Sunday 1: Registration & Welcome Cocktail Time: Sunday 16:00{20:30 Location: Arches Begin of Registration (16:00 - 19:30) Cocktail (18:30 - 20:30) 2: Entrance and Welcome Time: Monday 8:30{9:00 Location: Sorbonne Great Amphi. Entrance and Welcome 3: Opening Address Time: Monday 9:00{9:30 Location: Sorbonne Great Amphi. Opening PL1: Plenary Session 1 Chaired by J. J. Greffet, Palaiseau, FR, H. Brune, Lausanne, CH Time: Monday 9:30{12:00 Location: Sorbonne Great Amphi. Plenary PL1.1 MON 9:30 •Satoshi Kawata | Osaka University & RIKEN, Japan Atom-by-Atom Engineering of Tailored Nano- magnets and Atomic-Scale Spintronic Devices | Break •Roland Wiesendanger | University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Plenary PL1.3 MON 11:15 The Magnetism of Atoms and Nanostructures on Plenary PL1.2 MON 10:15 Surfaces: an Atomic-Scale Perspective | •Andreas Plasmonics: an Innovative Nanoscience for Nano- Heinrich | IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, Imaging, Nano-Analysis and Nano-Materials | USA SO-1: STM and growth process on surfaces I, silicene Chaired by F. Silly, Gif sur Yvette, FR Time: Monday 14:00{16:15 Location: Amphi. Portier SO-1.1 MON 14:00 Fred´ eric´ Leroy1, Lo¨ıc Assaud1, Lionel Santinacci1, Microscopic Structure of Mn Atom Chains on the and Margrit Hanbucken¨ 1 | 1CINaM, Aix-Marseille Si(001) Surface Investigated by Scanning Tunneling Universit´e,Marseille, France | 2INSP, Universit´ePierre et Microscopy | •Andreas Fuhrer, Frank Ruess, and Marie Curie, Paris, France | 3PCMB, Universit´eFran¸cois Nikolaj Moll | IBM Research, Z¨urich Research Labora- Rabelais, Tours, France tory, S¨aumerstrasse4, 8803 R¨uschlikon Invited SO-1.4 MON 14:45 SO-1.2 MON 14:15 Unusual Island Formations of Silver and Iridium Atomic Processes of Fe Nanoisland Nucleation and on Germanium Studied by LEEM and STM | Growth on Au(111) | •Andrea Li Bassi1;2, Fabio •Shirley Chiang, Cory Mullet, Marshall van Zijll, Donati1;3, Alexander Mairov1, Matteo Passoni1, Bret Stenger, Emilie Huffman, Dylan Lovinger, and Carlo S. Casari1;2 | 1Dipartimento di Energia, and William Mann | University of California, Davis, CA, Politecnico di Milano, via Ponzio 34/3, I-20133 Milano USA (Italy) | 2CNST - Center for Nano Science and Technology @PoliMi, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, via Pascoli 70/3, SO-1.5 MON 15:15 I-20133 Milano (Italy) | 3present address: Ecole Polytech- Single one-dimensional nanolines and atom chains nique F´ed´eralede Lausanne, Institute of Condensed Matter on the semiconductiong Si(001) surface | •Sigrun Physics, PHB - Station 3, CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland) A. Koster¨ 1, Franc¸ois Bianco1, James G. H. Owen1, David R. Bowler2, and Christoph Renner1 SO-1.3 MON 14:30 | 1Universit´e de Gen`eve, DPMC, Gen`eve, Suisse | Nanoscale Si Template for the Growth of Self- 2University College London/London Centre of Nanotechnol- organized Co Nanolines | •Laurence Masson1, ogy, London, UK Lisa Michez1, Geoffroy Prevot´ 2, Romain Bernard2, Ha¨ık Jamgotchian1, Houda Sahaf3, Eric Moyen1, SO-1.6 MON 15:30 Monday Silicene: a new crystalline form of silicon | Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | •Daniele Chiappe1, Carlo Grazianetti1;2, Asahidai 1-1 Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1292 Japan Grazia Tallarida1, Marco Fanciulli1;2, Alessandro Molle1, and Guy Le Lay3 | 1Laboratorio MDM, IMM- SO-1.8 MON 16:00 CNR, via C. Olivetti 2, I-20864 Agrate Brianza (MB), Italy From Silicene Discovery to Graphene-Like Epitax- | 2Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Universit`adegli ial Germanium Sheets | •Guy Le Lay1, Patrick Studi di Milano Bicocca, via R. Cozzi 53, I-20126, Milano Vogt2, Paola De Padova3, Claudio Quaresima3, (MI), Italy | 3Aix-Marseille University, CNRS-CINaM, Jose´ Avila4, Emmanouil Frantzeskakis4, Maria Campus de Luminy, Case 913, 13288, Marseille Cedex 09, Carmen Asensio4, Andrea Resta1, and Ben´ edicte´ France Ealet1 | 1Aix-Marseille University, CNRS-CINaM, Cam- pus de Luminy, Case 913, 13288, Marseille Cedex 09, France. SO-1.7 MON 15:45 | 2Technische Universit*at Berlin, Hardenbergstrasse 36, Epitaxial silicene: 2D silicon with π electronic bands 10623 Berlin, Germany. | 3CNR-ISM, via Fosso del Cav- | •Antoine Fleurence, Rainer Friedlein, Taizuke aliere 100, Rome, Italy. | 4Synchrotron SOLEIL, Saint Ozaki, Ying Wang, and Yukiko Yamada-Takamura Aubin, BP 48 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France. NE-1: Molecular quantum electronics and spintronics Chaired by R. Berndt, Kiel, DE Time: Monday 14:00{16:00 Location: Amphi. Richet Invited NE-1.1 MON 14:00 Hyeong Lee1, Min Hui Chang1, Yong-Hyun Kim2, Molecular Quantum Spintronics | •Wolfgang and Se-Jong Kahng1 | 1Department of Physics, Korea Wernsdorfer | Institut N´eel,CNRS, Grenoble, France University, 136-713, Seoul, Republic of Korea | 2Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology (WCU), KAIST, 305- NE-1.2 MON 14:30 701, Daejeon, Republic of Korea | 3Division of Nanoscale Quantum interference in molecular charge transport Science, The Institute for Solid State Physics, The Uni- | •Constant Guedon´ 1, Hennie Valkenier2, Troels versity of Tokyo, 5-1-5,Kashiwa-no-ha,Kashiwa, Chiba,277- Markussen3, Kristian Thygesen3, Jan Hummelen2, 8581, Japan and Sense Jan Van der Molen1 | 1Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium, Leiden University, Niels Bohrweg 2, 2333 CA NE-1.6 MON 15:30 Leiden, The Netherlands | 2Stratingh Institute for Chem- Fractional quantum conductance in silicon istry and Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, Univer- nanosandwiches | Nikolay Bagraev, Leonid Kly- sity of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The achkin, •Andrey Kudryavtsev, and Anna Mal- Netherlands | 3Center for Atomic-scale Materials Design yarenko | Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Rus- (CAMD), Department of Physics, Technical University of sian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark NE-1.7 MON 15:45 NE-1.3 MON 14:45 Light Triggered Molecular Electronics in the 10- Tracking Amino Acids inside Chiral Quantum Cor- 100nm Size Range | •Vina Faramarzi1, Jean- rals | •Esmeralda Yitamben, Rees Rankin, Erin Franc¸ois Dayen1, Bernard Doudin1, Corinna Iski, Jeffrey Greeley, Richard Rosenberg, and Raimondo2, Paolo Samori2, Federica Reinders3, Nathan Guisinger | Argonne National Laboratory, Ar- Marcel Mayor3;4, Celine´ Etrillard5, Jean- gonne, IL, USA Franc¸ois Letard´ 5, Fred´ eric´ Niess6, Emilie Moulin6, Mounir Maaloum6, and Nicolas Giuseppone6 | NE-1.4 MON 15:00 1DMONS group, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Resonant Tunneling Spectroscopy of Heteropoly Mat´eriauxde Strasbourg (IPCMS), Strasbourg, France. | Compounds | •Boris Budanov, Evgenii Balashov, 2Nanochemistry Lab, Institut de Science et d'Ing´enierie Fedor Dalidchik, and Sergei Kovalevskii | N. N. Se- Supramol´eculaires (ISIS), Strasbourg, France. | menov Institute of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of 3Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, Basel, Sciences, Moscow, Russia Switzerland. | 4Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe, Germany. | NE-1.5 MON 15:15 5CNRS, Universit´e Bordeaux, ICMCB, Groupe des Sci- Manipulating Molecular Kondo Effect by Chemical ences Mol´eculaires, Pessac, France. | 6Institut Charles Reactions | •Howon Kim3, Yunhee Chang2, Soon- Sadron (ICS), Strasbourg, France. Monday SP-1: SPM and magnetism I Chaired by A. Schwarz, Hamburg, DE Time: Monday 14:00{16:15 Location: Pavillon 1 SP-1.1 MON 14:00 f¨urExperimentalphysik, Freie Universit¨atBerlin, Germany Imaging magnetic vortices with a single NV spin scanning probe magnetometer | •Lo¨ıc Rondin1, Invited SP-1.5 MON 15:00 Jean-Philippe Tetienne1, Stanislas Rohart2, Andre´ Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance Detection and Thiaville2, Jean-Franc¸ois Roch1, and Vincent Imaging: Progress and Challenges | •Daniel Ru- Jacques1 | 1Laboratoire de Photonique Quantique et gar, John Mamin, and Mark Sherwood | IBM Re- Mol´eculaire, Ecole Normale Sup´erieure de Cachan and search Division, San Jose, CA, USA CNRS UMR 8537, 94235 Cachan Cedex, France | 2Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Universit´eParis-Sud SP-1.6 MON 15:30 and CNRS UMR 8502, 91405 Orsay, France Valence State Manipulation of Single Fe Impu- rities in GaAs by STM | •Juanita Bocquel1, SP-1.2 MON 14:15 Victoria Kortan2, Richard Campion3, Brian Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of K-doped Gallagher3, Michael Flatte´2, and Paul Koenraad1 Iron Selenide Superconductor Film Grown by MBE | 1Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University | •Xi Chen1, Wei Li1, Ke He2, Xucun Ma2, and Qi- of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands | 2Optical Kun Xue1 | 1Department of Physics, Tsinghua Univer- Science and Technology Center and Department of Physics sity, Beijing 100084, China | 2Institute of Physics, Chinese and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China | 3School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Not- tingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom SP-1.3 MON 14:30 Visualizing the Kondo physics in a two-dimensional SP-1.7 MON 15:45 molecular Kondo lattice | •Ying Jiang1;2, Yan- Vibrational Excitations in Single Bis(phthalocyaninato) ning Zhang2, Juexian Cao2, Ruqian Wu2, and Wil- Lanthanide Molecules Studied with Scanning Tun- son Ho2;3 | 1International Center for Quantum Ma- neling Microscopy and Spectroscopy | •Aidi Zhao, terials, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China 100871 | Chunsheng Zhou, Shulai Lei, Yingbo Zhao, Huan 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Cali- Shan, Qunxiang Li, Bing Wang, and Jianguo Hou fornia, Irvine, CA 92697-4575 | 3Department of Chemistry, | Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at
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