Journ. Hattori Bot. Lab. No . 69: 1- 19 (Jan. 1991) NEW HEPATIC RECORDS FROM NEW GUINEA HEINAR STREIMANN 1 Reported here are new provincial records together with 12 species previously not known from New Guinea and 3 species which are new to Papua New Guinea, but were previously recorded from West Irian. These records were checked against the species published by Grolle and Piippo (l984a) and later publications as listed in the references. The records of these species (Table I) resulted from extensive field work during 1981 - 1983 by the author in various Papua New Guinea porvinces, especially the highland areas. Many of the new records for the provinces visited by the author are not surprising, as previous collectors tended to visit provinces with better access. Even now, most provinces are still under-collected, as can be seen from Table 1 in Grolle and Piippo (1984a) and with further collecting the range of many species will be extended. Names of common geographical features are abbreviated as is the name of the author (HS) in collection citations. Where there are more than three different localities from a province then only the number of localities is given. Habit and habitat data have been standardized (only a slight change from the label data) for better comparison. Distribution is based on the administration areas of the Indonesian province of West Irian and the provinces of Papua New Guinea as outlined by Grolle and Piippo (1984a: 2, 3). However, the Papuan Islands are treated as Milne Bay, the province to which they belong. Where the records are new to New Guinea the closest occurrence of that species to New Guinea is given, not its total range. Or R. Grolle kindly identified the collections to species level where possible (otherwise to generic level) and made available the Jungermannia determinations of TABLE 1. New records for New Guinea and Papua New Guinea (* ). * Anastrophyllum piligerum Lophoc()lea kurzii Chei/o/ejeunea paroica * Metzgeriopsis pusilla C. serpentina Radu/a decurrens Drepanolejeunea /evicornua R. subsimilis D. tenera * Rhaphidolejeunea bischlerae Lejeunea eifrigii Steno/ejeunea thallophora L. fleischeri Stictolejeunea bal[ourii Lepto/ejeunea e/liptica 1 Cryptogamic Herbarium, Australian National Botanic Gardens, Box 1777, Canberra City, ACT 2601, Australia. 2 Journ. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 69 199 I Dr J. Vana. Collections identified only to generic level were sent to appropriate specialists. Drs. M . Mizutani and K. Yamada (NICH) determined most of the Lejeuneaceae and Radula respectively. Acrolejeunea pycnoclada (Tay!.) Schiffn. Western Highlands: Kagamuga, 10 km E of Mount Hagen, 1600 m, on exotic Eucalyptus at Forestry Station, HS 21749,30 Jun 1982 . Eastern Highla nds: Lapegu, 6km SW of Goroka, 1520m, on Taxodium trunk in Taxodillnl distichllnl Plantation, HS 18441, II Apr 1982; Kassam Pass, 19 km NE of Kainantu, 1600m, on exposed log in Lauraceae and Fagaceae dominated forest, HS 11524, 15 Jan 198 1. Southern Highlands: Nogoti, Tagari R., Tari-Komo Rd, 20km SW ofTari. 1250m, on tree trunk in lower montane forest, HS 32608, 16 Dec 1982. Distribution: Jayawijaya, Merauke, Morobc, Simbu, E. Highlands, Central, Milne Ba y. Acromastigum bifidum (Steph.) Evans West Sepik: Headwaters of Kong Kong Ck, 5 km S of Vanimo. 250 m, lowland fo rest, A. Mundlla 286,24 Feb 1986; Amanab, 400m, R. Brown I, Jan 1985. Distribution: Sorong, Cenderawasih, Marokwari, E. Sepik, S. Highlands, Milne Bay. Anastrophyllum piligerum (Nees) Steph. Morobe: Mt Kaindi Rd, 5 km WNW ofWau, 1450 m. earth embankment in montane forest, HS 33409, 9 Jan 1983 . Distribution: Manokwari; new to Papua New Guinea; Indonesia. Anastrophyllum prionophyllum Hatt. Southern Highlands: Tari Gap, 26 km SE of Tari, 2260 m, on tree stump in remnant Phyllocladlls dominated forest , HS 32466, 15 Dec 1982. Distribution: Paniai, Jayawijaya, Morobe, Simbu, E. H ighlands, Milne Bay. Anomacaulis jiaccidus (Steph.) Grolle Southern Highlands: from 4 localities, 1800 2300 m, on tree trunks and rotting logs in poor and montane forests, HS 23290, 8 Sep 1982, HS 23398,9 Sep 1982, HS 23812,1 1 Sep 1982, HS 32753, 17 Dec 1982. Distribution: Jayawijaya, Morobe. Balantiopsis ciliaris Hatt. SSp. novoguineensis Hatt. Southern Highlands: Andawe R. , 6 km SE of lalibu, 1840 m, on root plate of fallen tree and bare ground in NotllOj'aXlIs and Podocarpaceae dominated fo rest, HS 26481 ,26484 , II Dec 1982. Distribution: Jayapura, W. Sepik, E. Sepik, Morobe. Caudalejeunea recurvislipula (Gott.) Schiffn. Morobe: Lae, 10 m, on Spathodea campanlllata trunk in garden, HS 10788, 1I Jan 1981; Pouyu ViiI., 2km SE of Aseki, 1500m, on Sloanea streimannii trunk in advanced secondary forest. HS 12711,24 Jan 1981; Slate Ck and Gumi Ck Divide, 2100 m, on Pandanus leaf in No/ho/aXlIs dominated forest, HS 13992, 30 Jan 198 1. Milne Bay: Kaurai logging area, 9km N of Kulumadau, Woodlark I. , lOOm, on leaves in lowland forest , R. KlImei 45, 46, 47, 48, 8 Oct 1984; between Kropan ViiI. and Gidaloga, 3.5 km SW of Kulumadau, 5 m, on Pillosporunl stem in regrowth, R. KlImei 94 ( + Lejeunea sordida), 12 Oct 1984. Distribution: Madang, Central. Caudalejeunea reniloba (Gott.) Steph. East Sepik: But ViiI. , on Aitape Rd, on fallen branch in rainforest, K . Naoni 38,6 Aug 1981. New Ireland: Sali ViII. , IOm, on tree trunk in secondary growth, W. Apelis 14,30 Dec 1982. Distribution: Jayapura. Jayawijaya, Madang, Morobe, S. Highlands, Central. Milne Ba y, New Britain, H. STREIMANN: New hepatic records from New Guinea 3 Manus. Ceratolejeunea belangeriana (Gott.) Steph. Gulf: Hepataewa, 5 km S of Kaintiba, 1000 m, on treelet (Trichospermum) stem in regrowth, HS 33900, 26 Jan 1983. Milne Bay: Kulumadau, Woodlark I., 60m, on teak (Tectona grandis) stem in six year old plantation, R. Kumei 7, Oct 1984. Distribution: Jayapura, Merauke, Morobe. Chandonanthus hirtellus (Web.) Mitt. Enga: Mape Ck, Mount Hagen - Wapenamanda Rd, 17 km SE of Wapenamanda, 2500 m, tree crown in poor montane forest, HS 21618,29 Jun 1982. Western Highlands: Jimi-Waghi Divide, 9 km N of Banz, 2400 m, on felled Nothofagus in regrowth, HS 22324, 7 Jul 1982; Mur Mur Pass, 7 km NE of Tambul, 2800m, disturbed montane forest. on fa llen tree branch, HS 21216,27 Jun 1982; Kagamuga, 10 km E of Mount Hagen, 1580m, trunk of exoIic Eucalyptus at Agricultural College, HS 20416,20417,20419, 20457, 20458, 22 Jun 1982. Southern Highlands: from 8 localities, 1820-4 110m, on ground, rocks, tree trunks and crowns in lower and montane forests, regrowth and subalpine grasslands, D. McVean 267366, 1967, HS 23292,8 Sep 1982, HS 23571 , 10 Sep 1982, HS 23725,23814,23892, 23894,23957, 23997, 11 Sep 1982, HS 24073.10 Sep 1982, HS 24081 . 24109, 24270, 24325,12 Sep 1982, HS 24396, 13 Sep 1982. HS 24576, 24637. 14 Sep 1982, HS 26447, 1I Dec 1982, HS 26816,26826. 12 Dec 1982. HS 32287, 14 Dec 1982, HS 32951.19 Dec 1982. Comments: Appears to be quite common at higher altitudes. Distribution: Manokwari, Jajawijaya, Morobe. E. Highlands, Northern. Chandonanthus pilifer Steph. Southern Highlands: Tari Gap. 23 km SE of Tari. 2740 m. on fallen NotllOfagus hranch in montane forest. HS 24458, 13 Sep 1982; Munia logging area. 2300m. on tree branches in Notho/agus and Podocarpaceae dominated forest, HS 23205,23318.8 Sep 1982, HS 23660,23662, 10 Sep 1982. Distrihution: Jayawijaya. Morobe. Central. Cheilolejeunea ceylanica (Gott.) Schust. & Kachroo Western Highlands: Baiyer R.- Ruti Rd, 42 km N of Mount Hagen. 1600 m, on leaf in lower montane forest, HS 22247, 5 Jul 1982. Distrihution: Manokwari, Morobe. Central, Milne Bay. Cheilolejeunea gigantea (Steph.) Schust. & Kachroo Morobe: Mt Kaindi. 5km W of Wau. 2360m, on small Elaeocarpus branch in Notho{agus and Cunoniaceae dominated regrowth. HS 17593 ( + C. imbricata, Lejeunea flava & Frullania), 13 Mar 1982. Distribution: Jayawijaya, Central. Cheilolejeunea imbricata (Nees) Hatt. Western Highlands: Tabibuga Rd, Jimi Valley, 14 km N of Banz, 1900 rn, on Casuarina trunk in regrowth, HS 20797,25 Jun 1982; Karpena Plantation, 28 km NE of Mount Hagen, 1650 m, on Eucalyptus stem in Eucalyptus plantation, HS 21917, I Jul 1982; Kagamuga, 10km E of Mount Hagen, 1580m, on branch of planted mango in Agricultural College, HS 20434,22 Jun 1982. Simbu: Yagle ViII., 4 km N of Mingende, 1800m, on Cordyline in advanced regrowth, A. Kawagle 15, 17 Apr 1982; Dirima ViII., 3km NW of Gumine, 1680m, on coffee stem in cultivated area, M . Toia 120,14 Dec 1982. Eastern Highlands: Daulo Pass, 18km WNW of Goroka. 2250m, on shrub in remnant forest, HS 18141 , 7 Apr 1982; Lapegu, 6 km SW ofGoroka, 1520 m, on Wendlandia stem in grasslands, HS 18402, I1 Apr 1982. Southern Highlands: Tambul-Mendi Rd, 18 km SW of Tambul, 2840 m, on shrub leaf in disturbed montane fo rest, HS 26758, 12 Dec 1982; Andawe R., 6 km SW of Ialibu, 1840 m, crown of dead tree in Nothofagus and Podocarpaceae dominated forest, HS 26500, 11 Dec 1982. Distribution: Manokwari, Morobe, Central. 4 Journ. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 69 I 9 9 I Cheilolejeunea intertexla (Lindenb.) Steph. Western HighJands: Karpena Plantation, 28 km NE of Mount Hagen, 1650m on Dodonaea stem in regrowth, HS 21831 , I Jul 1982 . Eastern Highlands: Koblugi, 12 km SE of Okapa, 1400 m, on treelet stem in lower montane forest, HS 26283,9 Dec 1982. New Britain: Wangowango, Willaumez Peninsula, 20km NNE of Talasea, on Cycas at seashore, S. Kolema 37, 8 Dec 1984. Distribution: Madang, Morobe, Central, Manus, N. Solomons. Cheilolejeunea acclusa (Herz.) Kodama & Kitag. Western Highlands: Baiyer R.- Ruti Rd, Jimi Valley, 42km N of Mount Hagen, 1600m, on a vine in lower montane forest, HS 22024, 22025, 2 Jul 1982. Eastern Highlands: near Hagobi ViiI. , 6 km SW of Lufa, 1850m, on leaves in montane forest , HS 18600,14 Apr 1982.
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