St.St. RaymondRaymond CatholicCatholic ChurchChurch 12348 Paramount Blvd., Downey, CA 90242 Phone: 562-923-4509 Fax: 562-869-3359 Website: http://SaintRaymond.org Email: [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am (English) 1:00 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm (Life Teen) Weekdays: Monday-Friday 6:30 & 9:00 am Saturdays: 8:00 am Holy Days of Obligation: As Announced CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 3:45 - 4:45 pm Tuesdays, Thursdays: 8:30-9:00 am or call the Parish Office for an appointment with the priest on duty Please see page 2 for details for: ANOINTING OF THE SICK BAPTISM CONFIRMATION & EUCHARIST MARRIAGE ST. RAYMOND MINISTRY FOCUS - FEBRUARY, 2017 HOLY ORDERS & RELIGIOUS LIFE This month’s ministry focus celebrates our Fellowship and Devotional Please call 213-637-7248 ministries. Come out to the gathering space this weekend where our fellow- ship and devotional ministries are hosting tables. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Looking for a group where you can connect with other parishioners who Monday-Friday: 10 am to 6 pm want to grow spiritually, educationally, and participate in social events togeth- Saturday: 10 am to 3 pm er? Check out the Fellowship ministries: Downey 2030 (young adult ministry), Sunday: 9 am to 12:30 pm LifeTeen Youth Ministry, Italian Catholic Federation, Knights of Columbus, Men’s Prayer Group, Seniors Group. Our Parish Priests Looking for a group to enrich your prayer life? Check out our Devotional Fr. John Higgins, Pastor groups and find out about the different prayer opportunities available at Saint Fr. Paul Thomas, Associate Pastor Raymond like Divine Mercy, Guadalupanos, English Legion of Mary, Spanish Fr. Ambrose, In Residence Legion of Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, Spanish Prayer Group, Secular Order of Fr. Etienne Kumbuh, In Residence Discalced Carmelites. FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 5, 2017 Page Two St. Raymond Catholic Church February 5, 2017 PARISH STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Parish Office 562-923-4509 PASTORAL TEAM Parish School 562-862-3210 Rev. John W. Higgins, Pastor Religious Education Office 562-862-6959 Rev. Paul Thomas, Associate Pastor Marc Nuno, School Principal Parish Web Site: http//SaintRaymond.org Parish Email Address: [email protected] Sr. Paula Strohfus, C.H.F., Director of Religious Ed. Sandy Gallegos, Director of R.C.I.A. School Web Site: www.straymondschool-downey.org Danette Buckley, Director of Liturgy School Email Address: principal@straymondschool- Jennifer Quinones, Director of Youth Ministries Downey.org (Confirmation and Edge) ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM Youth Ministry: [email protected] Erik Landesfeind, Parish Administrator Laura Larios-Varela, Secretary Elaine Kunkel, Bulletin Editor Joan Lueke, Parish Records SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN PRIESTS IN RESIDENCE Fr. Ambrose Kadambukatt, OCD / FAMILIES FIRST COMMITTEE Chaplain, St. Francis Hospital Fr. Etienne Khumbah Help children communicate by reading between the lines When children express that something is wrong at school or with other activities, it's often the job of caregivers to read be- tween the lines to determine what's really going on. They might BAPTISM: One Sunday a month. Call Parish Office to make ar- say "I'm bored" and need your guidance finding a better school- rangements for class and Baptism.. life balance or engaging in more challenging academic work. FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION: Please call our Par- Ask them to give examples and to help you understand what is ish, School, or Religious Education offices to learn about education going on. If the child is still being vague, remind them that they opportunities for the reception of these sacraments. We also have an can tell you anything and that you'll listen with an open mind. As initiation process for adults seeking Baptism in our Church! parents and caregivers, you have the opportunity to help kids MARRIAGE: Arrangements should be made at least six months prior deal well with negative feelings and challenges. And, if they are to anticipated wedding date. being mistreated in some way, keeping an open line of commu- SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: In the event of serious illness or nication with kids will enable you to be their advocate. For a medical emergency, anointing of the sick may be arranged by contact- copy of the VIRTUS© article “Communication Tip No. 15: When ing the Parish Office. Make an appointment to come by before a sur- Children Complain about School,” email jvienna@la- gery. archdiocese.org or call (213) 637-7227. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS ALTAR SERVERS…………………………………..……………………………..Kathi Bode 923-3142 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER………………..…………..Jacob & Sarah Flores 923-7335 ALTAR SOCIETY…………………………………………..…………….Danette Buckley 923-4509 MARRIAGE NULLITY……………………..………….. .…Fr. John W. Higgins 923-4509 ANGEL TREE…………………………………………………………………… ………………….. 923-4509 MEN’S PRAYER GROUP …………………………….…Fr. John W. Higgins 923-4509 BAPTISM ……………………………………………...………….…Laura Larios-Varela 923-4509 MUSIC DIRECTOR (ENGLISH)……….……………………..….……Jose Soto 923-4509 CANCER SUPPORT GROUP.……….….. Jill Lavey 923-5819/Elaine Kunkel 531-9620 MUSIC DIRECTOR (SPANISH)…………………..................…….Jose Soto 923-4509 CONFIRMATION (High School).…...……………...…….......Jennifer Quinones 923-4509 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/CATECISMO..……………..Sr. Paula Strohfus 862-6959 DETENTION MINISTRY………………..…………….……Sr. Teresa-Los Padrinos 940-8711 RELIGIOUS RECOGNITION FOR YOUTH………………..…..Diane Garcia 862-8309 DIVINE MERCY MINISTRY………………………………………………Larry Wysocki 927-1482 RCIA – ADULTS & TEENS……………………………………..Sandy Gallegos 923-4509 EDGE MINISTRY (Middle School)….……………………...Jennifer Quinones 923-4509 RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY ………………...…………………..Annette Lopez 397-9765 FINANCE COUNCIL…………………………………………………………. ….Ray Lavey 923-4509 SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN/Families First…………..…Elaine Kunkel 531-9620 GUADALUPANOS………………………………………………………….......Vidal Reyes 754-3028 SANDWICH PROGRAM……………………………………………..Silvia Larson 818-9445 HALL & ROOM RENTALS.…………………………..…………Park Place Catering 866-5464 SCHOOL & SCRIP-GIFT CERTIFICATES.…………………….School Office 862-3210 HAND MAID MINISTRY………………………………………………………....Kathi Bode 923-3142 SENIOR CITIZENS……………………………………………Sr. Paula Strohfus 862-6959 HEALTH MINISTRY………………………….Jill Lavey 923-5819/Elaine Kunkel 531-9620 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL………………….………Paul Iacovitti 923-4509 ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION…………………………..………..Perry Shurko 804-0230 SPANISH BIBLE STUDY……………………………………………Connie Ochoa 928-7291 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS……………………………………………... Mario Mendoza 622-1803 TIJUANA ORPHANAGE………………………………………Irma Landesfeind 862-8837 LEGION OF MARY.………………………………………………….…...Olivia Hernandez 884-9513 WEDDING COORDINATOR (English)….….………...……… Tami Shilling 869-3260 LITURGY COMMITTEE/LITURGICAL MINISTRIES……...….Danette Buckley 923-4509 WEDDING COORDINATOR (Spanish)………… Laura Larios-Varela 923-4509 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES/SPANISH………....…,Marcial & Blanca Espinoza 869-3661 YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY.…………………..…………… Francisco Sandoval 291-6111 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Raymond Catholic Church Page Three From our Pastor, Fr. John Higgins Our Regional Bishop (Auxiliary Bishop appointed for the San Pedro Region) Bishop Oscar Solis has been called to serve as The Ordinary Bishop of Salt Lake City Utah. We congratulate him and pray that his ministry grows as a light shining in darkness. He has been very kind to the people that he has served as Bishop here. We do not know yet who will replace him. We’ll receive word from the Archdiocese when this happens. So, what is the difference between an Auxiliary Bishop and an Ordinary Bishop? An Ordinary Bishop has his own diocese. An Auxiliary Bishop does not have his own diocese, but works as a representative for the Bishop of the Diocese. Our Ordinary Bishop is Archbishop José Gomez. What is the difference between a Bishop and an Archbishop? An Archbishop is the Bishop of an Archdiocese, which is usually larger in population and probably older than a Dio- cese. Archbishop Gomez replaced Cardinal Mahony as the Archbishop of Los Angeles. What is the difference between a Cardinal and a Bishop? A Cardinal can vote in the selection of a Pope. And one does not have to be an Archbishop, a Bishop, or even a Priest to be a Cardinal. One of the most famous Cardinals in U.S. History was Cardinal Avery Dulles, who was a Jesu- it Priest, and not a Bishop. There have been Deacons and Lay Persons in the Church who were Cardinals in history. For awhile the Mayor of Rome was made a Cardinal. Here at St. Raymond we have four priests. One is a Pastor (me) one is the Associate Pastor (Fr. Paul) and Fr. Ambrose and Fr. Khumbah are both in Residence, one working at St. Francis Hospital and one working at St. Pius St. Matthias Academy and working on his Master’s De- gree at Loyola Marymount University. None of us have the title of “Monsignor”, which is an honorary title, and is kind of an honorary Bishop, but not a real Bishop. Fr. Paul and Fr. Am- brose are in an order called “Discalced Carmelites”, Fr. Khumbah and I are diocesan priests. He belongs to his diocese in Cameroon; I belong to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. When someone asks me what order I am in I laughingly say “I am a disordered Priest”. There are Deacons and some people talk about Deaconesses, but in history the Deaconesses were the wives of Deacons and not themselves ordained. All of the above are called “Clergy” or “Clerics” in the Church. There are also Sisters, Nuns, Brothers and Monks. Each of those is a little different from the other too. Sisters and Brothers work, usually, in a public institution as nurses, administrators,
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