FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 14, 2021 6Ǖlj SǖǏDžǂǚ NJǏ OǓDžNJǏǂǓǚ TNJǎdž FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 17, 2021 Aǔlj WdžDžǏdžǔDžǂǚ — FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 14, 2021 — CHURCH DIRECTORY 6Ǖlj SǖǏDžǂǚ NJǏ OǓDžNJǏǂǓǚ TNJǎdž Rev. Paul Yi — Mǂǔǔdžǔ — — RdžǂDžNJǏLjǔ — Pastor Rev. Paul Gros GǖNJDždžǍNJǏdžǔ LJǐǓ AǕǕdžǏDžNJǏLj Mǂǔǔ SǖǏDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 14 Associate Pastor Mask required (bring your own) Lv 13:1-2, 44-46 Maintain social distancing Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11 Deacon Stephen Brunet 1 Cor 10:31-11:1 Deacon John Veron Communion by Hand encouraged Mk 1:40-45 Deacon Jim Wax (retired) PǂǓNJǔlj SǕǂLJLJ SǖǏDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 14 MǐǏDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 15 7:30 a.m. Mass Gn 4:1-15, 25 Martin Hernandez .............. Director of Administration 9:30 a.m. Mass Ps 50:1 & 8, 16bc-17, 20-21 Karen Fawley ............................ Adult Faith Formation 11:30 a.m. Mass Mk 8:11-13 6:00 p.m. Mass Molly Rose .............................. Child Faith Formation TǖdžǔDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 16 Catherine Stewart ............ Youth Minister/Confirmation MǐǏDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 15 Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10 Ps 29:1a & 2, 3ac-4, 3b & 9c-10 Ashley Fabre ......................... Director of Development 6:15 a.m. Mass 6:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Mass Mk 8:14-21 Blake Bruchhaus .............. Director of Music & Liturgy WdžDžǏdžǔDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 17 Kristel Neupert ............................ Social Responsibility TǖdžǔDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 16 6:15 a.m. Mass Jl 2:12-18 Randy West ............................... Maintenance Director 12:00 Noon Mass Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 12-13, 14 & 17 Pam Barbera.......................... Finance & HR Specialist 2 Cor 5:2-6:2 WdžDžǏdžǔDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 17 Carolyn Talamo ........................ Cemetery Coordinator Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Aǔlj WdžDžǏdžǔDžǂǚ TljǖǓǔDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 18 Liz Centanni............................ Sacrament Coordinator 6:15 a.m. Mass Dt 30:15-20 Lynn Schroeder .................. Communications Specialist 8:00 a.m. Mass Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 & 6 12:00 Noon Mass Missy Gregoire ...................... Administrative Assistant Lk 9:22-25 Beth Chaudoir-Guidry ............... Morning Receptionist 6:00 p.m. Mass 8:00 p.m. Spanish Mass FǓNJDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 19 Nicole Kiefer .............................. Evening Receptionist Is 58:1-9a Roderic Cain ................................ .Grounds Supervisor TljǖǓǔDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 18 Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19 6:15 a.m. Mass Mt 9:14-15 CljǖǓDŽlj OLJLJNJDŽdž HǐǖǓǔ 12:00 Noon Mass Masks are required. SǂǕǖǓDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 20 FǓNJDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 19 We encourage parishioners to call (225) 293-2212 Is 58:9b-14 6:15 a.m. Mass Monday - Friday ............... 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Ps 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 6:00 p.m. Mass Lk 5:27-3 Office closed for lunch: 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. SǂǕǖǓDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 20 SǕ. GdžǐǓLjdž SDŽljǐǐǍ 4:00 p.m. Mass Angele Fontenot ................................... Principal 6:00 p.m. Spanish Mass 7880 St. George Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70809 PǓdžǔNJDždžǓ SDŽljdžDžǖǍdž (225) 293-1298 FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 13 - 14 SǕ. GdžǐǓLjdž NǖǓǔdžǓǚ SDŽljǐǐǍ 4:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM Kelly Corsten ......................................... Director 10064 Kinglet Drive Fr. Gros Fr. Gros Fr. Gros Fr. Yi Fr. Yi Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 291-0299 SǕ. GdžǐǓLjdž CljǂǑdžǍ HǐǖǓǔ (MȱɃȻɃ RȵɁɅȹɂȵȴ) Monday-Friday: 6:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday: 6:00 am - 2:00 pm ADžǐǓǂǕNJǐǏ (MȱɃȻɃ RȵɁɅȹɂȵȴ) Thursdays in the Chapel: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm 6380 Hooper Road Please leave kneelers down to mark the spot for cleaning. Baton Rouge, LA 70811 Practice 6 ft social distancing. (225) 927-8700 (Office) CǐǏLJdžǔǔNJǐǏǔ (MȱɃȻɃ RȵɁɅȹɂȵȴ) [email protected] Monday-Friday: 7:00 am (after morning Mass) Tuesday-Wednesday: 11:30 am - 11:50 am Saturday: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 February 14, 2021 Preparing for Ash Wednesday and Lent A bag of ashes costs $5 and supposedly it is enough for 100 persons. So it works out to be a nickel per person. But do we sacrifice our time and energy to come to Ash Wednesday Mass just to receive a free nickel’s worth of ashes? I don’t think so. I venture to say that we come to Mass because we desire to return to God who is slow to anger, rich in kind- ness, gracious, and merciful. Perhaps our relationships with family and friends are not where they should be. Or perhaps we want to reset priorities in our lives, to regain freedom in ing or it may devolve into a selfish act of making us more areas of our lives which we have allowed trivial things or appealing according to worldly standards. When we feel unhealthy habits to take over. Our Lord offers us three spir- hunger while fasting, we experience the need to create an itual disciplines for Lent which will open space to be filled by God. This help us draw us back to God; he also discipline undoes the effects of our sin- cautions us about the pitfalls related to ful patterns, habits, and mindlessness these disciplines. which have overtaken our lives. First is almsgiving. It’s more than just As we begin Lent with ashes sprinkled writing a check. Almsgiving can take on our heads, we ask Our Lord to open many forms. It can be a monetary do- the closed doors of our hearts and teach nation or a work of mercy such as vis- us to love Him and our neighbor genu- iting a shut-in, tutoring a child, treat- inely. This is a time of blessed invita- ing someone with kindness, or even tion; let us take this opportunity to re- offering our suffering. How about turn to the Lord with all our hearts, bringing a bag of non-perishable groceries to local food pan- pruning away falsehood, worldliness, and indifference. tries or food banks? And if we cannot do something extra, -Fr. Yi we can cut back or make do with less in our own lives to benefit others. Caution here is that our almsgiving is to be Instrucons on Receiving Ashes done without fanfare or desire for public recognition. Our almsgiving is supposed to be an interior act of love because The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of we love God, and we want to manifest his love to others. the Sacraments published guidance on 12 January regarding the Distribution of Ashes on Ash Wednesday. In the Diocese Almsgiving touches upon two other spiritual disciplines-- of Baton Rouge, we will adopt this guidance, and I ask the prayer and fasting. Almsgiving is a form of prayer because it cooperation of the clergy and laity in this practice unique to is giving to God, and it is a form of fasting because it de- 2021. The priest should first address all those present, and he mands sacrificial giving. Prayer opens us up to the Heavenly only says the formula “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” or Father who desires to speak to us and guide us. As we pro- “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return” claimed in today’s responsorial psalm, prayer helps us to be once over all the people. Wearing their masks, clergy and in the presence of the Father, create a clean heart, and re- lay ministers are instructed to sprinkle the ashes on the head news us with steadfast spirit of God. The caution for us is of each person. that when we pray, our focus should be on God and not on what our neighbors are thinking about us. Our Lord advises us to go into an “inner room” where prayer can become a SCHEDULE CHANGE: We are unable to offer drive-thru ashes place of rest and life-giving opportunity for adoration of as previously advertised. God. The third spiritual discipline is fasting. Fasting helps to free our bodies and spirits from the worldly desires that threaten to pull us off our spiritual path. As we learn to do without and make sacrifices on behalf of others, we open up a space to allow God to lay claim again to our attention. It would not be an exaggeration to say that food is an obsession in our culture. Fasting is not dieting. Just as almsgiving without prayer is philanthropy, fasting without prayer is simply a strict diet. Prayer must be the foundation that supports fast- 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 3 February 14, 2021 —SpiritCal Life— —Calendar— ǰȷŢŠŪŢ ŨŠ ȜŧŨ tȤŢ ŨŢȹŧŪŢ ŧȜ tȧŢ ŪŧūȴŪ wȥŧ ȥŠvŢ ȕiŢȗ. SǖǏDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 14 Rene Lopes—husband of Mary Lopes WǐǓǍDž MǂǓǓNJǂLjdž Dǂǚ BǍdžǔǔNJǏLj ǐLJ MǂǓǓNJdžDž CǐǖǑǍdžǔ Yasmina Reveiz—wife of Guillermo Reveiz 9:30 AM RCIA Dismissal, Church MǐǏDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 15 PǂǓNJǔlj OLJLJNJDŽdž CǍǐǔdžDž 5:00 PM Reconciliation, Church DNJǗNJǏdž MdžǓDŽǚ Mǂǔǔ ʧ NǐǗdžǏǂ 6:00 PM Divine Mercy Mass & SǕ. GdžǐǓLjdž CǂǕljǐǍNJDŽ CljǖǓDŽlj Chaplet, Church MǐǏDžǂǚǔ @ 6:00 Ǒǎ TǖdžǔDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 16 Please join us for a Divine Mercy Novena. PǂǓNJǔlj OLJLJNJDŽdž CǍǐǔdžDž = We begin with the Holy Mass at 6:00 pm followed No events scheduled by singing of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. WdžDžǏdžǔDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 17 = The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available Aǔlj WdžDžǏdžǔDžǂǚ at 5:00 pm before Mass. 7:00 PM 20/30 Bible Study, KAC = This year’s theme is St. Joseph. TljǖǓǔDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 18 Week 2, Monday, February 15 @ 6 PM: Joseph 7:00 AM Adoration, Chapel Model of Workers 6:00 PM Marian Servants, KAC 7:00 PM LTMTP, KAC Week 3, Monday, February 22 @ 6 PM: Joseph Our Consolation in Suffering FǓNJDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 19 Week 4, Monday, March 1 @ 6 PM: Joseph Hope of the Sick 6:00 AM That Man is You!, Virtual 6:30 PM Stations of the Cross Week 5, Monday, March 8 @ 6 PM: Joseph Patron Saint of the Dying 7:30 PM Spanish Stations of the Cross Week 6, Monday, March 15 @ 6 PM: Joseph Protector of the Church SǂǕǖǓDžǂǚ, FdžǃǓǖǂǓǚ 20 Week 7, Monday, March 22 @ 6 PM: Joseph Guardian of the Pure in Heart 7:30 AM Men of the Immaculata Week 8, Monday, March 29 @ 6 PM: Joseph Our Spiritual Father Week 9, Monday, April 5 @ 6 PM: Joseph Delight of the Saints Divine Mercy Sunday, April 11 @ 3 PM Chaplet and Mass LNJǕǖǓLjǚ TǓǂǏǔǍǂǕNJǐǏ CljǂǏLjdž Starting Ash Wednesday, the Vatican has asked us to make a minor text change to the Live St>eam Schedule Doxology found at the end of the Collect (Opening Prayer).
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