Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1973-74 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 2-28-1974 The thI acan, 1974-02-28 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1973-74 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1974-02-28" (1974). The Ithacan, 1973-74. 19. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1973-74/19 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1973-74 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ·;-'.. ,,-- .. • .. .~. .. ,.', : .... ;~~;._-__ .... , '~ !- l ', ; • _:-..-:·-.·-· ,- '-1_ FEB 2 ;.- i974 .Pub/}/hed For T-J.,e I.(. Commun it J._C .. Students· ithac~ ·college,_:_it_h~c~,~n.y. _, · february 28 , 1974 volume 47 / no.19 Spirit~cil_ Cent•.r Students Riled As ~Plan,· Underw~y· .., ...- . ... ........ Thefts Increase; • - t - Tdslt -For~~ -Orgtl'!_iz,,l- To: Coor_t/iilt1fe Congress Acts By Barbara Sheldon Patrol, better known as SASP. tommanity lnpat has two persons on all-campus patrol Sunday through .. :_By Mark Engstrom Wednesday evenings. On I Model of one of the proposed' Splritual Centers , ' . ...._ Thursday, Friday. and Saturday A recent donation to -- the.. _ force is chaired . by Vice evenings, three SASP - patr_ols College of considerable size has · President o( Student Affairs Gus to meet construction costs. The· prowl the Quads. the Towers. brought the construction of an Perialas, and also includes chapel will be fully funded by and the Terraces accordingly. outside · gifts, the only costs on-campus religious center a step .. students Jim Kelsey, Sue Dave Lord acknowledged that which the College will incur will closer to reality. The gift, which Denrier, Chris Nelson, and Tom SASP has been an integral force amounts to $250,000, was Sprague. The force's initial be those of Ifiaintenence in reducing damages in presented to the school · by proposals of how to best-invest dormitories and increasing Herman· Muller, Jr., in ·memory the money are l~aning in the security on cam pus. of his parents. The money was direction of a multi-purpose donated with the idea that -it be chapel or spiritual center. Rape of the Lock used to help to develop - the • ~piritual and emotional growth Approximately $300,000 is Dave Lord also discu!>scd the df the College community:-:-- being budgeted for the proposed Task Force report regarding To deal with the problem of chapel, and constJ'uction will not locks· on -{;ampus. The six how this end could 'be best met~ begin until all the needed funds months spent in compiling this President Phillips has organized a are secured. At the present, report brought task . force. to coordinate there are no forseen obstacles in recommendations of an community - input. T1!_e task obtaining all the necessary funds interchangeable core lock -__ sys_tem. The present lock system on campus ·inherently involves a 74,;,75 BVDGET -APPROVED control and distribution problem of master keys. At present, then! exist 150 great grand master keys which can open the doors for you· all over campus. Dave Lord would like to sec this new lock system have only two great grand master keys, one which would be at the Safety Division Office for persons to check out when they need to use it. continued on page two lceCreamShop Gets Loan -.-- ·.·.-, ~e Ithac~, February 28, 1974, Page 2 , I ,. -... '; r ....--· By Andy Friedman plan; which went into effect ' ·_Thruway. around the· world ;ruesday, February 26, states: - 7. Statioris -niust post ·signs Beginning Tuesday, ,March' 5, l . Those cars with odd · listing the houfll at. which gas is numbers as. the last digit on the ~old, whether any is available, I'm Henry. Fly me. bulletin boards in the Union and near the Terrace mailroom will license plate, or no number but limitations they imposp and the rather a letter, can buy gas only day of the week~ven or odd. W~shington ... Secretary of State Henry Kissinger carry up-to-date information on. the current gas shortage. The on o~d numbered calendar'days. Those· students who are will soon be leaving on another trip to the Middle Those with even .numbers on making use of puolic East, hoping to brjng a permanent peace to the Energy Task Force, maintaining­ the boards, will also broadcast' their plates can buy gas solely on transportation or flying home area. The upcoming negotiations · will deal even numbered days. Zero is and. would like to leave their cars specifically with Israel and Syria_, in an effori to their reports regularly- over WICB and the campus activities considered an even number. on campus. over vacation should work out· an agreement that would separate the 2. Anybody may buy up to adhere tq some suggestions from military forces of the- two nations in the Golan phone (ext. 120). The Task Force is trying to two gallons of gas in a .can on the - Office of Safety and Heights. It is hoped that if Kissinger 1s successful any day, ·but the buyer must Sec~rity. Place the 'key to your . in reaching an agreement on troop separation assist those students who are planning to drive home for take it away from the station. car m an envelope and leave it in between the two nations, that the Arabs will lift 3. Gas can only· ·be sold to the Office of S~fety. Park your their oil embargo against the United States. spring vacation. The boards and activities phone will c·ontain the, Peace with Honor? most up-to-date information, based on daily reports from the Saigon ... lt ha~ only been little more than a year state police and the downtown since President Nixon announced that his headquarters ofthe Automobile. administration had brought "peace with- Honor" Assoc!iltion of America. to South Viet Nam, and an end to U.S .. The dorms will still be involvement in this Southeast Asian nation. opened Saturday, March 23, at llowever. the war between North and South Viet noon. But David Lord, Director Nam still rages on. an.cJ.. American presence in the of Housing, said he'll have to do conthct 1s still felt indirectly. At the present time, some "serious reconsideration" there are 4155 Amcm:an~ working in military of the plaris to reopen if a large relateu 1oh~ in South Viet Nam, along with 785 number of peopie have problems. c1vilkln employees from the United States in trying to drive back to school. ·Gromyko in Cairo Financial Considerations Moscow ... Andre1 A. (;romyko. the Soviet Union's Opening . the dorms a day Foreign Minister. will arrive 111 Cmo this Friday, in early involves a financial thl' wake ol Secretary Kis,;1ngcr\ visit to the stipulation. Not only would the l·.gyptian 1:apital. The Kq:mlin is reported to have Housing staff have to return a expressed irritation over their lack of information day early and be paid for its, but with regard to the ~talc of peace negotiations in When the fuel al Location ·program take!i effec-t the Union and its services and traffic In our'citles will be greatly reduced: the Middle East. and l"cel that Kissinger has the Health Center would also upstaged thi: Sovii:t Union 1,n recent negotiations. · have to open twenty four hours drivers_,whose tank is less than car in N Jot. Write on the . fl 1s thought that Gromykx1's·vis1t is an attempt to earlier. Food services .are another half full. envelope your name," campus reassert Soviet 111fluem:e III Middle Eastern policy. problem. As it stands now, the 4 . ·Co m m e r c i a I a n d address, and home telephone Snack bar will open at noon on agric,ultural vehicles and taxis· are number. Saturday, March. 23. The ex.empt, as are motorists • Until next Tuesday morning, cafc.teria docs pot open until responding to "a bona fide •any personal problems Monday. Lord said he would emergency". concerning the gas shortage or have to investigate· other 5: Cars on the New York questions about what to do may {around the nation possibilities if too many people State Thruway ·may purchase gas be directed to Housing Director are going to be affected. \ if they are more than one Lord. The problem concerns those hundred miles past the point at ~,.••1HHHHHHI,.. ~ Nixon Takes A Vow students with. even numbered ~:r~C:ay.they enterei;i the I ~asketball .TV license plates on their cars. Washington ... l're~1den1 Nixon heh.I his first press Under New York State's new 6. Out of state motorists, _,, · · conlcrcncL' wilh the WJ111c llouse pri:ss corps since -mandatory law, those students r--h"_\_~·r_v_er..;.. .;..:i_re...;;_n.;,;o;;.;;t..;e.;,;x.;;em~pt:..;;;on~th;,;.;e;..... Coverage Concluded last <!ctohc1 lhis wecls. Ni,,on reaffirmed his vow would have to return either IC"fV·· will cover the I ha! he will nol rL·s1g1i from offo:i:. and also added. Friday, March 22, or ·Tuesday, lhal the lluusc ot Rcprcscnla11vc~ can 1101 11npeach Handbook· conclusion of this year's March 26. Saturday and Mondav contl~~ed from page one 111111 unless they can produce cvidcm:e 1ha1 he has b~sketball season on Monday are odd numbered days and no vmlaled .:nm111JI l,1w SL•veral days prior to the Each member assumed mght ~hen the Bombers will stations are open on Sunday. prL·s~ 1.·onlL'rL'llCL' lhL' llouse Jud1.:iary Conunittee responsibility for the writing and take on .
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