electrical blasting cap electrical blasting cap [ENG] A blasting cap ig- electrical prospecting [ENG] The use of down- nited by electric current and not by a spark. hole electrical logs to obtain subsurface informa- { əlekиtrəиkəl blastиiŋkap } tion for geological analysis. { ilekиtrəиkəl pra¨s electrical breakdown See breakdown. { əlekиtrəи pekиtiŋ } kəl bra¯kdau˙ n} electrical resistance See resistance. { ilekиtrəиkəl electrical conductance See conductance. { əlekи rizisиtəns } trəиkəlkəndəkиtəns } electrical-resistance meter See resistance meter. electrical conduction See conduction. { əlekиtrəи {ilekиtrəиkəlrizisиtəns me¯dиər} kəlkəndəkиshən} electrical-resistance strain gage [ENG] A vibra- electrical conductivity See conductivity. { əlekи tion-measuring device consisting of a grid of fine trəиkəl ka¨ndəktivиədиe¯ } wire cemented to the vibrating object to measure electrical drainage [ELEC] Diversion of electric fluctuating strains. { ilekиtrəиkəlrizisиtəns currents from subterranean pipes to prevent stra¯n ga¯j} electrolytic corrosion. { ilekиtrəиkəl dra¯nиij } electrical-resistance thermometer See resistance electrical engineer [ENG] An engineer whose thermometer. { ilekиtrəиkəlrizisиtəns thər training includes a degree in electrical engi- ma¨mиədиər} neering from an accredited college or university electrical resistivity [ELEC] The electrical (or who has comparable knowledge and experi- resistance offered by a material to the flow of ence), to prepare him or her for dealing with current, times the cross-sectional area of current the generation, transmission, and utilization of flow and per unit length of current path; the electric energy. { ilekиtrəиkəl enиjənir } reciprocal of the conductivity. Also known as electrical engineering [ENG] Engineering that resistivity; specific resistance. { ilekиtrəиkəl re¯и deals with practical applications involving cur- zistivиədиe¯ } rent flow through conductors, as in motors and electrical resistor See resistor. { ilekиtrəиkəlri generators. { ilekиtrəиkəl enиjənirиiŋ } zisиtər} electrical fault See fault. { ilekиtrəиkəl fo˙ lt } electrical symbol [ELEC] A simple geometrical electrical image [ENG] An image that is ob- symbol used to represent a component of a cir- tained in the course of borehole logging and is cuit in a schematic circuit diagram. { ilekиtrəи based on electrical rather than optical contrasts. kəl simиbəl} {i¦lekиtrəиkəl imиij } electrical transcription See transcription. { ilekи electrical impedance Also known as impedance. trəиkəl tranzkripиshən} [ELEC] 1. The total opposition that a circuit pre- electrical unit [ELEC] A standard in terms of sents to an alternating current, equal to the com- which some electrical quantity is evaluated. plex ratio of the voltage to the current in complex {ilekиtrəиkəl yu¨ иnət} notation. Also known as complex impedance. electrical weighing system [ENG] An instru- 2. The ratio of the maximum voltage in an alter- ment which weighs an object by measuring the nating-current circuit to the maximum current; change in resistance caused by the elastic defor- equal to the magnitude of the quantity in the mation of a mechanical element loaded with the first definition. { ilekиtrəиkəlimpe¯dиəns } object. { ilekиtrəиkəl wa¯иiŋsisиtəm} electrical insulator See insulator. { ilekиtrəиkəl electrical well logging See electrical logging. inиsəla¯dиər} {ilekиtrəиkəl wel la¨gиiŋ } electrical loading See loading. { ilekиtrəиkəl electric arc [ELEC] A discharge of electricity lo¯ dиiŋ } through a gas, normally characterized by a volt- electrical log [ENG] Recorded measurement of age drop approximately equal to the ionization the conductivities and resistivities down the potential of the gas. Also known as arc. length of uncased borehole; gives a complete {i¦lekиtrik a¨rk } record of the formations penetrated. { ilekиtrəи electric battery See battery. { i¦lekиtrik badиəиre¯ } kəl la¨g} electric boiler [MECH ENG] A steam generator electrical logging [ENG] The recording in un- using electric energy, in immersion, resistor, or cased sections of a borehole of the conductivi- electrode elements, as the source of heat. ties and resistivities of the penetrated forma- { i¦lekиtrik bo˙ ilиər} tions; used for geological correlations of the electric brake [MECH ENG] An actuator in strata and evaluation of possibly productive hori- which the actuating force is supplied by current zons. Also known as electrical well logging. flowing through a solenoid, or through an elec- {ilekиtrəиkəl la¨gиiŋ } tromagnet which is thereby attracted to disks on electrically suspended gyro [ENG] A gyroscope the rotating member, actuating the brake shoes; in which the main rotating element is suspended this force is counteracted by the force of a com- by an electromagnetic or an electrostatic field. pression spring. Also known as electromag- {ilekиtrəиkle¯ səspenиdəd jı¯иro¯ } netic brake. { i¦lekиtrik bra¯k} electrical pressure transducer See pressure trans- electric bridge See bridge. { i¦lekиtrik brij } ducer. { ilekиtrəиkəl preshиər tranzdu¨ иsər} electric car [MECH ENG] An automotive vehicle electrical properties [ELEC] Properties of a that is propelled by one or more electric motors substance which determine its response to an powered by a special rechargeable electric bat- electric field, such as its dielectric constant or tery rather than by an internal combustion en- conductivity. { ilekиtrəиkəl pra¨pиərdиe¯z } gine. { ilekиtrik ka¨r} 188 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. electric ignition electric cell [ELEC] 1. A single unit of a primary or more lengths of wire energized with high-volt- or secondary battery that converts chemical en- age, low-current pulses, and giving a warning ergy into electric energy. 2. A single unit of a shock when touched. { i¦lekиtrik fens } device that converts radiant energy into electric electric field [ELEC] 1. One of the fundamental energy, such as a nuclear, solar, or photovoltaic fields in nature, causing a charged body to be cell. { i¦lekиtrik sel } attracted to or repelled by other charged bodies; electric charge See charge. { i¦lekиtrik cha¨rj } associated with an electromagnetic wave or a electric circuit [ELEC] Also known as circuit. changing magnetic field. 2. Specifically, the 1. A path or group of interconnected paths capa- electric force per unit test charge. { i¦lekиtrik ble of carrying electric currents. 2. An arrange- fe¯ld } ment of one or more complete, closed paths for electric-field intensity See electric-field vector. electron flow. { i¦lekиtrik sərиkət} {i¦lekиtrik ¦fe¯ld intenиsədиe¯ } electric coil See coil. { i¦lekиtrik ko˙ il } electric-field strength See electric-field vector. electric conductor See conductor. { i¦lekиtrik {i¦lekиtrik ¦fe¯ld streŋkth } kəndəkиtər} electric-field vector [ELEC] The force on a sta- electric connection [ELEC] A direct wire path tionary positive charge per unit charge at a point for current between two points in a circuit. in an electric field. Designated E. Also known {i¦lekиtrik kənekиshən} as electric-field intensity; electric-field strength; electric connector [ELEC] A device that joins electric vector. { i¦lekиtrik ¦fe¯ld vekиtər} electric conductors mechanically and electrically electric flowmeter [ELEC] Fluid-flow measure- to other conductors and to the terminals of appa- ment device relying on an inductance or imped- ratus and equipment. { i¦lekиtrik kənekиtər} ance bridge or on electrical-resistance rod ele- electric contact [ELEC] A physical contact that ments to sense flow-rate variations. { i¦lekиtrik permits current flow between conducting parts. flo¯ me¯dиər} Also known as contact. { i¦lekиtrik ka¨ntakt } electric flux [ELEC] 1. The integral over a sur- electric contactor See contactor. { i¦lekиtrik ka¨n face of the component of the electric displace- takиtər } ment perpendicular to the surface; equal to the electric coupling [MECH ENG] Magnetic-field number of electric lines of force crossing the coupling between the shafts of a driver and a surface. 2. The electric lines of force in a region. driven machine. { i¦lekиtrik kəpиliŋ } {i¦lekиtrik fləks } electric current density See current density. electric flux density See electric displacement. {i¦lekиtrik ¦kəиrənt denиsədиe¯ } {i¦lekиtrik fləks denиsədиe¯ } electric current meter See ammeter. { i¦lekиtrik electric flux line See electric line of force. { i¦lekи ¦kəиrənt me¯dиər} trik fləks lı¯n} electric desalting [CHEM ENG] A process to re- electric furnace [ENG] A furnace which uses move impurities such as inorganic salts from electricity as a source of heat. { i¦lekиtrik fərи crude oil by settling out in an electrostatic field. nəs} {i¦lekиtrik de¯so˙ ltиiŋ } electric fuse See fuse. { i¦lekиtrik fyu¨ z} electric detonator [ENG] A detonator ignited by electric guitar [ENG ACOUS] A guitar in which a fuse wire which serves to touch off the primer. a contact microphone placed under the strings {i¦lekиtrik detиəna¯dиər } picks up the acoustic vibrations for amplification electric dipole [ELEC] A localized distribution and for reproduction by a loudspeaker. { i¦lekи of positive and negative electricity, without net trik gəta¨r} charge, whose mean positions of positive and electric hammer [MECH ENG] An electric-pow- negative charges do not coincide. { i¦lekиtrik ered hammer; often used for riveting or caulking. dı¯po¯ l} {i¦lekиtrik hamиər} electric dipole moment [ELEC] A quantity char- electric heating [ENG] Any method of con- acteristic of a charge distribution, equal to the verting
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