CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. DEBATES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENA-TE. IN SENATE. oath prescribed by the act of July2, 1862, were administered to them I'e pectively by the Vice-Pre ident. FRIDAY, March 5, 1875. The n::unes of the following Sen:ttors-elect were next called: Allen T. Caperton, of West Virgini:t. The VICE PRESIDENT of the United States (Hon. HE~'RY WIL­ Francis M. Cockrell, of Missouri. SON, of Massachusetts) called the Senate to order at twelve .o'clock Charles W. Jones, of Florida. noon. Samuel B. Maxey, of Texas. Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D., offered the following prayer : Robert E. Withers, of Virginia. 0 Thon Almighty and everlasting God, the maker of heaven and The oath to support the Constitution and also the o:tth prescnuet1 earth, we come in this place to acknowledge and to worship Thee, for by the act of July 11, 1 86~, were administered to the e.gentle~en. with Theea.re all our beginnings '.tnd all our endings. And now, as Thy The Senators-el ct having been sworn anu taken their seats ill the servants have a embled here to commence a new chapter in the hi - Senate, the following Senators wore pre ·ent : tory of this . body, we humbly entreat Thee, regn.rd them with Thy From t.he State of- favor. Give to each of them life, and health, and strength. Give Maine-Hannibal Hamlin and Lot f. Morrill. them t~ see eye to eye in all the grave matters of this nation com­ New Hampshire-Aaron H. Cragin and B.ainuridge.Wu.dleigh. mitted to their charge, and in all their labors and responsibilities Vernwnt-George F. Edmunds and Ju tinS. Morrill. ma.y they lean upon Thy arm for snpport. Through J esus Christ. Massachusetts-George S. Boutwell and Henry L. Dawes .. Amen. Rhode Island-Henry B. Anthony and Ambro e E. Burnside. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The proclamation of the President of the Connecticu.t-Orris S. Ferry and William W. Eaton. United States convening the Senate will be rea.O.. .New York-Roscoe Conkling and Francis Kernan. The Chief Clerk ("'-.,.· J. McDONALD, esq.) read the following proc­ New Jersey-Frederick T. Frelinghuys~n .and Theodore F. Ranuolpb. lamation: Pennsylvania-Simon Cameron and W1ll1:1ID A. Wallace. By the Presider;t of the United States of .A.mmca. Delawaru-Thomas F. Bayard and Eli Saulsbury. _/ A PROCLAMATION. Mar-ylatUl-George R. Dennis and William Pin~ey Whyte. V 'L _Whereas objects of intere t to the United States require tha.t the Senate should be convened at twelve o'clock on the 5th day of Ma.rch next, to rooei ve and act upon Virginia-John \V. Johnston and Robert E . Withers. such communications as may be made to it on the part of the Executive: North Cm·olina- Augu tus S. Morrimon and Mattllew W. Ram;om. Now, therefore, I, Ulys es S. Grant, President of the United States, have consid­ South Carolinq,-John J. Patterson and Thomu.s J. Robort on. ered it to be my duty to is ue this, my proclamation. declaring that an extraordi­ Florida- Simon B. Cono er anu Cha,rles W . Jone . · nary occa-sion requires the Sen:~.te of the United States to convene for the tran ac­ tion of business at the Capitol, in the city of Wa hington, on the 5th day of March Georgi4-Thomus M. Norwood. n ext, 'l>t twelve o'clock at noon on that day, of whicll all who shall at that time be Alabama- George Goldthwaite and George E. Spencer. entitled to act as members of th..'tt body are hereby required to take notice. .Missi s·ippi-James L. Alcorn and Branch K. Bruce. Given under my hand and the seal of the U niLe<l States at Washington, the 17th Louisiana-J. Rodman West. day of Februa.rl, in the year of our Lord 1875, and of the Independence of the United States o America. the ninety-ninth. Texas-1\Ioro-an C. Hamilton and Samuel B. Maxey. [SEAL.] U . S. GRANT. Arkansas-Powell Clayton ancl Stephen W. Dorsey. :By the President: .illissouri-Lewi V. Bogy anu :Francis M. Cockrell. H.A..illL'fON FlsH. Tennessee-Andrew Johnson. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator- lect who e credentia1s K entuch:y-Thomas C. McCreery and John W. Steve~ on. have already been pre anted will, as their names are calleu, a-dvance West Virginia-Allen T. Caperton and Henry G. Dav1s. to the chair :1>nd take the oaths of otli.ce. Ohio-John Sherman and Allen G. Thurman. The Chief Clerk calleu the names of the following Senatora-elect: Indiana-Joseph E . McDonald and Oliver P. Morton. Thomas F. Bayard, of Delawam. C Illinois-John A. Logan and Richard J. Ogle by. Branch K. Bruce, of Mississippi;---- · .Michigan-Isaac P. Christiancy an~ Thomas W. Ferry. Ambrose E. Burnside, of Rhode !slana. Wisconsin,- Angus Cameron and T1mothy O .. Howe. Angus Cameron, of Wisconsin. Ittwa-Willia,m B. Allison and George G. Wnght. I aac P. Christiaucy, of Michigan. Minnesota-Samuel J. R. McMillan and William \Vindom. Henry L. Dawes, of Ma sachu~::~etts. Kansas-James 1\L Harvey and John J. Ingalls. \Villiam W. Eaton, of Connecticut. Nebra.sk-a-Phineas W. Hitchcock and Algernon S. Paddock George F. Edmund, of Vermont. revada-John P. Jones. H:tnuibal Hamlin, of Maine. Califomia-Aaron A. Sargent. Amlrew Johnson, of Tennessee. Oregon-James K. Kelly and John H. 1\Iitchell. Francis Kernan, of New York. .Joseph E. McDonald, of Indiana. llOUR OF MEETING • Samuel J . R. McMillan, of Minnesota. Ou motion of Mr. ANTIIONY, it wa.s Algernon S. Paddock, of Nebraska. Ordered That the hour of the da.ily meeting of the Sentl>te, until otherwise Tlleodore F. Randolph, of New Jersey. ordered, be twelve o'clock meridian. Allen G. Thurman, of Ohio. William A. Wallace, of Pennsylvania. NOTIFICATION TO TllE PRESIDENT. William Pinkney Whyte, of Maryland. Mr. EDMUNDS. Mr. President, I offer the following resolution: As their names were called, these gentlemen c:tme forward :tnd the Re.solved, That a committee of two memb~rs be apJl?i~ted by the Vice-Pre.si.den~ .oath to support the Constitution of the Uniteq States, all4 also the to wai~ upon the .Pr sident of the United St'1>tes anti inform him that a quorum o~ \ 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. MARCH 8, t.he Senate ha-s assembled, and that the Senate is ready to receive any communica­ IN·SENATE. tion he may be plea-sed to make. The resolution was considered by unanimous consent; and Messrs. MONDAY, March S, 1875. EDMUNDS and STEVENSON were appointed the committee. HENRY CooPER, a Senator from the State of Tennessee, appeared GOVER..~~ OF LOUISIANA. in his seat to-day. 1\ir. MORTON. I offer a resolution, which I ask to have read and Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUXDERLAND, D. D. laid upon the table. The Journal of the proceedings of Friday lu-st was read and ap­ The resolution was read as follows: proved. COmiiTTEE TO VISIT THE L.~DI.Al.'{ COUNTRY. R esolved by the Senate, That the State government now existing in Louisiana, and represented by William P. K ellogg as governor, is the lawful government of said Mr. CL.A YTON. Mr. President, is a resolution in order f State; that it IB ~epublican in form; and that every assistance necessary to sustain The VICE-PRESIDENT. Resolutions will be received. its proper and lawful authority in said St.ate should be given by the United States, Mr. CLAYTON. I offer the following resolution: when properly called upon for that purpose, to the end that the laws may be faith­ fully and promptly executed, life and property protected and defended, and all R esolved, That a committee, consisting of four members of the Committee on Jn. violators of law, State or national, brought to speedy punishment for therr crimes. dian Affairs and tliree members of the Committee on Territories, making seven in all, be appointed t~ visit the Indian Territory during the recess of the Senate with The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolution will lie upon the table authority to inquire into the condition of affairs in that country the m~er in and be printed. which justice is aillninistered, and the wants and capacities of th~ lawful inhabit· SENATOR FROM LOUISIANA. ants thereof with respect to self-government; and to report at the next session of the Senate the result of their inquiry and what legislation, if any, is needed. Mr. MORTON. I offer the following resolution, which I ask may be laid on the table for the present: I move that the resolution be printed and lie on the table. I wish to say, however, in offering this resolution, that I do not desire to be Resolved, That P. B.S. Pinchback be admitted as a Senator from the State of appointed on the committee. Louisiana for tho term of six years beginning the 4th day of M.'\rch, 1873. llfr. FERRY, of Connecticut. I object. to the reception of that res- I desire to give notice that perhaps on Monday, or at any early day olution, and I make the point of order-- next week, I shall ask the Senate to proceed to the consideration of Mr. CLAYTON. What is the Senator's objection f this resolution. Mr. FERRY, of Connecticut. That it is not in order. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolution will lie over. :Mr. CLAYTON.
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