New Magnetostratigraphy from the Punta Grohmann Section

New Magnetostratigraphy from the Punta Grohmann Section

General Assembly New magnetostratigraphy from the Punta Grohmann section Online, 4-8 May 2020 (Dolomites, NE Italy): an improvement of the Geomagnetic Polarity Università degli Studi di Milano Time Scale around the Ladinian/Carnian boundary University of Milan PG 21 PG 38 40 Matteo70 Maron1*, Giovanni Muttoni1, Marica Ghezzi1, Manuel Rigo2 and Piero Gianolla3 Università degli Studi di Padova 35 60 30 University of Padua 1)50 Department of Earth Sciences “A. Desio”, University of Milan, via Mangiagalli 34, 20133 – Milan, Italy 25 2)40 Department of Geosciences, University of Padova, via Gradenigo 6, 35131 – Padova, Italy 20 30 Università degli Studi di Ferrara 15 3) Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, via Saragat 1, 44122 – Ferrara, Italy Magnetization (A/m) Magnetization (A/m) 20 10 (*) Referring author ([email protected]) © Authors. All rights reserved University of Ferrara 10 5 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Temperature (°C) THE LADINIAN/CARNIANTemperature (°C) BOUNDARY PG 49 PG 57 16 The40 Ladinian/Carnian boundary (LCB) is officially defined at Prati di Stuores (GSSP of the Carnian Stage; Mietto et al., 2012) with the first appearance datum of ammonoidDaxatina canadensis in bed 14 SW435 (Broglio Loriga et al., 1999; Mietto et al., 2012). The age of the LCB has been recently estimated at ca. 236.8 Ma (Maron et al., 2019). In the attempt to refine the chronology of the Carnian Stage, 12 0.12 T we 30investigated the Ladinian-Carnian marine section of Punta Grohmann, which is time-calibrated by two U-Pb datings from the same ash-bed (237.58±0.04 Ma, 237.68±0.05 Ma; Storck et al., 2019). 0.4 T 10 25 2.5 T 8 20 11°30’E 11°45’E 12°00’E Punta Grohmann Sass de Putia 46°40’N 6 15 THE PUNTA GROHMANN SECTION Dolomites Magnetization (A/m) Magnetization (A/m) Lithostratigraphy Ammonoids Biostratigraphy J NRM (×10-3 A/m) Susceptibility (×10-6 SI) VGP Latitude (°N) 4 10 Chiusa 46°40’N The Punta Grohmann section (e.g. Gianolla et al., 1998, 2010; Mietto N Odle Group Badia 2 5 ITALY GR4r Puez Group Fanes N Ortisei et al., 2012) is located in the Dolomites (Southern Alps, NE Italy), close GR4n 0 0 Group - GRH 3 Selva di Val Gardena 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 250 Km CARNIAN Corvara to the Sassopiatto massif. It is a basinal sequence of ~270 m of mainly 500 GR3r Temperature (°C) TemperatureRio Frommer (°C) - GRH 80 Sella - GRH 8 Rio Nigra Sassopiatto Group volcaniclastic sediments (Wengen Fm.) followed by ~300 m of mainly - GRH 7 Prati di GR3n BOLZANO Sciliar Stuores 46°30’N Punta Grohmann GR2r carbonatic deposits belonging to the San Cassiano Fm. The Punta Celtites sp. PG 61 PG 73 400 16 Zestoceras sp. LADINIAN 46°30’N 25 Canazei Catinaccio Orestites sp. Celtites epolensis Grohmann section lies above the Marmolada Conglomerates (Wengen Fm.) SAN CASSIANO FM. 14 GR2n Group - GRH 6 Asklepioceras sp. Zestoceras cf. lorigae 12 20 Marmolada and is topped by the caotic breccias of the Cassian Dolomite Fm., marking 10 0 10 km 300 Latemar Moena 15 the progradation of the Cassian platforms on the basinal sequences. In the - GRH 5 8 11°30’E 11°45’E 12°00’E lower part of the section, the ammonoid biostratigraphy is characterized by 6 10 237.579 ± 0.042 Ma Magnetization (A/m) Magnetization (A/m) Lecanites glaucus GR1r 200 237.680 ± 0.047 Ma 4 assemblages typical of the Regoledanus Subzone, while in the upper part (~490 m) the first appearance ofZestoceras cf. - GRH 2 5 - GRH 9 2 lorigae (Canadensis Sbz.; Mietto et al., 2012) approximates the LCB. The conodont assemblages recovered from Punta - GRH 100 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700Grohmann0 100 (e.g.200 Russo300 400 et500 al., 6001997)700 are typical of the upper Ladinian - lower Carnian interval (Gianolla et al., 2010). The 100 - GRH 9 cf. Joannites sp. WENGEN FM. TemperaturePG (°C) 21 TemperaturePG 38 (°C) Frankites regoledanus - GRH 4 Frankites apertus 70 Frankites sp. 40 U-Pb ages of 237.58±0.04 Ma and 237.68±0.05 Ma (Storck et al., 2019) are located at ~217 m. Maclearnoceras spp. - GRH 1 Lobites ellipticus 35 PG 21 PG 38 GR1n 60 40 70 PG 81 30 35 60 0 m 12 400050 Marmolada Conglomerates 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 5000 10000 15000 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 30 25 50 3000 10 40 25 20 40 20 PALEOMAGNETISM OF PUNTA GROHMANN 200030 8 30 15 15 vertical Magnetization (A/m) Magnetization (A/m) 20 Magnetization (A/m) 1000Magnetization (A/m) 20 10 A total of 93 samples for paleomagnetism have been horizontal 6 10 PG1 PG50 10 Units: A/m ×10-2 IN SITU TILT CORRECTED 100 5 Units: A/m ×10-3 5 collected from the Punta Grohmann section, The 5000 1000 1500 2000 25000 W,U W,U Magnetization (A/m) 0 0 4 10 8 0 -10000 0 100 200Field (mT)300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 PG34 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) highest values of magnetic susceptibility and NRM -2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700Magnetization (A/m) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Units: A/m ×10 2 W,U Temperature (°C) -2000 PG20 PG50TemperaturePG71 (°C) PG74 PG82 PG84 PG 49 PG 57 3 16 40 magnetization are generally located in the lower part of S N 0 -3000 5 20 PG 49 14 PG 57 35 0 16 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 40 the section (within Wengen Fm.), except for a peak in 12 0.12 T 30 Temperature (°C) PG 21 PG 38 PG 21 0.4 T 70 PG 38 14 3540 4010 2570 2.5 T both curves located in a level of the San Cassiano Fm. S N 270 90 270 90 8 20 5 1 12 0.12 T 3035 35 6060 306 15 0.4 T 30 50 and probably related to locally weathered rocks. IRM 10 Magnetization (A/m) 25 50Magnetization (A/m) 2.5 T 254 10 40 S N 25 4 2 8 20 2 acquisition and thermal demagnetization of three-axis 20 405 30 3 6 1520 150 0 E,D Magnetization (A/m) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 30Magnetization (A/m) 20 0 100IRM200 on300 representative400 500 600 700 samples indicate magnetite as the Magnetization (A/m) Magnetization (A/m) 10 4 1015 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) 10 5 180 180 Magnetization (A/m) Magnetization (A/m) 20 main carrier of the remanence in the Punta Grohmann 2 105 0 0 35 4 E,D E,D 0 100 200 300PG 61400 500 600 700 10 0 100 200 300PG 73400 500 600 700 5 16 0 0 Temperature (°C) 25 section.Temperature (°C) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 14 200 300 400 500 600 700 MEAN DIRECTIONS 0 0 Temperature (°C) 12 Temperature (°C)PG 49 20 PG 57 PG87 0 100 16 200 300 400 500 600 700 40 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 PG59 In Situ Tilt-Corrected -4 10 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Units: A/m ×10-2 Units: A/m ×10 14 3515 8 W,U W,U Site N k 95 Dec. Inc. k 95 Dec. Inc. After thermal demagnetization, 56 of 93 samples revealed a ChRM component oriented north-down15 12 0.12 T 30 5 PG 61 6 PG 73 10 Magnetization (A/m) PG 49 PG 57 0.4 T Magnetization (A/m) PG70 16 16 10 4025 Punta Grohmann 56 5.4 17.3°E 61.6° 5.5 6.4°E 40.5° 25 4 2.5 T and south-up in in situ coordinates. The mean directions obtained from the ChRMUnits: A/m ×10components-3 (Dec.: 5 8 14 2 20 W,U 14 35 6 PALEOMAGNETIC POLE AND PALEOLATITUDE 6 20 0 150 6.4°E, Inc.: 40.5°, a = 9°) in tilt-corrected coordinates yield to a paleopole position having Lat.: 66.3°N 12 S N Magnetization (A/m) 95 12 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 30Magnetization (A/m) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 95 4 0.12 T 10 20 5 Site Lat. Long. k A Paleolatitude 10 Temperature (°C)0.4 T Temperature (°C) 1510 2 255 and Long.: 176.7°E (A = 6.6°). The stratigraphic sequence of the Virtual Geomagnetic Poles (VGP), Punta Grohmann 66.3°N 5.5 6.6° 23.1°N +7.2°/-6.1° 2.5 T 95 8 0 8 PG 81 200 12 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 4000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 S N 6 10 calculated for each ChRM component, was used for intepreting the polarity2 stratigraphy.10 The latitude Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Magnetization (A/m) S N Magnetization (A/m) 6 300015 2 1 4 10 Magnetization (A/m) Magnetization (A/m) of the samples VGP defined 8 magnetozones named GR. 5 2000 4 8 10 2 PG 61 PG 73 16 1000 2 525 0 6 0 14 0 Wayao 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 Magnetization (A/m) 4 020 Prati di Stuores 12 -1000 Option C (China) Field (mT) Temperature (°C) 0 100 200 Temperature300 400 (°C) 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 102 Magnetization (A/m) (Italy) Temperature (°C) -200015 PG20 PG50 PG71TemperaturePG74 (°C)PG82 PG84 8 4 10 40 E,D s E,D E,D 0 -3000 i Age 6 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 10 Wa5 GAP PG 81 Magnetization (A/m) Magnetization (A/m) (Ma) 12 4000 Temperature (°C) 4 0.4 1.0 Wa4 Wa5 5 PG 61 PG 73 0.5 2.0 Wa4 300016 2 0.0 10 25 0.0 Mayerling 234 0-0.4 0 -0.5 Punta Grohmann 14 aon 2000 t-value 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1.5 -0.8 t-value -1.0 (Austria) 8 200 lygnathiform Temperature (°C) 20 Temperature (°C) (Italy) 12 -1.2 -1.5 o Wa3 Wa3 1000 -2.0 180 6 10 S4n 1.0 0 PG 81 15 s 160 12 4000 i 235 8 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 140 S3r Magnetization (A/m) 4 Mayerling Mayerling lorigae -1000 10 Field (mT) 3000 MA5r 0.5 6 10 120 S3n Wa2 cf.

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