San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1917 Special Libraries, 1910s 10-1-1917 Special Libraries, October 1917 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1917 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, October 1917" (1917). Special Libraries, 1917. 8. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1917/8 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1917 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries A Government System of Filing Commercial Information* By Jay E. Fitegerdd, Chid ol the Editorial Division, Bureau of Foreign :~nd Domcstic Commercc. The .nure:lu of Fore~gnand Doincstic Com- enlire t.i~neto thc coIlcction and publiration or nlerce 1s in m:my respects a, comblnntiou news- infornlation on foreign tmffs and pateills and Papcr ofice and information burenu. With jts tradc-mnrks. In ntlclition, the J3ulcw mnkes corps of rcportcrs in foreign countrics and ~tu use of n lnrgr r~urnl~orof iorcign publications, meLhocl of collcctiug commercial information, including thc official gazettes nntl important you are not, pclhaps, so much interestcd, as in tradc pnpcrs. the system by which this information is hnncllrcl The 1Surca11, as 1 ham statcd, is n combination in the Rureau nncl distributed. HOD-cwr, to publ~shingoffice and information burenu. Its unckrstnncl the 13ureau'g problcms and the greatesl problcm is to get out promptly ihc work it performs, it will be nccessaiy to clcscribe tiniely lnlo~~~~nt,ionthat it rcccirrs. So far ns brlefly its organization. possible illis informnbion is printed so as to There arc thrcc principnl sources from v;hich rccluce as rnuch as porsilJc the amount of tracle information reaches thc Bureau. Thc correspondenre. The pubhcntions inrlurle a first nncl oldcst of these is thc consular servlce, daily paper, Cotrinmcs Rcpo~~ls,which is pcrhsps wliich is uride~the ~mmedistepkdiction of tho the! hest linon~nncl most widely quoted of ~ts Shte Department. There arc about three pul~licntions. Then there we monthly, quartrrly, hundrcd consu1:lr officers and in ndclition to thcse ancl nnuunl statislicnl bulletins, tariff puhlics- many consular agencies. The comm~rc~xlwork tions, and several scrics of nionograpl~scovering of tllcsc officers is only one of the many tlu1ip.s a wde variety of subjects. they arc c~~llcclupon to perform, but tllcrc 1s Cornmci LC Hcporla is H real claily paprr Form- received from them a conbtant stream of reports erly the repork from thc consular olliccrs wcrc dcscrihing co~nnlcrcinl:lnd ~ndustrialcond~tions, issucd none too promptly, two or thrcc n.eclis which, if they arc lo be ol value to tllc busir~cbs perl~npselapsing bctwecn tllc timr of tho rcccipt pul~lic,must, bc ~ssuedsoon aft.er I.llelr rcccipt. of tlie reports and their p~ihlicatio~l.Undcr the Seconrl, are l he com~ncrcid ;agents of thc ~mwnt~system :L rcport corning by cnldc Irom n Bureau of Foreign and Dumbstic Commerw, c~onsularoficclr on Montlny nltcrnoon is prinicd men who arc gcnernlly takcn from artwe work :mcl in the nlaila by Tuertlny nftrrnoon. This in fiomc pn~tlculnrindustry or brnnrh of com- requires mplrl worl<,ns Imhincss inen II:LW :I 15gl1t, mcrce, and who lmkc ~rlvestigntions ol their to expect that. thc rcports ~ssucdby thc Rurt\xu specinl lincs. Xlo~tof their rcports tlrc puls- +hdl lxcorrect ant1 dlthc facts must be 1-1wr.kctl lisllecl in sepmltc bulletms, although ~lcinsof up Thcp wan1 a11 the informatinn possiblr ~mincclintcimportuncc are ~ssucdtl~ro~lgh thc told in lllc femesl worcls, :uld ilicy do not want daily journnl of the Uurenu of Forrign and succeeding issues of Cotnr,tcrcc Hcporls to go Domestic Commercc. over ground that 11ilv :~lrentlyhccn coverrd. Third, tlicrc is thc corps oC conlmerc~alnL- WImt thc I%irenu has termccl it5 "collation tac~has,ten in n~unbel,st:~tioncd at the leud~ng fiIe" clevclopcrl from thr, nretls of thc editors com~ncrcitd ccntcrs of the world ancl worlcing eng~gcdin prrpnr~ngropy for tlils daily paper under tlie ml~nediatedirection of the Depnrt- It was necessary that they hnw re:dily n~ailable xnenl oE Commerce. Th~sis thc lntest rlevelop- n completc record of wllat had r~pprarecl in *lent in Govcrnmentsl :Lgencics lor the pro- C'oin~rzerce Rrporls so that 111 editing a mnnu- nlotion of our commcrcinl intercsts. script rcceivetl an hour or two before it 11nd to Tllr stntistical work 01 tllc Rulenu is a sep:lmtc go to thc printer, tllcy could Iny thcw hands on and. (list~nctdlvieion and to it 1s nssignecl the nll puhl~shedmr~tcrial relaling to thtlt rcport.. duty of comp~lingand issuing statistics of the The edltors neetled not moldy references, such forclgn trncle of t,he United States, thcsc stntistics as merta :~vnild~leto them in thc card 1nt1c.u thnt coming to t.he Bureau from the CusLoms Officcs 11112 Burrr~ulnaints~ns of :dl nrticlcs sppenring under the juristlict,ion of the Trcasury Depnrt- in its pol)licnt~ons,but the reports tlic~m~clr~es. nlent. There is also n divlaion devoting its It was a loss of t~mcto go through thr bulky bound vulu~ncs of ('o~nnwrc~lieports [or ihe * Adclreaa nt the nnnunl meeting of the Spccial Libraries asocintmn, Louavllle, Kentucky, June 23, 1017. articlcs that must be consulted. 116 SPECIAL LIBRARIES SPECIAL LIBRARIES What a Public Library Cannot Do for the Business Man:" By lilorancc Ppenccr, Sntional City Bnulr, Ncw York. LllaL topic n: Ill(, ?:1mc tilncs. and it 1s I~umrmly ~n~possil~lrto L:LYP tlupliv:~ic~s cnoug11 lo antic4- pnl' my m~tlall c.\~111s nllid~w:1y nrib.rb. It is ~lcrlcclly I I'LIC tli:li ivi:1?c1111 lhc 1111 ('~~PCIICC ~~rt.c.-~aryfor tht~SIICCCSS~II~ JIIIC~~IICFS 1ilr:;uinn ihtw topic*-: uau!J i~otl~c cmvcrtd in ILc in- di-;i(l~::~,lIihry in t i111v 1 o nntwiint (5 I 11c (Ip- m:lntl;., Illit if tlw 11I11:ul:mis ulnl lo tlir rntc-mt? of the Ilousc~:ud nll the intr~c:~rlrsof cw~non~ic I~lc,he ol sh~rm~not fail to 11:1vc ~~wrlczomc kmd of prc~~:xr:~Lionaniicipnt~n:: such n con- ting~ncy. 1 know thnt this cnn bc tlonr :mtl 11ns lwcn provcd ovcr nnd ovcr ng:m in n ~rcnt inony instnnccs In u, vcry prnctical wny, to the o~~l~rc~nt~sf:~ctionol tlic incluircrs~~ho tln~h in tlir 1ihr:~ryfor~nformntion on n topic ~~h~cliit 11nhnc\.- er ot~cuwcrllo llier~lto Le i~~tcinlrtlin l~cfo~c The. .:ccord rcnson, to n1y rrltntl nln~tr::t cqu:~llriitnl, is thtt fwt thnt 11 ~~nulrlIIC inllros- siljlr for +IIP ])tlllli(' II~)I.;VV to cnti~r10 tl~rin- ~lividunlncerls of I~u~intvslio~iscb with that full tlct:!il nc>,wmrj lo r,wh l)rcwi~:~rwyw;ix:ltirr~~. Ihl~om~~n::on th~..point, I n-111 go Ctvtl~cr:lntl hag th~lill n g~t~lt.1n:trly of the s,pcc~:illil)r;u.ics 111c ITKI~~~Ii:il rlrs~rod I-W~P~ 011 tl~,eo~~li~lc~~tid, oit11c.r \\holly so, or to :I ccrtnin tlcprcr, tlnd in othcr instnnccu ll)t,rr III:LY 1)c 110 cniifirltvtinl 1natc1i:il hut tlw c~fliccrsor cmployccs 01 that Ilousc wultl not cnrc to t:tke tllc puld~crnto 118 SPECIAL LIBRARIES I>II<~II~~:wI IVII,~. 33(!Lli 1 1if 111 ldic nnd spcci:~l lit)r:uh fill vnrvllia nc~c~tlsin tho wholc field wl~ic.li c:nnnot A new pul)licution of ~nlcrcstlo I)usil~cssfilms is: "A Directory of i\.l:ding Lists 0bt:~in:~I)loIn ~,amplil(:tForm Tclling J'vT1lcrc to Grf. Them t111cl llicu Co~t,"co~np~ltd hy \\lillinm S Thuml~snn, ])ul)lishcrl by l'utn:nn, 1917. Tl~efirsL p:~rt,is a classified l~stol publicnlions cvmt:~inilig mailing 11sts on valiorls suhjcfts fmn i\dvcl l ising lo Trstilcs. 'J'hc seconcl p:m ~r~tl~scsLhc: lists l)y spccinl s~~hjects. SPECIAL LII3RARIES 110 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Women rnilmny \vorkcrs. Rnilwaymen and cnlktmcnt: Eniplogment of (Traffic world [Ed~torlnl]r. 20: 230; 11~1gust5, women. 1817.) .TIL.. Records-.... ~ of rdwav ~nlcrcstsin thc war, Painting loc:ornot~vcs1)y fern:~lc lohour 11, British. p. 2f-31.~ (Rnilway ggnseite, v 27: 170; August 10, 1917.) Partlv r~prinlctlin Rnilmay ncws, v. 103: Pcmnle mlploymrnt burenu, S1.. Louis 2nd San 56.5: hril 3. 1916. Frnncisco rnilroi~cl. War SPI&C' 161. women on nilw ways. (Rnilwny rcriclr., v. 61: 164; August, 11, 1917.) (Rnilway gnxcttc, 1- 29: 43'3; Xpri! 23, 1013 ) Fclnnlc cmploymcnt on ~llcPennsy1v;~nltl rail- TIN Ur~ghtonrnilwny compnny's tmlning scl~ool ronrl. (.liniln7i1y rcvicw, v. GI: 172; August 11, 1917.) Rallrnt~yrcvlcm [Editorial.] Fcninlr: cmployn:enl. bu~cau,St. Louis-8x11 your ly&agP, ti~r'?" ri~nnso~~scry to 1~'r:mcisc~ornilronrl Engl~shpssscnger now. (Rndw:~y rcvit~m, v. 61. 16'4; August 11, (Xcw York Sun, LInv 16, 1915, p. 7.) 1917 ) Pe~nnlo I)ooliing clerlcs on tllc 1Irlropolitnn St. ~o&&n Francisco cstsbl~sl~csschool lor milnnys. women (Itnilway n(!\\'h, v. 103: 831; May 22, 1916.) (Railnxy ngc gaacttc, v.
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