PAGE SIXTEEN MONDAY, MARCH 16, 196S 4t iJIaudfiEtt^ning ATcrago Daily Not PrcM Ran For the Week Ended a l B I B -A a_ A A 1 A - -a A a — ’.A .A ^ B 1 B _.A A A ..A . .A - 1 - ’The Weather March 14, 1051 Forecast of U. S. Weather Borean 10,967 2ii(ianvnPB i?i 11 tU Y lllilu m YlTaUi Partly cloudy, cooler tonight. Member of the Audit Partly cloudy, warmer tomorrow. Bureau of Circulatten* wer ING about our Manchetter— •A City of Village Charm k" t w " VOL. LXxn, NO. 141 (ClasGlfled AdrertM ag ea Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., TpilSDAY, MARCH l 7 , 1953 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS .0 Close Vote si5S;J FSA Resh uffle For Bohlen Atomic Troops Unscathed Backed 17-12 Is Indieated (• V. Washington, March 17—(/P)—^The Hou.ke Government On- Washington, March 17—(/P) erations committee today voted 17 to 12—a surprisingly close —Sen. McCarthy (R., Wi»), margin—to apeed approval of President Eisenhower’s plan to one of the critics of Presi­ In Yucca Flats Maneuvers reorganize the^Fcderal Security agency. The plan would set dent Eisenhower’s nomination up a new cabinet departm ent. ------------------------- ~ of Charles E. (Chip) Bohleh In an unexpected move, Dem-: ___ _ 6 t to be Ambassador to Ruahia, ocrats lined up almost solidly r | 1.^ ^ conceded today that - op­ Model Town, Store Dummies in Atomic Blast Big Storewide Vaiues Tuesday Through Saturday, March 17.24 against an approval resolution by ponents do not have the votes Committee Chairman Hoffman. (R„ Mich.). The resolution would to block Senate api^vaK Thousand Men put the chsnge into effect 10 days McCarthy asserted, however, after the resolution IS enacted. Tax Fixers that the adminlatration was mak­ HALE'S GREEN STAMPS Reorganization plana automat- ing a mistake in sticking to the Icdlly go into effect 60 daya after nomination in view of the opposi­ Fine Spun Double GIVEN WITH CASH SALES One Group of DRESSES they are submitted unless either tion among Republican Senators. Close to Blast TYPE Tuesday Were Fake By all the/ aigns, Eisenhower in­ 132 Prints and solid colors. Size 14'/i! to 2213 .the Senate or the House votes to ClM J. W. Hate disapprove. ’The FSA plan was tends to Stand by It and have a Corpormtiea REGULAR VALUES TO submitted March 12. Washington, March 17—(4*) ahowdq^'n with the critics. By BILL BECKER r* ' ■iMcliMtor, Cf. HALE'S Oppoee M ethods Great Mistake , Atom Bomb Site, Nev., Mhrch 17-—</P)—Ameri(»’fl most $8.98. REDUCED TO . Final —A New Jersey businessman McCarthy, talking with report- OOWNPROOF AND FEATHERPROOF $1.35 NEVERUN Committee members, after s related to House Tax Fraud daring atomic troopa took a battering todav but came an,* FINESPUN closed session, said . Democratic ars, did not mention the President scathed through a low level nuclear blast that jolted com- FULL FASHIONED opposition was based, chiefly on investigators today that he hut spoke of Secretary of State PILLOW TICKS o the speed-up method of handlip" paid out $115,000 to a succes­ Dulles as pushing Bohlen's nomi­ munitles as far distant as .3Q0 miles. Shortly after the rum- SHEETS AND CASES N' the propossl, rather than strong sion of lawyers and would-be nation. bllng explosion, the two battslioh*> ______ REG. $1.19 WITHOUT ZIPPERS . Eo. 7 7 / opposition to the plan itself. "Dulles is making a grqat combat teams moved through s, | With 3” Hem on Both Ends of Sheet. NYLON NYLON SLIPS Risenhower’s proposal would re­ “fixers” to settle his tax mi.stake In pressing to. have this heavy pall of dust In their sched-; ' ( .9 10 0 % Dupont nylon tricot. Lace trim top and a _ _ troubles with the government i'nomlnstlon approved M cCarthy ulg4,maneuver. Gen. John R. Hodgs REG. $1.49 WITH ZIPPERS...............Eo. 9 5 / place the FSA with a new cabinet and other observers in foxhole.* RIG. $2.f8 72"xll0" ........................ $ 2.49 MESH bottom, noted for strength and fast drying. - l O level Department of Health, EMu- —only to plead guilty to tax ^ said "Especially so when Re- U. S. Views Necda no ironing. White only. Sizes 32 to 40. ” * 8 * “ ^ publican leader.* in the Senate like only two milea from blast center Floral atripe licks that are downproof and featherproof. iication and Welfare. It would evasion in the end. i-eportcd no Injury to troops or the Styles Bridges (NH) and. Homer RE6. J3.W irxiro ” ........................ $ 2 . 4 9 HOSIERY ral.se the aalarie.s and title of top 'The witness was Garry D. lozla. 20 newsmen up front for the first officiala and provide for an assist­ of East Paterson, N. J.. president Ferguson .(Mich.) are so strongly time. A-Blast on U » . Me 42i3« nUOWCASES .... ■■ S 9 i^ With givable, tops for extra ant Secretary of Medical Affairs. of the Housatonlc Dye Works of opposed to him. The Civil Defense test home only REG. $1.00 ZIfKRED comfort. All new spring shaefes. GIRLS' DRESSES Committee members said all 16 Derby, Conn. He said he is now - "If a majority of t)i* Democrats 3,.500 feet from Ground Zero ap-’ Wonderful Hale'e iheeU ere back a{;ain. Reveraible 3" hem on Republicans on the committee awaiting sentence on a charge of vote for Bohlen in the Senate, and parently waa demolished, Harold Cetton. wool and rorduroy. Sizes 7 to 14, pi-e- voted for the Hoffman resolution evading $150,000 In taxes In the I assume t)iey will, he will be con­ T elevision both ends of ahecta. Guaranteed for years of service. Special Value feen 8 to I4'a"d rhi’hhy sizes S’j tb“14<j. L. Goodwin, FCDA teat director, Cotton PILLOW COVERS $ J .o to put the plan into effect prompt­ early 1940s. firmed. But I don’t think it ia wise said after a helicopter Inspection. Protect your rlllows with these easily laun­ P air ..................... VALUES TO $8.98........................... ly. Twelve Democrats voted “Didn’t It ever occur to you that or proper to send a man to this Only one wall was standing, he New York, March, 17—6P) dered white cotton covers with .zippers. Each against it and one Democrat aup- you were being taken for a ride?" post when he does not even have Thla In Om nverngn nqulpmmt ;ald . ported the Hoffman resolution. a.sked Rep. Boggs ID-La.i. a mem­ the support of his own party. tested today when an atomle InAn open-mouthedopen-mouinea •wawe. , ajivuCivil De-ue- —Television_____ viewers «vavaoacroka Says Dan Meanincle** ber of the Ways and Means Inves­ "If Bohlen is really interested in bomb waa detonated at Yucca fenae obaervera from all parts of were given a Clo^B* Rep. Holifleld ID.. Calif.i, a tigating subcommittee. the welfare of the country he Flats, Nevada. ’The houae at left the country watched th* > explo­ up view of an atomic blast to­ committee member, said in an in­ "Yes, sir, but 1 was scared to wouldn't want to go under the cir­ ' i f ' Is three-quarters of a mile away sion blow skyward. ' day as a grim reminder of thi ■w • - HALE'S Specktl HOUSEDRESSES terview; •"’The administration is death," lozia replied, adding that cumstances. He. would refuse the Move oM Objective Cotton percale. >Viap around and button cost trying to fool the American peo­ "I have faith in human beinga," job.” from the 800-foot bomb holding need for Civil Defense. HEAVY QUALITY The. 1,000 troops afiid 20 news­ The pooled telecast of the blast styles. Sizes 12 to 40 and 1 2 'i to 24*j. ple. ’This plan is almost mean­ lozia aaid a newspaperman and Friends of Bohlon said . the lower. The home at right la men . closer to atom flra than any NYLON REINFORCED newapaperwoman were a’ ’ 'pg CHARMHOUSE $ 3 .3 9 ingless—It doe.an't go ss far In rai-eer foreign service officer had one and one-half mile* away. .\ii- human has been since HIroahIma (3B8 aad REG. $3.98 VALUES.......... ............ reorganizing the department as the persona to whom he ^ ve no thought of asking Pre.sident NBC networks, waa one phase M tomoblle in foreground will talie and Naguaki—escaped injury and a three-part educational demim- ANKLETS Eisenhower to withdraw his name. the soldiers moved In within an TOWEL ((!ontiniied on Page Eleven) (Continued on Pagq. Eleven) the test as well as store dummies stratlon by the Atomic Energy straight up o|; turn back cuff A nd' W hite House pre.*s secretary hour to caplura their atomized (right) placed under the protec­ commlsalon and Civil Defensa styles. White and colors. Sizes James Hagerty said there was objective as planned. authorities. ^ [ENSEMBLE 8 'j to 11. "no change’’- In the situation, tion of an Inexpensive lean-to Gk»v. John Fine of Pennsylvania there. Fliut'Phaaea at 4:M Made eapccislly for us by GIRLS' DRESSES type bomb shelter In the base­ keynoted the feelings of observers The first was a view Biuiday at a fam ous miU. 15-20' A gainst ment of a houae. (NEA Tele­ a* he callqd It "a challengt to all NEW SPRING STOCK REDUCED Ike Plans to End RFC, Tlie noiAlnee had a case of hum anity.” th* blast site on Yucca Flat, Nay., photos). where two typical dwellings, sev­ Rex. $1.1!) measles which forced a delay until Goodwin s^ald "we have been act­ REG. $5.98 VALUES.......
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