VolumeVolumeVol. 66, No.65,65, 68No.No. 207207 MONDAY,MONDAY,TUESDAY, FEBRUARYFEBRUARY JULY 21, 10,10,2020 20202020 50¢50¢ ‘Invest in our VolumeQUEENSQUEENS 65, No. 207 children’MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2020 50¢ Queens leadersQueensQueens call for investment, accountability TODAYTODAY to end gun violence FebruaryFebruaryJULY 21, 10,10, 2020 20202020 commitmentscommitmentsBy David Brand Queens Daily Eagle A few hundred community organizers, QUEENSADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGH PUBLIC PARKPARK WASWASLIBRARY DESIGNATEDDESIGNATED AND elected officials and Southeast Queens res- Elmhurstaa NewNew YorkYork Hospital CityCity historichistoric have partnered districtdistrict during duringto host Black Blacka se- idents called for deeper community invest- History Month in 2011. The New York City ments to stop gun violence at a rally at Roy riesHistory of virtual Month health in 2011. and wellnessThe New educational York City Historic Districts Council is celebrating the Wilkins Park Sunday, amid a recent spike in eventsHistoric to Districtsincrease healthCouncil care is literacycelebrating for allthe neighborhood’s rich and distinctive history shootings citywide. Queensneighborhood’s residents. rich The freeand seriesdistinctive includes history dis- this month. The event attracted several local leaders, cussionsthis month. led by experts on a range of topics, including healthy eating, pediatric milestones, including U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks, State Sen. Leroy Comrie and Councilmembers COVID-19 awareness, and what to do to get MayorMayor BillBill dede BlasioBlasio delivereddelivered hishis seventhseventh StateState ofof thethe City address at the American Museum of Natural History on Thursday. Many of ASAS RACIALRACIAL COVENANTSCOVENANTS SEGRE-SEGRE- AdrienneMayor Bill Adams de Blasio and delivered Donovan his Richards. seventh State of the City address at the American Museum of Natural History on Thursday. Many of childrenAS RACIAL ready for aCOVENANTS new school year. SEGRE- his proposals will have a particular impact on Queens. Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office gatedgated thethe city’scity’s neighborhoods,neighborhoods, AddisleighAddisleigh Brooklynhis proposals Borough will havePresident a particular and mayoral impact on Queens. Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office Parkgated thetransformed city’s neighborhoods, from an exclusivelyAddisleigh candidate Eric Adams also attended the event, “QUEENSPark transformed PUBLIC fromLIBRARY an exclusivelyIS COM- mittedwhite neighborhoodnow more than into ever one to of helping New Yorkour where he mingled with Queens’ Democratic white neighborhood into one of New York communitiesCity’sCity’s premierpremier stay African-AmericanAfrican-American informed and healthy enclavesenclaves by leaders. Mayor pledgesU.S. Rep. to Gregory protect Meeks spoke during business, a rally against gun violence serve in Roy Wilkins Park City’sQUEENS premier African-American enclaves Mayor pledges to protect business, serveEagle MayorContinued pledges on page 16 Sunday. to protect business, serve photo by David Brand offeringbyby thethe earlyearlythem 1950s.access1950s. toTheThe a wideareaarea rangewaswas homehome of free toto luminariesby the early like 1950s. Count The Basie, area wasLena home Horne, to virtualluminaries programs like focusingCount Basie, on medical Lena issues,” Horne, Ellaluminaries Fitzgerald, like CountIllinois Basie, Jacquet, Lena Horne,Jackie youth and build homes during annual address saidElla QueensFitzgerald, Public Illinois Library Jacquet, President Jackie and youthBy David and Brand buildwill homes have a specific impact during on Queens. annualdeep into the night addresson Jan. 10, as patrons, in- Robinson,Ella Fitzgerald, James Brown,Illinois JoeJacquet, Louis, Jackie Milt By David Brand will have a specific impact on Queens. deep into the night on Jan. 10, as patrons, in- CEORobinson, Dennis James M. Walcott. Brown, Joe Louis, Milt QueensBy David Daily Brand Eagle willFrom have reopening a specific communitiesimpact on Queens. centers in cludingdeep into Mayor the night Bill onde Jan.Blasio, 10, toastedas patrons, a lease in- Hinton,Robinson, Roy James Campanella, Brown, PercyJoe Louis,Sutton Miltand Queens Daily Eagle From reopening communities centers in cluding Mayor Bill de Blasio, toasted a lease Hinton, Roy Campanella, Percy Sutton and Mayor Bill Queensde Blasio Daily delivered EagleQueens his seventh neighborhoodsFrom reopening beset communities by municipal centers disin in- agreementcluding Mayor that wouldBill de enable Blasio, the toasted 190-year-old a lease CootieHinton, Williams. Roy Campanella, Percy Sutton and DiFiore praisesneighborhoods Queens beset by municipal Civil disin- Courtagreement that would efforts, enable the 190-year-old THE RIDERS ALLIANCE IS HOST- “StateMayor of theBill City” de Blasio address delivered Thursday, his seventh pledg- vestmentneighborhoods to helping beset small by municipalbusiness ownersdisin- Woodhavenagreement that watering would holeenable to staythe 190-year-old in business. Cootie Williams. vestment to helping small business owners Woodhaven watering hole to stay in business. ing a virtual rally tomorrow at noon, ahead ing“State to preserveof the City” the city’saddress affordable Thursday, housing, pledg- negotiatevestment leasesto helping with theirsmall landlords, business Queensowners WoodhavenLocal elected watering officials, hole tothe stay Queens in business. Cham- “State of the City” address Thursday, pledg- negotiate leases with their landlords, Queens Local elected officials, the Queens Cham- of the monthly MTA board meeting to ad- expanding to preserve education the and city’s help affordable small businesses. housing, playednegotiate a keyleases role with in thetheir mayor’s landlords, annual Queens ad- berLocal of Commerce elected officials, and even the theQueens de BlasioCham- dressERICA moving VLADIMER, forward without A CANDIDATECARES fund- expanddefends education and help small criminal businesses. played a key courthouserole in the mayor’s annual ad- ber of reopening Commerce and even the de Blasio expandDe Blasio, education speaking and help at the small American businesses. Mu- dress.played a key role in the mayor’s annual ad- administrationber of Commerce stepped and ineven to helpthe debroker Blasio a challengingERICA VLADIMER, Carolyn MaloneyA CANDIDATE in the dress. administration stepped in to help broker a ing. seumDe ofBlasio, NaturalBy speaking DavidHistory, atBrand laidthe Americanout his vision Mu- personneldress. Assisting and attorneys small Monday. businesses Courtnewadministration deal Judges that andwould stepped professional keep in the to historicstaff,help brokerfor bar their ina Democraticchallenging primaryCarolyn for MaloneyNew York’s in 12ththe Assisting small businesses new deal that would keep the historic bar in forseum the of entire Natural Queenscity, History, but Daily many Eaglelaid of outhis hisproposals vision DiFioreThe Assistingcelebration also used small atthe Neir’s speech businesses Tavern to defend lasted the dedicationnew deal thatto deliveringwould keep justice Continuedthe historic in onthis page barvery 10in CongressionalDemocratic primary District, for exited New the York’srace Friday. 12th The celebration at Neir’s Tavern lasted Continued on page 10 MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO COMMITTED forChief the entire Judge city, Janet but manyDiFiore of hisspecifically proposals courtThe system’s celebration decision at Neir’sto resume Tavern in-person lasted busy and challenging court,”Continued DiFiore on specifi page 10- toHerCongressional penalizing departure bars District,leaves and threerestaurants exited other the racethatcandidates Friday.fail to Her departure leaves three other candidates praised Queens Civil Court officials for begin- criminal proceedings after a group of public de- cally named Queens in her speech, delivered enforcechallengingHer departure social Maloney, distancing leaves three whoafter other videoshas candidatesserved of over in- fender organizations sued the state. by video. challengingTODAY Maloney, who has served in ning virtual bench trials in automobile no-fault Congress since 1993. crowdedchallenging Steinway Maloney, Street who bars hasand sidewalksserved in cases during her weekly address to state court After thanking “Civil Court and Housing Continued on page 2 wentCongress viral. since “If [businesses] 1993. do not cooperate in our efforts to contain the coronavirus, they Flushing community board set THE NEW YORK SENATE ENVI- Flushing community board set will be shut down,” de Blasio said during a Flushing community board set MondayronmentalTHE NEWnews Conservation briefing.YORK “When CommitteeSENATE we agreed approvedENVI- to letaronmentalFebruary thisbill partsponsored Conservation of our lifeby come CommitteeState10, back, Sen. 2020it approved wasJoseph not tocommitments vote on controversial rezoning Addabbo,a bill sponsored Jr. to require by Statehard lidsSen. or Josephsturdy meanta bill to sponsoredbe business asby usual.” State Sen. Joseph to vote on controversial rezoningBy Victoria Merlino tarpsAddabbo, on top Jr. of to “trash require trains.” hard Thelids coveringsor sturdy to vote on controversial rezoning Addabbo, Jr. to require hard lids or sturdy QueensBy Victoria Daily Merlino Eagle wouldtarps onprevent top of putrid “trash goop trains.” from The falling coverings out of By Victoria Merlino Atarps 32-YEAR-OLD on top of “trash MAN trains.” WAS The SHOT coverings IN CommunityQueens Board Daily 7 will Eagle vote today on a
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