Campbell Interurban Press. Fourteenth Year. CAMFBELLi, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1907. FRUITGROWERS HOLD MOST IMPORTANT MEETING Promotion and General News Administration Is Memorialized to OUR BAY OFFERS Delay Action in Regard to Con VITAL TO DRIED FRUIT request of the committee, Mr. Grif­ demning Sulphur-Preserved Fruit California Wines. j Good Words for the Prune. GREAT ADVANTAGES INTERESTS OF CALIFORNIA fin, one of the representatives at the California wines are becoming; If lhere ever was a mallgned( original hearing above referred to. Fruitgrowers and packers from recognized everywhere as the only slandered and unjustly treated veg SUGGESTIONS FOR THE DEVEL­ has gone to Washington fully pre­ throughout the state held a meetin Concerted Effort Is Required to Pre­ pure wines served. This superiority! etable, it is the prune. From time OPMENT OF WATER TRASPOR- pared to make such a presentation in San Francisco yesterday after of our wines over those of France ' j TATION FOR THIS SECTION. vent the Condemnation of Fruit morial joke-writers have coupled as will, in the opinion of the com­ noon under the auspices of the Cal is graphically illustrated in a That Has Been Sulphured. the prune with mother-in-law, an- mittee, show that the proposed de­ ifornia promotion committee and or­ toon by McCutcheon, in the Chicago gnlar landlady, star boarder and the Alture Growth of Peninsula Ihrom- cision is manifestly ill advised and ganized the Dried Fruit Protective rrilmne of June 12th. The cartoon | other perennials. There isn’t a ises Great Opportunities for the unjust, first and foremost from An appeal has been made by the Association of California. Its aim is a series of six pictures showing a j boarding house in Baltt- I tilization of Our Waterway. California promotion committee to health standpoint, and second, to is to consider wavs and means to typical Chicago gentleman, with his | more in which some guest has all commercial and promotion or­ this great industry that the fruit­ prevent the passing of laws by the equally typical wife at dinner in a , not by imtimeIy jest hlirt the fee]. It is doubtful whether there Is growers of California have gradually United States department of agri­ ganizations of the state to memorial­ restaurant In the first picture he j lngB of the p ru n e. This, in spite of any other thickly populated section and at great cost erected. culture prohibiting the use of pre­ ize the department of agriculture to ca Is for the wine list and the Waiter j the fact that the prune is a health- in the world that has an opportuni­ In order to in every way fortify prevent the application of the pure- servatives in the dried fruit indus­ as\s i he will have French or Cali-.gjvjng product 0f Mother Earth and ty for water transportation of which Mr. Griffin in his appearance be­ try. food law to this industry, inasmuch fornia wine. The second picture de-. an infallible remedy for many ail- so little use is made as along the fore the department, the growers of At the meeting were represented southern arm of the bay of San as sulphurized fruit is not injuri­ picts the excessive rage of the cor- ments that flesh is heir to. Given ous: this state should individually and 5,000 fruitgrowers and packers of Francisco. This beautiful body of pulent gentleman as he shouts, the prune, the chicken wing and the collectively, both endorse what he is California, ail of whom were unan­ water, about forty miles long and The Pacific coast dried fruit in­ “How dare you suggest California butter, most any boarder could make endeavoring to accomplish and like­ imous in opinion that if the laws from one to six miles in width, Is dustry represents an annual return wine to me?” Then comes the In­ a joke. But the prune is no joke. to the coast of more than sixteen wise co-operate with each other and were passed as outlined by the “pure spection of the label on the bottle little utilized either for traffic or the packing interests of the state in food act” the fruit industry would Sundried, evaporated or parboiled pleasure. millions of dollars; that the invest­ md the Chicago connoisseur ejacu­ for curing, the prune is a blessing protecting the industry. There is be seriously crippled and thousands The question of developing water ment which produces this return Is lates, “Ah, that’s the stuff—Cha among sweets of the harvest. It Is enormous goes without saying. no known substitute for sulphur and of growers and packers would have teau Yquemical.” Then follow the transportation facilities is beginning there is no known instance where to cease business. a medicinal masterpiece, a dietetic The food and drug act, June 30, scenes of drinking the wine, the se­ delight, a juicy joy. to be discussed by the thoughtful 1906, popularly known as the na- any of the medical profession or It was hoped that Dr. Wylie, men of the peninsula. It would not ries closing with a picture of the How many Baltimore boarders body of scientists have ever found chief chemist of the pure food com be feasible to establish many ship­ tional pure food law, among other stout gentleman in his home with know that the first prune industry things provides for a commission to | or in any _way intimated that Cali- mission, would investigate further ping points, although there are a his wife, she still expressing her in­ started in the eastern states in 1854 fornia dried fruits were not healthy, and see the absolute necessity of the half-dozen places south of San make rules and regulations for the dignation because they had been was removed to California for cli­ carrying out of the act. This com nutritious, and a safe article of diet use of sulphur preservatives In Francisco where this might be done. asked to drink California wine, while matic advantages in 1863, and ever mission met in New York in Sep­ and they are almost universally used dried fruit and its noninjurious ef­ The more practical and efficient he is gazing with an expression of since has been striding onward until tember, 1906, to formulate such as fqod for invalids and convales­ fect when used in small quantities. plan would seem to be to create one horror at the scare-head lines of his America is the greatest prune-pro­ regulations. Prior to the issuance cents. The amount of precipitate is At the present, the packers state, such point, where there is deep daily paper which tell the fact that ducing country in the world—ex­ thereof, the commission invited in­ so extremely small that when the only one 250,000th per cent is water close in shore. Then an elec­ much French wine knows no grape ceeding in output even France, terested persons to appear and offer fruit is subjected to the usual pro used, and this, it is asserted, is ab­ tric road should be built along the and is strictly a chemical product. where the medal was formerly lo­ suggestions by brief and oral argu­ cess of cooking, viz., the addition of solutely noninjurious. The moral of this cartoon is that bay shore with branches connecting cated? How many Baltimore scof­ ment as to the manner in which the five parts of water and a varying The law against chemical pre­ the various towns, and this road California wines and their purity fers know that California, Oregon, various provisions of the act should amount of sugar, the dilution is so servatives in fruit has not yet gone should be designed for hauling are becoming known, while French Washington and Idaho produced be covered by the regulations. To complete that barely a chemical into effect, but will in all probabil­ vineyardists find that they cannot freight. 100,000,000 pounds of prunes In facilitate this hearing, the commis­ trace remains. It is not, of course, ity be soon enforced, unless the de­ If this were done all the heavier compete with chemists and conse­ 1900, as against only 200,000 sion segregated the various ques­ disputed that fruit fresh from the partment of agriculture in Wash­ traffic between the upper Santa quently are going out of business, pounds in 1880, and these four tions under separate heads, such as trays or freshly picked does contain ington, D. C., will accede to the rite buyer of California wines knows Clara valley and San Francisco a varying amount of sulphurous states produce more prunes than “Misbranding,” “Use of Preserva­ requests of the California fruitgrow­ what he is drinking, and the people could be handled by water. This Servia, Germany, Spain, Australia tives,” etc. The California growers acid, but in no case does the quanti­ ers to postpone immediate action In even of Chicago have learned that would give cheaper freight both for or South America, the other prune and packers of dried fruits sent rep­ ty exceed 250-1000 per cent, or the matter, and give a hearing to there is something better than going farm products and for coal, lumber countries? Why, the prune is an resentatives to these hearings (the about one-half of the amount France William M. Griffin, who represents by a label when ordering wine. and other heavy commodities. There industrious element in society, rang­ expense of which was wholly paid and Switzerland permits. them in Washington. can be no question as to the finan­ ing with the great American hen. by the packers) who filed, and orally A telegram was received from High Prices for Fruit.
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