Vol. 25, No. 40 October 4, 1982 A CHINESE WEEKTY OF NEWS AND VIEWS Economic Iargels For the fear 2000 o Workers' [ights o Tibetan lmpressions chilie talks about his recent trip HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK back to Tibet (p. 22). New Central Committee Economic Targets by the China Was Top at WWVC Members Year 2000 The Chinese team was number An introduction to some of the General Secretary Hu Yao- one in the Ninth World Women's 271 middle-aged cadres who bang recently announced that Volleyball Championship in were recently elected to the Cen- China iirtends to quadruple its Pem, thus qualifying for the tral Committee of the Chinese gross annual value of industrial women's volleyball event in the Olympic Games years Communist Party (p. 5). and agricultural production by two from the year 2000. Historical, po- now (p. 28). Mrs. Thatcher in China litical and economic analyses support the conclusion that it is The first British Prime poasible to achieve this goal Minister to visit China, Mrs. (p. 16). Margaret Thatcher held talks with Chinese leaders on a numr .Workers' Congresses ber of questions, including bi- This report focuses on several lateral relations and Xianggang workers' congresses in Beijing (Hongkong) (p. 9). that ensure democratic manage- ment, through examining prod- Si no-J apanese Rerations uction plans, electing factory This September marked the leaders and supervising manage- 1Oth anniversary of the nor- ment (p. 20). malization of China-Japan rela- Today's Tibet tions. The rapid development of friendship and co-operation Oncs a Living Buddha, now between the two countries an associate professor of the during period reviewed Central Institute Nationali- An exciting moment during this is for the match between the Chi- (p. 12). ties in Beijing, Dongga Luosang- nese and Peruvian teams. Woter ond Lond Tronsport ARTICLES & DOCUMENTS Network BEIJING REVIEW Con Chino Reoch lts Economic Good Eorly Rice Horvest Torgets by 2000? 't6 New Progress in Treoting How Chinese Workers Exercise Published every Mondoy by Pollution BEIJINO REVIEW Their Democrotic Rights 24 Boiwonzhuonq Rood, Beijing Peosonts Enjoy Pensions Our Correspondent Zhong- The People's Republic of Chino Minister on Chino's Higher Non 18 Educotion Workers' Congresses in Chino 20 British Pr.ime Minister Visits lmpressions of Tibet Donggo Vol. 25, No. 40 October l, 19A2 Chino Luosongch ilie - 22 Chino, Angolo Recognize Eoch CONTENTS Other FROM THE CHINESE PRESS 26-N CUTTURE & SCIENCE 28-30 NOTES FROM THE EDITORS INTERNATIONAL 11-15 3 ART PAGE 31 Sociolist Spirituol Civilizotion Begin Administrotion Con- Culturol Editor Xin demned-Zhong Toi Xiongrong- 10 Yeors of Chino-Jopon Relo- tions Xin Ping BElJll{c REVIEW (USPS t{0. 658-110) is TETTERS 4 - West Germon Government published weekly lor USS 1 3.50 per year by Collopses Beiiing Review, 24 Baiwanzhuang Bood, EVENTS & TRENDS 5-10 Zhong Yunwen lMF, World- Bonk Meeting: Soiiing, China. Socond-class postagc paid Newly Elected Centrol Com- Seeking o Woy to Resolve at San trancisco, CA. Postmaster: Ssnd mittee Members the Finonciol Crisis Xin oddress drangos ro China Books & Announcement Bu - Poriodicals. lnc.. 2929 24th Strset, San Whot Legocy to Bequeoth Pokiston Now Exports Wheot francisco, CA S4110. Children ? - Chen Mouhuo Notes f'rom the Editors the socialist society. Although the reality of our country is Socialist Spiritual Ciuilization still a far cry from the ideal world described by Marx and Engels, the latter is the great Why is socialist spiritual civil- exerts a tremendous impact on goal of our long-term struggle. izadion an important charac- the latter. The present drive to accomplish teristic of the socialist system? the four modernizations and the In expounding the process of great efforts made to build so- human beings entering into a cialist spiritual civilization as we In his report to the 12th Party period resulting from civilized build socialist material civiliza- Congress (see issue No. 37), Hu of material pro- the development tion are all for the purpose of Yaobang, General Secretary of duction, the emergence of social advancing towards this great the Party Central Committee, division labour, the discovery of ideal. said: "Socialist spiritual civili- of the written language and its zation constitutes an important application to recording of docu- Material civilization and spir- characteristic of the.. socialist ments, Marx and Engels pointed itual civilization are interrelated. system and a major aspect of its out that slavery in antiquity, But this does not mean that superiority," The report also serfdom in the Middle Ages under the socialist system, a so- made a scientific exposition of and wage labour in modern cialist spiritual civilization will the relations between socialist times were the three great grow spontaneously with the material civilization and socialist forms of servitude characteristic development of material civili- spiritual civilization and the oI the three great epochs of zation. The reason is that while significance and functions of the civilization, aII based on the material wealth can be used to latter. exploitation of one class by an- benefit the people, it can also be The building of socialist spirit- other. Marx and Engels also used to rsli,sfy some people's prediction ual civilization consists, by and made the scientific selfish desires and even do harm development of large, of two interrelated as- that with the to the people. The key point is history, a of a higher pects: one is the development of civilization the world outlook and morality by the education, science, culture, pub- stage characterized elimi- of the people who control the nation the one lic health, physical culture and of exploitation of material wealth. other undertakings, including class by another that is, com- munist civilization- was bound As regards the contacts be- healthy and varied mass recrea- - tween countries, a state with a tional activities and entertain- to emerge. By that time, the would flow with products highly developed material civil- ment of good taste; the other is land generation ization can either use its ma- the raising of the people's po- like spring water, a of communist new people would terial wealth to assist oppressed Iitical consciousness and moral peoples as be able to develop their talents nations and or use it standards, of which the most means to exploit and control freely in all respects, a thorough a important aspect is to foster rev- peoples. rupture with the traditional re- other countries and olutionary ideals, morality and This is determined by a coun- lations of ownership and with discipline. In socialist China, try's social system, its guiding traditional concepts would be the building of socialist spiritual ideology and its policies. civilization should be centred achieved; and, in a sense, human round the fostering of com- beings would finally divoree The importance of building muhist ideology. themselves from the animal socialist spiritual civilization is world and would consciously to raise a generation of new In probing the laws governing treat the world and life with a people with communist ideology the development of human his- scientific attitude. AII this ob and morality, thereby promoting tory, Marxism always links ma- viously involves demands both material civilization and ensur- terial production with spiritual on material production and on ing that it will develop in the production. The mode of spirit- spiritual production. right direction. ual production is decided by a specific form of material pro- Today, China is still in the Cultural Editor duction and at the same time initial stage of communism - Xiangrong - Xin October 4, 7982 New Developments in Tibet How does the Chinese press answer the questionsl froni your TETTERS readers? I have read the article "Latest Is it through letters? Developments in Tibet" (issue No, I"assine Treare "Beijing Review" Helps 25). According to our limited avail- able news about the legendary Kati,, Mali My Teoching "roof of the world," I always Apart from erchanging thought in the past that Tibet was uietos through letters, u)e Beijing Reoieu helps me something like the most under- carrg articles on solne coln- understand the Chinese PeoPle's developed villages inhabited by monlg asked" questions. The life today, as well as the pbst Indians in Peru's Ayllu del In- Letters colurnn also occasion- and even the future of China.. canato. allg prot:id,es sorne short I'm quite interested in the articles ansu)ers to readers' questions. about China's economY, its in- I am very glad to know that pro- _ Ed. habitants and its minority nation- gress is being made in Tibet. As similar ,alities. I teach courses on China, the elevation of Tibet is Some Suggestions using both Beiiing Reoieus and to the Andes Mountains of Peru, China Reconsrructs. I find many Tibet is suitable for growing the One thing I feel unsatisfied with useful articles in these magazines. primitive grain crop tarui. I is that the articles you carry have hope that after our correspondent been condensed or were Publish- Except for some mistakes in makes an all-round explanation at ed much earlier bY Chinese translation, your weekly is quite the Academy of Agricultural papers. I wish you could translate satisfying. Sciences in Beijing, he may the articles you plan to cairY in I would also like to make some render a practical assistance to ' a more timely manner. criticisms. The Foreign Relations the growing of the crop which is superior to the soybean. in addition, the articles in the column isr devoid of substance. It international column are too short. is confined to general reporting. It would be better if you'd select For instance, it carries sPeeches Jose Aragon Aedo some detailed and authoritative made by government heads dur- Cusco, Peru articles on international problems.
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