View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by University of New Mexico University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe Gazette, 1852-1869 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-23-1864 Santa Fe Gazette, 07-23-1864 Hezekiah S. Johnson Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sf_gazette_news Recommended Citation Johnson, Hezekiah S.. "Santa Fe Gazette, 07-23-1864." (1864). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sf_gazette_news/133 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe Gazette, 1852-1869 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. (NUMBER 6 NEW SERIES) 23, 1864. VOLUME VI. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, JULY State uf Wisconsin, shall he, '"l U Mrai. cm as tu tliuiii Di'i-i- just uutl tru-- 1!"UW!' Cu.lRLFS I)K (RECH i s, iy made part ol A I) V HUT IS KH KN TS ILe OFFICIAL. are In rel.y, alWched to and St. Lou'.i 01 tuiiwuun'e, iu .u Sen 2. Ami lie it further enaded, 'Unit the eollectiiin district LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES.. uf Wisconsin. it shiill lie lawful wiiJ Ui'liiilaliiliMil Stuli! l'r nuctr-a- , Passed at the First Session of the'Thirty-cight- h Sec. 6. And be it further iiias CLOTHING. 0 tii'town, in llieir tiou, instead "I ulll Is given by culleetOM of customs, tU- linn liiut lax nfi'ivnaiil, t lav li'l Brown & De Greek navd ullicers, utirveynra, and hy nil offi ii'ct uuiiu iilv a (ti iieial J"C il t"X not t" cera ul the custums tlifnnghoot the United to 10t. exre. ll ,,110 iil'tll nl'iilie lieruellt. U'T lllilioill Sumwors (he in '! tnwn, Sutes, shall by approved I'JT tummni' Ax act to noli bit eei tm ii sales of jjulJ and on all llm iiKsessiilde urenerl)- "JbM W office they ira iVXtafai .rli Co. tlm ul sinner uf Onstuins, in whose 'v j . F. ENDEKS & Inreijjn excliui g :. fin- lie purp fi' ol'defravinii cot history now reipiired to be tiled. A .N3-- through nnid town fruiii UAuTEiiue it enaeled the Venule and II. USO of water t,. biography t lie hy See. 6 And bo it further euaotcd, That M.VÍTJCTL'liEllS, "I tlm mains or pipes I llio Viisliin""ii niiU! Ki'l lesi llllltlVes id llio Uniled Slnle effect frum and alter (ha exidu- - V ly np this act shall take in it .li.;l. whii h lax nhail In: AND Anieiiea tan'in'ress nssemhled, Tiiat hundred and tixty . I)'' ei.lli'i'. thirtieth June, eighteen hall lie unlawful tu make any emitraet fur iiri.uii.ite'l to Huid ,ilici-t- lll ' foiir. Wholesale Dealers in Clothing, lid in the Kami! it tier as the general tax ihe lincharle er sale and d. hv.iry id' any he further onacted, That and shall whenever the Seo. Í. And it 'ohi or luilhoii ID he delivered on any ul'surd tuvvii, cuav Vio. coin Ihe act entitled "All act to I'egulato til 63 Main st SI. Louis eiiNt of said dislr liiition uliall liavu lieen lay miIisi (jiieiit tn tiic dnyt.f making Hiieh on the nil lia. foreign 'and coasting Irado northerly i..ílíil.'.o fi niidTrinl (lie fully i:iid: I'mvid T'iiat pms'iiis Iimo mnl f "ai- -rt "ti". rSuf,.ri e.iiitiael, ur fnf payment bf any 11111, frmitiera ol llio e northeastern, and northwestern en, laiiisiiiull) ki pi un limd i' Ini Mtti'UU !IIU idii tu un v said tax shall he end ted mi either Used or (Miiliii'41 m in delimit ul lie il... It,, t...l Stii.lr. mid t'nr other unro'ises. count of tin1 sumo willi all Minis hcielof 'i'i lelive: v of aiiY trold eniii or Inil'ion. nr to i m ...a. gliteen ..: i ... ....1,1 I'luni. ,,..l niioroveii seconn maim, hoiiorco ' ' ' f' MttnuJ'uclorij, make sne.li iijuin any nlh'T term y .. .k , ,i ..II i.ther acts or ourtl levied dl llllj net tu illi'i mu i,,, v...-- .i r Oí il delivery el i i'iiIU eoiii laX, llirMlaliee AGUSTIN M. HUNT, in the nelii sue uf nets inconsistent with thia act be, and & Co. full tin w h it'll this in an amendment. Lewis B. Brown r Inillioii, and the payment in nf are hereby, repealed. ' .See. 3 And he it further enacted, That the same LIBRERO B IMPORTADO ii;recil price Iheienf, nil the day nil whirl 11, 1861. 29 Bartla) it SftrTori, the Ihird seetinu iif the aft afuresaid ho and Approved June vt .,i,.i ...... t in le ill I'lilll'd Sim m.liury Mid curi'c'ii.'V, utliei-- iH'rehy repe led. LIBROS ESTKANJKROS, nrdm Ink' " and cnrfiiiilv KmUt bull) tar n .tes or nulii.tnil nut ! "" ivi'r, June 11, 1301. N'o. 21. I'urr-qm- minium i.r to iiiiiI.i: tiny ennuuet fur th.e Aipmved, Pcsuc ltEsoLcnox Calle d h Xv. 4:lr wim'I ul' i SANTA FE, SUEVO MEMCO. sale and dcliveiy any A nrsnu'TioN to provide for the printing of 4 delivered timo SiB ti, de l'lin"- ''"r l"m"- exchange to he at any Pcnuc-- No. 105. official reports of tbo operations of llio In. Ken.'' l'nMo. I'or V.il,.a.l, la. ifllO., STETTAUEll & ten days siiui!.iicniit lo tin: inaliii;r ol unes of tue I' nited States. Mfiluinim. 83. An act tu iiuH'inl an act entitled "An net ni M. such contract ; or t.,r the id'any Arlo (I. Oman a:;u pnytneiH do lH"''ni;.t:tB. is I'AM'v stai'u: tu the time for tin! withdrawal by the Senate and House of Re Ilntomi mm eitle-- fixed or in default extend Rooked Fiimuilla. IV Couilii. 50. sum, contingent, Cnr.o ik $t nf goods fi uiii public stoics mid bonded of the United plates of Amo- - I'i... .f tin: d, livery ul' any fureii;ii exuhai ge (v.rr'.'Ki'oi..li'm'i.i Cnm'Teiil; OimP.il trimc.. ti "& DRY GOOS, CLOTHWtt wareh.iuses, for oilier purposes," np- - ncai iu Coin.'ress assembled, That the SeO ,r ill iniiel' terms limn lili': Hetiial Klt'tn.'lU'iH (In Hl'inilit pun Im luvsniui. I'lrui-u- " np any - 29ili ISI'1. i be und ho is lierehy direc- l!nlil:i..n. 2. :0. sllell Wliliili pii.vcd February, rotary f War HATS AND CAl'S. vet jf ul' I'unin exehal".'e )l,nn.iiild..l,rll.liili.IU.im Wiarv !. HOOTS, SHOES, it. by the and House the Superintendent of Public Ii I',, enaeleil ted In furnish tiprlm-Mi- li Aiiam.:.. ti n di.vs lieni lii'i sin cunlrai t, twi T'.. iinin.;í o' In ,iim Inn e'.irli.ins. 81 uf 11 ..presonlaliiTs of tlm I'liited.Siales I'nuting with eupies of all audi Ourrespon. tlom utos Airni,nnnii No, 17, and in: iiiiiii. liiiile payment in full ol the d,i Arlinieli'-i- 1" 17 Street, all Inania '''. ?i. No. Delawaro A iii'i'ica in 'm g aiseiiihled, That deuce, by teicgraiili or otherwise, reporto N'ievrt K' tilo de I.' irla, i mi It '.pecm, Begun el gusto unreel price lhcre.,1' mi tin; diyol delivery 's and iik-- cliaiiil's.' in public f and documents of Jl. 2S0. - ..'muís, wares, cuiiiiiiaiii'.liig ullicers, P'r Suit. 4t"tuo,. $1. Smith Side, la.t. Main anil Second, 111 I IllUd Mull s ll'i'es ur llallullal Clll'l'i and nuieled warehouses nn whieli (.V(,rv descripliun iu rel atioii to the exist K IMI I'" " si. iiea Stiviiii ( n lit lili ) w,m DO 111 llriioiilu n,". ol lw ' "," " sl" ing li'Dcllloll, to loiinu mo arciun-- ui n Siilittiui'iu. Miliums Aloriil'S. $2 23. LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, ilic sale und dcliveiy f an v coin r -;t mf,-lmu,- the lii'st day of Dec Kl - 1"' NiR'H. 91.M. yarund his ficoni Uncut since Amivi" ..nil.,,,, of which lie. p.,'.-u- nnkiui; sel, ? '"' eighteen hundred and sixty, to the 1 of mak;,,.'!1' ember, lli.taut de l - 'ileal P"r lamarl it- j. e. nlr.ict sh.,11 led, at the time m? Aliliv'ia. ''in fi v..; $!.V. CO., and the cnnci lL rd i- - time, and during the continuance Cui'.n Mieorin C. 11. M0RE1IEAD & he aemal And il um'smi'l'l present Jli,tiihilallti'yl;',li!W,'"l''l" 'Ji.uiin $16 iheHiune, in pusse,,,,,,,. Ilia Mon' ""' " I' ' "ll uf said rebellion, which may be, In l'r In m 'If 'i ..hall he mil iwi'id lu mako any loan r ,,-- ! ".v l'i .m-n'p fn. , , tlC- - lie .1 It. I'. K'lHrpi.' Iimliin. n" r i t $ m.vt ,t r,aviti.i lit (intles and c- iai Lri'3 to published with aaid cor p.rni I'or (JKOCEUS ,., Ml - ' I r tinnier 6 Ill'P'U Niilural.ltt l"i Auiumles WHOLESALE i.ii..,.iiei- nil .lii'i- e.i In le ri l,i " 'J LklliullL. lie 'JOl'tül, cording tu tin' lawn in force at the time respondence, reports, mid documenta, p d.l in com nr ti illñ-n- nr to niak.
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