar took office in 2011 following the emergence of ( BMZ ) and the implementation support of the German the new constitution in 2008. The government initiated Agency for International Cooperation ( GIZ ). Trade is the a series of reform measures to build a modern, devel- engine of growth for economic development and to that oped nation step by step. The first stage was political effect, export development plays a vital role for the eco- reform. The second was economic and social reform. nomic development of the country. Public administrative and management reform is being implemented continuously to ensure good governance The timing of the National Export Strategy is auspicious, and clean government, followed by private sector devel- coinciding with the reinstatement of Generalized System opment reform. of Preferences ( GSP ). In particular, the NES will support small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) so that in Economic reform measures have included legislation fo- the long-run they produce goods and services that are cusing on the market-oriented economic system, liberali- competitive in terms of both quality and price. zation of trade and investment, cooperation with regional and international organizations, building a favourable eco- The NES resulted from extensive public private engage- nomic environment, facilitating business regulations, infra- ment to contribute to the development of the whole coun- structure development and supporting access to capital try. The priority sectors identified in the National Export and technology. Myanmar’s significant progress in inter- Strategy have been selected as the most effective export national relations, achieved alongside the reforms and the sectors to deliver socio-economic development to the improvement of the socio-economic conditions, is evident people of Myanmar. In that regard, I am convinced that from the assistance we have received from international the implementation of the National Export Strategy will ef- organizations and development partners. fectively support the main objectives of the nation such as poverty alleviation, rural development and broad-based The National Export Strategy ( NES ) was conducted with income growth, and will successfully lead Myanmar to the technical assistance of International Trade Centre sustainable growth and prosperity in accordance with the (ITC) and the funding support of Germany’s Federal vision of the National Export Strategy. THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR NATIONAL EXPORT STRATEGY V FOREWORD FROM H.E. U WIN MYINT, UNION MINISTER OF COMMERCE Since 2011, the Government of the Republic of the Union With the identification of seven priority export sectors and of Myanmar has carried out market-oriented economic four cross sectors, we now have perfectly appropriate and reforms. Although Myanmar is richly endowed with natu- consolidated strategies in hand to extensively propagate ral resources, the country’s export performance falls short Myanmar’s exports onto international markets. In addition, of its potential. Myanmar must increase its share of val- the NES reinforces Myanmar’s leadership in engaging ue-added products. Currently exports are largely unpro- with international partners, bilateral donors and multilat- cessed and destined mainly for Asian markets. Under eral institutions to ensure the cohesion and alignment of the administration of the new government, trade oppor- donor interventions with national needs and priorities. tunities have been improved and new economic policies have been developed. It is in this context that the National Priority export sectors are: Rice; Pulses and Beans; Oil Seed Export Strategy initiative was undertaken. Crops; Fish and Crustaceans; Wood-based Products; Textile and Garment; Rubber and Tourism. Priority cross- The National Export Strategy ( NES ) has been designed sectors are: Trade Financing, Trade Information and Trade with the technical assistance of the International Trade Promotion, Trade facilitation and Logistics and Quality Centre ( ITC ) and the funding support of Germany’s Federal Management. Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development ( BMZ ) and the implementation support of the German Agency for The design phase for NES has been accomplished and International
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