Syllabus of Dances from The 7th Annual Ralph Page Legacy Weekend Friday, January 14th through day, January 16th, 1994 Memorial Union Building University of New Hampshire Durham, New Hampshire Sponsored by The Ralph Page Memorial C~mmittee of the ~ewEngland Folk Festival Association, L .................TABLE OF CONTENTS We1l:l:lrite iDanl:t? Party F'rclgr .s fit !Friday nigl.1.l;. .Jan. 3 t139i$)... ..-3. We1 ~~onseDance Party Dinces. ........................................-4-8 "A1 ? s Safeway F'rl~duce"by Rtrtber t IZron.tart i e .................4 "Fren~zti FI:IC.I~" Traditil::tnal .................................4 "Forward Six t Back:" Traditi~snal.......................... 4 "Grand Sqi.iare fiuadrille" as cal.l.ed by fr~~keMi.ll.er .........-,C "Alanr~zl II=irl:lt?" by T~zit~ySaletan ............................5 "Mariar~~sDeX ight" by Carol t~.clpp.......................... .€, "M~:~riaclnl::~l:C::Reel" by Ralpti Page ............................G "Mat-y 1Zay's Reel " by David F..aynor ..........................Es ,- . .. ..zal IYII:I~I Cl.~antedEvetiing" by Steve Zak.1.11c1................... 6 "Frecl River Valley" Traditi~:~nal........................... 7 "I .. i.ttle 1-l~~Cabin" Tradit;i~:~tial........................... 7 "fit ..teen Vi I: t 17ri r7I1 Tr adi t i 1:1nal ............................. 7 "Shcrt it1 a Pill.bl:~:~;13t7 a I2lear Afterti~z~~:~n"by Peter Teritple . .8 "Rsry 07More" Tradi'l: i cltial ................................ 8 "The Nice !3l:1n.tI.~j.nati1-7ti"l~y Gene li~tbert..................... 8 Steve Za i...I:I~I's W~:lr l. ..5tll:lp: "New Cclt?.tr.as with at1 Old Feeling" ...9-10 "EI:ICl. ..et Reel " Iny Tl>4 Wt~itmore ............................9 11 1-514 So~..ttt~ Street " by Hi 11 lh~.i.brari. ....................... "9 "FI:I:< HI~I~~IIIWFat11-y" by Jac111b Eloum .........................'3 "Fi ddl eheads" by Ted Sannell a. ........................... 10' "The !3ulstil:e March" by Izhris Ricciot.ti ..................I(:) "Sl.~ladracC..9sDelight" by Tutiy Parkes .......................I(:) F:alph Page Eetr~~spel:tiveCGe~~rge Fl>ggT M.12.) ..............11-21 "An Evening at East Hi 11 Farmu ........................... 11 Dance Pr12gramn.le.......................................... 12 "A Brief Historical Summary" .......................... 13-14 Datil: es: "Eost~:~t~TwI:~ Step" an Old Tynre Datilze ......................15 "L-i f e 1:1ti t tie i31:ean Wave" C "Head Ladies Cross Over It 1 ...... 15 "Lady Walpl:t1e9s Reel " Tradi titzlnal ...................... -16 "Holh~:lrti Mar~~h".......................................... 16 "Nellie Rly" ............................................. 17 "Apvi 1's Hornpipe" by Ralph Page .........................17 "The Rose Tree" .......................................... 17 "Just Bel:ar.tseU ........................................... 18 "F'ortland Far~cy" Traditictnal ............................18 "Rye Waltz" a C~ztuple Dance 13 ............................... .. "Srt111k:e I:I~ the Water " ..................................... LO ''Eritisl.1 Sorrl.~w". ........................................ .LO7 flyer frc~mthe East Hi 11 Farm Weekend kzlv 4.6. 1983 ....21 I3elzlrge ~~:~d~~~:~~flJIClrb:~~l~:~p: .. .. ...... - ... .x ltiging frorii tl.l++5i:!':3 f;~the 70's -.i. ...4 .................. ...... 11 . i-:~:lnlitlg F'l~lc~tld + MI.~I.rnl.?i.tl ...................................L ". ...... "I I .. I. l. ..e Iyl.,c.!~ii:sitl Music" ....................................LL ' 11 .... .:. "1: F 'Y'I~II.. ! I ....q.1-w !~l..ti~~e.............................................. L .... 7 "Ma1lq.~.~.3'~................................................... ..:.- "I I.*lqtlt; a 13ir-l"..............................m.=........... 23 ... ... 9 "My I .... i.tt1.e IGirl " .............................................L.... J I1 -I.... .3 3 T . .Z F;'ii-~tl$;.A nc.j 1.+ fi:".................................... ..L. J ... ... 9 "When 'T'I-II-~LAJI:II- e a TI-!l i p " .............................................i "Rill. E.3il.eyU........................................... -24 "The Bctffall:~ fi~tadrille"................................. .24 "Red Wing" ..................................sa..m......... >Z 4 "TI.ii- Rl...ll.tte "............................................... -24 01:~em Mi\::+ Sessi1:lti F'~-l:~grari~(:Sat[-trdaj~ aftrrtil ..II:I~~~ Jan 15. 1'3'34.) . 25 " 26.- .7h.3 ripen MiF::c Sessit7,r) Dat71: es .................................. ... ... ... C "Par.f;i.iert.ij Del igtit .......................................rb "Sneak: F'revi ew" by 1::s accdio Eu~:hwal d ..................... "26 "Ttistai.11; Basl. .et" by A1 Olsl.lti ...................... ... .....26 "Happy H~>bl>"by Gene Hul~ert................. .... ........27 "S.~letatirsDl-~uble Star" by T~tlySaletati ..................28 "NewlywedTs Reel " by Ted Sannel la............ ,.. ........28 "Dabtiey Hal 1 " by Gene Ht-tber t ............................ -28 "SI: I:IL~~ HI>LIS~Feel . l1 , by Ted Sanriel I. a ...................... 28 CSi nip1 e I-ll3t Hash ........................................2'3 "The I ... ighted SI:I:IE?I:~" by ililen Mclrnitigstar ......... ...... .pzJ 1;ratid Dance F'rlzlgrarn (.Sat~trday.January 15. 19'34:) ..............30 Grand Da1.71:e Dan~res......................................... 3 137.- "The Wtiip" by Toni Hinds .............. ... ................. -31 "L.111vehr t.:'i.ssesU by Ted Sannella.......................... 31 "Weddit?g Eel 1.3" by LIZIUSt~apir~~ .......................... "31 "Lister? tl:~ the Ml.~k.irlgbird".............................. 32 "Ttie Spani st1 I1:aval ier-0" ................................. 32 "F'ierce Hall Stroll" by Fred Hre~tnig..................... 33 "I?I:I tial .Fway Eocctid" by Ralph Page ......................... 33 "Flee1 y+:tctr F'ar t ner " by F:al pt? F'age ........................ 33 "MurielTs Tri-IZ~z~ntra"by Muriel Miller ...................34 "The Best Things in Life are Free" .......................34 "Ma, HeTs t:::i ssi tig Me" ....................................34 "Ht-111's Vj.~~tl:l)~y" ......................................... 35 "l::~:lntra f~:~rMargie" by Ted Satinel la...................... 35 "Atigi eTs Fa~--t~.y".......................................... 35 " Untie!ri~ed Sqt.. tar e" .........................................36 "7 "Eriti,st? SI:I~~I.IW"............................................ J. "Rla~:L::birds ilf Spring" by AS r3l.so~1....................... 37 I1 1. ~et?e?.. s Geni !AS" by Tl11t7y Par C..~S ........................... 37 F-red Euel.lr,ig?.sWT~~C..SI-II:IF). 'll..e.~~~t~~.-C."rlt.~~~tlIl.il.+.~tt~!.~t~ 211 ........ 122 -?'=I1 . tl!j,. ,?ct, MI-I~.!~.... ha.; n ',;'ol !... !l?teer E." ................................73 GN~~~.~-.pl.ti-ir.y I.-li:lrtlpipe". ..................................58 ~~~iI,r7,.lir L.ass of Abl~irde++~.r"..................................... 38 ? '3 v~,~cT-.-,-l.l,;,r7f: Terilp*~t"~.................................... #lnevj.1's Dreari~"~............................................ 3.3 p , i g 5.t ar- " ...........................................3'3 ~~~-,,.,+l1. a' WIIIY F::shl:lp :: "Ted's Favor i t e Sqccar es"......... .4~.!.. 43 "~luidDrive" by .Ted Sal.lt>t?l1.a ............................-1.0 "swinq Two LadiesM- Ted Sannel I. a var i. ant .....................40 fillzirl:le ~III ttie Middle" by Ted Santiel la ....................$(:I IIF~:~I1OW the Leader I' by Ted Santiel 1a .........................%1 "pass Tt~rl:~ugtiand D~:l-~i-dl.tl'l by Ti3d Santiel la.............. 41 llpj.~:~:lneer FI..II . \::a fii.tadr i. ll e" by Ted Sanr?el l a ................41 "fiuadrille Jlz~yuex" by Ted Santiella ..., ....................42 "New Year's Eve Square" Ted Sannella variant .............42 4.1 "F:~:~ger-' s Grand iT:tiainl' by Rlxger Whyn~~tt.................... L "Vi rgi ~7ia Real Square" by Ted Satitiel la... , ...............43 "The Mcr r y-~?o-Rl:~'lund " Ted Satinel 1a var i an.!; ................43 .Sl-~nday Farewell F'arty F'rograrn CSunday, January iG. 1994) ..... "44 Sund.ay Farewell Party Dances ...............................4 5-47 It ~...on~.nrdanl.r". by Ted Satitiel 1 a ............................45 "Fiddle Hill Jig".................................. .....45 "Tt~eNew Flctl::lrT s Revenge". ...............................45 "~:h~:~rusJigu ............................................. 415 "Marl:tiing Thrl:~l-~gh Gelzlrgia". .............................-46 "Old Gray Rt.lntiet" ........................................46 "Wait 'ti1 the Sun Shities Nellie" ...................... m.46 I( ..I hree, Thirty Three, Thirty Three" by Steve Zakctn .......47 "Wi tti That~l::stl:l the Dean." by Steve Zakon ................ -47 Ralpti Fage Wac; a nsati witti a ./.i:+:.i.~:lti, the pc!rpcse I:I~ d~i~:h tit+l.l~eiStn preserve a i=_pel:ial !;rar.:liI;.L~.::~i~ttiat ue 1:an still enji:lj/ tc~day, New Er.jglttici style 1:l:lntra atid sq~tarei:l.3ti~it-\g nearly died !:II.-L~ lwi. l-rh tl.1.i acjvent ~>fttic jazz atid ~11.:11:let-t1Ir)allrl>l:~ril dan~i~.craze b;l.?at: -swept t!.ie datil~e1.-1al1.s ~zlf .kl.,,e 1.921:1':-3 aticl 30's. The 1:11.cl Ntsw Et1glatii.l dances might have ~:i:l~ill:Jle.l;*+lydied off tiad i.k ti~,:t been f111r the .insi.gl.',t 1:1f pir-ople like i7alpt.1 F'age wkll:::~ trelpecl tl::~carry i:~n .tl.iis t r acl it i !:an ati d b r- iti 3 it 12 a I:: I::. T t3ever fr.\lly appretxiatcd the ir~.~pov.tatice~r~f this tr.acliti.l:~t~ and itp5 preservatil::~n !-knti 1 I attended my first I?all2h Fagt? I-egacy WeeC::encl a v\uriiher ~:+fyear.; ago. It was there that I fir5.t
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