INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY SPECIAL PUBLICATION NUMBER 5 LIST OF TRANSLATIONS UNITED STATES PREPARED BY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY SPECIAL PUBLICATION NUMBER 5 LIST OF TRANSLATIONS Compiled by Translations Committee American Society of Parasitologists SHIRLEY J. EDWARDS, Editor March 1981 UNITED STATES PREPARED BY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION PREFACE The Translations Committee of the American^ Society of Parasitologists (ASP) has compiled lists of available translations of papers on parasites of animals since 1960. Publication of part of this list in The Journal of Para- sitology began in 1975. The remainder was designated to be issued as a special publication of the Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology. This special publication incorporates all lists previously published in the journal except the last one (vol. 66, pp. 559-563). Like later lists published in the journal, this one is not divided into para- site groups; it is arranged alphabetically by the author of the publication. A few papers were translated as a group, which was given a title; as nothing else was available under which to alphabetize them, the group title was used for this purpose (e.g., Abstracts of Zooparasitology is alphabetized under the A's; Current Reference Lists of Russian, Eastern European, and Chinese Lit- erature of Medical and Veterinary Entomology is alphabetized under the C's). At the end of each entry is an abbreviation of the library or institution from which a copy of the translation can be obtained. The legend for these abbrevia- tions and an address for each are given at the front of this publication. The editor thanks the many previous members of the ASP Translations Committee for their contributions toward completion of this project. Special acknowledgment is extended to the Committee's chairpersons ; MayBelle Chit- wood, Glenn L. Hoffman, Kenneth C. Kates, Milford N. Lunde, Leo Margolis, and Kenneth G. Powers. Shirley J. Edwards, Editor Translations Committee American Society of Parasitologists (III) Al BS American Institute of Biological Sciences, Wash- NLL National Lending Library for Scientists and ington, D.C. Technicians, Boston Spa, Yorkshire, England. BLL British Library Lending Division, Boston Spa, NMFS = Language Services Division, F¿»3, Office of Inter- Wetherby, Yorkshire, United Kingdom LS23 7BQ. national Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. 20235. BSFW = (see USFWS) NRC = National Research Council, Library, Ottawa 2. Canada. CFSTI = Clearing House for Federal Scientific and Tech- nical Information, U. S. Department of Commerce, NRCC = National Research Council of Canada (see TSC). Springfield, Virginia 22151. NTC = National Translation Center, John Crerar Library, 35 West 33rd Street, Chicago, Illinois 6O616. CSIRO = Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organiza- tion, 31^ Albert Street, East Melbourne C. 2, Victoria, Australia. NTIS = National Technical Information Service, Spring- field, Virginia 22151. ETC = European Translation Centre, 101 Doelerstraat, OTS = see NTIS Delft, The Netherlands. FMS = Fisheries Research Board of Canada (see TSC) SLA = see NTIS FRBC = Fisheries Research Board of Canada (see TSC) TSC - Translations Services, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, National Research Council of Canada, Ottaea, Ontario, K1A 0S2 Canada. INSDOC = Indian National Scientific Documentation Center, New Delhi , India. USFWS = U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of LRS = Library Reference Service, Denver Public Library, the Interior, Washington, D. C. 202^0. 1357 Broadway, Denver, Colorado 80203. NIH = National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland VIMS = Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester mt Vl lnla 20014. ' ^ · (IV) LIST OF TRANSLATIONS 1 Abar, В.; Ackermann, R.; and Danielova, V. 1977. Akhmerov, A. Kh. 1963. Think of it now: Tick encephalitis! (Jetzt dran denken: Helminths as biological indicators of local stocks of Amur Zeckenenzephalitis). / Med. Trib., v. 12 (27), Ρ· 7· anadromous salmon (Oncorhynchus)• / Voprosy Ikhtiologii, (German). / Order from U. S. Naval Med. Research Unit #3, v. 3 (3), pp. 536-555^ (Russian). / Order from TSC as Cairo, Egypt as 1258. 1048. Akhmerov, A. Kh.; and Bogdanova, E. A. 1955- Abdullaev, V. A. 1969. A method of preparing microscopical preparations of Amino acids in the blood of cattle with piroplasmosis and Trichodina from preserved fish. / Zool Zhurnal, v. 34 (1), southern babesiosis. / Veterinariia, Moskva, (3), pp. 48- pp. 234-235. (Russian). / Avail, on loan from NMFS. kS. (Russian). Tables, refs. omitted. / Order from NTC as 72-13532-02E. Akhundova, E. D.; Abushev, F. Α.; and Sterkhova, N. N. 1972. Abstracts of Zooparas itology. 1963· Ectoparasites of some bird species in different regions (Referativnyi Zhurnal: Biologiia). (Russian). of Azerbaijan SSR. / Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. No. 7, 33 pp. / Order from NTIS as ТТ-64-ЗЮОЗ; Virus. Ekol. Sviazan. Ptits., pp. 128-130. (Russian). / No. 8, 57 pp. / Order from NTIS as TT-64-31004. Order from U.S. Naval Med. Research Unit #3, Cairo, Egypt as 671. Abuladze, К. I. 1964. Alifanov, V. I. 195^. Essentials of Cestodology, v. 4, Taeniata of animals and Winter parasitism of ixodid ticks on domestic animals in man and diseases caused by them. / pp. (Russian). / Omsk Oblast. / Med. Parasit., Moscow, s. Parasitol. Order from NTIS as TT 70-50039. Zametk.,(3), pp. 268-269. (Russian). / Order from U. S. Naval Med. Research Unit #3, Cairo, Egypt as 138. Akberdin, S. U.; Temirbekov, Zh. T.; Survillo, A. V. ; Kir- i ushchenko, T. V.; and Zhumatov, Kh. Zh. 1969. Alifanov, V. I. I966. Viruses isolated from birds in East-Kazakhstan Oblast. Study data on the ectoparasite fauna of muskrats in Omsk In: Cherepanov, A. I.; et al. (eds.), Migratory birds and Oblast. J_n: Maksimov, Α. Α.; and Nestsky, G. I. (eds.), their role in distribution of arboviruses. / Sibirst. Otd. Muskrats of western Siberia (Biocenotic associations, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Biol. Inst., Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR, Inst. parasite fauna, epizootics, and prophylactic measures). Polio. Virus. Entsef., Minist. Zdravookhr. RSFSR, Omsk. / Biol. Inst., Akad. Nauk SSSR, Sibirsk. Otd., Novosi- Inst. Pri rod.-Ochag. Infekts., pp. 278-283. (Russian). / birsk, pp. 66-71. (Russian). / Order from U. S. Naval Order from U. S. Naval Med. Research Unit #3, Cairo, Med. Research Unit #3, Cairo, Egypt as 792. Egypt as 1232. Alifonov, V. I.; et al. I96I. Akhmerov, A. Kh. 1952. Epizooty of Omsk hemorrhagic fever of muskrats. New species of monogenetic trematodes of the fishes of Amur River. / Parazitologicheskii Sbornik Zoologicheskogo Natural nidality of diseases and problems of parasitology. Institut Akademi i Nauk SSSR, v. 14, pp. 181-212. (Russian) / Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh SSR, (3), pp. 59"63- / Order from VIMS. (Russian). / Order from U. S. Naval Med. Research Unit #3, Cairo, Egypt as I6I. Akhmerov, A. Kh. 195^· Alifanov, V. I.; Netsky, G. I.; Ravdonikas, 0. V.; and The parasite fauna and the species relationships of the Fedorov, V. G. 1963. Kamchatka azabach, Oncorhynchus nerka infrasp. asabatch Data on epidemiological prognosis of Omsk hemorrhagic Berg 1932. / Doklady Akademi i Nauk SSSR, v. 94 (5), РР- fever. (Abstract). / Med. Parasit., v. 32 (5), РР- 621- 969-971. (Russian). / Order from TSC as 283. 622. (Russian). / Order from U. S. Naval Med. Research Unit #3, Cairo, Egypt as 157. Akhmerov, A. Kh. 1954. A new species of Dactylogyrus from the gills of Amurean Ambroise-Thomas, P.; Duprat, J.; and Goulier, A. 1972. Hypophthalmi chthys molitrix (Val.). / Doklady Akademi i Lyophi1ization of formed antigens for use in immunofluor- Nauk SSSR, v. 98 (1), pp. I67-I68. (Russian). / Order escence tests of malaria: Preliminary Results. / World from NTC as 69-I5206-06C. Health Organization Bulletin, v. 46, pp. 588-56O. / Order from NTC as 73"12521-06E. Akhmerov, A. Kh. 1954. The parasite fauna of the fish in the Kamchatka River. / Ambroise-Thomas, P.; Garin, J. P.; and Kien Truong, T. Trudy Problemnykh i Temat icheskikh Soveshchanii Zoologi- 1971. cheskogo Instituía Akademi i Nauk SSSR (4), pp. 89-98. Immunofluorescence in human malaria. Screening and epi- (Russian). / Order from TSC as 192. demiological study. / World Health Organization Bulletin, v. 44, pp. 699-706. / Order from NTC as 72-14275-06E. Akhmerov, A. Kh. 1954. On the question of "sarannoy" coho salmon in Kamchatka. / Andrassy, I. 1956. Izvestiia Tikhookeanskogo N.-l. Institute Rybnogo Khoz- The determination of volume and weight of nematodes. iaistva i Okeanografi i, v. 4l, pp. 347-348. (Russian). / (Die Rauminhalts- und Gewichtsbestimmung der Fadenwurmer Order from TSC as 710. (Nematoden)). / Acta Zool. Acad. Scient. Hungar., v. 2 (I-3), pp. 1-15. (German). / Avail, in English Trans- lations of Selected East European Papers in Nematology, Akhmerov, A. Kh. 1955- Univ. of Massachusetts, Cranberry Exper. Station, East The parasite fauna of Kamchatka River fishes. / Izvestiia Wareham, Massachusetts, USA. Tikhookeanskogo N.-l. Instituía Rybnogo Khoziaistva i Okeanografi i, v. 43, pp. 99-137. (Russian). / Order from TSC as 105. Andreev, V. P.; et al. 197^. A mixed arboviral infection focus in nesting colonies of slender-billed gulls (Larus genei) and common terns Akhmerov, A. Kh. 1962. (Sterna hi rundo) on islands in the eastern part of the On the biology of the cestode Eubothrium crassum. / Trudy Caspian Sea. / Sborn. Trud. Ekol. Virus., v. 2, pp. 105- Gel'mintologicheskoi Laboratori! Akademiia Nauk SSSR, v. 108. (Russian). / Order from U. S. Naval Med. Research 12, pp. 5-8. (Russian). / Order from TSC as 707- Unit #3, Cairo, Egypt as 776. INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY Andreev, V. P.; Aristova, V. Α.; and Shcherbina, A. A. Arashkevich, E. G. 1972. 1977. Vertical distribution of trophic groups of copepods in Ixodid tick infestation of nesting seabird colonies on the boreal and tropical regions of the Pacific Ocean. / the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea. / Tezisy Dokl. 7· Okeanolog i i, v. 12, pp. 315-325. (Russian). / Order from Vses. Ornit. Konf., pt.
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