, , , F , F frJ ht;& l - E;f -< ilE] - :.r- : :-t i + - : - rrr{ - - - - - t=t- t_.- l- t_- lr IL !.-= != L- 5ub'ritkd tt L: L: {, LJ Kerolo Stote Biodiversilv Boord \ L t_ Ll_ l_ FISH MOI{ITORII\G SURVEY OF Lt_ V BHARATI{APTJ7,HA L TIPPER CATCHMEI\T AREA, KERALA TRIBUTARIES I) CHITTURPUZ,HA 2} GAYATHRIPUZHA 3) KALPATI{YPU7,,HA DR. K K HEMALATHA Reader and Head. Department of ZoologY' N S S College, Ottapalam-3 Submitted to Kerala State BiodiversitY Board, ThiruYananthaPuram Date: 30.012010. L l) \ l--I I , Study Team I Team Leader. Dr. K K Hemalatha Reader and Head, Department of Zoology" f{ S S College. - 0ttapalam Pin:679 103 - Ph. No. A466-2244382. h,lob. 9495341588. [email protected] 2 \.{embers. (i) Dr. R Rajkumar, Reader, PG and Research Dept. of Zoology, Govt. Victona Colleee. Palakkad. a (ii) Sri. Guruvay oo r?rppan, Wild Life Cooradinator, Sorith india Chapter. (iii) Sri. Sreejith, , PG Student, , Govt. Victona College, Palakkad. a .l \ames of fishermen: !t Sri M. Krishnan , Sri K. Krishnan a t ? 2 t l- LU L L Studv period and localities: L Pi-e-rlonsoon Survey conducted in lVlay 2010. r- Dites. 2-1.05.10, 25.05.10, 26.05 l0 and 27.05.2010. I' Locatrons: Chitturpuzha- Kumarnkattupathy - Upper site U - Pr"rzhappalarn -Middle site U u - Parli - Low'er site u Gayathripuzha - Seetharkundu - Upper site U - 0ottara - N,fiddie site U - iv{a'"annui" - Lower site L Kalpathypuzha -Uppersite L -Kadukkarnkunnupathv l- - Kalpathy - l\4iddle site t-l- - Parhppalam - Lor,ver site l-. IJ Conducted survey in the three major tributaries of Bharathapuzha Upper Catchment area. l.- ioi the pre-monsoon period, in the month of Mayo 2010. In Chitturpuzha. Kalpathyprtzha and Gayathripuzha, the study sites are accessible by Jeep excepi Seetharkundu of Gayathnpuzha r.r'hich is the highest site. and is accessible only by four u,heel drive leep and then tnore than five knrs u'alk. This was the deepest ard the purest colluclion siie Full of i^ocks urd Boirlders an,C iic could not see the r'irer"bcd due io depth and the assessed depth is 30feet. We could collect fish from the comparatrvel_v r alley region olthc- srte N I-.l- I_ Ll- l' Introduction T, The Bharathappuzha, the second longest nver in Kerala, is the lifeline of many cittes L .trd rillages. For the first 40 km or so. the Bharathappuzha follows an almost noftherli, irrtrrse till Palaqhi. A little rnore than two-thirds of this area (4.100 km') is within L Kerala and the remaining area (1786 km'?) is in Tamrl Nadu. Though Bharathapuzhahas a v. i,trge basin, the waier flow is relatrvely less compared to other long nvers in Keraia v because a large pofiion of tlie basin is located in the comparatively drier regions (Tamil a; \adu and Palakkad Gap). The rrver rs the Nile of Kerala and has the name Nila also. Its l_. main tributarres are Chitturppuzha, Kalpathypuzha, Gayatahnppuzha and t Thoothappuzha. l- Chitturppuzha starls from Nfoolathara Dam rvhere water reaches tiom many streams of l-. Parambikulam and r\aliyar of Tamilnaad., Flor,vs through l\'{oolathara^ para" I' Kambalathara. Mullanthode. Chittur, Kodurnbu. Kannadi. Parli and loins to t- Blrarathapuzha. ChrttLrryuzha or Kannadipuzha has Palar, Aliyar, [Jppar as its tributarres. l_ Lr Chittur this river is knorm as Sokanaasini and in Kannadr it is known as IJ Kannadipuzha. It irrigates atrol'e 65kms in Palakkad. l-. The Kalpathipuzha originates in the upper slopes of the Western Ghats deep insrde IJ Palakkad district frorn the place called Chenthamarakulam in the hills, north of Walayar. li It rs fonned from the confluence of four streams, namely N{alampuzha, Wala}.ar, Koravar l- and Varattar. The N,[alampuzha Dam is built across this river just before it enters into Palakkad town. The river is named after the Kalpathi Siva temple in Palakkad town and iormed after the union of Korayar from Anamalai and Malampuzha at Kadukkamkunnu region. Gayathripuzha is one of tire rirain tributaries of the Bharathapuzha. It onginates ffoin .{naimalai hiils. passes drrcugh Kollengode, hrenmara, Alathur. \\radakancher}' and Pazha),annur befbre joining to Bharathapuzha at MaJ-annur. Ga-vathripuzha has \,fangalam nver,A),al-urpuzha,Vandazhippuzha,Meenkarappuzha, and eh-ullbgr as its rnbutanes. l-l,- l- t't_ l' One of the problems faced by Kalpathypuzh4 like most of the o&er rivers in Kerala, is rilegal sand mkring. This has left many pits in the aver bed which lead to shrub growth. l' 'W'ater During summer the river is covered by a green carpet of Hyacinth {Perari local t' name) and other shrubs. The is getting deepor by sand removal, there is saltwater U intrusion e.ren in the upper reaches ccastruction af a number of dams after independence u has also reduced the river flaw. In fact in the sufilmer m*nths, there is almost no flow in L most parts of the river, only with small ditches. The freshwater discharge from the river a; has been decreasiag ccatinuously. While the river of the river. a; All the drree tributaries of Bharathapuzha are faci*g the same problems reiated to the a; river strusture, but the scenario is severe in Kalpathypuzha ldrere the vegetation and sand l-at- mining are in its extreffre level. r_ Methods: l-. As the depth 'tiras very low and the river bed was laden with pebbles, gravel, mud or silt collection was difficult in many of the cases. In addition to the nets supplied by the r" KSBB, cast and mosquito were also used. l- let ne* l-. Collections were made fram different regions along the river using gill net xrd cast net. l- At very shailowregions nylaa masquita net was also used. The main collectians were rj done from the pools like regions of the river and also from occasional, pits of sand L mining. lj IJ After ccunting, the fishes were released back to the river, afterpreser,:ing a fe.;r samples for identification. Water quality was analysed using the Water Quality Test Kit provided by the KSBB. Scoping study was coaducted on 20'h M*yo 2t10. F E I-- L_ L L e-y r.ta*i L O b s o ns : L rW L (KSEB} FiSl{ L4ONITORING PROGR:{'tufli{E L DATA SHEET I PHYSIC.{L CHARACTERIZATI*NTffATER QUALITY F]ELD D,\TA SHEET U **1,..*.- sheers i6. Ftrrg.lh{r*/L-'"' Li-. 1ry1q.". i N-.*= -t... 7.o,o:-h-a Y ! C nrrru R Pu zHA .Tvf tsha i ii.-= -,. - r s, ra. {}-y =:'= : f,( rrnn am kCrffu p cf}g aort Pa*r'*ea5;arrr ?w'ndtt v L* *,..{11[ r.t a r*,jFj***.y' PoJ^l^kkad Dfsh, e%W U GPS R*-.:;og {L*.. **o N*,-= 'T**".. L=*a.. -r p.' U iOp.ro..r) i l1-ta.He^.',LATrrA I L I5-",r! UA I oF.ton :lc{Ear ii r+n:F.er E*-"* L )i.8. P-..1.* -re.fr t:r arlFroFri*t€ @Fiio*s: Euter thr. l=sp€da.e "r'*-t A. WE/I?HEI{ {l} S*-*:,t/ (2i Cr-*.r:. {3} it..*" L CONDiTIO}iS itC T**p***t*... {Ar-.*6rt.-.*=i:- 39 -* L Fi.* rt*.* b€en.airr in rtre:ast ? **3r*l {Ii H.,/{3) Y.= B, STREAh{ CT{A.RACTERIZATIB}d t*r {3} S.*.**p (4) S*-".a H ]=origi'i(iiM-...=j/(2)Lat..rr- C. W.&TER$HE} Prerl*mi:rarrt S*..o*,..t1,,sL*oa l-lo* T3'p*: {1} F=."..". (2} G.*"= ,**" y'15; FE.{TURES i.3) Agrr.urtur*/1U; P,--r."r""', ?.ib*i sf;*tcrE*-.r' ie) I{-..o,. r'i?3 :larlira.iee ?.,."'-=,..n' {t* Isdu=tria! -"--/qn} {J.r,*." {Sr,=.'r:'y-;i H Lo.*r 1V.t.."1'-< 1{*-5..,i-, S*.,..- Folluttor: I {{}i N. ewide.r:e {1} S-,,,- pseceta{ 6ou..:€s iZ} Or,-:**. .ou*".n*y' y' Lo..t Yl"ot=.=;rea Etoeiori i8] N-*.' {1} M.,a*...= iZ} H*,,-= B. RIPARIN,}J it] T'."**/i3] 5-*,*,(3i H*"*=/i4i i.]",*,*Y {-"i il r=*'" iS"=.',.J F I,EGETATi*N i5i' Fo*-r, prad*iotr (S) &ericqtturar pr*,,.*.r.,,/ {4 h4i***r *srr-*tt-.-y/ {t* N- veserari+n *# I ilSTRErtivt FEATLIRES P=*-r. r..-g.r, i."]: ?oo -r, 5."..*".. --u*.r' i-,): l5O r-; Sare;rrins '...,,r' *"*= {**?il .3OoOO..i hvua1r10- 1"5.-o, ro<.rjor ns#aa,l .oilgr C",,,,,1.y "*-.. {%} AA"I, $..**., Mo"pr"*1.'gi.=: Tsrp*. Ri,r.r.. .....:.... {-o.''*; fi,.,-.. SAlr{9ti}: r*.r= "..5d/.*ai Chans*rizeci {i* N* {11 Y*= \,/ il*,,, P".**-,: i*i Fi- tljY*" ,t/ F. AQUATIC Fre* f;!*atir4g trjrdraFli3-"tes: r/ y' \.EGETATION Flooti*;g $*1 *sted uyar+gr:ytesi R--.=a arad s**imerged i!J..1.+i:hyre$ \r/ Sus;:.rrct-ala-edro=hlrtes r/ lfuerlrnct or'nr.rrah {3!6r!rs t/ iltt=ctr+d argreI "/ *.,,*.* {Sp-,.,rryi : BAr o :qd al :Jra : cJlr 006 6), c. WATER QUALITY T-*r.-.-.*.* iiici: 304 Crnttuctivii,w l IJ;*=*i.,.:.r O*..rs:*r, i a, Fl i." '1.s e-1.,{pte'dr ? 50 ePlD f+\kolt#6 J4g ,r T*r!:ic!t3r'. elg.r = r, Init.;rc, Fand*o*s : 3oo A Catcir-- = ,9-oa t@O {naAntAyyvt = 't ii:.-*r.,,.,..r O-S gpro T8*, =o3OPo $*?slxa,+:i l.l;lf5; aaoqea \M*ter cdosrs.' {Bi }tt--" y' il} S*'**s* i2} P=r.-r-*-' (3) C*'=*.+-r i4) Fr.r.,- i5ii1".,,a {$i *..=.
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