Appendix: List of Abbreviations AADF Average annual daily flows CESMM Civil Engineering Standard Method of AASHTO American Association of State Measurement Highway Officials CFC Chlorofluorocarbon ACE Association of Consulting Engineers CHART Computerised highway assessment of ACN Aircraft classification number ratings and treatment AGNIS Advanced azimuth guidance nose-in CIE Commission Internationale de systems l'Eclairage AGR Advanced gas-cooled reactors CIPFA Chartered Institute of Public Finance ALA Association of Local Authorities and Accounting AMA Association of Metropolitan CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Authorities Information Association AME Association of Municipal Engineers CMS Central monitoring system AMS Austenitic manganese steel COD Chemical oxygen demand ASA Amateur Swimming Association CPRE Council for the Protection of Rural ASR Alkali silica reaction England ATP Automatic train protection csa Cross sectional area ATO Automatic train operation CTG Anglo-French Tunnel Group CV Calorific value BA British Airways CWR Continuously welded rail BAA British Airports Authority BEC Building Employers Confederation DLG Derelict Land Grant BNF British Nuclear Fuels DLO Direct labour organisation BOD Biological oxygen demand DLR Docklands light railway BP British Petroleum DOE Department of the Environment BPF British Property Federation DPTSP Docklands Public Transport Strategic BR British Rail Plan BRE Building Research Establishment DTI Department of Trade and Industry BREEAM BRE environmental research method DTp Department of Transport BRF British Road Federation DTS Dynamic track stabiliser BSI British Standards Institution DWF Dry weather flow BW British Waterways DWT Dead weight tonnes BWL Bottom water level EC European Community CBA Cost benefit analysis EFTA European Free Trade Association CBD Central business district EIA Environmental impact assessment CBI Confederation of British Industry EJ European Journal CBR California bearing ratio ERDF European Regional Development CEN Comite Europeen de Normalisation Fund CENWAG Centralised Intersystem Wagon ETSU Energy Technology Support Unit Transit (Australia) (Department of Energy) 405 406 Appendix: List of Abbreviations FCEC Federation of Civil Engineering LAMSAC Local Authority Management Contractors Services and Computer Committee FGD Fuel gas desulphurisation LCC London County Council FIOIC International Federation of Consulting led Litres per capita per day Engineers LDDC London Docklands Development FIFA Federation of International Football Corporation Associations LCG Load classification groups PM France Manche LCN Land classification numbers FTA Freight Transport Association LGORU Local Government Operational FTU Formazin turbidity unit Research Unit LRT Light rail transit or London Regional GCWW Greater Cairo Wastewater Transport GLC Greater London Council LSC Line supervisory control GRP Glass reinforced polyester LWRA London Waste Regulation Authority HAC High alumina cement hid Hours per day MARCH Maintenance assessment rating and HOB Housing and Development Board costing of highways (Singapore) MCE Maximum credible earthquake HOPE High density polyethylene MDC Merseyside Development HGV Heavy goods vehicle Corporation HK Hong Kong MOPE Medium density polyethylene HMIP Her Majesty's Inspectorate of MHLG Ministry of Housing and Local Pollution Government HOS House ownership scheme (HK) MId Million litres per day HRM High speed road monitor MLSS Mixed liquor suspended solids HRS Hydraulic Research Station MRT Mass rapid transit (Singapore) HST High speed trains MRTC Mass Rapid Transport Corporation (Singapore) IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency MSC Manpower Services Commission ICAO International Civil Aviation MSF Module support frame Organisation MTRC Mass Transit Railway Corporation ICE Institution of Civil Engineers (Hong Kong) IEAus Institute of Engineers of Australia IME Institution of Municipal Engineers NAWDC National Association of Waste IOH Institute of Housing Disposal Contractors IPD ICE Infrastructure Planning Group NCC National Conservation Council ISO International Organisation for NEDC National Economic Development Standardisation Council ISRS International safety rating system NERC National Environmental Research IStructE Council (ISE) Institution of Structural Engineers NLWA North London Waste Authority INTRANS Railways of Australia Intersystem NRA National Rivers Authority Transport Operating Plan NSW New South Wales JAL Japan Airline JNWC Jersey New Waterworks Company 00 Ordnance Datum JTU Jackson turbidity unit ODN Ordnance Datum Newlyn Appendix: List of Abbreviations 407 OECD Organisation for Economic SNCF French Railways Co-operation and Development SPZ Simplified planning zone OFWAT Office of Water Services SS Settleable solids or suspended solids OPC Ordinary Portland Cement SSCV Semi-submersible crane vessel OS Ordnance Survey STPB Singapore Tourist Promotion Board STPG Severn Tidal Power Group PAPA Parallel assisted parking aids STW Severn Trent Water PB Polybutylene PCBs PolychlOrinated biphenyls TBM Tunnel boring machine PCN Pavement classification number TCCB Test and County Cricket Board PO Public datum TCPA Town and Country Planning PE Polyethylene Association PFA Pulverised fuel ash TEU Transit equivalent unit PLA Port of London Authority TGV Train a Grande Vitesse PMF Probable maximum flood TML Transmanche-Link PMP Probable maximum precipitation TOO Total oxygen demand PMS Pavement management system TRADA Timber Research and Development PP Polypropylene Association PSA Property Services Agency TRRL Transport and Road Research PSPS Private sector participation scheme Laboratory (Hong Kong) TSR Temporary speed restriction PTE Passenger Transport Executive TWA Thames Water Authority PQC Pavement quality concrete TWL Top water level PV Permanganate value PVC Polyvinylchloride UAE United Arab Emirates PWD Public Works Department UB Universal beam PWR Pressurised water reactor UCL Unit control logic UDA Urban Development Area QA Quality assurance UEFA Union of European Football Associations RBC Rotating biological contactor UKCS United Kingdom Continental Shelf RC Reinforced concrete UNCRD United Nations Centre for Regional RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects Development RICS Royal Institution of Chartered UNDP United Nations Development Surveyors Programme ROV Remotely operated vehicles UP Urban Programme RPT Rendel Palmer & Tritton uPVC Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride URA Urban Redevelopment Authority SBR Sequencing batch reactor (Singapore) SOC Sentosa Development Corporation (Singapore) VAWT Vertical axis wind turbine SERPLAN London and South East Regional VDU Visual display unit Planning Conference SETEC Societe d'Etudes Techniques et WDF Waste derived fuel Economiques WHO World Health Organisation SHC Spring hoop clip WRc Water Research Centre SIA Singapore International Airline SIMBIDS Simplified bidirectional signalling YDG Yorkshire Development Group Index Abbeystead accident 21 347-8 construction 132-8 Abbreviations 405-7 Appointment of engineer 18-19 Dolsan, South Korea 136--7 Aberdeen harbour Aqueduct 72-4 maintenance and defects development 349-50 Areas of outstanding natural 138-40 Activated sludge process 203--5 beauty 387 Nant Hir 135--6 Advanced treatment of Artificial canoe slalom course, railway bridges 49-51 sewage 206--7 Nottingham Water Sports railway overbridge Aeration (water) 259--60 Centre 376--8 reconstruction 44-5 Airports Audit Commission 11,152,217 River Torridge 132-4 Changi Airport, Singapore Australia suspension 131, 137-8 94-100 Canberra: national capital Sydney Harbour 138 contractual arrangements 85 332-3 Third Dartford Crossing 136 control tower 96--7, 98 Darling Harbour regeneration, Tsing North, Hong Kong costs 99-100 Sydney 322 134-5 design 85--6, 88 freeway interchanges 129-30 Tsuen Wan bypass bridge engineering services 87-8,99 new towns 333 115-16 forecasting needs 82-3 railways 48-9 types 131-2 Gatwick Airport, North Rocks conservation area, Brighton marina 372-3 Terminal 88-90 Sydney 316 British Waterways Heathrow Airport, Terminal sewer maintenance 197, 200 general responsibilities 67 4 84-8 Sydney football stadium major projects 70-7 jumbo hangars 91-2,99.
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