US 20060270499A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2006/0270499 A1 Kilshaw (43) Pub. Date: NOV. 30, 2006 (54) BICYCLE GEAR SET F16H 61/00 (2006.01) (52) US. Cl. ............................................... .. 474/78; 474/80 (76) Inventor: Richard J. KilshaW, Lake OsWego, OR (US) (57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: A bicycle gear assembly has ?rst and second sets of cog TIMOTHY E SIEGEL Wheels, each having at least three cog Wheels of various 1868 KN APPS ALLEY siZes including a largest cogWheel and a smallest cogWheel. SUITE 206 These tWo sets are oriented so that the largest cogWheel of WEST LINN.J OR 97068 (Us) the ?rst set is aligned With the smallest cogWheel of the second set and the smallest cogWheel of the ?rst set is (21) Appl_ No; 10/908,881 aligned With the largest cogWheel of the second set, the ?rst and the second sets of cogWheels de?ne at least a ?rst, (22) Filed; May 31, 2005 second and third pair of substantially aligned cogWheels. Additionally, a chain is mounted about a ?rst pair of the Publication Classi?cation aligned cogWheels and a gear shift assembly is adapted to move the chain from the ?rst pair of cogWheels to the second (51) Int. Cl. pair of cogWheels and from the second pair of cogWheels to F16H 59/00 (2006.01) the third pair of cogWheels. Patent Application Publication Nov. 30, 2006 Sheet 1 0f 4 US 2006/0270499 A1 N mp H£©@ 9 few V0 OO0D 0000000 0O0D 00©8 Patent Application Publication Nov. 30, 2006 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 2006/0270499 A1 Patent Application Publication Nov. 30, 2006 Sheet 3 0f 4 US 2006/0270499 A1 Patent Application Publication Nov. 30, 2006 Sheet 4 0f 4 US 2006/0270499 A1 US 2006/0270499 A1 Nov. 30, 2006 BICYCLE GEAR SET cogWheels and a co-joumalled set of driven cogWheels. Also, a circular chain links a drive cogWheel to a driven BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION cogWheel. Finally, a chain tensioning assembly includes a polymeric roller that de?nes a channel on its outer rim and [0001] Since the advent of mountain biking, there has is rotationally mounted on a tensioned arm that pushes this been a perceived need for a bicycle gearing system that both polymeric roller into the chain. This assembly is positioned is resistant to being derailed by debris that is accidentally so that the chain resides in the roller rim channel. kicked up into the gear set by a bicycle rider and yet offers a Wide range of gearing. Toward this goal gearing systems [0007] In addition to the exemplary aspects and embodi have appeared in the literature, in Which the gears are ments described above, further aspects and embodiments encased in a protective housing. Will become apparent by reference to the draWings and by study of the folloWing detailed descriptions. [0002] In these neW systems a drive Wheel may be co joumalled With a driven set of gears and, in turn, drive a BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS cogWheel on the bicycle’s rear Wheel. Unfortunately, these systems do not have as Wide a range of gearing options as [0008] Exemplary embodiments are illustrated in refer some mountain biking enthusiasts might desire. Moreover, enced ?gures of the draWings. It is intended that the embodi the inner Workings of some gear box designs are fairly ments and ?gures disclosed herein are to be considered complicated, resulting in a gear box that is heavier and more illustrative rather than restrictive. prone to larger frictional losses and rapid Wear than is [0009] FIG. 1 is a partial side vieW of a bicycle, including desirable. a gear box as in the present invention. SUMMARY [0010] FIG. 2 is a doWnWardly looking sectional vieW taken along lines 2-2 of FIG. 1. [0003] The folloWing embodiments and aspects thereof [0011] FIG. 3 is a sectional side vieW taken along line 3-3 are described and illustrated in conjunction With systems, of FIG. 2. tools and methods Which are meant to be exemplary and illustrative, not limiting in scope. In various embodiments, [0012] FIG. 4 is a detail sectional side vieW, taken along one or more of the above-described problems have been line 4-4 of FIG. 2. reduced or eliminated, While other embodiments are directed [0013] FIG. 5 is a detail sectional side vieW, taken along to other improvements. line 5-5 of FIG. 2. [0004] In a ?rst separate aspect, the present invention is a [0014] FIG. 6 is a sectional side vieW, taken along line 6-6 bicycle gear assembly that comprises ?rst and second sets of of FIG. 2. at least three co-journalled cogWheels, each having co joumalled cogWheels of various siZes including a largest DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE cogWheel and a smallest cogWheel. These tWo sets are PREFERRED EMBODIMENT(S) oriented so that the largest cogWheel of the ?rst set is substantially aligned With the smallest cog Wheel of the [0015] Referring to FIG. 1, a bicycle 10 includes a pre second set and vice versa. Accordingly, the ?rst and the ferred embodiment of a bicycle gear assembly 11. Turning second sets of cogWheels de?ne at least a ?rst, second and to FIG. 2, assembly 11 includes a co-joumalled drive cog third pair of substantially aligned cog Wheels. Additionally, Wheel set 12, a co-journalled driven cogWheel set 14 and a a chain is mounted about a ?rst pair of the aligned cogWheels chain 16 linking a cogWheel on set 12 With a cogWheel on and a gear shift assembly is adapted to move the chain from set 14. Drive set 12 is driven by a pair of pedals 18 (FIG. the ?rst pair of substantially aligned cogWheels to the second 1) and driven set 14 is driven by Way of chain 16, from set pair of substantially aligned cogWheels and from the second 12. Referring again to FIG. 1, the driven set 14, is co pair of substantially aligned cogWheels to the third pair of joumalled to a stand alone drive cogWheel 20 that poWers a substantially aligned cogWheels. chain 22 that, in turn, poWers a bicycle rear Wheel 24 by Way of a rear Wheel cogWheel 26. [0005] In a second separate aspect, the present invention is a bicycle that includes a gear assembly that has ?rst and [0016] A tension roller 30, preferably made of durable second sets of co-joumalled cogWheels, each having at least polymer and having an outer rim that de?nes a channel or three cogWheels of various siZes including a largest cog groove for accepting the chain 16, is mounted on a roller arm Wheel and a smallest cogWheel, oriented so that the largest 32 that is spring loaded to press roller 30 inWardly into chain cogWheel of the ?rst set is aligned With the smallest cog 16. This causes a greater engagement of chain 16 With the Wheel of the second set and vice versa. Accordingly, the ?rst teeth of the cogWheels about Which it is mounted. The more and the second sets of cogWheels de?ne at least a ?rst, teeth are engaged With chain 16, the more force may be second and third pair of substantially aligned cogWheels. transmitted from cogWheel set 12 to set 14. Also, the tension Additionally, a chain is mounted about a ?rst pair of aligned roller 30 serves the purpose of taking up the extra chain cogWheels and a gear shift assembly is adapted to move the length that is necessary to alloW the chain to successfully chain from the ?rst pair of substantially aligned cogWheels transit from one cogWheel to the next cog Wheel and that to the second pair of substantially aligned cogWheels and accommodates the small changes in chain slack as the gears from the second pair of substantially aligned cogWheels to are changed in steps, as described beloW. the third pair of substantially aligned cogWheels. [0017] Referring to FIGS. 2, 4 and 5, to effect a shifting [0006] In a third separate aspect, the present invention is of gears, a cable 34 is pulled so that it rotates a guide bar 36. a gear assembly, comprising a co-journalled set of drive A set of chain shift channels 38 and a driven cog set shift US 2006/0270499 A1 Nov. 30, 2006 channel 39, move a chain shift guide bar follower 40 and 180 degrees relative to each other, these sets need not be driven cog set shift guide bar follower 42, Which move the identical. In one preferred embodiment, each substantially chain 16 and the driven cogWheel set 14 respectively in aligned pair of cogWheels (one cogWheel from set 12 and the response to the rotation of guide bar 36. A pair of slide rods other from set 14) collectively has the same number of teeth 41 prevent follower 40 from rotating about guide bar 36. as all the other substantially aligned cogWheel pairs. Skilled persons Will recognize that a bearing/coupling must Although in other preferred embodiments this is not the be used to join folloWer 42 and the largest of cogWheels 14 case, there is an advantage for the case in Which each aligned so that as folloWer 42 operatively presses against this cogWheel pair collectively has a number of teeth that is not cogWheel 14 it does not impede its rotation by Way of very different from the other, similar, aligned cogWheel frictional resistance. The bearing/coupling also makes it pairs. The advantage is that a single tension roller 30, Which possible for folloWer 42 to move cogWheel set 14 by pulling provides more chain Wrap on both cogs, is possible since in on it transversely.
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