DOCUMENT RESUME ED 327 187 IR 053 362 TITLE International Symposium on Information Technology: Standards for Bibliographic Control (Bangkok, Thailand, September 4-8, 1989). INSTITUTION Thammasat Univ.. Bangkok (Thailand). Univ. Libraries. REPORT NO ISBN-974-972-421-1 PUB DATE Sep 89 NOTE 268p.; Mimeograph quality type. PUB TYPE Collected Works Conference Proceedings (021) -- Reports - Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Bibliographic Databases; *Cataloging; *Cooperative Programs; Foreign Countries; Information Networks; *Information Retrieval; *Information Technology; Program Descriptions; Shared Resources and Services; Standards; Thesauri; *User Needs (Information) IDENTIFIERS Authcrity ConLrol (Information) ABSTRACT This document which covers the proceedings of the 1989 International Symposium on Information Technology, begins with several opening ceremony messages and includes the following papers: (1) "Reflections on International Bibliographic Standards" (Winstoh D. Roberts); (2) "Bibliographic Control from the User's Perspective" (Ruth A. Pagell); (3) "Some Current Problems in International Standard Book Numbers for Bibliographic Control" (Cosette Kies);(4) "CONSER: A Model Cooperative Cataloging Project" (Carolyn Norris); (5) "Information Retrieval in Multimeuia Sources in an Electronic Age" (Tze-Chung Li);(6) "A Question of Fcrmat" (Alan Hopkinson); (7) "BABINAT: A Meta-Format To Support the Development of National Bibliographic Databases within Cooperative Networks" (M. J. Menou); (8) "Development of Desktop Catalog System for Books" (Shuzo Asakura); (9) "Practical Construction of a Thesaurus: The IFIC Experience" (L. Robles-Austriaco and Ariston G. Trinidad); (10) "Malaysian Official Publishing: Bibliographic Control and Description Standards" (Khoo Slew Mun); (11) "Unified Format for Information Sharing among Libraries at the Los Banos Complex" (Vilma G. Anday); and (12) "Bibliographic Standards of Indonesia" (Dady Rachmananta). Notes on the contributors and a list of the symposium's seven committee members are provided. (SD) ****************************************.!**********A******************* * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original Cocument. * *********************************************************************** INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: STANDARDS FOR BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL 0o INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Standards For Bibliographic control September 48, 1989 at Bangkok Palace Hotel, Bangkok THAMMASAT UNIVERSITYLIBRARIES 1989 4 International Synposium oninformation Technology, Bangkok,1989. Tnformation technology:standards for bibliographic control, International -- Theors, 1. Bibliography, and methods, etc, 2. Information storage retrieval systems. I. Title. 10C1.I5 011,1 l'BN 974-572-421-1 Cover design : SantiIsraphan 5 CONTENTS Foreword0 0 J 0 7 4 0 7 0 0 evceoAoeoeooes,peoo.o..ao.* OOOOO Agenda0., 00000 OOOOOOOOO e.o..aoo.,n000v,00000400000p000lseoe. III Report Prof. Krirkkiat Phipatseritham.................... ....... V OpeninAddress H.E, Mr. Tavich Klinpratoom ,.......,.......... ..... IX Welcoming Address Assi'r.. Prof, Temchai Suvarnadat700,000 ..... 4009/4 ....... 0 XI Notes on the Contributors XIII Reflectjons on International Bibliographic Standards WinstonD, RobertsO000004040040404000400..404040000.04044 1 Bibliographic Control from the User's Perspective Ruth A. Pagell 37 Some Current Problems tn International Standard Book avabers for Bibliographic Control CosetteKies 00000.030000100.000000000.0000"3000 0 06, 0 0 57 CONSER A Model Cooperative Cataloging Project Carolyn Norris ..0............0.......... ...... 73 Information Retrieval in Multimedia Sources in an Elect.ronic Age Tze-Chung Li..................,....... ...... ........ 81 A Question of Format Hopkinson .4" 0 4 1 4 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 ^ 1 CO BABINAT :A Meta-Format to Support the Development of Mationa:. Bibliographic Data Bases within Co-operative Network M.J, Menou eeeeoea.n. ......oolooeA'oe.tl000.. ............. 123 6 Development of Desk Top Catalog System for Books Shuzo Asakura.....,. ,,,,,,,,0 ,.,.,,.,..,00..,0c..153 Practical Construction of a Thesaurus The IFIC Experience L. Robles-Austriaco and Ariston G. Trinidad. ..... .........171 Malaysian Official Publishing. Bibliographic Control and Description Standards Khoo Siew Mun.. .,........c,,, .000000,^(600CCOO1E1 Unified Format for InformaLion Sharing Ar.ong Lihraries at the Los Banos Complex Vilma G. Anday ''''*''''---..e211 Bibliographic Standards of Indonesia Dady Pachrlananta .0..a 0.0 5 e.5 0'. C0000 0 0 0 9 4 *0...233 List of the Committees-- . .,....,--.......247 7 FOREWORD Among the Symposium's objectives was the bringingtogether of librcry and information experts to exchange knowledge,ideas and experiences in the importance of and necessity for standards of biblio3raphic control. Another objective was that of allowing the participants to acquire knowledge of advanced information technology. These proceedings are an attempt to capture the realization ofthese objectives- Tt is our hope that these proceedings willserve as an effective tool which promotes closer cooperationamong library and information experts in the future and which serves to eliminate thecurrent proble:Is incurred in the library sciences. It is an honor and pleasure for us to present theseproceedings to thos who are concerned with the advancement of libraryservices. We would like to express our most heartfelt gratitude to the Interwtional Federation of Library Association and Institutions, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization, the Thai T,ibrary Association, Mc Chow ChowkwaNyun and all ofthe speakers, participants who made the symposium a successfulones TemchaiSuvarnadat Chairman of the Organizing Committee 8 AGENDA Information Tecnnology : St3ndards for 810llograpnic Control Organized oy Tnammasat University Liorarias Monday, September 4, 1989 Registration Organizing Committee meeting Tuesday, September 5, 1989 Registration Opening Ceremony "Reflections on International Bibliographic Standards" Winston D. Roberts "Bibliographic Control from the User's Perspective" Ruth A. Pagell "Some Current Problems in International Standard-Book Numbers for Bibliographic Control"Cosette Kies "CONSER : A Model Cooperative Cataloging Project" Carolyn Norris Discussion Wednesday, September 6, 1989 "Information Hetrieval in Multimedia Sources in an Electronic Age" TzeChung Li "A Question of Formats" Alan Hopkinson Distussion III ,-* D °BABINAT: A Meta-Format to Support the Development of National Bibliographic Data Bases Within Co-operative Network" M.J. Menou "Development of Desk Top Catalog System for Books" Shuzo Asakura Discussion Thursday, September 7, 1989 "Practical Construction of a Thesaurus: The IFIC Experience" L. Robles-Austriaco "Malaysian Official Publishing: Bibliographic Control and Description Standards" Khoo Siew Mun Discussion "Unified Format for Information Sharing Among Libraries at the Los Banos Complex° Vilma G. Anday "Bibliographic Standards of Indonesia" Dady Rachmananta °Standards for Bibliographic Control: A National Seminar in Thailand" Maenmas Chavalit Discussion Friday, September 8, 1989 Organizing Committee Meeting Cultural Visit IV 10 OPENING CEREmGNY mESSAGES Report by the Rector of Thammasat Ur;MrsIty Professor Krirkklat PhIpatseritham September 5, 1989 Your Excellency, Distinguished Participants, Ladiesand Gentlemen : On behalf of Thammasat University,the Organizing Committeeand distinguished participants, I wish toexpress our sincere thanks to you for givin?; us the honor to presideover the opening ceremony of "the International Symposium on Informa'-ion Technology: Standards for Bibliographic Control° today, I would like to state briefly th( background of this symposium. Nowadays, the development of informationtechnology gives usa great deal of concern. The fast continuing growth ofthe information in all disciplines makes it impossible for anyone to keepup with all recorded knowledge. Information service professionalsare cognizant of this matter and are trying to seek methods to collect, organizeand store information systematicallyso that it can be accessed speedily and easily whenever it isrequired, One approach that needs to be done is to record lists of documents and use them as a tool tolocate appropriaty information anddeliver it to users inresponse to their information requests, These lists of documents are bibliographies which are found' in many forms such as the catalogue card, bibliographic database, printedbooks, etc, have many format variations which cause many protlems, This is one 11 of many roosons why concerned persons ininformation should under-take to underscaml the existing problemsand make every effort to solve them. Withil: this context, Thamm9sat University hasorganized the Inter- national Symposium on Information Technology.Standards for Biblio- graphic Conrol with the following mainobjec;Aves: from i. To bring together library and information exper,;s foreign co.Ttries to exchange knowledge,ideas, and experiences with Thai particjpants. 2. To urge the concerned personsin the library and information of community co be aware of the importanceand necessity for standards bibliograph,.c control To allow the participants to acquireknowledge of advanced information technology. The sch:dule of technical conferencewill cover the next three days, 5eginnin(5 ,r.Lh the keynote speech by Mr,Winston Robert, resource person from
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