Vol. 1, no. lJ., December 1986 INSECTA MUNDI 261 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIlE WORLD LITERATURE OF THE BETHYLIDAE (HYMENOPTERA: BETHYLOIDEA) 1 2 Bradford A. Hawkins and Gordon Gordh The Bethylidae are a primitive family of Anonymous. lCl05. Notes on insect pests from aculeate Hymenoptera which presently the Entomological Section, Indian consists of about 2,200 nominal species. Museum. Ind. Mus. Notes 5.164 181. They are worldwide in distribution and all Anonymous. 1936. Distribuicao de vespa de species ale plimaly, extellml parasites of Uganda. Biologico 2:218 219. Lepidoptera and Coleoptera larvae. Due to Anonymous. 1937. A broca Ie a vespa. their host associations, bethylids are Biologico 3:217 219. potentially useful for the biological Anonymous. 1937. Annual Report. Indian Lac control of various agricultural pests in Research Inst., 1936-1937, 37 pp. the aforementioned groups. Unfortunately, Anonymous. 1940. E'preciso sustentar a luta the true potential of bethylids in applied contra a broca. Sitios Fazendas 2:42-43. biological control cannot be ascertained Anonymous. 1956. Annual report for the now because they have been used financial year 1954-1955. Indian Lac. infrequently. Some species show strong Res. Inst., pp. 1-45. promise, but their use is handicapped by a Anonymous. 1957. Annual report for the relative lack of basic taxonomic and financial year 1955-1956. Indian I.ac. biological knowledge. The most recent Res. Inst., pp. 1-90. world catalog for bethylids is Kieffer Anonymous. 1951. Cooperative economic (1914). A world catalog is forthcoming insect report. Agr. Res. Servo U.S.D.A. (Gordh, in prep.). There has never been a 7(16):309. compilation of the world literature. Anthony, J., and Kurian, C. 1960. Studies This bibliography provides a world list on the habits and life history of of references to bethylids through 1984, PERISIERQLA NEPHANTIDIS Muesebeck. including taxonomy, biology, ecology, Indian Coconut Jour. 13.145-153. distribution, host relationships, and their Arle, R. 1929. Note sur quelques Bethylides use in biological control. References (Hym. ) captuIes aux enviIons d' Auxen e cited are those verified by us. We have (Yonne), avec la description d'une omitted a few that we have been unable to elSpe<.:e nouvelle du gem e BETIIYLUS Latr. obtain or confirm. A few citations ale fOI Bull. Soc. Entomol. Fr. 34.61 63. various reasons incomplete but have been 1930. Un nouveau PRISTOCERA de l'Afrique included when enough infoIilia tion is equatoriale. Bul. Hus. Nat. d'Uist. 'Nat. available to obtain the paper. We are Paris, Sere 2. 2:546-547. gIateful to PlofessoI Laszlo Hoczar for Asahina, S. 1953. On a remarkable case of supplying key references to the Mesitinae. the biting of a parasitic wasp. SCLERODERMUS NIPPONENSIS ¥uasa in Tokyo BIBLIOGRAPHY (Hymenoptera. Bethylidae). Jap. Jour. Ked. Sci. BioI. 6:197-199. Achterberg, C. Van. 1983. Notes on the Ashmead, W. H. 1887. Studies on the North Fabrician types of Palearctic Tiphiinae ~~erican Proctotrupidae with descrip­ (Insecta, Hymenoptera. Tiphiidae). tions of new species from Florida. Can. Steenstrupia 9:73-74. Entomol. 19'192-197. Allen, H. W., Holloway, J. K., and 1887. Studies of the North American Haeussler. G. J. 1940. Importation, Proctotrupidae. with descriptions of new rearing and colonization of parasites of species from Florida. Entomal. Amer. the oriental fruit moth. U.S.D.A. Circ. 3: 73-76. 561. 61 pp. 1887. Studies on the North American E"roctotrupidae with descriptions of new species from Florida. Entomol. Amer. 3:97-100. IDepartment of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, 1890. On the Hymenoptera of Colorado. Rio Piedras, PR 00931 Colo. BioI. Assoc. Bull. I, 47 pp. 2DiviBion of Biological Control, Department of Ento- 1893. A mOlloglaph of the North American mology, University of California, Riverside, CA Proctotrupidae. Bethylinae. Bull. U.S. 92521 Natl. Mus. 45.27 77. 262 INSECTA MUNDI vol. I, no. 4, December 1986 1894. Report upon the parasitic ANTHRENUS VORAX Waterhouse. Proc. Hymenoptera of the Island of St. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 42:110-113. Vincent. Bethylinae. Jour. Linn. Soc. Back, E. A., and Cotton, R. T. 1938. London 25:188-196. Parasites of grain pests. U.S.D.A. 1895. Some parasitic Hymenoptera from Baja Farmers Bull. 1260, pp. 42-45. California and Tepic. Mexico. Proc. Baker, C. L. 1976. The biology of Calif. Acad. Sci. 5:539-555. PRISTOCERA RUFA Kieffer (Hymenoptera· 1895. Report on the parasitic Hymenoptera Bethylidae), a parasite of PANATORHYTES of the Island of Grenada. Bethylinae. SZENTIVANYI Marshall (Coleoptera: Curcu- Proc. Zool. Soc. London (1895):786-787. lionidae) in Papua New Guinea. Jour. 1900. Notes on some New Zealand and Allst. Entomol • Soc. 15·153-164. Australian parasitic Hymenoptera, with Beardsley, J. W., and Tuthill, L. D. 1959. descriptions of new genera and new Additions to the known insect fauna of species. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (1900). Niihau. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 17: 327 360. 56-61. 1901. Hymenoptera Parasitica. Fauna Beeson, C. F. C., and Chatterjee, S. N. Hawaiiensis 1:227 364. 1939. Further notes on the biology of 1902. Classification of the fossorial, parasites of teak defoliators in India. predaceous and parasitic wasps, or the Indian Forest Rec. 5.357-370. superfamily Vespoidea. No. 9. Begemann, H. 1926. Verslag van den Bethylidae. Can. Entomol. 34:268 273. entomoloog over het 'l'iJdvak 3 DecelDber 1902. Papers from the Harriman Alaska 1924-31 (December 1925). Meded. Koffie- Expedition. XXVIII. Hymenoptera. Proc. bessenboeboek Fonds 14:194 207. Wash. Acad. Sci. 4:117-274. 1927. Verslag van den entomoloog over het 190 J. Descriptions of three new parasitic jaar 1926. Meded. Kaffiebessenbaebaek Hymenoptera from India. I.H.H.N. 5:2-3. Fonds 15: 1-21. 1904. Descriptions of new Hymenoptera from Bennet, F. D. 1960. Parasites of Japan. Jour. N.Y. Entomol. Soc. 12: ANCYLOSTOMA STERCOREA (Zell.) 65 88. (Pyralidae, Lepidoptera), a pod borer 1904. Descriptions of new genera and attacking pigeon pea in Trinidad. Bull. species of Hymenoptera from the Philip­ Entomol. Res. 50:737-757. pine Islands. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 28: 1965. Tests with parasites of Asian 127 158. graminaceous moth-borers on DIATRAEA and 1905. New Hymenoptera from the Philip- allied genera in Trinidad. Commw. Inst. pines. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 29.107-119. 8iol. Contr. Tech. 8ull. 5:101-116. Askew, R. R. 1972. Parasitic Insects. 19/1. Current status of biological control Heinemann, London, 316 pp. of the small moth borers of sugarcane Audouin, M. V. 1842. IUstorie des insectes DIAIRAEA spp. (Lep. PyraLidae). Rntomo- nuisibles a la vigne, de la pyrale. phaga 16:111-124. Fortin, Masson, Inc., Paris, 342 pp. Bennet, S. E. 1961. The strawberry leaf Avasthy, P. N., and Chaudhary, J. P. 1963. roller complex in Tennessee. Jour. Tenn. First record of a bethylid parasite on Acad. Sci. 36:320-360. the armyworm, PSEUDALETIA UNIPUNCTA Haw. Benoit P. L. G. 1952. Beth 7:192. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di 1966. Studies on PARASIEROLA sp. a Genova. Dortana 1.1 7. parasite of armyworm. Indian Jour. 1956. Contributions a l'etude de la faune Entomol. 27·414-422. entomologigue du Ruanda Urundi Otission Ayyappa, P. K., and Cheema, P. S. 1952. An P. Basilewsky 1953). Hymenoptera: CXII. ectoparasite on the larvae of ANTHRENUS Bethylidae. Ann. Mus. Congo BeIge (Ser. VORAX Waterhouse. Proc. Indian Acad. B) Sci. Geol. 51:560 564. Sci. 36:215-222. 1957. Hymenoptera Bethylidae. Explor. Ayyar, T. V. R. 1917. A catalog of new Pare. Nat'l. Albert Miss. G.F. deWitte, wasps and bees (Fossores, Diplotera and 1933-1935. 88:1-57. Anthophila) described from the Indian 1963. Honographie des Bethylidae d'Afrique region since 1897. Jour. Bombay Nat. noire (Hymenoptera) I. Sous-familie Hist. Soc. 25:92-103. Pristocerinae tribu Dicrogenini tri~1 1927. The parasitic Hymenoptera of Pristocerini, gen. PRISTOCERA Klug. Ann. economic importance noted from South Mns. R. Afr. Centro (Ser. 8, Zool.), No. India. Bull. Entomol. Res. 18:73-78. 119, 95 pp. Back, E. A. 1940. A new parasite of Vol. 1, no. 4, December 1986 INSECTA MUNDI 263 1963. Bethylides nord-africains recoltes nord-africaines. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. par M. L. Berland. Bull. Mus. Natl. Afr. Nord 39'160-167. Hist. Nat. 35:82-84. Betrem, J. G. 1961. CEPHALONOHIA STEPHANO­ 1963. Rectifications a rna revision des DERlS n. spec. (Kym., Bethylldae). Bethylidae (Hymenoptera) africains, Vol. Entomol. Berich. 21:183-184. I. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 67:5-10. Bianchi, F. A. 1944. The recent 1ntrodu c- 1967. Un Bethylide nouveau, CEPHALONOHIA tion of armyworm parasites from Texas. MATEUI n. sp., parasite de coleopteres Rawaii. Pl. Rec. 48:203-212. xylophages au Sahara. Rev. Zool. Bot. Bianconi, G. A. 1867. Intorno ~d alcuni Aft. 76.341 344. insetti perforatori dei metalli memoria. 1968. Contribution a l'etude des especes Acad. Sci. Inst. Bologna Cl. Sci. Fische africaines du genere tffiSITIUS Spinola Mem. Sere 2. 6:439-455. (Hym. Bethylidae). Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. Bischoff, H. 1910. Die Chrysididen des 77:83 94. Koniglichen Zoologischen Museums zu 1982. Bethylidae africains. II. (Byme- Bediu. Mitt. Zool. Hus. Bedin 4:245 noptera) Le genre KATHEPYRIS Kieffer. 293 t 7. Rev. Zool. Bot~ Afr. 96:185-192. 1927. Biologie der Hymellopteren. J. Springer, Berlin, 598 pp. Blair, K. C. 1944. A note on the economy of Belg. Med. Trop. 4:163-165. the rose bedeguar gall, RHODITES ROSAE Bergamin, G. A. 1945. 3 -Comhate bio1ogico • L. Free. Se. Lenden intemel. Nat. Bist. Bol. Super. Servo Cafe S. Paulo 20: Soc. (1943-1944):55-59. 972-975. Blanchard, E. M. 1851. Histoire naturelle Berland, L. 1928. Bethylidae. In Faune de des insectes. Soc. Bibliophile, Paris, France Bymenopteres Vespiformes II, pp. 287-288. Vol. 19, pp.
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