Ohio St ate Uni versit y Mar ion Cam pus ~ Marion Technical College Issue 9 Volume 8 Thursday, April 19, 1979 COMING TO OSUM MAY 4 . (Details inside) Y DIT!!! View of Congra tulations to the ad­ absence Dr. Me yers would be in ministration of OSUM for finally charge. If both of them are away, Rocky Horror coming up with a written eme rgen­ e i t he r Mr. Feldger o r Mr. McLaughlin would be in charge. cy plan of defense in the event of a By Brian San ds tornado warning at OSUM. Librarian Dave Evans is the Harry McLa ughlin, assistant evacuation officer and is in charge I have been a Rocky Horr or Pic­ Dean did admit mat there are pro­ of checking to make sure ture Show fan for several years, and bably some details that need to be everything is in order with both tor­ have been looking forward to doing a reviewed whic h will be worked out nado and fire alarm systems. movie review of this f ilm f or a long with more research, and possible The decision to evacuate to time, but after my editor saw the draf t some problems worked out by the library and room 100 came of my review, he decided to devote an several tornado warn ing drills. from the Office of Public Safety at issue of the paper to the sho w, and try McLaughlin expla ined tha t the main campus at OSU. to get it played at OSUM. there is a chain of command at All in all, THE WICK feels that Well, as this issue of THE WICK OSUM which means that there is the system that the administration obviously shows, he was successful in always someone in the building has come up with is very good, and !,getting the Rocky Horror Picture Show that is in charge of deciding at that when the rough spots are ~chedu led at OSUM. what point the tornado emergency wo:-ked out, it will serve the pur­ The Rocky Horror Picture Show procedure should go into effe ct. pose of providing the students of must be seen to be believed with peop le OSUM the maximum amount of throwing rice, talking to the actors on This chain of comma nd starts safety tha t can be provided to the screen, yes, and even dancing in the with Dean Maynard, and in his them. aisles. If yo u want to go and see a f ilm \IAH ION C'I\ ll' lJS that has no redeeming social value, then this is a film to see. It is afilm that \IOHf\l LL HALL all sexual deviates and college students, psychology and sociology maj ors, and TOR NADO SAFE T Y I NS T RUCT I ONS any normal students and Professors should see. In t he e ve n t that a t o r na do warn ing i s r oco i v r-d for t he Mari on Campu s, The audience response is amazing, something that has to be experienced. t he f o l lowi ng sa fe t y p r ocod u r c s will be Lo l l owo d i n :,lurril l Hall. The characters are not real but 1. At the sound o f t he al arm be ll, a se r ies o f s ho r t - I o ng -sho r t they could be. The atmosphere is of jubilance, r ings , all f'uc u l t y , staf f a nd stude n ts wit h in Mo r r I Ll Hall ( OSIJ\I) complete lack of self-restraint. The Rocky Horror Picture Show s ho u l d i mm edi ately an d in an o r de r l y f a shi on proc e ed by t he mos t has some parts that are taken f rom d ire ct r oute t o the c losest of two l ocations : other horror films. It has a mad scien­ tis! who creates a monster, Frank N. a. The L ibrary and ad j a cent r ooms Furter and Rocky . b . Ro om 100 - Aud i t orium The movie is not on at the regular time f or mo vies, six and nine in the a nd r emai n t he r e un t i l d i s mi ssed by the adm inistrator i n c ha r g e evening, but plays near midnight ( e i the r the Disaster Control Offi c er o r hi s de signee.) because the audience probably would not be crazy earlier in the day . 2 .All classrooms ( except 235 , 21 3- 2 19, 21 1) an d of f ices wil l be The f ilm was f irst a play written va c a t e d . by Richard O 'Brien, who also plays Riff Raff in the f ilm. It was a smash in 3 . No o ne i s t o r e ma in on the third f l oor o r in the hal l wa y s. London and played Los Angeles and 4 . Th e e levators , excep t for handi c apped indi vidual s , will not Ne w York f or a while. Then 20th Cen­ tury Fox brought it to the screen in be u s ed i n travel ing t o design ated s afe ty a reas . 1973. Since then it has become a cult David Dudley _ Editor-in-Ch ief Vilm of the highest degree. Not only to teenagers and college students, but to Joyce Prater Managing Editor the older generation as well. Some peo­ Brian Sands Layout Editor ple have even taken their children to Mar k Hawks Photography Editor see it. Connie Connelly News Editor I fee l that all students should take advantage of this mo vie at OSUM and take a couple of hours to try the movie John Millisor Facultv Advisor on f or size. The WICk, I nuraaay, April 19, 1979 page 3 Fans of The Rocky Horror Picture Show get so enthused with the A wild time is planned when Th e show that they dressed up like the chara cters in the show for the Rocky Rocky Horror Picture Show comes to Horror look-alike contest that was held at the Graceland Cinema in Col­ OSUM on May 4 at 11:00 in the even­ umbus. ing in room 100 with the admission be­ ing $1.00 for OSUM students and their guest, and $2.00 for MTC students and their guest. The movie will be run in room 100 as it is ru n at Graceland, with everyone th rowing rice, cards , an d do ing other things, gett ing crazy, and just genera lly having a great tim e. The movie is a great time to relax and take out your frustrations on everything that ha s been going wrong. There is even a college professor in the movi e who will not flunk you if you yell a few choice words at him. Coming to the Rocky Horror Pic­ ture Show in room 100 will probably be the onl y time that anyone will be able to throw rice and other things in room 100 without fear o f getti ng pu nished . Rocky C og May 4 to 08UM There are ma ny students who ha ve been wanting to see the movie for a long time bu t do not wan t to ta ke th e time and money to drive to Col umbus to see the Roc ky Horror Picture Show in Columbus. But , when you do come to see the show, you will find ou t if it is worth your time an d money to go to Colum­ bus . People fro m all over the United States have come to see th e Rocky Hor­ ro r Picture Show. The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a big hit all over the co unt ry, and was very difficult to schedule. It is cost ing a gre at deal for the ro yalities to show th is mo vie and it is rare for a mov ie of thi s grandeur to be shown ou t of a theater. It is probably th e last time that an ything as wild as The Rocky Horror Picture Show will be shown at OSUM This is an example of what the aisles of the theater looks like after a and students should take advantage of typical showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Hopefully this is what thi s on e time offer as it will probably not be repeat ed . the aisles in room 100 will look like. Ph ot os by Da vid Dudley page 4 The students who come, pictur e Chuck as a teacher or college professor that has given them a rough tim e that week, and they vent their inner feelings on Ch uck, the boring narrator, accor.. ding to Pearce. It was first a play written by Richard O ' Brien, who also plays Riff Raff in the film. It was a smash in Lon­ don and played Los Angeles and New York for a while. Then 20th Ce ntury Fox brought it to the screen, tha t was 1973. Janet and Brad, the normal creatures of circumstances, are played by Barry Bostwick and Susan Saran­ By Brian Sands and David Dudley don.
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