* EI1I1 The People's Republic of China Public Disclosure Authorized Ertan HydroelectricDevelopment Corporation Ertan HydroelectricProject Environmental Assessment and Public Disclosure Authorized Resettlement (FINAL REPORT ) Public Disclosure Authorized December. 1994 :---a E. .ee.-.Corvomany Intera. tional. L.? C..:^ag ;; lUSA C ne.. -, H.a.o_ie;,- r.resr.gar.on and DescignInsait. .- Chengdu. Sichuan. PM(C. Siehuan Pra incial ResettlementAgencN. Chenac1tt. ,.nmuan. PRC ErtaniHvdroelectric DevelopmentCorporadlnil. II'ihiI hua. Sichuan. PRC Public Disclosure Authorized Chengdu. Sichuan. PR China '- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~ List of Preparers: Hasa Engineering Company International, LP.: Mr. John R. Bizer, PhD, Senior Biologist Mr. AnthonyWhitten, PhD, Senior Biologist Chengdu Hydroelectric Investigation and Design Institute: Mr. Shi Shuzi Deputy Hed, Planning Department, Sr. Economist Mr. Liu Zheniai Engineer in Charge, Meteorologist Mr. Y Weiqi Head, EnvironmentalSection, Ecologist Mr. Cao Jiang - Head,SedimentSection, SedimentSpecalt Mr. Chen Guochun Deputy Head, HydrologicalSection, Hydro. Specialist Mr. Bai Chunfeng Senior Economist Mr. Rao Zhongli ResentementSpecialist Ms. Shu Zeping EnvironmentalEngineerng Specialist Ms. Wang Xueqin EnvironmentalSpecialist Ms. Rang Hong Envimnmental-hydraulicSpecialist Mr. Liang Ruijing Interpreter Sichuan Provincial ResettlementAgency: Mr. Chen Zongyi Head, No.3 Deparment, Senior Engineer Ms. Li Hongmei Engineer, Chemist Ertan Hydroelectric Development Corporation Mr. Wang Keming Deputy Chief Engineer Mr. Cui Zijun Head, AdminitrationDepartment, Sr. Engineer Mr. Chen Xiumei Senior Engineer Mr. Su Zhou Senior Engineer Mr. Li Renlun Head, Planning Department,Sr. Engineer LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Basic Structure of CommonEnergy Resources in Sichuan Province (1992) 1.4 Table 1.2: Comparisonof Capital Invesment and Annual Opeating Costs of a 2860 MW Thernal Plant with the 3,300 MW Ertan Project 1.5 Table .13: Esimated pollutants generated from buniungof 9.04 million Tons of coal annually at a thewral generatingproject 1.6 Table 1.4 Sistical Comparisonof Ertan Hydroelectric Projects with Comparable Projects Throughout the World 1.8 Table 4.1: Summary of MeteorologicalData Charactrzing the Climate of the Yalong River Catchment. 4.6 Table 4.2: Average and Extreme DischargesMeasured at Yanbian Station on Ganyu River 4.17 Table 4.3: Industrial Water Consumptionand Discharge Rates and Major Pollutantsin Area of Ertan Reservoir 4.22 Table 4.4: Water quality characteristicsof the Yalong River at the Xiaodeshi Gaging Station (1973-1979, 1981) 4.26 Table 4.5: Monthly AverageWater Quality Values at Xiaodeshi Gauging Station in 1989 and 1990 4.29 Table 4.6: Longitudinalprofile of water quality parameters in Yalong River from Gabiao to Tongzilin 4.31 Table 4.7: Summary of water quality data from Jinsha River Upstream and downstream from Yalong confluence 4.34 Table 4.8: Restricted-rangebirds of the broad-leaved 'South Chinese Forests' 4.53 Table 4.9: Survey of Land Uses in Yalong River Basin in Ertan Reservoir Area 4.61 Table 4.10: Trends in Forest Cover, 1960-1980 4.61 Table 4.11: IndustieesLocated in the Ertan Reservoir Area 4.65 Table 4.112: SocioeconomicConditions in 1985 for the Five Counties Affected by the Reservoir 4.68 Table 5.1: Hourly Discharge from Eran Power Stationduring Peaking Operation in Normal, Wet and Dry Years. 5.10 Table 5.2: Schedule of Generationby Hour for Ertan Peaking Opeation. 5.11 Table 5.3: Averge Scour Depth in Yalong River downstreamfrom Ertan Dam 5.19 ,' Table 5.4: Summaryof submersionlosses in Ertan Reservoir Area. 5.55 Table 5.5: Enumerationof the utilizabe area of the driwdown zone for developmentin the Ganyu Arm of the Ertan Reservoir. 5.58 Table 5.6: Inventory of Vegetadon, Structur and Sanitary Faciliies to be Removed as Part of Reservoir Clearance. 5.67 Table 7.1: Preliminary List of Equipment for Monitoring Program 7.10 Table 7.2: Itemized Costs for EnvironmentalMitigation Programs 7.16 Table 7.3: Itemized Costs for EnvironmentalMonitoring Programs 7.18 Table 7.4: EnvironmentalCosts and Their Year-by-YearAllocation Schedule 7.19 ;- Eran Hydrectric Project Envirnmental Assesment and Resettlement (FNAL REPORT) TABLE OF CONTENTS- EECUTVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION- ....................................... l.1 1.1. HLitoryofthe Project ............................1.._ 1.2. Justificationof the Project .1.2 1.3. Analysis of Altenative Energy Sources .1.3 1.4. Comparison withOther MajorIntertional Hydrodectric Projects ... 1.7 1.5. HistoryoftheEnvironmentalAssessment .1.8 1.6. Introduction to This Study ........ 1.9 2. PROJECT DESCRLPItON .................... 2.1 2.1. General Project Description ........................... 2.1 2.2. Physical Plant ........................... 2.4 2.3. Reservoir .............................. 2.10 14. ConstructionMethods .............................. 2.11 2.5. Project Operation .............................. 2.15 2.6. TransmissionLine and Substations .... ..... ............ 2.16 2.7. Cost Summary .................................. 2.16 3. POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVEFRAMEWORK .. ....... 3.1 3.1. EnvironmentalProtection ............................ 3.1 3.2. Resettlement .................................... 3.8 4. BASELINECONDITIONS ................................ 4.1 4.1. Physical Geography................................ 4.1 4.2. Biogeography.................................. 4.7 4.3. The Aquatic System................................ 4.9 4.4. Terrestrial Vegetation, Wildlifeand Biodiversitv ..... ........ 4.41 4.5. Socio-economicEnvironment ......... ................ 4.55 5. ENVIRONMENTALEFFECTS .................. 5.1 5.1. EnvironmentalBenefits ............................... 5.2 5.2. Aquatic Impacts and Mitigation ........................... 5.6 5.3. Terrestrial Impacts and Mitigation...................... 5..2.., 5.4. Socio-economicImpacts and Mitigation ....... ............ 5.49 5.5. ConstructionImpacts and Mitigation ......... ............ 5.63 5.6. Transmission Line Effects and Mitigation ....... ........... 5.69 6. RESEITLEMENT AND SOCIAL ISSUES...................... 6.1 6.1. NationalResettlement Policies. 6.1 6.2. Characteristicsof Resett!zemen:Areas .... ... ............. 6.1 6.3. SocioeconomicProfile in Areas to Be Inundated .6.4 6.4. ConsultationProcess ............................... 6.5 6.5. InstitutionalArrangements ................. .... .. 6.7 7. ENMRONMENTALMONITORING AND TRAINING PROGRAM ...... 7.1 7.1. Overview of The Monitoring Program . ................. : 7.1 7.2. TriningPgmm andSpc Activities .. 7.12 7.3. Coss.7.14 8. RECOMMENDATIONS ANNEX 1 Rferences ANNEX 2 Species List ANNEX 3 The I pl.meutation of lwfroi a.utal Protection Measures LTSrOF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Relationshipbetween ntal capacity and cost per kW for 49 proects in SichuanProvince.(CHIDI, 1994). 1.7 Figure 2.1: Lotion of Ertan Hydeect Prqject on Yalong River in SouthwesternSichuan. 2.2 Figure 2.2: Comprehve DevelopmentPlan for Lower Yalong River Involving 11 Hydreectric Prciects. 2.3 Figure 2.3: Layout of Ertan H ic Project Facilities. 2.5 Figure 2.4: Elevation-andLongitudinal Section thrugh Ertan Dam Depicting Dam, Spillways and Plunge Pool. 2.6 Figure 2.5: Section Through UndergroundPower Station for Ertan Project * DepictingIntake, Penstock, Underground Chambers, and Tailrace Tunnels. 2.9 Figure 4.1: The Chang Jiang (Yangtze)River and its tributaries, including the Yalong River Cmbold) and the locations of the Erti and Gezhouba hydroelectricprojects. 4.2 Figure 4.2: Yalong River watershed within Sichuan Province: Drainage area of Ertan Hydroelectric Project. 4.3 Figure 4.3: Relief map of Yalong River Basin in SouthwestSichuan Province, China. 4.4 Figure 4.4: Locationsof Known GeologicFaults in the Vicinity of Ertan Project and Locations of Seismic Monitoring Stations. 4.8 Figure 4.5: Biounitsof western Sichuan. 4.10 Figure 4.6: Locationsof Hydrologic. Watcr Quality and Mecteorological Monitoring Stations in the Yalong River Basin. 4.1l Figure 4.7: Average Monthly Discharge at Wali, Luning and Xiaodeshi Hydrologic Gauging Stations on Yalong River. 4. I^ Figure 4.8: Flow Regime RepresentingHigh Flow Year in Yalong River (Measuredat Xiaodeshi Gaging Station). 4.13 Figure 4.9: Flow Reginie Representinga Normal Year in Yalong River (Measuredat Xiaodeshi Gaging Station). 4.14 Figure 4.10: Flow Reime Representira Low Flow Conditionsin Yalong River (Measuredat Xiaodeshi GagingStation). 4.15 Figure 4.11: Average monthly flow in Ganyi River (Yanbian Gauging Station, 1976-1993). - 4.16 Figure 4.12: Relativeaverage monthly dischargeof Yalongand JIrsha River downstreamfrom confluence. 4.18 Figure 4.13: Monthly aveage wa temperate of Yalong River at Xiaodeshi. Gaging Station (1959 - 1992) 4.24 Figure 4.14: Monthly water temperatureregime of Ganyu River at Yanbian Gaging Station (1978 . 1982) 4.25 Figure 4.15: Distributionsof Three Fish SpeciesFound irnProject Area Representingthe Three Major Distribution/EcologicalTypes: Type A = plains; Type B = Mid-Elevaion;and Type C = High - Elevation. 4.37 Figure 4.16: Photograph of Fish Species Observedin Fishermen's Catch at Mouth of Puwei River on May 28, 1994. 4.39 Figure 4.17: Forestry map (1978) of the lower Yaldngwatershed and surroundings. 4.42 Fi-ure 4.18: Distributionof mature forests in the lower Yalong basin in 1985. 4.43 Figure 4.19: Open, savannah-typevegetation characteristicof the steep slopes of the valley walls within the Ertan Reservoirarea. 4.44 Fivure -. '0 Schematic
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